Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Joseph Gordon-Levitt became a movie star as a child. As a child, peers considered him an upset, although the guy looked to the seventh sweat and saw her eyes that work in Hollywood was far from generally accepted, causing envy of the ideas about Glamore. Since then, the actor has earned Primetime Emmy Awards and Young Artist Awards, nominated to the "Golden Globe", I got used to avoid the press and unbelieving the laudatory articles. Take a person as it is, and not "run" on the list of some requirements and standards, according to Joseph, will be more correct.

Childhood and youth

Joseph Gordon-Levitt was born on February 17, 1981. Los Angeles became the hometown of Joseph. The boy grew up in a Jewish family, which was never strictly religious. Father of the future actor Denis Levitt and Mother Jane Gordon worked together on one of the radio stations. In his youth, Joseph's parents were hippie and adhered to the opinion that the wife should not part with his last name, entered into marriage, that is why their son received a double surname.

The grandfather of Mother Michael Gordon was a fairly famous filmmaker. It is not surprising that from the small years, Joseph Gordon-Levitt also began to join the world of cinema and television. At the age of 4, the boy began to attend a group of musical theater, where for the first time took part in the theatrical representation of the "Wizard from Oz" in the role of terrible.

During the performance, the talent of a small artist was marked by the selection agent, so that Joseph was soon starring in advertising peanut butter and in several rollers. At the same time, he continued to participate in amateur musicals.

In the early 2000s, Joseph studied at Columbia University, by the time the young man was already a fairly well-known actor.

The Hollywood Star was very friendly with Brother Daniel, who is 7 years older than him. The young man professionally engaged in photography and dancing, opened his own studio, even got a nickname flaming Dan for unusual fiery artistic support numbers. Relatives founded Hitrecord, helped young cinematographers to realize their ideas.

In 2010, Dan died, the causes of death were not reported, but the tabloids hurried to voice their own version - drug addiction. Joseph called journalists with fools offended by such conclusions and refused to discuss this topic.


Joseph Gordon-Levitt began his career in the cinema. At the age of 7, the boy made his debut in the picture "Neither step back." In the full-length movie first appeared in 1992 - it was the film "Beethoven": the role of a young actor lasted only a few seconds. Then there was a work in Rubert Robert Refforta "where the river flows", and since 1996, Joseph began to be filmed in the Third Planet from the Sun Multiserry Comedy, this project brought the actor's popularity and several premiums.

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After stopping the broadcast of the "third planet from the Sun", Joseph Gordon-Levitt stopped to be removed on a short time, but by graduating from the university, returned to a big movie. From that moment on, he worked mainly with independent directors.

In 1999, the actor is filmed in the comedy melodrama "10 reasons for my hatred", which the creators are positioning as a modern adaptation of the play of William Shakespeare "Taming of the Shrew". The main roles in the painting played by Hit Ledger and Julia Stiles.

In 2001, the guy actor received a major role in the psychological drama "Maniakal". The film through the prism of a psychiatric hospital shows the problems of society.

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In 2005, the film "Mysterious Leather" was released, in which Joseph played a street hastler-homosexual. In the same year, he appeared in the painting "Brick". In 2006, it was busy in the filming of the films "War for Forcing" and "Killer". The next couple of years brought Gordon-Levitut only secondary roles in not particularly popular paintings.

The comedy indie drama "500 days of summer" has brought Gordon-Levitut a nomination for the Golden Globe Prize. Joseph and his partner on the film Zoya Deschanel convincingly played a romantic relationship, after the film fans began to spread rumors about the real novel of stars, which colleagues did not confirm.

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Next year, the actor appeared in the arthouse drama "Harecher", where Mizantrophop played, which suddenly begins to take care of the Syrote Jea.

2010 brought Gordon-Levitut a successful role in the science fiction thriller "Start" Christopher Nolan. The picture is based on the original immersion idea in other people's dreams. The team of the main characters earns a living, conducting corporate secrets from the subconscious of other people. Before them comes to a nontrivial task: not to steal information, but to introduce.

The film ends with an ambiguous open finale. Leonardo di Caprio, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy and Marion Cotiyar played the main roles in the blockbuster. The project won 4 "technical" "Oscar": for operating work, sound, installation of scenes and special effects.

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In 2011, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen played the main roles in the tragicomedy "50/50" ("Life is beautiful"). The film tells about a young man who is engaged in sports and avoids bad habits, but at the inspection of the doctor learns that he is deadly sick.

In 2012, the viewer could see his favorite at once in 4 paintings. Gordon-Levitt played a detective John Blake in the Comic blockbuster "Dark Knight: Revival Legend." When Joseph's name was announced in the caste of the upcoming film, the fans were confident that the actor will reincarnate in Joker, who before that he played the deceased hit Ledger. The main proof of this hearing was the visual similarity of the performers. But the creators of the film did not replace one actor to others, showing respect for the iceman and moving the plot of the trilogy.

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In the finals of the Dark Knight, the hint of the fact that Joseph's character becomes a kind of successor to Batman. There were assumptions that the executor of the role of the defender of weak in the following projects was found. But Gordon-Levitt himself explained that the Creator of Trilogy Christian Bale had already decided to complete the history. The actor's fans hoped that he would play Batman at Zack Snipher in the Equity League, but the director preferred Ben Affleck.

Then the role of Robert Lincoln in the Biographies "Lincoln" followed. Two other films of this year brought the main roles in the piggy bank of Gordon-Levitta. The actor played cyclist Wileli in the painting "Urgent delivery". But the audience is especially remembered by the audience with the participation of Joseph - a fantastic fighter "Loop of Time".

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In a blockbuster about movements in time, Gordon-Levitt played Killer Joe, who kills people sent from the future sentenced to the execution of those who in the future performs the role of judges. Joseph convincingly reincarnated in a brutal character, despite not very high growth (176 cm) and appearance, a little suitable professional killer. The plot of the film begins with the fact that once the goal of Joe he becomes himself, but 30 years old. The role of a killer from the future fulfilled Bruce Willis.

In 2013, the painting of Don Juan's Passion was reached on the screens, which became the director's debut of the actor. Also Gordon-Levitt wrote a comedy tape scenario and fulfilled the main role. The plot of the film tells about the modern loving, constantly falling into the grill. The project with a modest $ 3 million budget for Hollywood has collected 10 times more.

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In 2014, Joseph received the main role of the sequel of the detective thriller in the style of Nuar "City of Sins - 2: a woman for which it is worth killing." The film was shot on Frank Miller's graphic novel "City of sins". The picture is distinguished by a peculiar color decision and star composition: Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Bruce Willis, Eva Green, Lady Gaga and others.

In 2015, the actor appeared in the Bayopic "Walk" Robert Zeekis. He played the role of the French street rope of Philip Petit, who in 1974 without insurance passed on a rope stretched between the twin tower of the World Trade Center. The film is based on the autobiography of Petit "get to the clouds".

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In 2016, Gordon-Levitt performed a major role in the political thriller "Snowden". The film is based on the biographies of the former CIA officer and the National Academy of Sciences Edward Snowden, who transferred information about the surveillance of citizens in the press. The picture was based on the books "Snowden files: the history of the most wanted person in the world." Luke Harding and "Time of Spruit" Anatoly Kucheren. Joseph himself with understanding reacted to the act of his hero:

"The debt of any patriot is not to allow your beloved country to make the wrong things. I agree with him in this. I am grateful to fate that was born and grew up in America. But at the same time, I will not be silent, when I see that the principles on which our country is built is in dirt. The government should not be the only source of power. It is service. And people must control it, which tried to do Snowden. "

Gordon-Levitt is confident that the state follows citizens with gadgets, so I installed several programs to a smartphone, which, as it hopes, encrypt data transmission. It's one thing when a person himself tells about himself, and quite another - when the information is going without his knowledge.

In winter, 2017, Joseph Gordon-Levitt nominated for the Hasty Pudding Theatricals Award, one of the oldest in the USA in the field of culture, as, in the formulation of the Commission, "A person who knows how to look into the future and capable of creating revolutionary conditions inherently for the development of artist's work."

Personal life

Joseph Gordon-Levitt never particularly shared information about his personal life, despite this, some facts still became known. In 1999, during the filming, he had a relationship with a colleague Julia Stiles. The novel lasted 7 months, after which the guy began to meet with Larisa Oleinik - the actress, which he knew since the days of the "Third Planet". This relationship lasted 3 years.

Over the years, interest in Person Joseph increased, which was the cause of the mass of rumors about his relationships. Gordon-Levitta's relationship with actresses Evan Rachel Wood and Lucy Lew, Devon Aoki, Dancer Lexi Halm, model, were actively discussed. After joint shooting, Gordon-Levitt was attributed to the Roman with Scarlett Johansson.

At the Oscar-2014 ceremony, an actor with Emma Watson represented the nomination "Visual Effects", and after the joint Selfie made. The heroine of Ptterians immediately recorded the potential girlfriend of Joseph. The situation has developed after a movie session of the movie star with the top model Claudia Schiffer. Pictures of a couple, with some - very frivolous, published in the American GQ edition.

At one time, rumors about the alternative orientation of the actor spread in the yellow press. This information, like rumors about the listed novels, was not confirmed.

In December 2014, Joseph's wife became Tasha McColi. The wedding was not lush - the lovers were celebrated in a circle of close relatives and friends. Actor's spouse - General Director and co-owner of Felow Robots, located in Nasa Research Park, is engaged in the production of robotics in Silicon Valley. Owns 3 languages. Two children grow up in the family, the names of the sons are stored secret.

The actor regards his personal life from journalists, but on the Platform "Instagram" there is a Joseph Gordon-Levitta account, which the service confirms as an official. On this page, the celebrity will regularly post a photo and short video from filming and from everyday life - from meetings with friends, from family evenings and shares his interested materials.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt now

As director Joseph is now passionate about the implementation of the project with the participation of a friend of Channing Tatum, with which he worked in the films "War for Forcing" and "Crazy". In the new picture, both musical abilities will appear, because, according to insiders, it will be a comedy musical, transformation of the film of the 50s "guys and dolls" with Marlon Brando and Frank Sinatre. When the tape appears in the filmography of the actors, it is unknown, since only in mid-2018th Tatum completed shooting in the militant "Triple Border".

For the summer of 2019, the premiere of the Drama "7500" on the seizure of the aircraft by terrorists is announced. Gordon-Levitt changed in the frame of the artist's leading role in the artist Dano. The shooting group is headed by German director Patrick Volrat, who claimed Oscar in the Short Form.

Together with another titled counterpart Jamie Fox, the actor starred in the scientific fiction picture of Netflix, which has no name yet. Joseph plays an employee of a unit fighting with the spread of a certain substance giving people superposses.

Not easy fate develops from the dramatic tape "Case Chicago Seven." First, take the director's chair agreed Stephen Spielberg, who saw in the lead role of Hit Ledger. After the refusal of the first and death of the second to shoot the film, the owner of all sorts of film Aaron Sorkin took. But at the end of 2018, the company-producer Amblin Entertainment informed the suspension of filming for an indefinite period.

In the center of the plot of the film - a lawsuit against US citizens who opposed the War in Vietnam and accused of an anti-government conspiracy. In the acting ensemble, in addition to Joseph Gordon-Levitta, Sasha Baron Cohen and Seth Rogen are included.

According to rumors, a man will play a major role and will be produced by the producer of the tape "Detachment" to "", dedicated to the Ultra right of Ku-Klux Klan. The script of the painting will write the playwright, the winner of the Pulitzer Prize Robert Shenkkan.


  • 1992 - "Beethoven"
  • 1993 - "Dr. Quen, a female doctor"
  • 1996 - "Jury"
  • 1996-2001 - "Third Planet from Sun"
  • 2005 - "Brick"
  • 2008 - "War for Forced"
  • 2009 - "500 days of summer"
  • 2010 - "Harecher"
  • 2011 - "50/50"
  • 2012 - "Dark Knight: Revival Legends"
  • 2013 - "Passion Don Juan"
  • 2015 - "Walk"
  • 2016 - "Snowden"
  • 2019 - "7500"

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