Irina Krug - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Irina Krug is a pop singer, which advocates mainly in the genre of Russian chanson. He is the second wife of the "king" of this genre Mikhail Circle. The tragic care of the singer from life made it rethink many values ​​of his life, which was the impetus for the beginning of a creative career. Artist's fans and friends supported her in this endeavor. Today, Irina is a multiple owner of the Chanson Year premium.

Childhood and youth

Irina Viktorovna Glazko was born in March 1976 in Chelyabinsk, in the family of military and drain. From the young age, she dreamed of becoming an artist, for this purpose, attended the Chelyabinsk House of Culture, in which the theater circle acted. But life has developed in a different way.

In addition, the girl showed interest in figure skating. Together with his friends, she attended a skating rink, where he independently mastered the skill of movement on ice skates. Irina did not take into the section, referring to the fact that the glaze filed a statement too late. For a girl, the refusal has become a real blow. Parents after listening long reassured their daughter.

In adolescence, despite the presence of a small child, the glaze managed to continue receiving education. She entered the trade technician, whose diploma was considered prestigious in those days.

Personal life

At the end of the school, Irina married and gave birth to Marina's daughter. The spouse of the future singer worked as a dentist, but soon addicted to the use of prohibited funds, borrowed and treason began.

The cup of patience overflowed after the husband pounced on it with a knife. Irina filed for a divorce and got a job. She was taken by a waitress in one of the city restaurants. At that moment, the glael was 21 years old.

In the youth, Irina 2 years worked as a waitress. One day, a popular bard arrived at the tour on the tour and the performer of chanson Mikhail Circle (real name Vorobyev). When the "king of chanson" looked into the institution, where Irina worked, the owner of the restaurant sent her glance to serve the client's table.

Mikhail Vladimirovich immediately noticed the girl and immediately suggested Irin's work at costume. And the salary promised by the circle was very impressive. But Irina refused, explaining this in the inability to throw a little child.

When the future celebrity has already forgotten about the tempting sentence from the celebrity, Irina called the Circle Concert Director and repeated the proposal. This time she agreed and went to Tver. It happened in 1999.

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For some time, the singer did not show anything that was in love with his new costume screen. It seemed that the circle looks at her before deciding to a responsible step. By that time, Mikhail Vladimirovich was 7 years in divorce.

The proposal of the hand and the heart became a surprise. Just at one moment the singer took the costume screen home and stated that they would now live together. Mikhail Circle and Irina were officially married in 2001.

Soon the circle has fallen marina and surrounded the girl with care. She loved her stepfather and began to call the Circle Father. Mikhail was easy with Irina, which was distinguished by a calm home character. Together with the second half, the musician lived in the soul.

In 2002, a couple had a son Alexander. But I did not have time to remember Father Sasha: in the same year, the king of chanson was killed. According to Irina, the husband departed her from the bullets and thus saved her life.

As the actress later recalled, she premonished trouble and a few months before the tragedy asked her husband to hire security, but Mikhail did not agree. On the contrary, the doors practically did not close in the house, and the guests replaced each other. On the eve of the attack, Irina dreamed of a heavy dream in which she saw a memorial in their own home. In a dream, a woman began to look for the eyes of her spouse, but did not find it. In the morning, Mikhail just laughed after a story about a strange dream.

In November 2012, the singer gave a detailed interview with the magazine "Caravan's stories", where he told about the murder of her husband, about life together with Mikhail around, about life and work after the death of the musician. The material came out under the speaker heading "Irina Krug. With you without you. "

After the tragic death of her husband, Irina remained alone with three children - the eldest son Mikhail decided to stay with her. In the house of the circle, his mother and sister Olga remained to live, and the singer herself moved to Moscow. Her mother and stepfather also arrived in the capital (by this time, the parents of the singer were divorced).

The personal life of Irina Circle after the tragedy has improved in 2006. The singer married for the third time. The wedding went without a lush celebration: newlyweds quietly filed a statement to the registry office and celebrated this day in nature with relatives.

Fans regarded this act as a betrayal of the memory of the circle, but Irina does not think so. She is sure that Mikhail blessed marriage: in an interview with the coming wedding, the singer admitted that she saw the ex-husband in a dream in the image of an angel.

The relatives of the singer also understood the deed of the singer, the mother and sister of the circle were blessed by Irina for a new marriage. The third husband is the entrepreneur Sergey Belousov. The children of Irina accepted and fell asleep.

Couple bought an apartment in the capital. September 25, 2013 in Moscow in the family of Irina and Sergey Belousov, the general son of Andrei appeared. Photos of children often appear on the personal page in the "Instagram" of the artists, and Sergey Belousov always preferred to remain in the shade.

The life of the children of Irina and Mikhail is successful. Dmitry received a higher education at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The daughter of Marina was fascinated by the hotel business. Alexander showed in school years the ability to mathematics, engaged in foreign sciences and even passed training in the Cadet Corps. In 2020, the young man entered the Schukin school. Like the Father, Sasha writes poems.

Irina Krug is striking fans not only with new hits, but also a magnificent appearance. Each appearance in the light of or on the stage shows an impeccable taste and a well-groomed figure. With growth, 167 cm its weight does not exceed 51 kg. In 2017, Irina changed the hairstyle, shorting his curls to Kara, thanks to which it began to look much younger than his years. The fact that his spouse will become only more beautiful over the years, I spoke in my time and Mikhail himself. His "prophecy" came true.

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In January 2018, Irina Circle hinted reporters that he was with her husband on the verge of a divorce. The news became shocking for the widow of the circle for fans, because Irina and Sergey walked perfect pair in musical circles. But accumulated over 13 years of life, the fatigue made itself felt. Having all the pros and cons, the spouses came to the conclusion that the relationship should not be treated. The artist took a break in the tour graphics and the whole family - with her husband and children - went to the UAE.

On the eve of the anniversary of the death of Mikhail Circle to the house, where the family of Irina Circle now lives, thieves sneak. The actress heard a rustle on the first floor, but did not descend, as he thought that her husband was walking. What was the surprise home in the morning when they discovered traces of hacking. Irina Circle with excitement reacted to this incident, because last time this penetration ended the tragedy. It is not yet clear that they were looking for criminals in the house, since no disappearance was found.

Unfortunately, the emerging location still destroyed the marriage of Irina: in October 2020, it became known about the divorce of the singer. About this event of his life, the performer reported on TV show "Hello, Andrei!". The cause of separation with the third spouse was a betrayal from his part. The actress admitted that for three years she tried to preserve the family, but I realized that I could not do this. About that, there is a new chosen one today, Irina replied Andrei Malakhov that "this is a secret."


The loud murder of the singer split the life of his spouses on before and after. It seemed that after the goal of the circle, Irina adopted his musical "relay" and went on stage.

Friend Mikhail Circle and the author of many of his songs Vladimir Bocharov after the death of Bard suggested a widow to sing a few compositions of his famous husband. Irina agreed, although before this only sought his spouse several times. Yes, and the husband did not see her singer, although the desire to engage in music Ira was expressed during Mikhail's life. Helped the beginner artist and other friends of the family - Vika and Vadim Tsyganov.

The debut of Irina Krug (so now called the singer) turned out to be successful. Soon, the young chanson performer sang some more hits of her husband who were intended for the future disk.

In 2004, the singer presented his debut album called "First Autumn Lisels". All compositions entered on the disk were executed in a duet with Leonid Telleveov, a close friend of the killed performer. So the creative biography of Irina Krug began.

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In 2005, Irina - the laureate of the Prize "Chanson Year", nominated for the "opening of the year". The circle becomes popular and recognized by the Chanson performer. Her concerts love to visit the fans of Mikhail Vladimirovich's creativity.

In 2006, the second album "You, my last love" came out. On the disk hit both new and old songs of the performer. It entered its composition "My Queen", which Irina performed at concerts together with Mikhail Krug. The song can also be heard on the disk of the musician "Love Story". She tried to express the pain of loss of a loved one to this record. The loneliness of the singer brighter sounds in the composition "Where are you?", Which also got into the album.

In 2007, the first duet album of the singer "Hi, baby", recorded in a couple with Alexey Bryantsev, came out. In 2009, Irina Circle recorded another joint record "Bouquet of White Roses", this time, together with Viktor Queen. Duets disk were gained great popularity among musicians fans. Video where Irina performs the song "Bouquet of white roses", scored 25 million views.

In the future, Irina Circle will record another disk with Alexey Bryantsev, where the popular duet song "Just come to me in a dream" will enter. Two more albums of the singer will release together with Viktor Queen and one will create using the materials of the murdered husband.

In 2009, she presents the first collection of songs "what was happening." From the same 2009, Irina 4 years in a row becomes the laureate of the Music Prize "Chanson Year". The victory to her bring songs "Sing, Guitar", "Write me", "House on Mount" and "You, My Last Love."

Irina Krug releases the song "Do not regret." The composition acquires popularity among fans, fan video clips appear on the Internet, in which fans use fragments of favorite meloders and romantic series.

In the series, the singer's awards take a break in a couple of years, again Irina Krug receives the "Chanson Year" award only in 2014 for the song "Love is not terribly". She wins next year - with the composition "I will read in your eyes".

In the summer of 2013, Irina told TV viewers about their lives in the transfer "Let them say" with Andrei Malakhov on the first channel.

In 2014, Irina Circle appeared its own creative site, which posted selected songs of singer, video from concerts, clips for songs, official biography and poster with closest performances.

In 2015, the singer released the Matera Love disk. Irina Circle continues to work on new compositions and presents singles.

In the same year, the singer recorded the hit "Love me" in a duet with Edgar. In parallel, released the first vinyl record "Snow Queen". The new disc was not included in the list of Irina's official albums, as it is a collection of already published songs.

In 2016, Irina for the third time in a row and in the eighth total becomes the laureate of the Chanson Year Prize. The singer's reward gets for the song "Chanel".

On January 2, 2017, Irina Krug participated in the national radio concert "Chanson" called "Ehhh, Razgulay!". At the singer's concert performed the song "Labies". The broadcast of the performance passed on the first channel.

June 22, 2017 Irina Krug gave a concert in Moscow, in the Meridian Concert Hall. From September to November, the singer took place tour of two dozen cities of Russia.

Not only works the circle after the death of her husband. She took up his education and graduated from a university in Tver in 2005, having received a red diploma in the specialty "Manager".

In November 2017, Irina pleased the fans with the new work - the album "I am waiting", which was the 9th in a row in solo discography. A month later, the premiere of the clip was held on the main song of the disk. In the fall, the artist also became the Guest of the transfer of Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man", where many facts of their biography have revealed many not known to the public. Together with the star parent, Alexander's son came to the studio of the talk show.

In 2018, Irina Circle with tour was at the Far East and Sochi. Later, her solo concerts took place with the program "I'm waiting", which were held in the Greater Kremlin Palace and BKZ "Oktyabrsky".

Irina Krug now

About the decline in the professional career singer does not have to speak. Now the artist is working on a new musical material. In 2020, the release of the disk "You heart and soul" took place, which included such tracks, as "miss", "and I will try", "my good."

In October, the release of the program "Hi, Andrei!", Dedicated to Irina Krug. In the studio to the singer, her friends and colleagues were joined - Tatyana Bulanov, Otar Kushanashvili, Ekaterina Semenova, Sergey Minaev and many others.


  • 2004 - "The first autumn separation"
  • 2006 - "You, My Last Love"
  • 2008 - "Handsome"
  • 2009 - "Island of Love"
  • 2010 - "I will read in your eyes"
  • 2012 - "Love is not scary"
  • 2013 - "Chanel"
  • 2015 - "Matera Love"
  • 2017 - "I'm waiting"
  • 2020 - "You're heart and soul"

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