Elena Mizulina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Deputy 2021



Elena Mizulina - a bright representative of the women's political elite of Russia, known for its scandalous bills that cause resonance in society. It is one of the most criticized politicians, as the invasion of Russians is clearly visible in its active initiatives. Despite this, she does not stop their attempts to legalize the universal values, which in the modern world, in her opinion, turn "from head to the head."

The most loud bills of Mizulina can be called prohibitions for obscene statements on the Internet, the spread of gay propaganda, free abortions, family divorces, as well as the adoption of Russian children by foreign parents. There is a policy and their own point of view in the situation in Ukraine, for which, like a number of other Russian statesmen, is included in the US sanctions list and the EU.

Childhood and youth

Mizululin Elena Borisovna (in Dmitrieva's Majul) was born on December 9, 1954 in the Yaroslavl city of Boue in the family of the contused front line Boris Mikhailovich, who headed the department of Raykom KPSU in his hometown. Father's belonging to the political party and put an imprint on the fate of the future deputy of the State Duma, and therefore Elena Mizulina's biography is continuously related to politics.

From the very childhood, she dreamed of becoming a figure of a large political world, so during school studies showed an unwanish diligence and diligence to be an excellent student and graduate from school with a worthy certificate.

Wanting to become a diplomat, Mizululina dreamed of entering MGIMO, but fate ordered otherwise, and the future politician first studied at the Yaroslavl State University at the Legal Faculty. In the student years, Elena Borisovna has acquainted with the fellow students Mikhail Mizulin, who later became a satellite of her life.

In 1977, the future politician received a lawyer's diploma and got a laboratory assistant on the department on theory and right. She then moved to a job in a local court, where he first received the position of an ordinary consultant, and a later time he served until the senior consultant.

In parallel with the work in the court, Mizulina studied in graduate school of the Kazan State University and in 1983 she defended his thesis, receiving a degree of candidate of law.

Later, Elena Borisovna wrote another dissertation, which he defended in the Institute of State and RAS RAS. According to Mizulina, her work was the discovery and a new direction in science, after which she understood that he was "scientists from God." From 1992 to 1995, she worked as Professor at the Legal Department of the University of Native Yaroslavl. Then he fell into a political cycle and, leaving jurisprudence, devoted himself to politics.


Political career Elena Mizulina developed rapidly and violently. In 1993, with the support of the spouse, it was elected to the Federation Council, where he became the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Judicial and Legal Affairs and Constitutional Legislation. In 1995, she is a member of the Social Liberal Party "Apple", which helped her to get to the State Duma. In 2001, she left the "apple" due to personal discomfort due to the low popularity of the party among the people, who did not give even 5% of his votes to this political cell on any elections.

At the same time, she joined the "Union of Right Forces", and in 2004 he received a appointment to the post of Representative of the State Duma in the Constitutional Court. Along with political and legal activities, the deputy was trained in the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation. In 2007, he was elected by a deputy in the State Duma, where she managed to stay until September 2015. In the period from 2011 in the State Duma, Elena Borisovna, headed the Committee on Women, Children and Family, activities in which he glorified it as a policy for the whole world.

In September 2015, Mizulina received the post of senator in the Federation Council, in connection with which it was forced to further fold their powers in the State Duma. In the new post, Elena Borisovna presented an Omsk region, and Alexander Kravtsov took her place.


Elena Mizulina's legislative activity is filled with scandalous projects, which were generally based on her personal idea of ​​moral values. Its main activities can be distinguished by several legal acts that it initiated in the State Duma.

One of the most high-profile bills of Mizulina was the "law on censorship on the Internet." According to this law, a safe information space was organized and a black list was created by the sites that were blocked without a trial. The law of Mizulina caused a lot of discontent among human rights defenders and representatives of Runet, since, according to them, he expanded the opportunities to abuse their own position and block the resources unwanted by the authorities.

Also, special attention was paid to the LGBT community, against which he expressed a bright hostility. She openedly advocated the withdrawal of children from same-sex families and counteraged the gay propaganda. Its laws against representatives of sexual minorities cause resonance worldwide, but it remains with his own opinion and was able to bring this policy to a triumphal result, and its antihasky law came to the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition to laws against gays and censorship on the Internet, Mizulina offered to introduce a ban on free abortion and surrogate motherhood. According to her, women should have lost their right to get rid of unwanted pregnancy at their own request - she suggested allowing abortions only for medical reasons or in the case of pregnancy as a result of rape.

An ambiguous position of Elena Mizulina has in relation to family and marriage. She offered to introduce tax on the divorce of married couples and opposed the adoption of Russian orphans by foreign citizens. In addition, promotes multi-generation in Russia and believes that several generations of one family should live on a single housing.

In 2017, Elena Borisovna supported the parental organizations of Russia, which gathered material on unlawful interference in the business of family of guardianship bodies and guardianship. Senator provided an alternative report after a press conference Anna Kuznetsova, who stated that the number of such violations in Russia is minimal.

The winged phrase of Mizulina is the phrase "Pedophilic lobby", which it applies in relation to a number of critics, pronounced protest against its legislative activities. It is believed that Mizululin's Pedophile Lobby calls everyone who she doesn't like.

This statement is considered a "visiting card" of Mizulina, and it can be called any person who expressed a protest against its activities. In 2013, when Publicist Alfred Koch promulgated the information that Mayer Brown, in which the son of Elena Borisovna works, supports a number of LGBT organizations of Belgium, he was also accused by a senator to belong to the "Pedophile Lobby".

Thanks to the reputation of Mizulina as the author of a number of controversial initiatives, it is often attributed to the statements of the scandalous sense. In 2017, the media appeared in the media that Elena Borisovna made a recommendation for the punishment of men with a fine for non-fulfillment of marital debt. At this fake, Senator reacted with humor: she suggested the subscribers of his "Twitter" participation in the competition, who called "Elena Mizulina made an initiative ...". The Senator was also attributed to US citizenship, but the rumors were false.

Often, the subject of attacks on the statesman becomes its style. If earlier Elena Borisovna, the growth of which is 160 cm, and the weight is 65 kg, preferred short haircuts, then over time she moved to classic hairstyles. Standard beam on the head of the Senator sometimes decorates pigtails and bright studs, which, according to critics, does not correspond to its status.

Personal life

Elena Mizulina's personal life is not as saturated as a career. She got married in his youth for her fellow students Mikhail Mizulina, who became the only satellite of life. Currently, Mizulina's husband is an associate professor of the Department of Political Management and Political Science of the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Elena Borisovna, along with political activities, found time for motherhood. She gave birth to two children - daughter Catherine and son Nicholas who have long grown. The daughter lives in Moscow separately from the parents and heads the Foundation "Legal Capital", which carries out financial intermediation between publishing and advertising firms. According to media information, this fund belongs to Elena Mizulina.

The son of Mizulin now lives in Brussels, works by a lawyer and owns a stake in Mayer Brown law firm. He is married to the citizen of Spain Patricia Gonzalez Anton Pacheco, the daughter of the Spanish writer, who gave birth to Nicholas two children.

In addition to politics, Elena Mizulina is fond of exotic cats and even asked to expand its service housing area to improve the housing conditions of his pet. She is also engaged in breeding indoor plants and loves to delight relatives and close games on the accordion.

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Elena Mizulina's income for 2014 amounted to 4.124 million rubles. Her husband earned 800 thousand more. Two years later, the Senator declared 4.867 million rubles, and in 2017 this figure increased by 10 thousand rubles. Mikhail Mizulin's revenues are less permanent. If in 2016 he pointed out 664 thousand rubles in the declaration, then a year later this amount increased to 2.65 million rubles.

Spouses have an apartment of 212 square meters in granted apartment. m. In the personal ownership of Elena Mizulina, there is only one machinery of 10 square member. m, and on her spouse a car VOLVO XC90 brand is recorded.

Elena Mizulina is an active user of Twitter. In "Instagram" under the name of the senator, a page was registered, but a small number of photos and the lack of access to publications suggest that the account is open not by Elena Borisovna.

Elena Mizulina now

In 2018, Elena Mizulina dismissed again with an ambiguous statement. During the recording of the program of Vladimir Solovyov on the channel "Russia-1", dedicated to the fire at the Entertainment Center "Winter Cherry" in Kemerovo, Senator expressed the words of condolences to President Vladimir Putin. Elena Borisovna's speech was criticized by the public, and the lawyer Roman Lukichev even created a petition with a retirement demand.

Later, Elena Mizulina laid out the text of his message, which preceded her to appeal to the president, but did not hit the broadcast broadcast. It was the words of supporting those Kemerovo, who were victims of the tragedy. Nevertheless, this scandal did not affect the political career of Mizulina. According to the results of the regional election, it retained the place of the current member of the Federation Council.

In 2019, Elena Borisovna commented on Vladimir Putin's message to the Federal Assembly. The Senator noted the timeliness of the proposals by the president relating to the lives of large families - this is a decrease in the tax burden, assistance in improving housing conditions, providing benefits with mortgage lending.

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