Elena Bushina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



Elena Bushina is one of the most striking participants of the Dom-2 project, which spent 3 years on teleproyka, after which he decided to devote himself to the family. I found my second half, contrary to expectations, not on the project, but after the perimeter. Having a scandalist reputation, Elena managed to change his character to be unrecognizable. Today she is an exemplary mother and a wife who wants to further replenish the family.

Childhood and youth

Elena Bushina was born in Yekaterinburg in the summer of 1986. The girl grew in a secured family, where Papa occupied a significant position in a construction company, and Mom worked in government structures.

In childhood, Elena demonstrated a shavily and explosive character. The girl grew by the spoiled child, who rarely spoke the word "impossible", allowing you to make a makeup doll by dear cosmetics mom and not punishing the wrapping of dishes and other home utensils. When Lena has grown a little, she disappeared on the street, and in the evening he returned to the knees broken into the blood.

After Boshina went to school, the trouble with the girl from the parents did not diminish: Lena did not please the dad with his mother with good assessments, and she had a sharp of time to prepare her homework.

Later in one interview, Lena admitted that in early adolescence approached the category of "lifelong life." Perhaps the only thing that Bushin was ready to spend his precious time - this is a sport that allows you to keep himself in great shape. The girl chose yoga and tennis, spending a lot of time on the court.

After graduating from school, Bushina enrolled in the prestigious university of his native Yekaterinburg, choosing the Faculty of Economics and Banking on the advice of parents. But it turned out the specialty and higher education then: after the 2nd year, Lena threw her studies for the sake of great love. She left his native city after his beloved man, but promised himself that a diploma of higher education sooner or later she would certainly. Bushina argues that the most interests of it psychology.

Project "Dom-2"

The Bushin fell on the TV project "Dom-2" by chance: friends introduced a girl with the old-timer and a star of realistic show by Stepan Menshimikov, Lena countryman. She thought that the arrival of the project was an excellent chance to see a popular show from the inside, and at the same time try to become a star, because all the necessary data in young Yekaterinburgh were available.

Elena Bushina

In October 2007, a new page appeared in Biographies, a new page appeared, which was opened by a bright chapter in her life called "Dom-2". The girl from the first days of appearance on the show demonstrated the "prickly" character: she did not climb in the word in his pocket and put in place of anyone who brought to her rights. Bushina soon turned into a teleproject star, whose life carefully followed the growing army of fans.

Its unfriendly workers who reproached Lena for a smoke and scandalous character, she somehow explained that at the heart of her personality really lie a lot of contradictions, but a huge heart is hidden behind the mask. And the mask is needed in order to protect himself from potential offenders and traitors, for Sich Elena Bushina met a lot.

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On the perimeter of "Dom-2", the girl began to build love, stating that in a man she appreciates above all loyalty. The first contender for the "Building of Love" was the accordant Semen Frolov, who had an affair with the sun to Bushina. Elena shared that when they met with Semen, they were sowed from surging emotions. The sun went to the background, and the audience began to observe a new distinguished novel between the project participants.

It cannot be said that the pair relationships were cloudless: Lena and Semyon began to quarrel and scandaling almost immediately. But the young people first managed to not bring relationships to the trait that was deadlock. After the quarrel followed a stormy reconciliation, which lasted not long.

In December 2008, Semen Frolov left the project, without preparing the constant heat of emotions and trace the collective, consistently falling on the side of Bushina during scandals. Elena stayed on the show and continued to seek the soul mate. She had a short affair with Gleb Pearl, another bright project hero.

Bushin, after a rapid parting with Frolov, found a lesson in the shower: she became the third participant of the Istrin Witches of the Music Group and began to go on stage together with two other participants in the team - Natalia Varvina and Alexander Kharitonova. I liked to sing Lena, but not everyone appreciated her vocal data: Barwin and Kharitonov often reproached Bushin for the lack of hearing and feelings of rhythm. Lena reacted as used to: scandaling and argued his right. Soon Elena cooled to vocal activity, and to the new Uchager of the Pearls. As it turned out, she found love for the perimeter of the project.

Personal life

The bright member of the project fell in love with the 22-year-old owner of the capital car dealership named Dmitry Zheleznyak. He turned out to be the person because of which the mysterious periodic disappearances of Lena occasionally from the sight of the "House-2" fans.

Soon Elena admitted that he practically lives with the militants and even went to rest with him for 2 weeks. After a few months, skeptics understood that the girl was seriously enthusiastic and is not going to change the new beloved for anyone. She shared with admiration that she was not boring with Dmitry, and if they were on the uninhabited island, they would have fun there. But at the same time, the Mitya, according to Bushina, is not a party and dreams of a family.

Project curators thought whether it was worth leaving the girl on the project, because she built her love over the perimeter. But Elena Bushina was not ready to leave the show, assuring that he was interested in developing a musical career. And yet she had to decide, because Dmitry Zheleznyak refused to live with her on "House-2" and build relationships in front of the cameras. The organizers set the question to the edge: or the relationship for the "perimeter", or life on the project. Lena chose relationships.

Bushina left the project in the last months of pregnancy, and in February 2010 a wedding of the project participants took place with a chosen one, to which she invited Natalia Barvin as a witness. Painted young in the Griboedovsky registry office.

Not immediately the personal life of Elena Bushina and Dmitry Zheleznyaka happily developed: for some time the pair had a period of painful "tickling" of characters. Once a young spouse arranged her husband's scandal right on the street, not embarrassed passersby. As it turned out, the cause of a quarrel and a rapid clarification of the relationship was to be late for Lena to the photo session: Dmitry confused the address and brought the spouse not to that area of ​​the capital.

On a photo session in the style of Nu, the girl still got, although her husband was against the appearance of candid pictures of his wife in glossy magazines. Rooking, the pair so collapsed because of this, that the case was hardly ended with divorce. It was rumored that Elena filed documents for divorce and promised to return to the project. It categorically refused to give up her husband in the question of the "bare photo shoot", wanting her candid photos, as before the pictures of Alena Vodonaevoy, Ksenia Sobchak, Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina, also saw fans.

Elena also attribute a fight with mother-in-law, after which the woman fell into the hospital. It is rumored, it was in the first years of the life of the Bushina and Zheleznyak, and the arrangement of the mother's husband's former participant of Telestroika returned only after the birth of her daughter.

All storms and scandals in the Lena family and Mitya are now behind. Spouses are growing in two charming children: the son of the brand, which appeared in the summer of 2010, and the daughter of Laura, which was born in the spring of 2014. Photo of a happy family Elena Bushin often exhibits on page in "Instagram".

In the summer of 2016, Elena, together with her husband, children and mom and a half of the month, rested in America, as told by his subscribers in "Instagram". She posted a photo of 10 suitcases with purchases that the family was returned from the United States.

In January 2017, VIP-Tusovka and Amateur "House-2" spoke about a new scandalous video, which posted on the network of Ksenia Borodin. She noted the birthday of the daughter of Omarova's daughters, on whom Margarita Marso, Elena Bushina and Darya Pynzar were present. Bushina on a posted video, according to fans, turned out to be pretty canere.

In early 2017, Bushina shared with the subscribers of the page joyful news that Dmitry Zheleznyak is preparing for the release of the first musical album. Lena is proud of the talent of his beloved husband and published an excerpt from his song "Made" in microblogging. Men have big plans for the future: he seriously plans to make music, and already emerging fans compare the new artist with Stas Mikhailov.

After the project

After leaving the project, Elena was not lost: she wouldingly accepted invitations to participate in talk shows and entertainment projects. The audience saw the girl in the program "Let's get married."

Fans of one of the most charismatic participants of the reality show noted that family life went to Lena to use: the former scandalist turned into a calm and gentle woman, a caring mother. In addition, Elena Bushina found himself in business: she has an online clothing store. The catalog is presented on the Lena page in "Instagram", where it advertises its business project.

Fans noticed how the appearance of celebrities changed after she became a mom. It is rumby that Lena decided on plastic nose. But the woman herself denies that he resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon. She says that the changed appearance has not yet brought any happiness, besides, she has nothing to change in his face. Among other things, Bushina is afraid of surgery. The only thing that did Elena is injections of hyaluronic acid and mesotherapy.

Bushina watches the figure, so the extra kilograms that she appeared during pregnancies, she threw out with physical exercises, diets and massage. Its weight with a height of 170 cm and today does not exceed 53 kg.

Elena Bushina now

Now Bushin is completely distinguished from the project, which gave her fame. But Elena supports the connection with Ksenia Borodina, which at one time became the godfather, and Natasha Varvina. It pays all attention to family, raising children and business.

In addition to the general education, the son of Elena Mark visits a music school, theatrical and choreographic studio, the swimming section is engaged in English. In 2018, the boy became a participant in the show brand of children's clothing Stilnyashka ("Stythenashka") at the Moscow Fashion Week fashion week, which took place in the living room.

The daughter of Laura is growing spoiled. But about the character while talking early, Elena hopes that with age the girl will become disciplined. Bushina itself has repeatedly stated that it is ready for the appearance of a third child. Elena supports this idea and her husband Dmitry. The couple continues to demonstrate a warm relationship, confidently approaching the 10th anniversary of the wedding, despite the rumors that constantly arise in the network.

New 2019 Year Elena Bushin met with his relatives in New York, and then the family moved closer to the ocean. True, a few days had to sit in the hotel's room - all in turn, including parents, silenced with a wind inspi.

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