Sylvester Stallone - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sylvester Stallone - American actor, screenwriter and director. Popularity was brought to him numerous militants, the most significant of which became a series of Rocky and Rambo films. Today the director tries to reanimate this direction in the classic version, removing the paintings like "uncontrolled", with new special effects and popular stars of the genre.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in New York in the family of Italian immigrant Frank Stallone, who founded a network of hairdressers and beauty salons in a number of American cities. Father was different in the unbridled character and even some cruelty that could not not affect the children.

So, the young Sylvester was considered a hooligan, visited a specialized school for difficult adolescents. In addition, a generic injury influenced the behavior of a teenager: from birth, he was damaged by the nerve endings on the face, which in childhood he suffered a speech defect and hooligan beans, probably tried to compensate for the physical disadvantage in the eyes of peers.

Having lived together for 12 years, the parents of Stallone are bred. Sylvester with the younger brother Frank remains to live with the Mother Jacqueline Stallone, in the Maiden Lebiš. The young man opens for himself a world of sports, hardly engaged in the gym.

When the war begins in Vietnam, Stallone moves to Switzerland as a student of a privileged college and at the same time a physical education teacher. In Europe, the future actor first meets the world of the theater, opens the talent inherited from the mother, who in his youth played in the famous Diamondz-Horsche-Club show Billy Rose.

Returning to America, Sylvester Stallone enters the University of Miami to the specialty "Dramatic Art", finally decide to associate life with the scene. When a few months remained until graduation, Stallone leaves Alma Mater and sent to conquer the theaters of New York, but to no avail. In the movie Stallone is also not lucky. The first project in the filmography of the young actor becomes a porn "Italian stallion" of 1970.

Directors of other films refuse to guy because of the problems with speech. Only after long-term classes with the speech the actuator began to show the producers and directors. Playing an episodic role in the painting "Lords from Fletobusha", Sylvester moves into Hollywood. Here Stallone is trying to succeed with his own scenarios, but for a long time unsuccessfully.


The situation has changed when Sylvester suggested a Cartoff-Winkler Production Film Scenario about a boxing duel. The contract was concluded on a meager for Hollywood, but the Rocky film released in 1976, where Stallone plays a major role, brought millions and most importantly, popularity. Dry, trained unknown actor of medium height (177 cm) perfectly fit into the image of the Boxing Star.

Sylvester Stallone (Frame from the Rocky movie)

The success was so significant that the actor inspired to create several sequels of this film. After 3 years, Rocky-2 was removed, the numbering sequels continued to go out in 1982, 1985 and 1990.

Also on the wave of the popularity of a strong and purposeful character, another cult film was filmed with Stallone in the lead role - "Rambo. First Blood ", the relevance of which is emphasized by the recently ended Vietnamese war. This project also received numerous continuations that strengthened the popularity of Stallone: ​​Sikwells came out in 1985, 1988 and 2008.

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However, thus Sylvester drove himself into the framework of one image. Subsequent films, such as "Night Hawks", "Cobra", "remaining alive" and others, demonstrated to the audience of the same strong man fighting with injustice.

For the first time on Stallone, the audience looked at the dramatic actor only after entering the screens in 1989, the film "Tango and Cash", where he demonstrated the other side of a strong person. Sylvester appeared in the image of a steep policeman, but defeating lawlessness not only fists, but to a greater degree of intelligence and charm. Supported the drama of the actor another famous Kinobestseller "Skalolaz", where his hero is shown as a psychologically durable person, looking for a way out of the most complex situation.

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In 1991, Stallone revealed the new line of acting talent - played a major role in the Oscar comedy. The film took the first places in American rental, which, however, did not help the picture to pay off. After 2 years, the actor again tried himself in the humorous genre - in the science fiction comedy, the "Destroyer" performed the already familiar role of a brutal policeman, but with a comedy tint.

In 2006, Stallone forced the audience to look at the usual Rocky under a different angle, removing the film "Rocky Balboa" instead of the number "Rocky-6". In the new picture, the main character aged and left the box, lives a quiet life of a widower and raises his son, but circumstances force former boxer to return to the ring.

A similar plot receives and Sicvel Rambo IV 2008. John Rambo - the tired veteran of the war, which reluctantly returns to combat actions and transmits knowledge to new generations. In the further creative biography of Stallone, the veteran image becomes the main thing in many films.

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In 2010, Sylvester Stallone removes the fighter "Expendables". The picture attracts attention even at the stage of shooting by star composition: in it played the stars of militants Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Jason Steate, Jet Lee and others. According to critics, the film reanimated the "furry" genre and returned to the screens of his deserved heroes. In 2010 and 2014, the Siclelas "Expendables" came out.

Similar to the name of the tape "The irrepressible" plotted with the trilogy is not connected. Here we are talking about a hired murderer, whom Sylvester played, and about the policeman in the execution of Kana. Swamped essentially enemies are united to find a person guilty of the death of their partners.

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In 2013, Stallone starred in the new fighter "Eugene Plan," where the security specialist played, whom the prison designed by himself was put on false accuse. Iron Arni, as well as James Cavizel and Sam Neil, again became partner of the movie star.

In 2015, Sylvester Stallone returns to Franchise about Rocky. Sports drama "Creed: Rocky's Heritage" is simultaneously Sicvel and Spin-off "Rocky", as the film introduces a new hero, a young boxer Crea, and Rokki serves as a mentor and coach. The role of Crea played Michael B. Jordan.

Interestingly, despite the vast popularity of the audience, Stallone has repeatedly became a nominee for "Golden Malina" as the worst actor and director of the year.

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In 2017, the shooting of several sequels is announced. The first is a popular comic blockbuster "Guardians of the Galaxy. Part 2". Sylvester Stallone played a secondary role of the former leader of the grain of a glasses of Ogord.

The second project is Creed-2, the 8th film from the picture cycle about Rocca and the continuation of the drama "Creed: Rocky's Heritage". In the painting Stallone returned to the role of Balboa, Michael B. Jordan appeared in the image of the successor of the former stars of Boxing. In addition to them, Bridget Nielsen and Dolph Lundgren appeared on the screens. After "Crea-2", the subsequent franchise films will go out without the participation of Sylvester - Rocky decided to leave on peace. The actor himself wrote about this:

"Sadly, it breaks my heart, but everything should ever end. The most wonderful that Rocky will never die, for he lives in each of you. "

Received further development and plot "Eugene Plan". In the new thriller - almost the same acting ensemble, only the director changed: the film creation was led Stephen Miller, the director of the horror systems "under water" and "silent night". This time, the producers did not put the goal to release the final product into a wide range, the picture was separated by DVD, the cinemas was shown without loud advertising.

Personal life

Personal life Stallone, like many stars of Hollywood, is full of scandals, intrigues, rumors and gossip. The actor was married three times. The first marriage with the American actress Sasha Zack existed for 11 years and brought honter 2 sons - Sejazh and Sergio. Senior Sayager Epizodically starred with his father in some films, and later became a famous actor, but he died the young in 2012 from a heart attack on the eve of his own wedding.

The younger Sergo from birth suffered from autism, and it knows enough about him. Sasha Zack assures that it is the child's illness that caused the alienation that arose between the spouses and the destruction of the family.

With the second wife, the Danish model and actress Bridget Nielsen, Sylvester lived a year and a half and did not start common children.

The third marriage is the most successful. Stallone married the American model Jennifer Flavin in 1997, after 9 years of dating. Three daughters rose in the family: Sofia, Sistic and Scarlet. The first was born with a severe heart disease, and even the best doctors did not guarantee the success of the operation. Nevertheless, the treatment ended well, and the disease retreated.

Not so much is known about the family life of Stallone. He is quite a good artist-impressionist, but engaged in painting as a hobby. Sylvester paintings are well sold.

The star of Hollywood leads an account in "Instagram", where the photos and video are laid out from filming and secular events.

Sylvester Stallone now

The main hero of the "Eugene Plan" continues to crack the security systems and bypassing ingenious traps in the 3rd part of the action "Eugene Plan: Devil Station". The only difference is that Silvestra Stallone will not have to get out of the dungeon itself, and save the stolen daughter of a big businessman. The film's premiere is scheduled for mid-2019.

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The Drama "Point of Return" has already reached on digital media. Stallone played a police investigator looking for $ 20 million. Money is stolen from the collector car, and the only robber survived lost memory. The hero Matthew Modaya is introduced experimental serum so that he will remember the details of the robbery and the place where the prey hide.

Now the Internet periodically merge frames from the Rambo-5 militant, which, according to Sylvester, will become the final part of the franchise. The scenarios of the film sent the main character of John Rambo in Mexico to save the daughter of a friend who fell into sexual slavery. Along the way, it grows with a local drug carter.

In the summer of 2019, in Europe, it was planned to start shooting the 4th series "Expendables", but the information on this is the contradictory. The project has undergone a little criticism since the 2nd part, which is more like a full-fledged action movie, but on comedy. The 3rd part was considered, on the contrary, senseless bloody and full violence.

In addition, the star team broke up too much: Jean-Claude Van Damm and Chuck Norris appeared in the "uncovered-2", in the next - Harrison Ford, Antonio Banderas and Mel Gibson. The budget of paintings "not rubber", the appetites of the performers grew, and the producers positioned the franchise as economical.

It is rumored that Stallone, who is "uncontrollable", in general, and are obliged to be fame and popularity, does not want to work further on the principle "but cheap." In addition to the financial issue, disagreements touched the scenario subtleties, choosing the director and the company responsible for special effects. The famous Sylvester friends who participated in the filming from the first film, have already stated that they will also refuse to continue if there is no artist's leading role.

According to insiders, Stallone is not ready to compromise even for the promised fee of $ 20 million. If the project fails, the actor has something to do: the owner of the Golden Globe plans to remove the picture of the category R (17+) with Jackie Chan. However, revived the hope that the viewer will see the "uncontigit-4" published in the "Instagram" of Sylvester poster with a comment:

"When you decide that you can already go out without fear outside ... They return!"


  • 1976 - "Rocky"
  • 1981 - "Night hawks"
  • 1982 - "Rambo: First Blood"
  • 1986 - "Cobra"
  • 1989 - Tango and Cash
  • 1991 - "Oscar"
  • 1993 - "Skalolaz"
  • 1995 - "Judge Dredd"
  • 2001 - "Racer"
  • 2003 - "Children of Spies 3: The game is over"
  • 2006 - "Rocky Balboa"
  • 2010 - "Expendables"
  • 2013 - "Eugene Plan"
  • 2015 - "Creed - Heritage Rocky"
  • 2018 - "Return point"
  • 2019 - "Eugene Plan: Devil Station"

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