Evgeny Borodenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, wedding, husband, Varnava, Igor Ivlev 2021



Evgeny Borodenko - Russian Actor Comedy Genre, Member of the Comedy Woman rating television show, Dancer. Today, he firmly settled in the show business, but it was not always that, the road to the artistic Olympus was long.

Childhood and youth

The future dancer and showman Evgeny Borodenko was born on October 31, 1983 in the second largest city of Yakutia - Neryungri. By the sign of the zodiac he scorpion.

About the family Eugene little information. It is known only that the professions of parents are not related to television and show business.

In childhood, Eugene showed musical abilities and from the first school schools began to attend Neryungri's music school, where he was engaged in choral singing and learned to play the piano. Also Borodenko graduated from a local school of ballroom dance.

After graduating from a secondary school, Eugene became a student of the Yakut State University, where he chose a specialty teacher. Then he went to Moscow, where he entered the University of Culture and Arts. At the end, he received a diploma in the specialty "Manager of Social Cultural Activities".

KVN and TV projects

Even in Neryungri, Evgeny Borodenko began to play in the university team KVN. There he met the hope of the Angarskaya - the frontwoman team KVN "Deja Vuu." Since 2001, Borodenko has become a member of the team "Deja Nu." The humorous team went on the scene of the Far Eastern League KVN, as well as League "KVN-Asia" and "KVN-Siberia".

In the first league, Cavencers were one season, after which they settled in the Higher League. Double Eugene became the laureate of the music festival, which was held in Jurmala. In the team, Borodenko and his colleague Dmitry Stepanenko were responsible for the production of choreography of the rooms.

In the capital, the Yakut artist, who has a pleasant voice and incredible plastic, successfully passed the casting to the Broadway Music "Chicago", which was put in Moscow American directors. As Borodynko told, he fell to the selection by chance, but he managed to go through all his stages and got into the main musical show. A high artistic young man impressed the project leaders.

The premiere of the musical took place in the metropolitan Palace of Youth, on the stage of which Evgeny with the KVN team repeatedly appeared. Larisa Valley, Philip Kirkorov and Anastasia Stotskaya played in Chicago.

For many years, the creative biography of the artist was closely related to TNT TV channel. In 2012, Borodenko received an invitation from the creators of the popular entertainment project Comedy Woman. On audition in TV show, the artist came to the advice of his friend's hoping of the Angarskaya. The dancer received a positive answer and in the release of the 3rd season began to appear in humorous miniatures. He compiled a company to two other men to participate - Alexander Gudkov and Oleg Vereshchagin.

Borodenko mastered the scenic role of "Handsome", which turned out to be in demand on the female show. At first, Eugene had few-seeded roles, but his dance talent was commemorated in the formulation of choreographic rooms. Soon the repertoire of the artist was replenished with miniatures, in which his partners became Nadezhda Sysoeva, Ekaterina Zulkina, Marina Fedunkiv and other participants.

The bright numbers of Borodenko entered miniatures "at the reception of the English Queen", "kind cashier", "random travelers in the car."

For the period of work in the show in the instagram account of the humorist, the main place was occupied by snapshots dedicated to the "Comedy Woman" team. Interestingly, the artists of the TV show not only participated in the recording of transmission issues, but also traveled a lot with the tour. Free time The actors often spent together.

In May 2020, Comedy Woman was announced. Since September, the program has ceased to broadcast, so Evgeny stopped cooperation with TNT.

Personal life

Evgenia Borodenko's personal life was under the closer attention of the mass media after the information about his novel was leaked to the press with the famous participant of "Vumen" Catherine Walnava. Some time about Eugene and Catherine said as a pair. The actress did not confirm this, but wouldingly placed the photo along with a colleague. She later admitted that Zhenya was her favorite friend and a close man.

In October 2015, a scandalous information appeared in the Russian press that Evgeny Borodenko is unconventional orientation and concluded marriage in Denmark with a man. On the media published in the media is captured by the wedding of Eugene with a new young man who took place in September. Some found out in it the financier named Igor Ivlev. Previously, he tried to build a photo model career.

Among the guests who were present at the ceremony, the photos of Evgeny on Comedy Woman were noticed - Natalia Eprician and Ekaterina Varnava. However, then they refused to comment on information.

Before this incident, Eugene did not advertise the fact that Kaming-Out made, so for many fans of the show, this news has become a surprise. There were rumors that Borodenko leaves with TNT and together with her husband packs suitcases so that at the first opportunity to leave in Kiev or the United States. But this information was not confirmed: the actor continued to cooperate with the "Comedy Woman". The channel's management refused to "remove" from the air of the artist only because he is gay.

Katya Varnava in an interview with Irina Shikhman told that her friend was a very difficult path, full of etching and insults, but dismantled his place under the sun. Other details about the Union of Eugene, the humorist did not comment on, confirming that the wedding was indeed.

In early 2019, Evgeny Borodenko at the company of friends visited the United States. Vacation lasted almost a month. The company, which also found Ekaterina Varnava, visited the California coast, in Las Vegas and other cities of America. Returning to Russia, the actor, together with his colleagues, went to the planned touring tour, which includes the cities of Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh.

In the same year, rumors appeared that Evgeny Borodenko was divorced. They arose against the background of the fact that the artist was suspected of a novel with a Polina Gagarina. A couple of allegedly reduced Catherine Varnaba. This information commented on a comic form commented on the former spouse of the singer Dmitry Ishakov. He posted a screenshot news and the photo, which shows the "love triangle", adding the signature: "It is not surprising that he left. I would have left myself away. Zhenya won what handsome man. But in general, of course, hurt. Make them a guacomole, and they ... "

In January 2020, Eugene went on vacation in Thailand. But not in the company of the spouse or Polina Gagarina, and with the Varnava, Konstantin, Myakinkov and Mighel. Subscribers immediately began to attribute Borodienko Roman with a famous choreographer and mentor show "Dances" on TNT. However, official confirmation or refutation did not follow.

In September 2020, Evgeny Bondarenko bought an apartment in Moscow. This joyful news he shared in "Instagram".

By the way, a little later, in the same social network, he told that he had sorted by coronavirus infection. The showman did not immediately realize that he picked up a dangerous virus, weakness and headache he wrote off to fatigue and quenched painkillers. Make a test for COVID-19 Evgenia pushed the case in a restaurant: he did not feel behind the meal and smell of dishes, the food seemed fresh. As a result, the result turned out to be positive.

Evgeny Borodenko now

Now Evgeny Bondarenko continues to lead its activities. He flashes on TV, visits secular events, and also performs leading at various events. For example, in 2020, he led "Charitable Gala dinner - 2020", which was held in Vladivostok. Money accepted from the event was aimed at studying breast cancer.

In February 2021, the 10th anniversary season of the "Eagle and Rusk" program was released. The leaders of the first release of Evgeny Borodenko and Ekaterina Varnava. They went to Riviere Maya, which is located on the coast of the Caribbean Sea. It is worth noting that the steel editions of the transfer led other stars, among them - Alexander Gudkov and Ivan Dorn, Artik & Asti, Ilya Prussikin and Sonya from Little Big.


  • 2002 - Musical "Chicago"
  • 2012-2019 - Comedy Woman
  • 2021 - "Eagle and Rush"

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