Eugene ionisko - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, "Rhino", "Bald singer", books, plays



Romanian-French playwright Eugene Ionessko - the Initial Border of the Absurdist Direction of Western European Dramaturgia. Proser was recognized as a classic of the theater avant-garde of the XX century.

Childhood and youth

The future playwright was born on November 26, 1909 in the Romanian-Jewish family. Soon after the birth of Ezhen, the mother decided to move with children from his native Slatina to France. Father Jonesko, who worked as a lawyer, remained in Romania. The spouses began to live on two countries, but the relationship did not pass the distance check. Family ionesko broke up.

Eugene ionisko in youth

The first years of life in the French village of La Chapel-antensts produced a strong impression on a small ejen. Not times of sketches of the village life will find a response in the work of the playwright.

In 1925, the parents of ionesically divorced. The young man returned to his homeland, in Romania, and entered the country's largest university. Future playwright received a diploma of the French language of the University of Bucharest.


From an early age, the future absurdist sought to independence, he was nearing the ideology of the crowd. Ionesso was an opponent of totalitarian regimes and until the end of the life remained faithful to his principles. In the 1930s, the fascist ideology flourished in Romania. Ionesso despised the moods that prevailed in the Higher Society. In 1938, the evidence returned to France - the country where his childhood passed. In the same year, he defended his thesis on philosophy "On the motives of sin and death in French poetry after Baudelaire."

Creative biography ionesko originates in student years: the young man wrote poems, literary criticism, published in newspapers and magazines. But the plays did not like the future of the future of the theater of the theater, he did not see the playwright.

The idea to write a product, ridiculeling the ridiculous sides of human existence, appeared by chance, when Ionesso studied English and translated the dialogues. In 1950, in Paris on the stage of the "Theater of the Midnophers", a play was put on the play "Bald singer". In this work, the author wanted to show the audience an absurd reality in which he himself remains. It is noteworthy that in the initial text the bald singer was not mentioned. According to the legend, its name is obliged to the banal reservation of the actor, who instead of the phrase "too light singer" said "too bald singer." This embosity led the author to delight, and he renamed the work.

After the "Lys" singer ", Ionesso continued to publish - the works of" Lesson "," Chairs "," Victims of Dolg "," Brada together "," King dies ". In total, the playwright wrote more than 30 plays, in which eternal questions rose: the fear of death, the drama of life.

The rejection of the ideology of the crowd ionesko reflected in the play "RhinoNog", in which people gradually turned into the animals of the same name. The new term "onset", invented by the playwright, became a symbol of a hazard and stupid crowd.

One of the most influential thinkers of the last century French writer and philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre wrote:

"Jonesko" from the inside "devastates French, leaving only exclamations, interjections, curses. His theater is a dream of a language. "

The absurdist wrote not only for adults, but also for children. His book is "Fairy Tales for those who have no three years" about the girl Jozette found a response from a young audience. To create a work of the writer inspired a small daughter, which he told fairy tales.

He also conducted the diaries, which entered the autobiography of the "Diary Slices". The book is full of thoughts and feelings of the author, in the notes in the fields he recalls childhood, reflects on the meaning of life, vocation, profession. The absurdist admits that "suffering, sorrow, failures always seemed to him more truth than good luck or pleasure."

In 1970, Eugene Ionessko became a member of the French Academy of Sciences.

Personal life

In 1936, Eugene Jionesko married his parents. The only daughter of spouses Marie-France was born in 8 years of marriage, in 1944.

Eugene ionisko with his wife


In France, Ionesso lived until the end of his days. It is not known that it was the cause of the death of the founder of the theater of the absurd. But the last years of life, the playwright was seriously ill. On March 28, 1994, Ionesso died at the 85th year of life. The grave of the author "Lysa Singer" and "Rhino" is located on the Montparnasse cemetery.

The best plays of the French playwright and today put theaters worldwide.


  • "Better crane in the sky than a lump in the throat."
  • "Life should be observed from the Wagon window."
  • "If you start to peel about everything that happens in the world, then it is impossible to live."
  • "People with university education are people of abstract thinking, and in life they do not understand anything."
  • "Hero? This is the one who dares to think about the story of the story and rebel against their time. "


  • 1950 - "Bald singer"
  • 1951 - "Lesson"
  • 1952 - "Chairs"
  • 1955 - "New residents"
  • 1957 - "Future in Eggs"
  • 1959 - "Disinterested killer"
  • 1959 - "Etude for Four"
  • 1960 - "Rhino"
  • 1962 - "Brad together"
  • 1962 - "King dies"
  • 1962 - "Colonel's Photo"
  • 1963 - "Air Pedestrian"
  • 1965 - "Thirst and Hunger"
  • 1966 - "Space"
  • 1972 - "MacBett"
  • 1980 - "Traveling among the dead"

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