Rodion Nahapetov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Rodion Nahapetov is a famous actor and film director who gained all-union popularity thanks to the films "Lovers", "Slave of Love". In the West, he became known after the release of the projects "Telepat" and "Russians in the city of Angelov". Being a novice director, Nakhapetov discovered the actress Veru Glagolev for the Soviet cinema, which later became his first spouse.

Childhood and youth

Rodion Rafailovich Nahapetov was born in January 1944 in the Ukrainian city of Pyathatka. Birth was difficult. Mom Galina Prokopenko during the Great Patriotic War was a coherent underground organization. Being a pregnant woman, a woman performed an important task. On the way to goal Galina, captured.

At the last moment, the execution was replaced by the concentration camp, where the underground worker managed to escape. In the last month of pregnancy, the woman fell under the bombing. In the ruins of one of the houses of the town of Pyatkhatka Dnepropetrovsk region, she gave birth to a son, calling it the same as the underground organization - the Motherland. In the life of the boy was called Radik.

At the end of the war, the father of Radik Nahapetov, Rafail Tatevosovich Nahapetov, Armenian by nationality, went to his homeland, where he had a family. The boy for a long time considered the father of those who died at the front. At first Galina Prokopenko and his son lived in the village in the village on Krylozen. Then the woman got a teacher to school in Dnepropetrovsk. In 1951 she found tuberculosis and hospitalized. Motherland until 1954 lived in an orphanage.

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When Nakhapetov received a passport, serving the passport table decided that the name of the Motherland was a typo. Thus, Nakhapetov received the name of the Motherland. And he became Rodia when his first film came out on the screens, and the edges inserted in the incomprehensible name letter "O".

In his youth, Rodion, like many peers, dreamed of Nakhimov School. But once the boy was instructed to play on the New Year's Bear play. It was then that Nakhapetov first thought about acting. Soon he began to attend a dramatic circle.

At the end of the school, the young man from the first attempt becomes Student Vgika, who graduated in 1965.


The cinematic biography of Rodion Nakapetova began in student years. The debut was the role of genes in the picture "Lives such a guy" Vasily Shukshina. A 19-year-old actor of secondary growth and a set (height - 170 cm, weight - not higher than 70 kg) reincarnated on the screen in an engineer who has already graduated from the institute. In the same 1964, Nakhapetov starred in the second film - "The first snow", where the audience saw him in the image of the poet if. A year later, Marlend Huziyev's director invited a young actor to his tape about the youth 60s "I am twenty years old."

Rodion Nakhapetov in the role of Vladimir Lenin (Frame from the film "Mother's Heart")

At the end of Vgika Nahapetov, the director Mark Donskoy noted, inviting the role of the "heart of the mother" and "faithfulness of the mother" to the role in his dilogy. In these paintings, the actor played Vladimir Lenin in the young and adulthood.

After the successful premiere of the film, Rodion realized that it was now doomed to constantly play the leader of the world proletariat in patriotic films. When Donskaya called him in the film "Hope" on the same role, the artist had to tactfully refuse to master. The film director was long offended by Nahapetov - Andrei softly played Vladimir Ilyich not worse than Rodion.

Fame came to the actor after entering the Soviet screens of two paintings by Elera Ishmukhamedov called "Tenderness" and "Lovers", where the partners of Nahapetov were the bright beauties Maria Sterderov and Anastasia Vertinskaya. The photo of a young artist began to regularly decorate the leading Soviet magazines about the cinema.

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After these films, the image of a few-seater intellectual was entrenched behind it, in some sense - the hero of his time. In the last film, Rodion Nakhapetov played a fire-explosion, which the director had given some biographical data of the actor himself. Even the name of the Motherland was taken from the biography of the artist.

The first award of Nahapetov received after the logging of the password is needed by the director Boris Grigorieva. The role of the All-Union Film Festival was awarded to him the first award for the role of Osayev's scout.

Special popularity and visual sympathy came to Rodion after the role of the Potock's film operator in the Drama "Slave of Love". Nikita Mikhalkov came out this film in 1976, it was watched by millions of Soviet spectators.

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Another cinematic work, which raised the artist to a new step is the role of a courageous sea aviator Alexander Belobrov. The painting "Torpedo-heads" came out in 1983 and brought Nakhapetov Silver Medal named after Dovzhenko and the USSR State Prize.

In 2004, 35 years after entering the screens, the paintings of Ishmukhamedov "Lovers", brought Rafium to Rafailovich first popularity, the film "Lovers-2" was released, where the artist played the former Hero of the homeland for 20 years.


In 1972, Nakhapetov received a diploma of the directorial faculty of Vgika, where he studied in the workshop of Igor Talakin. From 1978 he is the director and actor "Mosfilm". The debut works of the novice master were short films "Remember?" and "Wine from dandelions."

The full-length debut of Nakapetov becomes the picture "With you without you", released on the screens in 1973 and presented at the Film festivals in San Francisco and Belgium. This is the story of tragic love during the delegation period. The film received a premium in Belgium.

The tape Nahapetov "On the Edge of Light" becomes even more noticeable, which received the main prize at the international film reform in Ljubljana. The path of the film on the screens was not easy, censored saw in it many points that the director had to fix. But the picture still came out and was warmly welcomed by the audience. The next success of the director becomes the film "Enemies".

In the 80s, Rodion removes several paintings, the most popular of them becomes the tape "Do not shoot in the White Swans", which received a prize of the All-Union Film Festival in Yerevan. Again, the director has to fight for a long time to fight the censorship, but after the release of the film is awaiting a huge success. The last project of Nahapetov, implemented in the USSR, becomes the tape "On the outcome of the night". She did not receive great spectator attention, but was seen and purchased for world film distribution of the Hollywood Studio 20th Century Fox.

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Soon Nakhapetov receives a proposal to work in America. He agrees and works in the United States from 1991 to 2003. The beginning turned out to be difficult, the director was unclaimed for a long time. Success came when he was going to return to Russia. The director signed the first contract for the shooting of a dismanting Hollywood film "Telepat". Thriller with fantasy elements came out in 1997.

From the end of the 90s, the Nakhapetov and the film company created by RGI Productions collaborate with ORT. The fruit of this cooperation becomes the "American" series of "slaughter strength - 2", called "Mission Executed". Labor cooperation continues in the Rubes "Russians in the city of Angelov", which came to the screen in 2002, and "Border Blues" (2004).

In 2003, Rodion Rafailovich returns to Russia. After arrival, he removes several films, the most famous of which is "My Big Armenian Wedding" and "Infection". The last tape has become a sign for filmography filmography. This is an autobiographical work that shows the real events that happened to Nakapetov's mother.

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Working in a camp for a political prisoner, a woman could not stay aside at the sight of innocently convicted people. Galina Antonovna tried to bring the attention of the attention of the Central Committee of the Commissary of the Central Committee of the Party, but he herself as he was in a psychiatric clinic. Here the woman appointed a treatment that should have turned it into a "vegetable".

Only due to the efforts of the Son, who was already recognized by famous films, his mother again gained freedom. After the hospital, Galina Prokopenko lived for a long time and in 1966 he died from oncology. According to Nahapetov, the work on the film was given heavily. The picture received a premium from the guild of actors in Russia.

Personal life

The first wife of the actor and the director was Vera Glagolev. With her Nahapetov met when he filmed the picture "on the edge of the world." The girl was not going to become an actress, she was a master of sports, a lunch. But on the council of the operator, the film director invited her to samples. While working on the film, the relationship was raised.

With the advent of the faith, life of Rodion changed. In his youth, the actor was accustomed to a secluded life, and with the verbalie, he plunged into the atmosphere of friendly communication. Comrades Brother's bride and her friends were often going to discuss various topics. As Rapion Rafailovich's interview was expressed in an interview, next to his spouse he had hope for the future.

They got married in 1974 and lived until 1988. Two daughters were born in this marriage - Anna and Maria. The children of Nahapetov and Veloleva chose creative professions for themselves. Anna became ballerina, Masha - artist.

A painful gap with verbal happened after moving director to America. Initially, Rodion did not plan to remain in the United States, but in Russia difficulties began with work. In a new place in the personal life of Nahapetov, serious changes took place. He met Natalia Shatpnicoff, who worked in the Association of Independent Television of America. She became his manager.

Rodion Nakhapetov and Natalia Shatpnicoff

After the divorce with the first spouse, Nakhapetov signed with Hatpnikoff, who smashed the daughter of Ekaterina Merrill. Together with the second wife, in addition to cooperation on the basis of cinema, the director created a fund of assistance to children with congenital heart disease. Since 2003, the couple lives on 2 countries - the United States and Russia.

On August 16, 2017, Vera Glagolev died of oncology. Nakapetov spoke about his life with faith and moving to the United States of Dmitry Borisov "Exclusive" program, the release of which was on the air in January 2019.

Rodion Nakhapetov Now

In early 2019, Ramion Rafailovich noted 2 anniversary dates - 75 years since the birth of 50 years from the date of release on the screens of Film "Lovers". In honor of the celebration on the Culture Channel, the release of the Translation of the Islands was shown, the guest of which became a birthday party. On the first channel, the documentary "Russians in the city of Angels" came out.
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Despite the rumors about the critical state of the health of the film director, the man is in the cheerful of the arrangement of the Spirit. According to him, he wants to complete his creative path of the big picture. Now in plans to Nahapetov - shooting the film about St. John Shanghai, the script is already ready for the biographical ribbon. In the United States, the premiere of movie cartin "Wine from dandelions" on Ray Bradbury is waiting.



  • 1964 - "Lives such a guy"
  • 1964 - "First Snow"
  • 1965 - "Mother's Heart"
  • 1966 - "Tenderness"
  • 1969 - "Lovers"
  • 1976 - "Slave of Love"
  • 1983 - Torpedo'sians
  • 2004 - "Lovers 2"
  • 2015 - "Spider"


  • 1973 - "With you and without you"
  • 1975 - "On the edge of light ..."
  • 1977 - "Enemies"
  • 1979 - "Do not shoot in white swans"
  • 1997 - Telepat
  • 2002 - "Russians in the city of Angelov"
  • 2004 - "My big Armenian wedding"
  • 2007 - "Infection"

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