Guf (Alexey Dolmatov) - biography, personal life, photo, news, basta, albums, former, concert, clips 2021



Guf - personality in the musical world is ambiguous. The artist was repeatedly involved in the scandals associated with drug use, and conflicts with other celebrities, but at the same time remains a cumome of millions of listeners who appreciate him for Harizm and memorable tracks.

Childhood and youth

Guf, he was Alexei Dolmatov, born on September 23, 1979 in Moscow. Father early left the family and almost did not participate in the upbringing of the heir. In an interview for Ksenia Sobchak, the Contractor told that by the time they saw no more than 6 times in life.

Shortly after the divorce, Rapper's mother married Sergey Dolmatov, who gave his surname and replaced his father. In 1983, the family was replenished with a girl Olga. Brother and sisters have a warm and trusting relationship.

A significant role in the upbringing of the musician played grandmother Tamara Konstantinovna, who supported the grandson in his work. Her Guf dedicated the track "gossip", after which the fans of Rapper began to call the woman "Original Ba". But in 2013 it did not become at the age of 89, which became a severe loss for the artist.

In the early years, Alexey's biography together with his parents lived in China. There he graduated from school and learned to a linguist at the university. Returning in 7 years to Moscow, the young man entered the Faculty of Economics and received the second higher education. But in the end I decided to devote myself to creativity.


The first track of Dolmatov recorded at 19 years old, but in the hip-hop community they found out only 2 years later. In 2000, the artist joined the participants of the Rolexx group and began to use the pseudonym Guf. But at first the team name was added to it - GUF Aka Rolexx.

Shortly after the release from the project, the Contractor was united with the principle to create a Centr group. In 2004, they released the album "Gift" in 13 copies that were sent to friends as a New Year's present. Later, Slim and Ptah joined the artists.

When the team left the principle, the remaining rappers continued to create in the composition of the trio. They participated in the record of the soundtrack for the film "Heat" and founded its own label "Cao Records". It was released on the "Swing" album and the debut solo plate Guf "City of Roads".

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But in the summer of 2009, the artist ruled with his colleagues and ceased to be a member of the Centr group. After years, he called himself a culprit of the split, admitted that he became mercantile and picked up "star disease". It became a step towards reunion.

Speaking up with the team, Dolmatov created the label ZM NATION and presented the solo album "Houses", which became one of the main musical innovations of the season. The author received the title of the best performer of the year according to the Internet resource "".

Since 2010, rapper began to actively cooperate with the cloust. They recorded the album and gave several concerts in the Green Theater. However, after a couple of years, Guf was excluded from the list of participants in the Creative Association "Gazagolder". Vasily Vakulento stated that he did not in the team, the performers simply worked on a joint project.

Later, Dolmatov admitted that it was still a member that he left him at his own request. Starting cooperation, he thought it would benefit creativity, but in fact "everything was spinning around the Basta," and Alexei felt unnecessary. The only clip that was removed for him during this time is "on the floor," but he did not differ in quality.

The 3rd star album was called "Himself and ...". With his record, the Contractor collaborated with Murvei and Smoky Mo. The next release "still" replenished discography in 2015. An inspiration for the name was the track "I want to still" dedicated to the star of the star.

A year later, the artist reunited with colleagues in the Centr group. They released the "System" record, after which they were again separated, but continued to cooperate. Together with Slim Guf presented Gusli and Gusli II albums.

Soon the singer surprised fans with an unexpected duet with Timati. Despite the fact that both musicians wrote in the style of rap, their creative approaches were completely different, and they didn't really go among themselves. The result of joint creativity was the "Generation" composition. The collaboration seemed incomprehensible to many, and the song along with the same clip caused a flurry of the negative.

In 2018, Pthaha caused a star to Battle, which took place at the Versus Battle site. In it, Dolmatov managed to win. In the same year, the artist presented a lyrical track "Letter Home". Later in his repertoire, the single "empty" appeared, which gathered a lot of positive feedback from the public. And in the future, rapper was actively worked and toured.

At the beginning of 2020, Guf canceled several concerts, explaining this by injury: the singer was diagnosed with a fracture of two ribs. Under what circumstances damage was received, he did not explain. Recovery took place in Thailand.

During the Pandemic period, Koronavirus Alexey did not leave listeners without hits recorded both solo and in collaboration with other artists. Bang Bang track came out with Smoky Mo and Summer on the Wind Raper Kravts. Fans were able and enjoy the clip on the song "Hurricane", which is the result of collaboration with Murvei and V $ XV Prince.


Over the years on stage, the performer managed to acquire a scandalous reputation for his statements and antics. In 2017, Rapper released the song "Hello, Andrei", devoting it to her former friend. He accused of an unknown Andrei in betrayal and called him an open clarification of relations, but he did not come out for communication.

Two years later, a complaint against Guf and Timati was received in the Central Election Commission. In the video "Moscow", a member of the precinct election commission saw signs of election campaign: video was broadcast in the so-called day of silence, when the distribution of any information about candidates for deputies is prohibited.

Ripers had to convince fans in the absence of special order and apologize. Copies of a clip removed from Youtyuba are preserved on other sites. Guf later regarded this situation as a "substation". He told that the creation of a track was the initiative of Timati. He suggested writing a song to Moscow to congratulate the townspeople. The artist enthusiastically took up the writing of the poems, because it did not expect it to turn the scandal. He is definitely not sure if he received his colleague for this remuneration, but they stopped communicating.

At the beginning of 2020, Dolmatov made a scandal due to the unsuccessful joke of Alisher Morgenishtern. During the discussion of a possible joint track, he began to flirt with a singer, hinting at his unconventional orientation. Insulting Guf stated that the blogger would have to answer for his words. The skirmish reached the point that the joker had to hire security.

In March of the same year, the rapper quarreled with his colleague, the trigger, who accused him of drug use and reported that Alexey was completely "silent." He did not fail to respond with a rough video with an obscene vocabulary, at the same time noting that the prosecutor himself had long been addicted to forbidden substances and visiting striptease clubs. Fans watched the conflict of idols in "Instagram".

But the loudest scandal broke out after the shepherd dog bit the stars while walking in someone else's Labrador. The artist not only did not try to stop it, but also specifically blew the dogs, removing what was happening on the video. Gufa's actions were negatively perceived by the zoofers.

Personal life

The personal life of the musician has always been the subject of lively discussions of fans. During Batla in 2018, Pthaha said that the artist had an extramarital son, in whose life he does not take part. But this information was not confirmed, but nothing is known about the potential mother of the boy.

The only official marriage of Guf concluded with Ayza Anokhina. She devoted her track Ice Baby, who came out in 2010 and won the hearts of fans for a long time.

The couple lived together for 6 years, the son was born in the family, but in 2014 the stars divorced. The reasons were called different, but later the artist frankly spoke about it in an interview with Yuri Dudu. He admitted that she openly changed his ex-wife when she was pregnant and after the birth of a child. In the end, she could not stand it.

In subsequent years, former lovers were constantly exchanged mutual reproaches in social networks. The most common subject of the dispute was the guardian of the son for themselves. In the spring of 2020, Dolmatov even complained that Iza set up the heir against him, and now he calls the father addict in the correspondence and demands money.

Later, Guf found out that the author of scandalous messages was Anokhin. Now he supports warm relations with her son and often publishes photos with him in instagram account. The boy is fond of acrobatics and surfing, teaches English.

Shortly after the divorce with Ayza, rumors appeared that the artist had an affair from Key Topuria. But at first, lovers hidden relationships, which was for Alexey burdensome. Only after the separation of Dolmatov admitted that he experienced strong feelings and endless confidence in the singer, but she eventually betrayed him. In turn, a vocalist "A'Studio" stated that she threw the performer because of his lifestyle.

The rapper long remained alone and soon began to appear in public with forests. With this girl, Guf had already connected gentle relationships, but the couple constantly parted and converged again. For the first time, their feelings broke out when Alexey broke up with Ayza, and then they met again, already when Dalmatov was in a relationship with Ketie. But the final reunion occurred in 2020. The performer even stated a desire to marry and raise children, but the wedding did not take place.

Posing from the forests, Guf tried to gain happiness in a personal life with Julia Queen. There were even rumors about their engagement on the network, but later the girl herself denied them. She stated that in their relationship Alexey appreciates the ease, which he was looking for so long.

In June 2021, a frank interview with Ayza was published, where she said that they were with Dolmatov again together. She called Julia Mercantile and accused that she prevented Repeer to see his son. To glad for a couple of fans did not have time: the next day the sister of the star published a video where he hugs with the queen.

After that, Dolmatova posted a few rollers in the instagram account, where she calls Gufa to a deceiver in tears. The celebrity told subscribers that the son warned her and called the dad unreliable.

Star growth - 182 cm, weight - about 70 kg.

Drug addict

The history of the struggle of Guf with drug addiction is long and dramatic. The singer publicly recognized the problem still in his youth, but he postponed her decision. Difficulties in creativity and personal life, quarrels and conflicts with colleagues only aggravated the situation. When the artist began to meet with topography, the fans appeared hope: temperamental Georgian, having learned about the dependence of his man, rushed him with enthusiasm. Dolmatov lay in the clinic, traveled for treatment in Israel.

However, the relationship from Keti ceased, and the problem not only returned, but also aggravated. Rapper assured that he could do without heavy drugs, but the surrounding it was clear that his mental state gradually becomes more and more inadequate.

In an interview with Ksenia Sobchak Guf told that it was susceptible to seasonal depression, suffering from sluggish schizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis and periodically treated in specialized clinics, and drugs help him reconcile with him.

Another breakdown happened in January 2020, when the artist was in Thailand. He stopped contacting close, and sister together with the concert director had to search for him. The performer refused to return to Moscow, and the family announced that it places it in a rehabilitation center for drug addiction.

Later, the artist appeared in the documentary film from the confession series, where he stated that his lifestyle had changed. He admitted that heaver could no longer use heavy drugs, and he did not like the lungs.

Guf now

Now the performer continues to engage in creativity. In 2021, he pleased the listeners with a new track "Pendulist" recorded in collaboration with C4, DJ Cave and Murvei. In addition, he conducted concerts in several cities of Russia. The schedule was published on its official website.


  • 2007 - "City of Roads"
  • 2009 - "Houses"
  • 2012 - "Himself and ..."
  • 2015 - "More"
  • 2020 - "House that Alik built"


  • 2009 - "Hip-Hop in Russia: from the 1st Person" (Series 32)
  • 2014 - "Gazagolder"
  • 2016 - Russian Hip Hop Beef
  • 2016 - "CAO"
  • 2017 - Egor Shilov

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