Jean-Claude Van Damm - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Jean-Claude Van Damm - Belgian Bodybuilder, Actor and Cascade. The creative biography of the star has about fifty roles. Popularity has brought numerous militants. In addition, Jean-Claude owns five martial arts, and also tried forces in the role of a screenwriter, director, producer, mount member and battlefield director in dozens of films.

Childhood and youth

At birth, the name of the future actor was even longer: Jean-Claude Camille Francois Van Varenberg. He was born on October 18, 1960 in one of the 19 Communes called Berkem-Saint-Agat, which is part of the Brussels Capital region, in the family of an accountant and housewives. The father was engaged not only by the information of the debit and loan, but also owned his own flower shop. Mother led a household and brought up a sole son. Probably, in early childhood, the mother paid attention to the child much more than the father, since the little Jean-Claude was raised, sickly and a fibrous boy, although now to believe it is difficult.

High for his age and a slight child wore glasses with thick lenses, was a sutula, despite classical choreography, and painful. When the boy turned 10 years old, the father was dilked by Jean-Claude to the Karate section to instill a love for sports and show the healthy spirit of rivalry. He fell in love with martial arts immediately. Under the leadership of Coach Claude, the young man mastered not only the technical skills of karate, but also psychological training, autotransiga and tactical features of hand-to-hand combat.

Martial arts

Serious attitude towards training gave fruit. Jean-Claude sat down on the twine, straightened the posture, scored a mass: when height 177 cm, the weight of the young man was 85 kg. After 8 years of classes, the future star of sports and the cinema passed the exam on the black belt, and after another 2 years he won the European Championship among professionals, knocking out the opponent in the 1st round. Full statistics of professional battles Van Damma looks like this: 22 fights, 20 victories, of which 13 - knockouts, as well as 2 technical lesions.

Interestingly, Wang Damm owns not only karate, but also four other martial arts directions: the American version of kickboxing, Thai boxing, called Muay Thai, Chinese combat art of Kung Fu and Korean combat Taekwondo.

Despite the fact that even in early youth, Jean-Claude opened his own sports club called "California", in which he himself taught Karate, aerobics and bodybuilding, his film was uncontrollable. Therefore, forgetting a promising business that brought a fairly stable financial situation, he is risk.

A young man sells a gym, a cunning penetrates the film festival, taking advantage of a fake subscription, and gets useful contacts from the world of movies. After that, it goes to conquer the United States of America.


At first, the circumstances were against the future actor. Preliminary agreements with the actress Jacqueline Bissset were empty promises, and Van Damma had to punch the path to the cinematographic Olympus in the literal sense. Within 4 years, the young man unsuccessfully called the film studio, offering his candidacy for participation in the shooting.

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As the actor remembered in the interview later, he wanted in the parking lots in front of the film studios expensive cars and fastened his photos to their glasses with a phone. In parallel, Van Damm worked as a driver, a fighter on shadow underground rings and even a bouncer in the club Chuck Norris.

The movie took place in 1986 in the film "Do not depart and not give up", where the actor plays the Russian fighter Ivan Krashushsky. Then I first sounded the famous pseudonym Van Damm later. Jean-Claud had to change the real surname of Van Varenberg, as it was difficult to pronounce English-speaking people.

Success came to the actor after the famous film "Bloody Sport", which allowed the producer center 30 times reconcile the cost of shooting. Particularly impressed by the fans of the young performer, his branded strikes with a turn, acrobatic turntables and a soft accent, who attached a special charm to blue-eyed brunette. One of the bright works of Belgian this period was the main role in the debut film of the Asian director John Wu "Hard target."

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Subsequent films, such as the "kickboxer", "Self-roll", "double blow", "Universal Soldier", "Nowhere to run", only reinforced the popularity of the artist. His fees were calculated by multi-million dollar payments, and the name fell into one row with the names of stars who were at that time in the Zenith of Glory - Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The popularity of the actor reached a peak: Van Damm became the prototype of the character of the computer game "Mortal Kombat", and the guys flew around the world to be recorded in the Karate section. Despite this, a fragment of the film "Kickboxer", in which Jean-Claude does not hurt, and executes the dance.

It is curious that since the actor could not completely get rid of the French accent, often Heroes Van Damma have just French names and roots - Luke Devroo, Chris Dubua, Cancer Budro, Lyon Gauthier, Alain Lefevr, Philip Savazh, Jean Vilen.

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In 1992, 1993 and 1994, Van Damm nominated at MTV Movie Awards filmmake in the category "The most desirable man".

In the middle of the 90s, the demand of Jean-Claude Van Damma is reduced due to falling popularity on militants based on martial arts. Such movies like "Legionnaire" and "Colonia", where Mickey Rourke played with Belgian, did not bring much success to him, despite the good scenarios and the actor's improved game.

Van Damm's triumphant returns to the film "J. K. V. D., which went to the screens in 2008. The artist game is so impressed by the audience and critics that the Time edition of the Belgian, recreated on the screen, was called the second successful after Jokera Hit Ledger in the Dark Knight. On the wave of a new popularity, the actor starred in a whole series of sequels: "Universal soldier - 3: Revival", "Universal Soldier - 4", "Expendables-2" and other films.

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In 2012, Jean-Claude Van Damm appeared in the Russian film "Rzhevsky against Napoleon". In the Russian comedy, Belgian got a small role, almost cameo. Van Damm played a foreign guest. The artist experiments with forms, so a year later, work in the Volvo advertising campaign appears in its asset. He was captured in the video, where he introduced the "most epic twine" between two moving trucks. On YouTube Clip collected more than 86 million views.

Then the actor returned to the familiar militant genre and played the main roles in the "Six Puli" paintings, "close enemies" and "pound flesh". In 2014, Van Damm appeared in an action-comedy "Welcome to the jungle". In January 2016, the screens came out a cartoon about the martial arts "Kung Fu Panda - 3", in which Van Damm voiced the Master of Krque.

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On September 2, 2016, the premiere of the film "Kickboxer" took place, restarting the 1989 militant of the militant in 1989. In the original film Van Damm played the role of a young fighter Kurt Sloan, and in the remake this role went to Alain Mussus. Jean-Claude fulfilled the role of the Sloan mentor, Masters Durana. In 2017, the shooting of the release of the sequel "Kickboxer returns" began. The acting painting joined the boxer Mike Tyson. The premiere of the film was held in early 2018.

Also in 2017, paintings were taken to the screens with the participation of Van Damma "Conclusions of them all" and "Robbery in Antwerp". The star of the screen appeared in the main role in the comedy TV series "Jean-Claude Van Johnson", where the actor of militants played, which in the adulthood becomes an agent under cover.

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Now at the search stage distributor still remains the action-drama "Polon of Love". The main role in the picture was performed by Jean-Claude. The actor also acted as director, producer, screenwriter and mount member. The finished video was shown in Cannes back in 2010 and re-demonstrated at the Shanghai International Film Festival in 2014. The fate of the picture is not yet defined.

Personal life

Family relationships of Jean-Claude Van Damma, like many public people, very scandalous and stormy. The actor made official marriage 5 times, and twice with the same woman.

For the first time, Jean-Claude was combined by the sacrament of marriage for another 18 years, and Wang Damma's wife became a secured girl Maria Rodriguez, who was older her husband for 7 years. Spouses divorced when the future actor went to conquer America.

However, there, Jean-Claude long walked in bachelor and married the Cynthi Derderian, the owner's daughter of a construction company, in which Van Damm was working as a driver. The second marriage existed for several months and collapsed because of the popularity that came to the actor.

At the party at Chuck Norris Van Damm, meets the Bodybuilding champion Gladys Portuguez. The athlete becomes the third wife of the actor, the mother of the common Son of Christopher and the daughter of Bianchi, as well as, as a further life show, the main woman in the life of the star. But at that time the marriage existed for several years. Gladis left her husband because of the novel Jean-Claude with the "Queen of Beauty" Darcy Lyapier. What is interesting, when divorced, former spouse did not require any financial obligations from Van Damma, which is very unusual for Hollywood families.

The actor married the fourth time at Lapier, who gave Van Damm Son Nicholas. This time, the divorce happened due to the fall of the career of the actor and the associated bortages, alcohol and drugs.

In the fifth and last time, Jean-Claude was married to Mother of his children Gladys Portuguez, who supported the ex-husband in a difficult situation. The spouses were married at the homeland of the actor, in the church near Brussels. After that, Van Damm repeatedly stated that Gladis is the only and beloved woman.

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In 2009, the actor's personal life again occurred. The star had a new passion - in Thailand, Jean-Claude met a native of Ukraine to Alena Cavery. The girl worked as a dancer at the local nightclub and managed to charm an artist. Relationships last 6 years, while Van Damm did not hurry to officially part with Gladis, which was continued to pour chic gifts, such as buying a three-story mansion on the sea coast.

With Alena, Belgian traveled a lot around the world. On trips, the girl appeared by the actor translator, but in his social networks of Caveryan allowed himself to demonstrate joint photos from the screen of the screen, which looked ambiguously. In 2016, an affair with a Ukrainian approached the end.

Jean-Claude Van Damm now

In 2018, the premiere of the Black Water militant militant started with the stars, in which Van Damm was played in a duet with Dolf Lundgren. In the film, the characters of artists performed in alliance. Another work of the actor is the main image in the French thriller "Lukas". The Hero of Belgian works as a guard, raises an 8-year-old daughter. After the fight, he enters the prison, and the girl is in the shelter. To reach freedom and pick up the daughter, the Character Van Damma goes to the transaction and becomes a guide agent.

In March 2019, the next fighter Jean-Claude was released on the screens "We are dying with young." About the premiere of the film The artist informed fans from the personal page in "Instagram".


  • 1988 - "Bloody Sport"
  • 1991 - "Double Bounce"
  • 1992 - "Universal Soldier"
  • 1993- "Hard target"
  • 1997 - "Colony"
  • 1998 - "Legionnaire"
  • 2001 - "Secret Order"
  • 2008 - "J. K. V. D. "
  • 2012 - "Rzhevsky against Napoleon"
  • 2014 - "Welcome to the jungle"
  • 2016-2017 - Jean-Claude Van Johnson
  • 2018 - "Kickboxer returns"
  • 2018 - "Black Waters"
  • 2018 - Lukas

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