Reese Witherspoon - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Series, Ryan Philipp, Filmography 2021



Reese Witherspoon - Hollywood actress, producer and creator of the book club. Successful career and a strong dear blonde and a strong woman cause admiration. At its account there are many roles in projects of different genres - from comedy to detective drama.

Childhood and youth

Laura Jin Reese Witherspoon was born in 1976 in the American city of New Orleans, in the family of medical workers. The mother of the future actress Betty Reese Witherspoon received the degree of candidate of medical sciences in the field of patient care, taught the nurse at Vanderbilt University to students who wish to become physicians.

Father John Witherspoon has long been a military personnel, lieutenant colonel. As a military doctor, John specialized in otorinolaryngology.

The first years of life, the girl spent with his parents in Germany, in the city of Wiesbaden, where John passed military service. When the family returned to the United States of America, settled in the state of Tennessee, where the daughter began to attend school at the Harding Academy, and also graduated from the prestigious women's school Harpet Hall.

Like many children at an early age, little Reese imitated parents and wanted to become only a doctor. But changed the thoughts of the future actress unexpected debut on television. She got the first experience in childhood in childhood, at 7 years old, in the shooting of a commercial for a flower shop. After that, the girl began to attend acting lessons.

Reese very well studied at school, was an excellent student, and English literature turned out to be the main passion of Little Witherspoon. Therefore, after graduation, she entered the Faculty of Faculty of Stanford University. But there was no more than one course there, after which he left literature and decided to try to succeed in the career of the actress.


The first professional work of Reese as an actress was the role of the village girl Dani Trint in the film Robert Malligan "Man on the Moon". Reviews about her game were commendable, the dramatic game Witherspoon was called touching and unforgettable. The debut in the movie brought the first nomination "Young Actor", which was prestigious for anyone who is not famous young girl.

Won this Award Witherspoon after 2 years, after filming in the film "Jack Bear", as the best actress of the second plan. The movie followed several television works in such projects as "Unbearable Choice: Save the Child" and "Return of Lonely Pigeon".

The following dramatic roles in the films "Brutal Games" were successful for the RISA, "The best plans" book, where the actress played in partnership with a popular actor named Alessandro Nivola, and Pleasantville, in which Witherspoon starred with Toby Maguire. Another bright work of the young performer was the main role in the fear thriller, where she played with Mark Wahlberg. Love of modern Romeo and Juliet turns around the tragedy for a family family.

They secured the opinion of the Talent of Reese such famous films as "American Psychopath", "Nikki, Devil Jr.", as well as the series "Friends", which came out in 2000. Genuine fame and the popularity of actress brought the role of Blonde-intellectuals Ell Woods in the romantic comedy "Blonde in Law", published on the screens in 2001. Success was deafening, and one can boldly say that Witherspoon woke up the famous.

On a wave of popularity, Reese starred in several good films: "How important to be serious" on the play of Oscar Wilde, the comedy "Stylish thing", the sequel "Blonde in Law - 2", the adaptation of the classic Roman William Tekkesey "Vanity Fair", as well as the adaptation of the work French writer Mark Levi "Between heaven and land." Here Witherspoon played a girl in a coma, in the image of the spirit visiting his apartment. Her partner became Mark Ruffalo. These films only fastened the new success.

In 2006, Reese received the long-awaited statuette of the Oscar premium for the best female role in the film "Move the line", in which Jun Carter Cache, Country Singer and Composer Johnny Cash playing. In the picture you can hear songs in its execution. For the same role, Witherspoon received the Golden Globe, the Prize of the British Academy of Cinema and Television Arts, as well as the US Film Actors Guild Prize.

Reese has a star at the "Alley of Glory" in Hollywood, which she was presented December 1, 2010. The award brought the actress recognition, from this period in the creative biography of Witherspoon regularly appear the main roles.

In 2010, the performer played a major role in the melodrama "How to know ...", in 2011 - in the drama about America of the 20s "Water Elephants!" With Robert Pattyson, and in 2012 - in a spy comedy "hence, war," where Tom Hardy and Chris Pine made it partners.

In 2013, the actress appeared in the criminal drama "Devil's Knot". The film shows the problem of cossy and intolerance: there is a terrible murder in a small town, but the police instead of the investigation of the case accuses the crime of adolescent informal only on the basis of their social unacceptability. In the same year, the artist took part in the work on the picture of the director Jeff Nichols "Mad", which entered the top ten of the best independent films of the year.

In 2014, the actress performed a major role in the wilderness dye. The film was removed on the autobiography of Cheryl Stain "Wild. Dangerous journey as a way to find yourself. " The author told how the divorce and death of the mother submorted the average American woman.

Cheryl saved an unexpected idea - to go through a thousand miles of the popular tourist route "Pacific Range". For this work, the actress was nominated for Oscar for the best female role and on the "satellite" in a similar category. The role of the second plan went to the comedy "Congenital vice", where the main character embodied Hoachin Phoenix.

Witherspoon also became interested in participating in the drama of the Civil War in Sudan "Lies to Salvation", where she fell into the main acting. Heroine Reese participates in the work of the refugee camps, in which the victim of the victim of hostilities are faithful. The theme of the help of disadvantaged is close to it - for a long time, the celebrity helped by the US and Canada charitable organizations and Canada to collect the necessary things for orphans.

In 2015, Witherspoon played a major role in the comedy militant "Beauty in Begas". Miniature Reese (the growth of the actress is 156 cm, and the weight of 46 kg) played the right and brutal police officer who protects from the killers to the widow drugs, whose role was performed by Sofia Vergara.

In 2016, Reese began shooting in the detective TV series "Big Little Lie". The actress played the main role of Madeleine-March Mackenzie, a strong and witty woman, a large mother. The film will screen the same name of the Australian Writer Liana Moriarty. The plot of drama begins with a party for parents organized by school.

During the fun, one of the participants dies that he launches the investigative and search chain. The focus of the author of the book turns out 3 mothers. In addition to Witherspoon, the main roles in the picture were performed by Nicole Kidman, Zoe Kravitz and Sheilin Woodley. In the US, the film premiere took place in February 2017. The project was successful. His creators were awarded prestigious awards, including 4 statues of the Golden Globe and 8 AMMI awards.

In 2017, Reese appeared in the image of a single mother in the comedy "Visiting Alice" (another name - "again at home").

In 2018, the actress filmography was replenished with a major role in the film "Practice". This is the first experience of participating Witherspoon in a science fiction picture. Together with her, Op Manfrey and Mindi Kaling appeared in the main acting ensemble. The film was created in New Zealand, where the artists got the opportunity to communicate with indigenous peoples.

In 2019, the 2nd season of the rating series "Big Little Lie". In the new series, the acting ensemble already loved by the audience decorated the game legendary Meryl Streep. The star reincarnated into the heroine Louise Wright, the mother of the deceased Parry Wright, who arrived in Monterey to clarify the circumstances of the death of the Son.

In the same year, a multi-line drama "Morning Show" was published with Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston, about the life and problems of people who have the power on television.

In 2020, the "morning show" and "big little role" were announced for the Golden Globe Prize in the nomination "The best television series (drama)".

And the first loud premiere of 2020 became a mini-series "and fires are smoldering everywhere." This detective project, created in the same name of the production of Celasta Ing, keeps viewers in tension until the last minute. Also in the filming of Kerry Washington, Joshua Jackson, Lexi Underwood took part.

Personal life

With the first spouse Ryan Philipp Reese met at his own birthday, when noted the age of age. Subsequently, the couple was filmed together in the sensational film "Brutal Games". Officially issued relations on June 9, 1999. Then they already knew that Reese was pregnant, and in September they had a firstborn - daughter Ava Elizabeth Philipp.

In the first marriage, Reese was born another child, the son of Dicon Riz Philipp. But the family did not exist for a long time. Due to the fact that his wife's career went uphill, and the husband's worst things were worse, Ryan began to abuse alcohol and drugs. It affected the relationships of spouses and led to the divorce that was officially registered in 2007. Children stayed with her mother.

After the divorce of the actress for 2 years, I met with a colleague Jake Gyllenhol. The star of the Gorbatoy Mountain even was preparing to make an offer to his chosen, but Reese gave a negative answer. Soon the relationship between the artists ceased.

New serious relations performer built a year later. Her chosen was Jim. Lovers at the party of common acquaintances, where the man defended the actress from the annoying fabrics of the friend. "I will show you what it means to be a good companion of life," the future spouse told her and restrained his promise.

The wedding was played in March 2011, and after a year and a half, the performer gave birth to a third child - a boy, whom Tennessee James called. Witherspoon called the Baby Father's Blond Piece. Jim is fine with the children of the spouse from the previous marriage, the family looks exemplary. It is possible to maintain friendly relations and with the first husband of Reese.

The actress is grateful to Toto for his patient and mental attitude towards children from the first marriage and for its constant support. It was Jim who suggested a spouse to engage in produce work. Reese appreciates its leadership qualities and organizational abilities. In addition, according to her, "he deliciously makes Latte."

In 2015, the actress launched a brand draper james. The clothing line presents the "southern" and "maiden" models, and from the 2018th - and things for people with a non-standard figure.

In 2017, Reese Witherspoon admitted that at 16 years old was subjected to sexual harassment by the director. For the revelation, the actress pushed Flashmob Alissa Milano "too" in Twitter after the scandalous cause of the producer Harvey Weinstein, accused of Harassment.

Reese is divided by the details of his personal life in the official account in "Instagram". She will post a single photo, pictures with friends, colleagues and family. Fans pleasantly surprises the great similarity of the riz and daughter Ava. According to many, the girl is a copy of the mother in his youth. It is also noted that Witherspoon is very similar to the actress from Russia Marina Domozhirov.

In the biography of the performer there is a fact of arrest for hooliganism. In the area of ​​Reese, took after the scandal, which a young woman arranged in 2013, defending a drunk husband from the road police when Jim got drunk behind the wheel.

For RISA roles regularly changes haircuts and hair color, but the fans unanimously claim that the image of the blonde is suitable for her. In the youth, the actress often appeared practically without makeup. Now the best stylists work thoroughly.

The actress monitors the appearance, so it looks younger than his years. Witherspoon regularly visits training and maintains a form, focusing on the recommendation of the instructor Harley Pastmak. The star coach, who at one time helped to lose weight Eva Mendez and Jessica Simpson, includes 5-time meals with small portions and daily execution of fitness exercises.

According to the star, after the birth of children, it became harder to control the weight, cellulite appeared on the body, so the actress prefers not to advertise his pictures in a swimsuit. Choosing this detail of the wardrobe to relax on the beach, prefers closed models.

Reese Witherspoon now

In 2021, the actress worked over the fantasy musical "Beast-2", where Matthew McConaja was also participating, Temen Eziton and Tori Kelly. The stars voiced the heroes of the cartoon, Witherspoon gave their own voice.

He received a continuation of the famous picture of the Blond Lawyer Ell Woods "Blonde in Law - 3". Dan Gur and Mindy Kaling work on the script. Reese will return to his role - by rumors, her heroine in the long-awaited continuation will build a political career.

The actress also appeared in the long-awaited special issue of "Friends", the premiere of which started on May 27, 2021. In addition to the main roles, other representatives of show business have been starred in the new episode - the model of Kara Middle, the singers of Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber, David Beckham and others.

In the amplua actresses Witherspoon already conquered the hearts of fans. Today, her career is connected not only with the shooting, but also with the development of the producer of Hello Sunshine, which has grown from the previously created book club. Now the organization is developing children's programs, reality shows and even mobile applications. Stable growth ensured the release of Hello Sunshine to leaders among the pioneers from the list of influential companies in the world.


  • 1991 - "Man on the Moon"
  • 1999 - "Brutal Games"
  • 2000 - "American Psychopath"
  • 2001 - "Blonde in Law"
  • 2002 - "How important to be serious"
  • 2003 - "Blonde in Law 2"
  • 2005 - "Match the hell"
  • 2005 - "Between Heaven and Earth"
  • 2008 - "Four Christmas"
  • 2011 - "Water Elephants!"
  • 2012 - "So the war"
  • 2013 - "Devil's Knot"
  • 2014 - "Wild"
  • 2015 - "Beauties in Begas"
  • 2017 - "Big Little Lie"
  • 2018 - "Practice"
  • 2019-2020 - "Morning Show"
  • 2020 - "Blonde in Law 3"
  • 2020 - "Fires are smoldering everywhere"

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