Robert de Niro - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Robert de Niro is an American actor who won the popularity of Gangster roles and mafiosa a few dozen kinocartin. He has repeatedly received an Oscar award, becoming the first artist who received a statuette for a role in English, and the Golden Globe. Today, the man moved away from the amplua of the criminal, journalists are often called De Niro "the main Hollywood pensioner", because he does not hide his age and is not afraid to play grandfathers.

Childhood and youth

Robert de Niro - Jr. was born in Manhattan in a bohemian family. Parents, Robert de Niro - Senior and Virginia Edmiral, were famous abstraction artists. In addition, the father was engaged in sculpture, and the mother wrote poetry professionally. The son got a mixture of Italian, English, French, Dutch and German blood.

When the boy was 3 years old, the parents diverged. The divorce took place civilized, peacefully and without unnecessary scandals, but for the nearest environment, and for the very future actor, turned out to be shocking news and remained secretly for seven seals. Robert never recognized the real cause of such a particular parent. The son remained to live with his mother, which paid him not enough attention, limited to financial support exclusively.

The child spent a lot of time on the street among the peers, which were called de Niro Bobby Milk for the extreme pallor of the skin of the face. Perhaps only congenital thrust for art fencing little Robert from joining the street gang, which at that time was a lot in the areas of the city.

At first, the boy studied in a private general education school, and then entered the New York School of Music, Art and Performing Summary by the name of Fiorello La Guardia. In addition, Robert was stiguously engaged in the acting courses of the famous teachers Stella Adler and Lee Strasberg.

The young man was taught not only to scenic art, but also instilled an understanding of the acting game as such. It is curious that Teachers of Robert de Niro were adherents of an outstanding system of Konstantin Stanislavsky. Thus, the life path of the future famous actor did not just chose in childhood - de Niro from an early age purposefully, confidently and fruitfully began to move along the scheduled path.


The first advent of the 20-year-old actor's film was the image of the bridegroom in a light comedy "Wedding Party" director Brian de Palma. But because of the difficulties arising, it was released only after 6 years, so often in the filmography indicate that the creative biography of De Niro started from the film "Three Rooms in Manhattan" of 1965.

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The first fame came to Robert after played in "Bay in the drum slower" roles barrelist. For the game, he was awarded awards to the Association of Film Crims of New York as the best actor of the second plan, but the main achievement - attracted the attention of the public and film directories. As a result, he received the role of young Vito Korleon in the famous blockbuster "The Cross Father - 2" of the Great Director of Francis Ford Coppola. This work brought De Niro's first statuette "Oscar" for the best male role of the second plan.

It was the first case in the history of the famous reward, when the owner of the award was the actor who did not utter a word in English, because in the film de Niro speaks only in Italian.

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Then followed the series of bright films "Taxi driver", "Twentieth Century", "New York, New York", "Deer Hunter" and others who have been successful both from movie workers and professional critics. From the popular actor Robert de Niro turns into a megazezda of the film screen.

The 1980s bring a new success. The role of the boxer in the film Martin Scorsese "Mad Bull" brings the next Oscar award, this time as a better actor. At the same director, Robert starred in the role of an obsessed revenge of the criminal in the Thiller "Cape of Fear." The screen version of John McDonald novel is nominated for Oscar, Bafta and Golden Globe, and in each premium - in 2 nominations.

After the gangster film "Once in America", released in 1984, de Niro enters the wave of monotonous roles. At the directors, he began to associate exclusively or with the villain, or with a police-supereagert. Nevertheless, dozens of actor work cause positive and even enthusiastic reviews of fans and critics.

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Periodically, the artist appears in the main roles in the genres unusual for him to get rid of the role of Gangster. So, Robert de Niro is removed along with Meryl Strip in the touching melodrama "Lovers", where he plays a married man who has found love on the side.

In the second half of the 90s, interest in the actor drops sharply, the reviews become neutral, and sometimes completely cool. The last movies that received recognition and commercial success were "Casino" and "Fight". Both came out in 1995, and another famous Kinogangster Al Pacino becomes in the last partner on the shooting area of ​​De Niro.

In 1999, Robert de Niro fulfills the main role in the criminal comedy "analyzed it." The actor played Mafioi Paul Vitty, the head of the criminal clan suffering from problems with nerves and hiring psychoanalyst in the face of Billy Crystal.

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In 2001, de Niro appeared in the main role of a safes cracker in the criminal film "Messenger", the director of whom he spoke himself. Following the actor again plays Mafii Paul Vitty in Sicvel Comedy about Gangster and his psychoanalyst "Analyzing That".

In the middle of zero Robert de Niro becomes popular again. Its creative piggy bank is replenished with 2-3 projects per year, in many of them the actor receives the main roles.

In 2011, Robert de Niro plays a major role in the Italian comedy melodrama "Love: Instructions for Application". The partner de Niro in the picture was the Italian actress and the Monica Bellucci model.

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In 2013, the actor starred in the "Starpets" comedy. The film was distinguished by the star composition. In addition to Robert de Niro, the main roles were fulfilled by Michael Douglas, Morgan Freimen and Kevin Klein.

In 2015, the actor appeared in the comedy "Grandfather of Easy Behavior" in the company Zak Efron and Dermota Mallunion. In the center of the narration - a young man who dreams of a career of a lawyer, and his grandfather - despite the fact that a resignation, rarely frivolous, liberated and loving female society. Hero Robert prevents the marriage of his beloved grandson by all possible ways. The young man understands this, but it's not so easy to get rid of an obsessive relative.

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The topic of stretched relationships in the family is continued in the film "War with Santa", telling about the 10-year-old guy who is forced to move to another room after his favorite apartments took the grandfather in the house. The young hero does not want to give up and suits the older man smallquarters. But Robert's character does not remain in debt.

The comedy tape "Intern" is a kind of curtsy towards pensioners who do not like quiet and quiet life. That's the character of Robert de Niro gets to work for the heroine Ann Hathaway. Young colleagues do not know how to react to a novice who is suitable for their fathers. But the film is no wonder the motto "experience is always in fashion", and the main character says that the musician leaves the scene when he stops singing a soul. While the youth explains the intern that the Internet, an experienced lovelax teaches how to attract the attention of women and look elegant.

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De Niro demonstrates its talents not only on video, but also in the theater sphere. In 2016, the premiere of the Bronx Story Music was held, which directed Robert de Niro. The music for the production was written Oskarone Alan Menken, and the scenario is Cezz Palminteri.

In 2017, a biographical drama was released with de Niro in the lead role of "Liar, the Great and Horrible". The film was shot on the book Diana Hendrix and talks about the life of the head of the "Nadak" stock exchange of Bernie Madoff, who ruined millions of depositors, for which he received a prison period of 150 years.

Personal life

Personal life Robert de Niro, like most Hollywood stars, is always supervised. In the youth of the actor, scandals and gossip were constantly surrounded, even when he was married.Embed from getty images

For the first time, De Niro married the singer of African origin Dialan Abbott, who played several episodic roles in films, where the actor himself was shot. Dianne from the first marriage remained a daughter of the drain, for which Robert became an official father, having fallen her.

Also, the pair has a common son Robert. Both children tried to shoot in the cinema, but if Drena was able to interest the directors and periodically appeared on the screens, then the boy did not find a special talent, and, he had matured, he began to engage in commerce.

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After 10 years, the spouses divorced, although they didn't live together for a long time. The new Passion of Robert de Niro became the black fashion model of Tuki Smith. The couple did not register the relationship, but spent several years in civil marriage. With the help of a surrogate mother, the children started - Julian Henry and Aaron Kendrick.

For 20 years, the actor was married to the former flight attendant, models and singer Grace Hailuer. Wedding played in 1997. A year later, the son of Elliot was born in the family of De Niro, in 2011 - daughter Helen. In the second case, the spouses became parents using surrogate maternity. In 2018, the media reported that after repeated partitioning Robert and Grace decided to finally divorce.

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Elliot de Niro suffers autism. According to Robert, the vaccine is to blame for this, which is given all newborns. The actor removed the documentary "Diluted: from the forge to the catastrophe", in fact, accused the pharmaceutical companies in the deception of the population and the fact that the children were tested on children. To those who prove the security of vaccinations, de Niro promised to pay $ 100 thousand, wrote the press.

In addition to the successful acting career, Robert de Niro succeeded as a restaurant. It is a co-owner of several diverse cafes and restaurants, including the world-famous NOBU network. With the business partner of Nobutey Matsukhis, the actor starred in Casino - the chef played the client of the hotel in which he worked as a hero de Niro.

Robert de Niro now

In October 2019, the creators of the Joker militant are planning to submit the film to the audience. The project explaining where the main opponent Batman came from, will be the first in the filmography of De Niro, based on comics. The director and co-author of the scenario made Todd Phillips, a familiar to the public in the picture on the trade of arms "Guys with trunks" and the perky trilogy about the boy.

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Now the actor cooperates with Al Pacino and Martin Scorsese in the Drama "Irishman." This is another Bayopic dedicated to the shallow Warmer and the Frank Shiren, "Dorosrest" to the hired killer and the artist of the Mafia orders. The man was suspected of eliminating the trade union leader Jimmy Hoff, whose body did not find it. The story looks even more confusing, because in it a brother of American president Robert Kennedy.

The rights to the production of the film and international rental were obtained by the Netflix Stregnation service, which paid $ 105 million for this. Then spending increased to $ 140 million, and even this amount is not yet final. Similar to this is the use of modern technologies that make it possible to radically change human appearance. In the course of the action, Robert and the rest of the artists will appear with the smoking age at 30. Photos showing actors before and after "rejuvenation" published specialized sites.

The film crew also collided with another problem. Al Pacino below de Niro growth (168 and 177 cm, respectively), but in life the difference between the victim and the killer was very significant. So Robert in joint scenes had to wear shoes on the platform.

When the premiere of "Irish" is, it is not reliably known. The output of the film has been transferred once. The next announcement depends on whether the picture will be able to qualify for Oscar, which for the wizard of this scale is quite expected.

The collection of 4 Oscars, 2 "Golden Globes", "Satellite", BAFTA awards in 2 categories and the prize of the guild of film acters gathered a musical picture of the Bohemian Rhapsodia, in which Robert de Niro made a sprodeer. The film is devoted to the Legendary Queen Group and its famous Freddie Mercury leader.


  • 1974 - "The Cross Father 2"
  • 1980 - "Mad Bull"
  • 1984 - "Once in America"
  • 1987 - "Non-Plated"
  • 1991 - "Cape of Fear"
  • 1995 - "Casino"
  • 1999 - "Analyzy this"
  • 2002 - "Analyzing That"
  • 2006 - "False Temptation"
  • 2010 - "Machete"
  • 2013 - "Malavita"
  • 2015 - "Intern"
  • 2016 - "Confectionery"
  • 2017 - "Liar, Great and Horrible"
  • 2018 - "War with Sant"
  • 2019 - "Joker"

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