Katie Holmes - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Katie Holmes is an American actress, which for a long time was perceived exclusively as a television performer. Thanks to the participation in the superhero militant, she managed to get into the ranks of Hollywood stars. The artist is known not only by its own works - for a long time her name was associated with the superstar of the "Dream factory" Tom Cruise.

Childhood and youth

Katie Holmes was born in Ohio, in the provincial town of Tolido next to the beautiful coast of Lake Erie. Katie became the youngest child in the family. She has three sisters and brother. Mother Kathleen Stoners - Housewife, and Father Martin Joseph Holmes - a lawyer who specialized in marriage processes.

The family was very religious. Children with parents were the parishioners of the Baptist Christian Church in Tolido. Instead of the usual secondary school, Katie visited the Academy for Girls Notre Dame. The future actress participated in the life of the team of fans and other school organizations, played in adolescent performances and musicals.

Cathie's creative biography began in 14 years old with a model career. At 18th, the girl has already participated in the beauty contest in New York. Actually, at this event, her producer of the film "Ice Wind" was noticed and offered Holmes to pass samples.


Casting Katie Holmes has begun an excerpt from the famous novel Harper Lee "kill the casting room" and received the role of Libbets Casey, a teenage girl. Katie's film crimitics liked, and she immediately received a new offer - to act in the TV series "Buffy - Vampire Slayer", but because of his studies, the girl refused to participate in the project.

Nevertheless, after a year, Katie returns to the set and begins to play a major role in the television series "Bay of Dawson". The drama did not go from the screens until 2003.

For the first time on the big screen, Holmes appeared, performed by the main role in the film in the style of black humor "Kill Mrs. Tingle" directed by Kevin Williamson.

A successful project for Katie became a blockbuster "Batman: the beginning", in which the actress performed one of the main roles - Batman's friend Rachel Dawz. Despite the fact that the film was expected to be successful, the actress itself received the antipremia "Golden Raspberry".

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Then the roles in such films as "telephone booth" and "singing detective" were followed. There was still a satirical comedy "smoke here", the thriller "Do not be afraid of darkness" and the Biographical tape "Clan Kennedy", in which the actress reincarnated in Jacqueline Kennedy. In many ways, it was possible to Katie due to explicit external similarity with the wife of the former president of the United States and similar haircuts.

In 2013, Katie Holmes returned to television and began to film "Ray Donovan" television series from the 3rd season. She got the role of charming businesswoman Page Finni, who appeals for help to the main character. Later in the filmography of the Artist, the interest of the public summoned the series "Dangerous connections" and the historical drama "Woman in Gold".

In 2017 in the repertoire of the performer, the main roles in the comedies "Dear Dictator" and "Logan's luck" appeared. In the second one, Holmes played with Channing Teitum. The main premiere of next year for the artist was the work in the criminal comedy "8 ​​Girlfriends Oushen", where Sandra Bullock was also starred, Kate Blanchett, Ann Hathaway, Rihanna and others.

Personal life

The actress has always caused increased interest from the opposite sex. Her elects at one time included a partner in Dawson Bay Joshua Jackson, American actor Chris Klein, with whom she was ready to go under the crown.

A truly big love Holmes became the star of Hollywood Tom Cruise. For the first time, the actors noticed together in Rome, where there was a public party for the movie Star, in 2005. Lovers did not embarrass the difference in the age: an artist for 16 years older than his chosen. They did not upset them and the fact that Holmes above the Uhager (Katy's growth is 175 cm with a weight of 55 kg, and volume - 170 cm).

In the same 2005, at Oprah Winfrey show, Tom Cruz officially announced relations with Katie Holmes, and in April 2006, the actress gave birth to Suri's daughter. In the autumn of the same year, the actors got married. Wedding took place in the Italian antique castle.

Marriage with Tom Cruise existed for 6 years. Katie decided to part with her husband because of the excessive passion for the spouse of the non-traditional religion - Scientology. He herself becomes married to the follower of this movement, after the divorce Holmes passed into Catholicism.

In 2013, Katie again after a break in his personal life fell into the lenses of the chambers of the paparazzi along with an attractive man. Journalists filmed an actress and her colleague Jamie Fox dancing and embracing in the club in Hamptonse. The questions of relations on relationships both denied a romantic connection, but periodically continued to appear in secular events together.

Katie Holmes is not hiding from fans. The actress leads an account in "Instagram". But among the many photos there was no hint of joint footage with allegedly beloved.

In 2016, Katie Holmes began to wear a ring on a ring finger. At the same time, the engagement ring was noticed at Jamie Fox, which gave rise to a new wave of rumors. The audience was confident that the reason for such a long conspiracy was the contract that Katie signed during the timing process with Tom Cruise.

Allegedly the former husband ordered Holmes not to advertise a personal life for 5 years in return for $ 5 million and the full content of his daughter on his part. This period has expired in 2017. From this time, Holmes did not associate any obligations, so lovers were able to appear in public.

Katie is active not only on the set. The actress, which is famous for a slim figure, together with a friend Jhan Young released a line-made clothing of Holmes & Yang. She also became the face of the famous brand Ann Taylor, often takes part in the advertising campaigns of cosmetics and goods for women.

The actress herself was not used to starring in a frank form: during a collaboration with a cruise, a horsepower Scientologist, she practically did not appear in public in a swimsuit, but in relation to the daily and festive outfits of Katie always demonstrated a great taste.

Katie Holmes now

Now a lot of time actress pays for his family and secular life. She visits the performances of the American Ballet Theater along with Mom, the presentation of domestic companies and other events.

In 2019, Holmes began working on a role in the horror film "Doll - 2: Brahms", the premiere of which is scheduled for 2020.


  • 1997 - "Ice Wind"
  • 1998-2003 - Dawson Bay
  • 1999 - "Kill Mrs. Tingle"
  • 2003 - "Telephone Booth"
  • 2003 - "Singing Detective"
  • 2003 - "Shards Eypril"
  • 2005 - "Batman: the beginning"
  • 2010 - "Do not be afraid of darkness"
  • 2011 - "Clan Kennedy"
  • 2014 - Miss Meduse
  • 2015 - Ray Donovan
  • 2015 - "Woman in Gold"
  • 2017 - "Loogan's luck"
  • 2018 - "8 Girlfriends Owen"

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