Herman Sterligov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Now, News, Store 2021



Herman Sterligov - the first official Russian millionaire, is known in society with bright extravagant actions and acutely pronounced nationalist views. In his youth, after the collapse of the USSR, he was a fantastic lucky businessman, and over time, turned out of the richest man in the country in hermit, as he believed that he was jealous of absolutely everyone, and he and his family could tragically pay for a long success.

Sterligov returned to the world, as he saw a wrestler with the global crisis, and suggested a global barter system. Behind his shoulders - unsuccessful "walking in politics" and ruin. Herman dared to compile competition to Vladimir Putin, perfectly realizing the political conjuncture. At the reproaches in the recklessness, the entrepreneur replied briefly:

"I saw what monstrous things around are happening, but the rest even talk about it shy, not what to perform. If somebody was called up, I would support him, but there was no alternative, so I had to take a chance. "

Childhood and youth

Sterligov Hermann Lvovich was born on October 18, 1966 in the city of Zagorsk (Sergiev Posad), located in the Moscow region. He became the descendant of Russian nobles whose pedigree originates in the XVI century. His father Lev Sterligov is a famous professor of medicine, was considered the best diagnostic of the time, and the mother of Margarita Arsenyevna - the daughter of the peasant, the custodian of a family hearth, who devoted his life to raising children.

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Children's years of the future Multimillionaire went away from wealth and festivities. But this did not prevent Hermann to receive a good secondary education in the metropolitan special school number 19 with an English bias. True, the certificate from the school became the only document Sterligov on education - he came to the Moscow State University to the Faculty of Law, but, having studied one course, threw her studies and no longer spent time at this time.

After school, the businessman is called up to the ranks of the Soviet Army and gave the duty to his homeland in Mongolia. The Army years Herman Lvovich recalls with nostalgia and considers the service in the army of a useful school life, which ordered masculinity, responsibility and character in it.


The Biography of Herman Sterligov after the army is continuously connected with the business. The young man at the time of the collapse of the USSR did not miss his chance to become a successful entrepreneur and with the financial support of the elder brother Dmitry founded the first in Russia of Alice's commodity exchange. For several years, the company has become the largest holding having 84 subsidiaries not only in Russia, but also abroad.

On the first day of work, the Exchange of Sterligov became a millionaire, because the company absolutely had no competitors. In a year, the activity of the Exchange fell, which did not prevent a businessman to open the club of young millionaires whose activities he sent to the development and improvement of the Ryazan region. True, conceived projects remained unrealized, in connection with which the organization had to be collapsed.

In the mid-1990s, a businessman decided to expand the range of interests and summed up into politics. At the same time, Herman continued to develop a business that even today it is impossible to give clear parameters - Sterligov made a tremendous state of anything.

Now in the cities of the middle strip of Russia, a network of food stores German Sterligov is open. However, the prices there are such that constantly serving can afford only the same oligarch, which earlier was the owner. For example, a bunch of bread is there from 650 rubles, a kilogram of wholegrain flour - from 200 rubles. True, a quarter of a loaf is a poor buyer gets free. Products are sold in corporate packaging.

The store in Perm had to close after the scandal, broken down because of the signboard of a homophobic nature - in the showcases of the businessman's institutions there is a sign "PID ... for the entrance is prohibited". That's just Herman himself in an interview stated that the store was closed because of a bad delivery organization.


In the political world, ambitious and extravagant businessman, accustomed to get everything and immediately, burst as a boomerang. Sterligov decided to miss all the lower steps of the classic political career and immediately wanted to become the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and in a year he was running to the mayor of Moscow. On the nationwide elections of the metropolitan town team, he failed and scored 3.87% of voters, taking 3rd place in the standings among candidates.

The loss in the elections of the Moscow chapter did not break the fighting spirit - Herman was not fine and tried his hand in the 2004 presidential race. Then his surname did not hit the bulletins, as the candidate was not registered. This period has become a turning point in the fate of a businessman.

Sterligov spent all his state on the election campaign and was forced together with his family to leave Rublenka and settle in Mozhaysk near Moscow. At first he built for loved ones luxurious, which later burned the neighbors. The Sterligov family regarded it as a sign of God, so further life was organized on the distant farm, where there are no electricity and driveways.

In 2008, Herman Sterligov refused herchiefs and decided to return to the business. He came to Moscow and created an anti-crisis settlement center, who was analogy with the commodity exchange. In 2009, businessman presented his own estimated unit "Golden", which represents a highly mentioned gold coin weighing 1 oz.

These "golden" German Lvovich proposed to be used as a single payment throughout the world, creating a "Gold Exchange" for this. But the FSFR refused sterling in the issuance of the stock license, therefore this entrepreneurial idea remained unrealized.

In 2015, businessman Sterligov, who earned a state on financial pyramids, was detained at Domodedovo Airport at the time of returning to his homeland from Yerevan. For extremist activities in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Basmanny Court of Moscow issued a decree on the imposition of an arrest on the property of the entrepreneur, who was also suspected of fraud, and the illegal assignment of cash of business partners.

In spite of everything, Herman did not lose hope for a bright political future and announced his intention to nominate his candidacy for the elections in the State Duma in 2016. In Sterligov, a desire to realize political ideas with a pronounced nationalist character and confidence that millions of Russians will be supported in this.

In 2018, Herman said that he would be a self-confedeent candidate for the post of mayor of Moscow, but no necessary documents in the election commission did not provide the necessary documents. In the election program of Sterligov offered to leave in the city of pensioners, officials and security workers, and others evaporate into the village to feed the citizens of "abundant natural food from millions of new peasant farms."

Personal life

Personal life Sterligova is not so foggy as a career. Even at the dawn of the formation of a business, he married the daughter of the capital intellectual Alena, the graduate of the Printing Institute. Hermann Lvovich was very lucky with his wife - for many years she shares the political and nationalist glances of her husband, unquestionedly obeys his decisions and is content with the role of mother and the custodian of the family hearth.

During the years of his life, Sterligov Alena visited the image of a secular lioness and peasant, becoming a real "wife of the Decembrist", which supports the spouse in any life situations.

In marriage, Sterligovy had five children: Pelagia, Arseny, Panteleimon, Sergius and Micah. Children Hermann Lvovich brought up according to the laws of the Gospel, did not attend a secondary school, and they received knowledge of the house. The failed politician claims itself to the number of Orthodox, but he does not go to the temple, and the current church considers "in heresy".

The eldest daughter married and presented the parents of three granddaughters, and sons are actively involved in the development of the peasant economy organized by the Father. Arseny is engaged in the construction of wooden houses, Sergius became the organizer of the business for the production of natural cosmetics and environmentally friendly food and household items. Pantelemon headed the Institute of Medicine Galen, in which people are treated exclusively by vegetable drugs.

The incomes of Herman Sterligov, according to his recognition, are to sell the bread of their own production and products of the subsidiary farm. The family lives in a large and cozy log house and sees real wealth and happiness. At the same time, the businessman continues to travel often, stopping in expensive comfortable apartments, and engage in charity, sacrificing money to improving Russia's ecology.

Achievements of science and technology The family rejects, and scientists are generally a source of crisis and degradation, Herman considers. Products for sale and for personal consumption are processed by hand, but the official website and the channel on YouTube Sterligov still started, uses both social networks "VKontakte" and "Instagram".

In accounts and target groups, the businessman places photos and posts with the presentation of its own ideas and evaluations of what is happening. And followers in the meantime are wondering how he comes into contact with the world, if so zealo promotes the refusal of electricity.

Herman Sterligov now

Herman organized the "society of lovers of Russian writing," under the auspices of which the books devoted to religion, Russian history and textbooks are distributed. In 2019, the presentation of New Labor Sterligov was held - "Instructions for the creation of their peasant farm".

The author calls to move from megalopolises in the village, who wants to send a public committee specifically created to promote the Public Committee with an indication of the desired region and the size of the land plot. The letter is transmitted to the governor of the region, and, if the decision is negative, the Committee promises support to permission to issue.

On the house of Hermann in the Istra district of the Moscow region, master classes are held on the development of the wisdom of rustic life. The guests of events were prescribed a strict dress code, and another businessman warns that he is forbidden to smoke at the entrance to the estate.

Herman Lvovich is a permanent participant of exhibition fairs, where natural products are sold and folk crafts are presented. In social networks, he tells about new acquaintances who share his point of view.

Another favorite brainchild Sterligov is the Russian Peasant Meeting and Food Security Committee, created to protect producers producing products without GMOs and other chemistry. The Committee verifies the presented assortment for the presence or absence of unhetatic additives, and if the product is "clean," the owner can sell it in Sterligov's stores for the price, which wishes.

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