Mickey Rourke - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, in youth, now, "bullet", operation 2021



In the youth of Mickey Rourke was considered the first handsome Hollywood. The actor admitted: from the realization of what was not returned, it became hard not physically, but psychologically. Ten years, his filmography was not replenished with any significant projects, but Rourke got out of hell lack of lack of lack of ability. True, in terms of attracting attention, extravagant actions remained faithful to himself.

Childhood and youth

Mickey (real name Philip Andre Rourk - Jr.) was born in September 1952 in Schenectady, New York. Father, Baseball Fan, called Mickey's Son in honor of the famous Mickey Mahkla player.

When the rug was 6 years old, the parents divorced. Mother with children (at the actor there were brother and sister) moved to Liberty City, Miami district, married a policeman retired. Mickey did not work out with the adoptive father, so he spent a lot of time on the streets of the city, and the communication circle was pimps and drug dealers. Life in an unfavorable social setting led the young man on the boxing ring.

The root was considered an excellent fighter. But for their achievements, he paid concussions of the brain, broken with a nose, cheeky, hand, coordination disorders. Many later, the appearance had to be corrected with plastic.

His love for the actor did it originate when a friend who raised at the University of Pieces, invited the future star Hollywood to participate in the production. Then Mickey played the role with pleasure, but did not yet decide to devote the lives of this profession. However, the desire to end the crime led a young man to the acting Studio Lee Strasberg, where he came from the first time, although only five applicants were gaining, and there were several thousand candidates.


Francis Ford Coppola said about the rudder, that this is a magnetic person with a certain secret. He was the first to see him Tom Folino, who invited Mickey in the short filing "Love in Hampton", then followed the comedy Stephen Spielberg "1941".

In 1983, one of the best films was released in the creative biography of the battlefish actor based on the Novels of American writer Susan Hinton, who personally appeared in the picture in a small role of a prostitute.

The screening of the novel Elizabeth McNill "9 ½ weeks" entered the Annals of Hollywood cinema as a legend in the genre of erotic melodramas. The main batch of Mickey was divided with Kim Bacyinger.

Mickey Rourke - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, in youth, now,

The main role and the solid fee brought the actor participation in Horror "The Heart of Angel", whom Robert de Niro joined the robert de Niro after a long doubt.

In the "Rain Man", "Best Arrow" and "Police from Beverly Hills" Rourke refused to be filmed at different reasons. I had to regret then.

The fighter "bullet" became the last work, which refers to the period when Mickey was at the peak of a career. Rourke participated in the writing of the ribbon scenario, and one of the main roles went to Tupak Shakuru. The actors interact well - probably because, according to the root, they had a lot in common, and most importantly - similar upbringing.

In the future, the actor appeared in insignificant projects, in episodes. From the military drama "Thin Red Line, who claimed 7" Oscars ", the scenes with the participation of the actor and completely cut out. Much more regret with the artist raise memories that he was seduced for the fee.

"This will not happen again. To do so - it means not to respect yourself. Now I respect myself. There will be no self-esteem - there will be a bad reputation. I passed through it and I can no longer afford it. I need to move forward. "

Sean Penn, forgetting about the 20-year-old quarrel, invited the artist in the promise. Colleagues almost again did not quit, when Penn received an Oscar for Harvey Milk, and Mickey, nominated for the game in the "Westler", remained without a prize. In compensation, he got the Golden Globe.

In the Darren Darren Aronofsky, a man in 180 cm has demonstrated a delightful physical form. But the matter is not even at what price she was given to the ruddow, but in the fact that the film, in fact, became a symbol of his return to the first rows of the movie stars.

Another award - "Saturn" - the actor received for the "city of sins". Despite the stellar composition: Bruce Willis, Clive Owen, Benicio del Toro, - Mickey Rourke was the first actor officially approved on the role in the film.

The attention of the press and fans won the Iron Man. The find of the artist himself became the idea of ​​making his hero to use Russian.

In 2019, part of the franchise of the "City of Love", dedicated to Berlin, came to the screens. In the painting, Rourke starred in the company Kira Knightley, Helen Mirren and Jim Strocess.

At the Moscow International Film Festival, the premiere of the criminal melodrama "Night Walk" took place. Rourke played neo-Nazis, recruiting prisoners in its ranks. The main role was performed by the son of Oliver Stone, director and producer Sean Stone.

Drama on drugs "Dysfunctionary" with the participation of Mickey started at the end of 2020, in the same year Chad Faust, the Star "secrets Smallville", involved the root in his own director's debut - a thriller "Girl".

Personal life

In 1981, Mickey became acquainted with the beginner actress Debra Foier. Nothing thinking, married her. According to the man, both were too young and ambitious, so collapsed in 8 years in 8 years.

On the set of "Wild Orchid", Rourke met Carrie Otis. Soon the lovers played a wedding. But the marriage was not happy: the spouses often swear, but Mickey, it happened, raised his hand to his wife. The couple broke up in 1998.

In 2009, a new companion appeared in the personal life of the celebrity - the Anastasia Makarenko model. The girl was 35 years old, but in the feelings, the difference in age was not reflected. The actor, by rumors, was removed to marry and even began to learn Russian. But the relationship ended in 5 years.

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The press attributed a relation to the relationship with another Russian model - Elena Kulecksky, but the couple consisted only in a friendly relationship. The girl noticed that the performer is a very wound, eager to communicate a person suffering from mistrust to people.

The next beloved was the dancer Irina Koryakovev. However, she said to journalists that the novel with the star is unofficial. Actress Natalia Lapina was mentioned about his connection with the river, who claimed that the gap was led by an excessive passion for Mickey Drugs and alcohol.

The actor loves little dogs - Spites and Chihua-Hua. Pets kept the owner from the last step. Rourke told that, being depressed, he was thinking about suicide, but realized that there would be no one about dogs to take care of dogs. The Mickey Instagram page periodically hosts photos and videos with domestic pets.

The Internet playground has become a battlefield in 2020. Without referring to Robert De Niro back in 1987 on the site of the "Heart of Angel", Mickey retains hostility so far. Remembering the old resentment, both actors exchanged unpleasant comments against each other in their accounts.

Rourke surprised the press and fans with a rapid solution to be buried in Ukraine. The artist has long stated that he does not want to be restored in the United States, therefore, and acquired a place in the village of Zagormen.

Mickey Rourke Now

The demand for the actor in the new century is high as in the 80s. Mickey joined Robert Nespera in the tape on World War II Mauro Borrolli "Military Hunt", which has shifted due to the epidemiological situation in the world. The shooting process was also influenced by quarantine measures, since the closure of the boundaries almost prevented return to the actor home from Riga, the surroundings of which served as decorations.

Mickey took part in the film Elena Popovich about the life of the Holy Nectarian "Man of God". According to the director, she was looking for the actor of the great depths and the strength of the Spirit, because he had to play a paralyzed person.

In an interview, the Contractor told that his choice fell on this tape, because the project was not focused on money. According to celebrity, this is a job in which spirituality was, honesty, which is especially important now, in the difficult times of chaos. The creators planned to release the ribbon in the spring of 2021.


  • 1981 - "Heavy Body"
  • 1983 - "Fight Fish"
  • 1986 - "9 ½ weeks"
  • 1991 - "Harley Davidson and Cowboy Malboro"
  • 1994 - "Last Cowboy"
  • 1996 - "bullet"
  • 2000 - "Remove Carter"
  • 2005 - "City of sins"
  • 2014 - "City of Sin 2"
  • 2019 - "Berlin, I love you"
  • 2020 - "Girl"
  • 2020 - "Singer in Mask"
  • 2021 - "God's man"

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