Adam Sandler - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Now, News, Films 2021



Adam Sandler is a Netflix's favorite comic comedian (so consider film reviewers, since the TV projects involving the actor are sold better than widescreen), as well as millions of viewers who prefer to conduct a weekend for watching light, entertainment content. The more interesting to see Adam in serious, forcing pictures to think.

In his life, comedy role is not so pronounced, surrounding rather consider Sandler Pedant and the boring, for which the work is in second place after the family. Drilling reviews are not a reason for despondency.

"The most important thing is to make a movie with the cast, and that the viewer like the result. And what the critics say there - the tenth thing. "

Childhood and youth

Adam Richard Sandler was born in Brooklyn in September 1966 in a Jewish family. Mom Judy worked as a teacher, Father Stanley - an electrician engineer.

From the young age, Adam Sandler demonstrated an outstanding sense of humor. At first he laughed his parents, then classmates in Manchester, where the family moved. Sandler's jokes always turned out to be brilliant improvisation. The guy joked that it was called, as he breathed, but at first did not even dreamed of a professional comedian career.

Perhaps he continued to try out with humor only a narrow circle of loved ones and friends if not brother. It was he who recorded Adam by the participant of the comedy scene contest, after the speech in which everyone became clear that the talented comedian was a talented comedian.

Adam Sandler in youth

ADAM Sandler developed his talent and at the University of New York, where he regularly performed on the club scene to students and teachers. Adam's debut took place on the university years on the screen: he starred in the comedy tape "all overboard". Success did not have a picture, but the creative biography of Adam Sandler began his start.


After graduating from the University in 1991, Adam Sandler began to actively starve. The first two pictures are Billy Madison and "Lucky Gilmor" - turned out to be quite successful. But the following comedies "Mamenkin's Son" and "Singer at the Wedding" are practically not seen by the audience and critics.

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In 1999, the film "Large Dad" comes on the screens. The scenario for this picture was written by Adam Sandler along with Tim Herlyha, and a suddenly fell on the head of the carefree main hero of his son played at once 2 twin brothers Dylan and Cole in Apus. This film brought a huge international success in artist. Sandler learned in Russia. In addition, the tape had excellent cash receipts and collected more than $ 200 million at the box office.

Next followed the work of Sandler, where he performed in a previously unusual role for him, retreating from comedy. Melodrama "Love, knocking from the legs" director of Paul Anderson was warmly met by the audience. After her, Adam Sandler starred in the dramatic melodramas "Spanish English" and "empty city". The plot of the last painting tells about the tragedy on September 11, 2001. Hero Adam Sandler - a man who lost his family.

In the comedy role, but not in all moments, the actor appeared in the painting "All or Nothing." Adam reincarnated in the former football player in jail. The director of the colony promised to knock the term if a man gave the team from prisoners and hold a match with the teams of the guards. Humor in comedy, of course, abound. Moreover, jokes, according to the evaluation of the audience, such as they were understandable to everyone, and no one occurred to see them in them a political subtext.

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At the same time, dramatic moments are present in the film, the main load in this plan lies just on the character of Sandler. One of the main decorations of the project is the soundtracks: "Boom Boom" from Big Head Todd and The Monsters, "My Ballz" from D12 feat. Eminem.

Still richer for interesting paintings for Adam Sandler was 2002. The comedian returned to the comedy genre, starring at the Millionaire Mill's Fun Ribbons with Winona Rider and Stunifying Love with Emily Watson. For the image of a 7-sisher clogged and commissioned, the actor nominated for the "satellite", the Golden Globe and MTV Movie Awards.

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The new and unusual Sandler, the audience saw next year in Ribe "Growney Management" with Jack Nicholson. And in 2004, Adam is filmed in a wonderful comedy "50 first kisses" with Drew Barrymore. The star "Alien" played Lucy's girl, living exclusively today, because because of the injury forgets everything that happened yesterday. Sandler's hero every time wins the heart of the chosen. As a result, a man in love with a girl finds a way out, writing a significant lifestyle couple on video.

A pleasant surprise for artist fans becomes a family film called "Fairy Tale". Here Adam worked on the set, together with Keri Russell and the English comic Russell Bran. The actor played a hotel employee who told the children for the night of fairy tales who had a wonderful property to come true. The picture was removed by order of Walt Disney.

A new wave of success was brought by Adam Sandler "Princes". This is a tragicomedy about the successful stand-comic comic, which learns that fatally sick. A year before the death, he takes an assistant to whom he transmits all his knowledge. For the sake of the role in this film, Sandler refused to be filmed in the film Quentin Tarantino.

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In 2010, the film "Odnoklassniki", whose script wrote Sandler. The actor also played a major role in this comedy about those who met many years after graduation, classmates.

One of the sensational films Sandler during this period is a comedy picture "Pretend to my wife", in which Adam starred with Jennifer Aniston. He played a plastic surgeon, and Jen is a helper and a "linden" spouse. Critics celebrate as successful and further projects of Sandler "such different twins" and "Pap-Dosvidos".

In 2012, Adam Sandler joined the Castle of the Cartoon Cartoon "Monsters on Vacation". The actor presented the voice of Dracula. The comedy animation film tells about the daily life of monsters from fairy tales and legends. Vampire Dracula controls the hotel "Transylvania", in which the evil spirits stops on vacation, and solves problems in communicating with a teenage daughter.

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In 2013, Sandler played a major role in the continuation of the comedy of 2010 "Odnoklassniki-2". The film received 9 nominations for the antipremia "Golden Raspberry".

In 2014, Adam Sandler received major roles in three films, and only one was comedy. In the family humorous picture "Mixed", the actor reincarnated in a single father, on a date blindly met the divorced mother, whose role was performed by Drew Barrymore. A series of funny randoms makes these characters to get acquainted and penetrate the sympathy to each other.

In 2015, Adam performed a major role in the fantastic comedy film "Pixels". The main antagonists of the project are aliens who adopted the strategy of villains from the pixel games of the 80s to capture the Earth. Planet rescuers were gamers faults. The film was mostly negative feedback.

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In the same year, Sandler again voiced Dracula in the continuation of the cartoon "Monsters on vacation - 2". Soon on the Netflix channel, a comedy western parody "Velida Sixer" was released and the premiere of the comedy "All in New" with Adam in the lead role was held.

In May 2017, a tragicomedy "History of the Mairrow family" was presented at the Cannes Festival. The film tells about the reunion of non-communicating family for years. Relatives are gathering at the retrospective exhibition of Old Man Harold. The main role in the film was played by Dustin Hoffman. Also in the picture there was another popular comedian Hollywood Bin Stiller.

In 2018, Adam's filmography was replenished with a 3rd part of the story about the column Dracula, the hotel owner for all sorts of mysterious creatures. Animation picture "Monsters on vacation - 3: Sea calls" with a budget of $ 80 million came out on the screens in June and in the first weekend collected half of this amount in cinemas. Selena Gomez, Steve Bushemi, Andy Samberg made partners of Sandler on the sound of the selence of selence travel.

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The actor invited Bushemi, as well as Chris Rock and Ellison Strong in the comedy "Week to ...", which he himself was delighted and for which the script himself was written. The name of the film involves the period remaining to the solemn event - the wedding of the guy and the girl. At first glance, nothing special, but the problem is that the fathers of the main characters will be entrited. In order not to spoil the holiday to children, they will have to make concessions, but about something at all try to forget.

Adam Sandler has its own film studio, which he called "Happy Madison Productions". The comedian performed as a screenwriter for a variety of paintings sprumered by them even more.

Personal life

About the personal life of the comedian in the press is not seeping anything scandalous, "fried" or spicy. In his youth, he delivered paparazzi, for the most part, one disappointment, and now it is considered an exemplary family man. With the future wife of Jackie Titoon Sandler met during the filming of the tape "Big Dad". Roman lasted 7 years, ended with marriage only after the adoption by Catholic Jackie Judaism.Embed from getty images

The wedding took place in 2003 on the ocean coast. Sandler was closed in traditional Jewish clothes. A remarkable event at the celebration was that the wedding rings were young brought the favorite Tiger Bulldog Adam nicknamed Mitball ("Meatball"). The guests were the best friends of Sandler, with whom he repeatedly shot: Rodney Dujerfield, Jennifer Aniston, Rob Schneider, Dustin Hoffman and Sharon Osborne.

Spouses raise 2 children. In January 2004, the first daughter of Sadia Madison appeared, after 4 years - Sunny Madelin.

It is known that Adam Sandler extremely loves animals. After the death of Bulldog Mitbol, ​​he started a puppy of the same breed, calling his Matsball ("Matza's ball"). Judging by the photo posted in the "Instagram" of the actor, the dog rides with the host on tour.

Adam Sandler now

In 2018, Adam again united with Jennifer Aniston for the sake of filming in the comedic project "Mysterious murder", in which the director has already changed three times. The actors played a married couple accused of the death of the elderly billionaire, who had rest on whose yacht. Heroes are investigating the crime and at the same time restore a shameless relationship. Gemma Arteron and Luke Evans are also drawn in the detective story. Among the producers, Denver and Delilah Productions, owned by Charlize Theron, are mentioned. The premiere is planned at the end of 2019.

Soon Sandler announced that he took an invitation to debut in the picture, which Joshua and Ben Sophdi work, popular authors of independent cinema. The film, pre-wearing the name "Unchanging diamonds" (the trilogy "wildness" does not have a relationship), based on the biography of the authors of the authors and attracts attention to the fact that in the genre will become a thriller. And in a similar style, Adam has not yet been configured. The comedian fulfills the role of a jeweler who has spent the state in the casino. The company Actor is a popular singer The Weeknd and the star NBA Kevin Garnett.


  • 1993 - "Wedding"
  • 1996 - "Lucky Gilmor"
  • 1999 - "Big Dad"
  • 2001 - "Animal"
  • 2003 - "Growney Management"
  • 2005 - "All or nothing"
  • 2008 - "Do not joke with Zohan"
  • 2011 - "Such different twins"
  • 2014 - "Supozhnik"
  • 2016 - "All in New"
  • 2018 - "Week to ..."
  • 2019 - "Mysterious Murder"

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