Mind Tourman - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Mind Tourman - American actress, Kentina Tarantino Muse. She played the main roles in the Criminal Dilogy "Kill Bill" and the nonlinear painting "Criminal Chivo", which are now considered to be a classic of modern American cinema. The mind is popular all over the world. In her honor, the pop rock group "Fall Out Boy" called the song, and the Russian rock band took the name, consonant with the name of the actress - "Uma2Rmah".

Childhood and youth

Mind Karuna Tourman was born on April 29, 1970 in Boston. According to the sign of the zodiac - Taurus, which means it, as horoscopes say, a person pragmatic, self-confident and clearly seen target. The mother of the future actress is not a famous model in Sweden in the past, but after the birth of three sons and daughter changed the podium and glossy covers for the non-wed and monetary work of the psychotherapist.

Father Robert Turman - Professor-Orientalist Columbia University, in his youth was a monk Buddhist monastery, and then returned to "Light". Robert is the first American, who dedicated to Monastic San Dalai Lama.

My father called himself in honor of the Hindu goddess. The name of the actress is translated as "giving bliss." True, in childhood, the girl shy and asked her to be called Diana. Having matured, the turman began to be proud of her rare name.

In the school, peers laughed at high growth and large feet of the girl: Mind Tourman wears the 42nd shoe size, its height is 181 cm. However, it is thin, weight is 58 kg. But later, precisely non-standard parameters became the "china" actress and fetish directors, which helped in a career.

Quentin Tarantino often built frames of cult films so that the bare feet of the actress necessarily hit the camera lens. The minds of the mind can be seen in detail on the video in the dance stage in the "Criminal Fiction" and in the scene in the morgue painting "Kill Bill".

With a future professional profession, it was decided yet in his youth - the girl wanted to become a model and actress. At the age of 15, he threw school and went to New York to study acting skills. She declared his family about his decision and a vintage mirror in the house was defeated for conviction. Parents did not argue with her daughter, gave $ 300 for the first time, a book about samurai and sandwiches on the road.

The girl had to wash the dishes, work as a waitress to pay for acting courses. Then Turman went to the model agency and passed the casting due to high growth and non-standard appearance.


Miracle of mind Tourman began with episodes in second-rate paintings. Then there was a small role in the "Adventures of Baron Münhhausen". At 18, she received an offer from Stephen Fryirsz and played the bride-seductive in the film "Dangerous Communications". A beginner actress quickly mastered in frank scenes.

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Picture "Henry and Jun" with the participation of the mind for a long time classified as a pornographic film. The wide audience saw the ribbon when the ban was partially removed. After the premiere, the mind began to learn, and the proposals from the directors came more often.

The creative biography of the mind Tourman is closely related to the name of Quentin Tarantino. The film actress was "criminal fiction". According to rumors, Quentin considers this film with a pearl of his creativity. Subsequently, on the question of the press about whether he took something better than the "criminal spell", the director asked in his surprise:

"Someone really took off?".
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For the role of a bored lady-cocainer-cocainers, Turman was nominated for Oscar, but did not receive the cherished statuette. But at the box office, the picture gathered 26 times more than his budget. After the "criminal spell", the turman woke up famous. Dance of the minds in a pair with John Travolta became the cult scene of the American cinema. The actress could afford to choose scenarios and roles, its fees reached $ 5 million for the role.

The next success of the mind is the role of black mamba in the painting "Kill Bill". They say Tarantino postponed the shooting of the tape for a year so that the turman would have to endure and give birth to a child. The director did not see anyone except her.

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The fans have the theory that the films are tarantino are associated with a common kinstylene through hints, repetitive names and appearing in different projects of actors. Tarantino did not take the role in the "kill Bill" another actress not so much on personal preferences, how much for the integrity of the kinomyr. Mind Tourman is also involved in the 2nd part of the criminal militant.

The film about the fictional universe in the filmography of the minds appeared with the superhero militant "Batman and Robin", shot by Joel Schumacher. She starred in the form of a botany laboratory, the villain of the DC Comics Universe.

In the mid-2000s, the actress is not so many successful roles. In the picture "Nymphomanka" of 2013, it flashes episodically, and the Almans "Movie 43", shot a year earlier, became a harvest for "Golden Malina". Antipremia as the worst film and 8 more nominations received the adventure thriller "Avengers" with Turman and Raif Foinse in high roles. However, for the best fight with the Character of Anna Faris, in the comedy "My Superday" hand, MTV Movie Awards was presented.

Mind Tourman (Frame from Movie 43)

2014 has become more successful for the actress. Mind Tourman played a major role in the series "Piggy". She attracted the attention of the press at the premiere of the series, but the object of interest of journalists was not a new role, but a change in appearance. A age wrinkles disappeared at the turman, the face looked tired and emaciated, but noticeably loose. Fans also celebrated the unnatural facial expressions of the star.

Paparazzi immediately spoke about plastic, before and after which the actress looked completely different. Mind Tourman did not comment on the fact of operation. Journalists turned to plastic surgeons. Doctors, relying on the photos of mind, argue that the woman hardly made an operation with serious intervention, most likely, the actresses have influenced the faults and wrinkles, the other changes are the merit of the angle and makeup.

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Close and friends of the minds Turman claim that she did not resort to plastic, and stopped using cosmetics, so the face looks unusual.

In 2015, the actress played an episodic role in the restaurant comedy "Chief Adam Jones". The main role of the cook, the victim of Fiasco in the profession, fulfilled Bradley Cooper, although Kianu Rivz was in applicants. In the comedy TV series "Implanting" ("such as my wife"), the mind is the role of a second plan.

In April 2017, it became known that the actress would head the jury of the Special Look program of the 70th Cannes Film Festival. The organizers explained their choice of a 20-year-old career of the actress, bold roles and solutions of the minds Turman. At the same film for the next year, an extra-competitive show of the thriller "House, which was built by Jack" about the serial killer, who destroyed over fifty lives was taken. Tourman played one of the victims of the maniac.

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Journalists noticed the mind on the set of the comedy "War with Grandfather". Robert de Niro played the main roles, which openly speaks of age and is not afraid to play pensioners, and Oaks Fegli. The picture told about legal wars between the grandfather and grandson due to the controversial housing. Because of the scandal with the Harassment, broken down in Hollywood in 2017, the premiere was repeatedly postponed, and the film reached the viewer after a couple of years.

With de Niro Tourman, before that, was filmed in 1993, in the comedy melodrama "Mild dog and Gloria". Robert appeared in the form of a criminal photographer, and the mind - as his live prize, handed over to the Mafia boss as a sign of gratitude for the accidental salvation.

Personal life

Mind Tourman - Vegetarian from 11 years. The actress is engaged in yoga, cares for the garden, sports with his dogs and knits in his free time. Knitting it calls the brain warm-up, although he admits that finished things are obtained by "ugly."Embed from getty images

For the first time, I tried to arrange a personal life in 20 years. Hare Gary Oldman was older for 12 years, loved women, drank. Patience of the minds were enough for 2 years, and then she decided to divorce. Oldman then stated to journalists that the wife is an angel, and it is impossible to live with him. There were no general children from the actors. Briton Gary, thanks to marriage with the star, received American citizenship, hesitated from alcoholism and later married three times.

The second marriage also turned out to be unsuccessful. In marriage with Itan Khowcom, a colleague on the film "Gattaka", the actress gave birth to two children: in 1998 - Maya's daughter, and in the 2002th Son Levon. Union did not save it, and in 2005, the spouses divorced. The causes of the divorce did not hide: ITAN changed from the nanny of children and in general was not faithful.

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At the minds of the turman of the problem with the circulatory system, they did not advise her doctors, but the woman endured and gave birth to three. Father of the Third Child Tourman - Swiss Financister Arpad Busson, relations with which last almost 7 years. During this time, a couple declared twice about the engagement and dissolved it twice. In 2014, the Union collapsed.

At the Cannes Festival of 2014, Turman appeared accompanied by Quentin Tarantino. The actress and director connects a long-term friendship, the man promised actress to always remain her friend. Nevertheless, one day the director jokingly told reporters that he would like his companion of life to be like a turman.

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The media suggested that friendship turned into something more. Mind and Quentin rented one villa for two, all the events appeared together. The stars allowed themselves clearly romantic gestures, held hands, the mind put her head on his satellite's shoulder. All who saw a couple felt the attraction between them. But neither actress nor the director made an official confirmation or refutation of romantic relations.

In 2018, the turman joined the wave of the exposure of Harvey Weinstein, who spent the producer, including Tarantino projects. She talked about harassment, which was subjected to "Kill Bill". Quentin supported a girlfriend and shared memories that then Harvey threatened to stop the work on the film if he won't leave the mind alone and did not apologize.

In the autumn of the same year, the film director married the singer and the model Daniele Peak. Muse at the wedding was not present. Relations with Turman came to an end when the actress shared the details of the accident that occurred on the set "Kill Bill - 2". According to the mind, she barely died behind the wheel of the car, whose fault quentin allegedly knew.

Later, a woman agreed to rented again from Tarantino, "If a good role is offered and an interesting scenario." The director made a proposal, but not his mind, and her daughter Maya: Thriller "Once in Hollywood" with a star composition went on screens in 2019.

Mind Tourman now

Kinodiva received a major role in the mystical series "Poows", the production of which is engaged in the production company Super Deluxe. The film is planned to show on the Netflix service. In the center of the plot - a girl with a transplanted heart. The heroine is trying to reveal the mystery of the death of the donor, but with his mother, which the turman plays, the relationship does not fold.

The Military Drama "Girl Soldier" talks about the rebel attack on a Catholic school in Uganda and the abduction of students. From the boys wanted to grow army replenishment, and girls to give sexual slavery. The event took place in 1996, and later described in the book of journalist from Canada Katie Cook.

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The mind will appear in the form of a nun teacher who was not afraid to go to the jungle and join the rebels to negotiate. As a result, the woman freed 110 children from captivity. The actress, besides what fulfills the main role, is working on a project and as a producer. The shooting process was delayed because of problems with financing, but the money was found, and the film is planned to submit to the audience soon.

In the adaptation of the series of books "Eloiza" American writer Kay Thompson mind Turman played a nanny little girl. The shooting of the picture, called "Eloise in Paris", ended in 2012, but the release was postponed by the manufacturer's Handmade Films. The actress appealed to the court to refer compensation at £ 6 million, as during this time rejected other proposals and incurred damages. According to the lawyer, it is also about percentage from the projected rolling income.


  • 1990 - "Henry and Jun"
  • 1992 - "Final Analysis"
  • 1994 - "Criminal Chivo"
  • 1997 - "Batman and Robin"
  • 2000 - "Golden Bowl"
  • 2003 - "Kill Bill"
  • 2004 - "Kill Bill 2"
  • 2005 - "My best lover"
  • 2006 - "My Super"
  • 2009 - "Maternity"
  • 2012 - "Male Cracked"
  • 2014 - "Nymphomaniac"
  • 2018 - "House that Jack built"
  • 2019 - "War with Grandfather"

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