Sean Connery - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Filmography



Sean Connery - the famous Scottish actor. The symbol of "Bondians", a successful film project, which is created on the basis of the novels of the writer Jan Fleming.

Childhood and youth

Sean Connery was born in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. Nationality - Scotland. The parents of the future movie star were simple workers professions. Effi Mac Lin, Shane's mother, worked as a cleaner. Joy Connery, the Father of Celebrity, was black-upper and took for any reasoned business to feed the family. A poor family lived in a small apartment of a high-rise building. Up to 5 years, Sean slept in a box of bulletin in the bedroom of parents. However, and later the living conditions are not too improved: in 5 years, the boy highlighted the corner in the kitchen.

Even more submorted the financial situation of the family's birthday of the second child - Nile Connery. Therefore, 8-year-old Sean got a job. From morning to school classes, the boy helped the milk to deliver the goods around the apartment, and after school he worked in a meat shop and in the mail. So Sean got used to respond for himself and became an independent, volitional man.

Sports - the main passion of Sean Connery in childhood, especially football did not give peace by a frisky boy. This class of Scotland devoted all the remaining free time, and sometimes she chased the ball, ignoring the lessons. It is known that in his youth, the actor devoted free time not only football, but also horses. Schona sympathies changed dramatically after the opportunity had to get on the theater representation.

When the future star of the blue screen turned 13 years old, his father received a serious injury in production, his face and hands were injured. Sean had to finally leave the High School Darror, which he visited from the first class. Thus, in adolescence, the boy has already had to work full time.

Monotonous and hopeless life did not satisfy the ambitious guy, and at 17, the young man entered the ranks of the Royal Navy of the UK. Nevertheless, Shon's soon realized that with his independent character, it is unquestioned to obey the orders of the commanders is extremely difficult. In the soil of the incessant stress, a young man opens a gastric ulcer. After serving 2 years, the sailor of the Commissal with a meager pension in 6 weekly pounds, without the right to recovery in military service.

Subsequent years were marked by a permanent change of professions. Sean managed to visit the road, handyman, a loader, driver, rescuer in the pool and even a fashion model. In parallel with the work of Connery, it is enjoyed by bodybuilding in the gym, often visits the dance platform and is not shyring to start one intrigue after another.

In 1953, Sean Connery goes to London to the Mr. Universe contest, in which the honorable third place occupies. After that success, the young actor manages to pay attention to theatrical producer, and Connery receives the role of a second plan in a new formulation. The profession totally captured the novice actor. Sean's dream becomes real.

Thanks to external data, hardworking and congenital talent, the actor became the main star of the South Pacific Show, which does not come down from the stage for 2.5 years. During this period of life, the future "Bond" has reduced the full name, becoming Sean Connery. After theatrical Furora, the Scottish wanted to conquer the world of movies. But the first samples turned out to be failed. The actor was refused by film director "Boy on Dolphin", "Tide at noon" and "Lilies in spring".


Easy advancement on the set began at the end of the autumn of 1956. The actor is filmed in a number of low-budget films: no road road, "hellish drivers", "Castle with a watchmaking", "Risky Action". The film "Requiem for heavyweight" is the first successful work of the actor. Celebrities got the role of the boxer. The next picture, which received enthusiastic filing films, became the film "On another time, in another place." In this film, together with Sean Connery, the actress Lana Turner performed the main role.

Infinite popularity came in 1962, when the film "Dr. Noow" came to the screens, where the actor played the secret "agent 007" - James Bond. Photo of Sean from now on learn viewers worldwide. Until now, millions of viewers remember the actor precisely for this film, and many believe that Connery is the most charming and attractive "agent 007". Cute, high and static (Konnery growth - 189 cm) Actor quickly loved by the public.

A fictional character became the basis of the creative biography of the Scottish actor, the main work in the cinema. Then, with a gap, one year later, the continuation of the adventure militant about Mr. Bond - "From Russia with love," Goldfinger, "Ball Lightning" and "You live only twice." In 1971, the next series "Diamonds forever" appears. The last time Sean Connery played James Bond in the film "Never say" Never. " The film was published in 1983, the actor at that time was 53 years old.

In addition to a series of spy blockbusters, Connery was filmed in other filmmakers. On the celebrity account 69 movies and 23 television films or serial. Especially critics more than once noted the roles of Connie in the paintings "The longest day", "Red Tent", "Murder in Eastern Express," Bridge too far "," Highlander "and" Rose Name ".

Filmed in 1987, the film "Non-acceptable," brought the actor the long-awaited "Oscar" and "Golden Globe". The role of William Forrester writer William Forrester was remembered by the viewers of William Forrester.

"Western" is another visible film in the scottish biography. In this movie, the actor again happened to play a character associated with the criminal world. British actress Catherine Zeta-Jones became partner of Sean Connnery on Kinolent.

In 2000, the royal yard assigned to Sean Connery Knight's status. Despite the high British awards, the legend of world cinema - a supporter of Independence of Scotland, stands for the exit of the country from the United Kingdom.

On August 25, 2008, the book of Sean Connery "Being Scottish" is published, which is not autobiography in the full sense. The author more conveys his vision and opinion of the political situation in Scotland, his own look at the history and life of people of his beloved homeland.

The famous film acter has not been involved in the filming of films for a long time, Sean Connery dwells on a well-deserved holiday.

Michael Kane, a friend of Sean Connery, once in an interview with media representatives, said that the famous Scottan flatly refused to film after the failure of the "League of Outstanding Gentlemen". Kane noted that it was rarely seen with a close friend, because he moved little lately. In addition, the "Bondian" symbol refused to make a large number of proposals, not wanting to play senior characters.

Personal life

Sean Connery before the enchanting triumph was very popular with women. Photojournalist Julie Hamilton, actress Shelly Winters, Ursula Andress and Bridget Bardo, Singer Lana Wood - not the entire list of the most beautiful women who conquered the actor. Nevertheless, only at 32, Connery decided to say goodbye to the bachelor life.

For the first time, Sean went under a crown with Australian actress Dian Silento. In this marriage, the son of Jason Connery was born, who was also subsequently a popular actor. Spouses lived together just over 10 years.

The second marriage of Connery concluded with the French descent of Moroccan origin of Michelin Rokbryun, a successful artist. The couple was married in 1975, but the joint children did not bring this marriage. In recent years, together with his wife, he gained peace on the Bahamas, where the estate of the world cinema legends is located.

From actor's hobbies it is worth highlighting football, which Sean is idolized as a child. Connery was a passionate fan of the Scottish Club "Rangers". Also, the celebrity was interested in golf. In his youth, Karate was fond of karate and received a black belt in Kekusinkai style.

Connery often appeared on various kinds of events that pass in Scotland. The movie star tried in every way to emphasize his nationality. For example, the traditional Scottish men's skirt was put on all solemn events of the national scale of Sean - Kilt.

Nevertheless, the serene-peaceful and happy life of Connery darned and bad news. In the Spanish press, more than once, information was appearing that Connery had a suspicion of the country's special services in the late 60s. The reason for such an interest from the law enforcement officers of Spain is the acquisition of the villa in Marbella. Investigators suspected Connie in involvement in the illegal projects of their friend, who served as the mayor of the resort town. Employees of the investigation assumed that Connery violated the legislation of Spain, contributed to the transformation of a sleepy town into a thriving resort, and also financed the construction of expensive villas on the seashore. Mayor later recognized the guilty, the official received a lifelong prison sentence.

Sir Sech Connery did not pay attention to the attempts of Spanish law enforcement officers find evidence of his guilt. Scotman demonstrated a typical bond composure, driving around with his wife on Golfkar, walking along the luxurious beaches of the beautiful island, watching the rake of waves and turquoise lagoon, feeling the warmth of the Atlantic coast.


October 31, 2020 Sean Connery died at the age of 90. This tragic news from the media shared his son. Connery was sick lately and peacefully went in a dream in his estate in the Bahamas. The exact cause of the death of the artist was not officially announced.


  • 1962 - Dr. Noou
  • 1963 - from Russia with love
  • 1964 - Goldfinger.
  • 1965 - ball lightning
  • 1967 - You live only twice
  • 1969 - Red Tent
  • 1983 - Never say "Never"
  • 1986 - Rose Name
  • 1987 - Non-addable
  • 1989 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  • 1995 - First Knight
  • 1996 - Scala
  • 1999 - Western
  • 2000 - Find Forreser
  • 2003 - League of outstanding gentlemen

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