Steve Jobs - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Founder Apple



Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur, an industrial designer and an inventor, one of the founders of Apple Computer Co. He was a pioneer of the Era of Information Technologies, the founder of Next and Pixar Studios, the largest private shareholder and member of the Disney Board of Directors.

Childhood and youth

Stephen Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 (zodiac sign - fish) in San Francisco, California. His biological parents have different nationalities. Father, Cyrian Abdulfatta Jandali, was a teacher assistant at Wisconsin University. Mother Joan Shible, having German roots, was a young student of the same educational institution. Joan and Abdulfatt did not marry: the girl's family performed categorically against the relationship of young people. Therefore, the future mother was forced to leave to give birth to a private California clinic, and then give the Son to raising the receptional parents.

Paul Jobs and his spouse Clara could not have their children and gladly adopted the baby. Joan put forward the only requirement - the boy must receive a higher education.

After 2 years, Steve has a Patty sister, which Paul and Clara also adopted. Soon the family left San Francisco and moved in a small town of Mountain View. Here, the chapter of the family, which was an auto mechanic, it was easier to find a good job and save funds to pay for children in college. The adoptive father tried to instill interest in mechanics and son, but his electronics attracted him much more. Mountain View is the center of high technology, so, it can be said, the future of Steve was predetermined in early childhood.

In elementary school, the boy created great problems to teachers. The system itself seemed like a child boring, formal and soulless. Only after one of the teachers was able to find the right approach to the student, he began to study diligently and even rearranged through 2 classes. Studying in high school, Steve visited the circle of radio electronics, independently gathered an electronic frequency meter and even worked on the conveyor at Hewlett-Packard.

When the young man was 16 years old, he began conflicts with parents, first of all with his father: Steve became interested in hippie culture, music of Bob Dylan and The Beatles, smoked marijuana and used LSD. But before drug addiction did not come. At the same time, he met the thesis Steve Wozniam, who was older for 5 years. The guys became the best friends, since both were fond of computers and electronics.

The first joint invention of Jobs and Wozniak was born when the future billionaire was still a high school student. They made a device called Blue Box for hacking a telephone network by selecting tone signals. First, the guys just entertained, and then began to sell their product and worked well.

In 1972, Jobs entered the private humanitarian reed college, which had a rich curriculum. In just six months, the young man threw his studies, as I did not see the point of spending time on uninteresting classes. During this period, it was much more attracted by Eastern spiritual practices, vegetarianism, veganism, yoga and zen-buddhism.

Personal life

In his youth, Steve was loving, as it should be in the hippie culture. Chris Ann Brennan became the first noticeable woman in his life. Relationships were complex, the couple often quarreled and disperse. In 1978, Chris gave birth to the daughter of Lisa Brennan, which Jobs originally did not recognize. But after DNA test, he agreed to paternity.

Later, a man was in relations with Barbara Yasinski, which was engaged in advertising, Folk singer Joan Baez and a computers on computers, with whom he broke up after the girl refused to marry him.

The only businessman's wife is Lauren Powell, at the time of their acquaintance was a bank employee. It is curious that by making a proposal in 1990, Jobs forgot about the bride for several months, as it plunged into another business project.

Nevertheless, in March 1991, lovers became spouses, and in September, they had a first-mentioned son of Reed. After 4 years, the daughter of Erin was born, and in 1998 - Iv. Interestingly, Steve forbade his children for a long time to use computers for a long time, limited the time of "communication" with "iPhones" and "Ipadami".

In the mid-1980s, Jobs found his biological mother and met his sister Monoye, with which he began to support friendly relations.

Unlike the style of its technology, Stephen was extremely unpretentious to choosing clothes, like Bill Gates. Over the course of 13 years, the billionaire wore a thin black sweater, LEVI's 501 bright jeans and new balance sneakers. This can be verified by examining a photo of a businessman from official meetings and performances.

An integral attribute of the legendary entrepreneur is the glasses. The favorite accessory of the genius was the Classic Rund model from the German manufacturer Lunor with perfectly smooth round lenses and thin elegant towers. They became incredibly popular thanks to Jobs.

As for the clock, Stephen had two models - everyday "Seico M159-5028 Quartz LC" on a metal bracelet and luxurious vintage gold Baume & Mercier Hampton on a lizard brown leather strap. The man had one fad - he traveled to the Mercedes-Benz SL55 AMG car without numbers.

The name of the billionaire has never been associated with charity, but Stephen and his wife anonymously sacrificed money for charitable goals. For this, Lauren Powell-Jobs opened the Emerson Collective Limited Liability Company. Since the organization was not declared as a charity, tax benefits were not covered on it, but the spouses did not advertise their activities and could more accommodively approach the allocation of funds. By the way, the state of Jobs reached $ 7 billion.

Apple company

Stephen got a job as a technique in a novice company ATAPI, which was engaged in the production of computer games. At the same time, Wozniak worked on creating and improving boards for a personal computer. When the idea began to emerge practically, Jobs offered a friend to create a joint computer firm. So the success story began and appeared subsequently the legendary company Apple.

By the way, Apple initially had three co-founders - in addition to friends, he owned it and his colleague Jobs on Atari Ronald Wayne. But he lost his share (10%) for $ 800 3 months after the company's creation.

When working on the first version of the computer, Apple I Stephen showed itself as authoritarian, somewhat tyranny and aggressive, but at the same time knowing how to organize a manager.

The first computer collected in the garage - an extension of the house of parents of a brilliant guy, was primitive and more reminded the electronic printed machine. But the new board, which Wozniak developed in 1976, was already able to work with color, sound, could connect external carriers.

Jobs showed leadership talents and promoting the device and was able to reorient the production of computers for an inexperienced user. It is his ideas that the new Apple II is obliged to a beautiful plastic case and a neat appearance. Also, Steve hired a professional specialist in advertising Region McCen, and everything spoke about the new computer.

Then followed Apple III, Apple Lisa and Macintosh. From a commercial point of view, the company flourished, but among the leaders reigned the discord and scandals are largely due to the severe nature of Stephen.

NEXT and Studio Pixar

As a result, Jobs was removed from work, and in 1984 he left his brainchild, but immediately organized a new NEXT COMPUTER company. Computers of this company offered the market exclusively advanced novelties, slightly advanced time. But, as in Apple, innovations were too expensive for the mass consumer.

In parallel with this project, Steve, who was just fascinated by computer graphics, bought a Pixar Studio for $ 5 million from George Lucas. It was originally his idea to use animation as an advertisement for the capabilities of the NEXT computers offered. But after the "tin toy" cartoon film released in 1987 received an Oscar award, Jobs revised his opinion. Later on this studio created such famous full-length animated tapes as "Toy Story", "Monsters Corporation", "In Search of Nemo", "Superfame", "Tags", "Ratatuus" and others.

In 2006, Steve sold the Pixar of Disney for $ 7.5 billion. At the same time, he remained a shareholder.

Return to Apple

In 1996, Jobs sold Next his first company for almost $ 0.5 billion and returned to Apple as an adviser to the Chairman.

The first achievement in the new capacity was the serial release of the new monoblock computer IMAC, which attracted its unusual futuristic design. This device has become the most sold in the History of Apple, and about a third of the copies bought users who were not previously owners of computer equipment. Consequently, Steve was able to find a new consumer market for the company.

The second successful step was the creation of an Apple Store - an Specialized Apple Equipment Store.

The uniqueness of Stephen was that he did not just holding his hand on the pulse of time, and he himself created a new time and dictated the laws of fashion in the IT industry. Realizing that the new century becomes rapid, he established the production of miniature, but perfectly performed devices: Media player iTunes, iPod music player, iPhone touch mobile phone, Internet tablet ipad. Each of them appeared earlier than the analogues and imposed standard and parameters to competitors.

In 2007, during the staff cleaning, Jobs personally tested candidates for dismissal, asking a mystery, to decide which it was necessary for 30 seconds. It was required to find a way out of the blender if a person was reduced to a coin of 5 cents. The riddle has at least four correct responses.

Disease and death

Last time in my life, a man spoke in public on June 6, 2011. A few years before, the businessman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was he who caused Jobs's death. A billionaire fought with a disease in various ways, including alternative, but she won. The current head of Apple Tim Cook offered a fragment of his liver to a fragment - they have the same rare blood type. But before his death, Steve flatly refused the operation and died on October 5, 2011 at the age of 56 in the circle of his family.

After the funeral founder, Apple Social Schools were flooded with quotes from Steve's death speech. They sounded something like this:

"I managed to achieve the top of the success of the business world. Many believe that my life is an impersonation of success. But I confess, in addition to work I have not so much joys. And in general, wealth is only the fact of life, to which I am just used ... "

However, the fact is that the last words of the dying person could not sound like this. In recent hours of life, Steve has lost contact with reality and practically did not say that they confirm numerous witnesses: wife, children, Sisters Jobs. Moreover, the speech appeared only in 2015. The attempt to find the original source failed, as the text quickly spread in the posts of social networks.

By the decision of the family on the grave of Jobs, a monument was not established. To say goodbye to the idol, the fans carried the postcards, flowers and burning candles to Apple Campus in Palo Alto and even to the usual Apple Store. Stephen bequeathed to bury him next to adoptive parents in Alta Mesa. Because of the influx of people who wanted to find the burial of the entrepreneur, the leadership of the cemetery allocated a special book for memorable entries from fans. In some countries there are already monuments dedicated to a talented inventor.


Many books are written about billionaire and a large number of documentary and artistic films has been filmed. The most interesting printed publication is the authorized biography of Steve Jobs, published in 2011. The author of the book is American journalist Walter Aizekson. Another work "Steve Jobs. Leadership lessons "William Simon and Jay Elliot came out in 2012.

In 2015, journalists Brent Sander and Rick Netzeli wrote a book "Become Steve Jobs", in which previously not well-known details from the life of the entrepreneur are published. In 2016, the list of biographies of the Apple co-founder was replenished with Boris Sokolov's book "Steve Jobs. Legendary person".

From the movies it is worth highlighting the documentary work "IGII: How Steve Jobs changed the world," who removed the Discovery channel, "Steve Jobs. Lost interviews, "Steve Jobs: Hippie with a billion dollars" and the feature film "Jobs: Empire temptation", where the role of the legendary inventor executed actor Ashton Kutcher.

In 2015, the premieres of the documentary biography of "Steve Jobs: a man in the car" director Alex Danny Boyl with Michael Fassbender in the lead role was held.

In 2017, the construction of the company's headquarters in Cupertino was over. A circular 4-storey building occupies a total area of ​​260 thousand m² and accommodates over 12 thousand workers. The official name of the campus is Apple Park, and the name of the registered audience of the inventor sounds like "Theater of Steve Jobs". In the last year of life, the billionaire actively engaged in this project, participated in the development of a general concept. In the last public speech, the billionaire said that the company "has a chance to create a better office building in the world." The cost of only the land plot amounted to $ 160 million, and the entire project is over $ 5 billion.

Recent years have become for Apple crisis. The sales of "iPhones" fall, and the technique itself no longer causes the users of the thrill. Moreover, in July 2019, the company lost the main designer of the brand Jonathan Quince. According to unofficial information, the designer left the company due to creative differences with Tim Cook, who changed Jobs as the Director General.

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