Michael Fassbender - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Michael Fassbender is an Irish actor and movie actor, producer. It often cooperates with director Steve McQuein, with whom he had a kind of tandem: Michael starred in ambiguous films of McCain "Shame", "Hunger" and "12 years of slavery." Among the mass viewer, the performer is popular thanks to the participation of films franchise about the "people of X" on Marvel comics, where he plays a young antagonist Magneto.

Childhood and youth

Michael Fassbendder was born on April 2, 1977 in the German city of Heidelberg. Father - German, mother was born in Northern Ireland. Michael has an older sister Catherine. From the age of 2, the life of Fassbander moved to Ireland, where the family decided to move. Judging in a secondary school, Michael went to additional guitar, accordion and piano game.

The boy's father was a talented cook, in the late 80s senior Fassbender opened his own restaurant in southern Ireland. Parents since childhood committed children to work, so Fassbender-youngean had to work as a waiter and handymen in family business. And now the actor jokes, he is ready to go on peace and open his own bar, because he is a hereditary restaurant. But in his youth, Michael chose another path for himself - acting.

In the adolescence, Fassbender was seriously carried away by heavy rock and even organized a musical team in which he played the guitar. In 1992, Michael saw the picture of "Mad dogs" and was so impressed that he caught fire to put a performance. Friends supported the idea - after a few months, the amateur team spoke in Killarney clubs.

In 1993, Fassbandder performed on the city theater scene as an actor. The young man played a little role, but it was enough for him to determine exactly with a future profession.

The most difficult period in the life of Fassbender, he said, was 19 years old. The guy entered the London Drama Center, he had to remove the cold slum, to work and learn at the same time. A few years later he threw his studies and went to tour with the Oxford Stage Company theater, playing the "Three Sisters" play.


The beginning of the creative path of Michael cannot be called successful. High (an actor's height of 183 cm with a weight of 80 kg) a beautiful Irishman with a hypnotizing look and a wide smile for which Fassbender will later receive a nickname shark, in his youth was not in demand.

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Since 2001, Michael has received small roles in the paintings of the Brothers in Arms, "Hearts and Bones", "Witch" and others. The series "Brothers in Arms" enjoyed success, received 2 prestigious awards - the actor believed that he had come. He went to Los Angeles, but failed all the samples and was forced to return to London.

Good luck smiled at the actor in 2006, when Fassbender received a role in the "300 Spartans" Zack Snidder. Stelius performed by Michael was remembered by the audience tanned puffed torso. To match the role of the executor, 10 weeks was engaged in sports for 4 hours. In the same year, the acting portfolio of Fassbander was replenished with another significant work - Michael played in the drama "Angel" and first revealed the talent of the dramatic actor.

In 2008, the artist got the main role in the Hunger project, which demanded tremendous physical and psychological efforts from a man. Michael played the leader of the Irish Republicans Bobby Sands, who revealed a deadly hunger strike that lasted 66 days. The artist thoroughly studied the biography of his hero and sat down on a tough diet. By the beginning of the filming, Fassbender lost up to 57 kg - so much weighed Bobby Sands. For this picture, the actor received British filmmaking.

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In 2009, 2 paintings were represented in Cannes immediately with the participation of the actor - "Aquarium" (Connor) and "Inchlastic Bastard" (Archie Hickox). After that, the directions were filled with Michael suggestions. Slava came to him, about which the artist dreamed.

Fassbendder owns the production company DMC FILM, founded in 2011. The first company's first award was received at the BAFTA Film Festival for the short film "Robbery in the Ground Dark" in 2011 with Michael in the lead role. Picture "Slow West" received a jury prize at the Sandance Film Festival. Macbeth and our debtors were fired together with other companies.

In 2011, the actor played in the superhero militant Matthew Won "X-People: First Class." The picture was the beginning of a new trilogy about the collision of people and mutants based on the comic books. The "first class" restarted the Universe of "People of X", overtook the main characters and villains, whom the audience have already seen in films about Mutan Rosomach.

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Michael Fassbender executed the role of Eric Lensherra, subsequently a superhero, and then a super-vehicle magneto, which has forces to manage any metal objects. The role of the main character and friend Erica, Telepath and the Telekinetics of Charles Xavier went to James Makevoy.

In the same 2011, Fassbender starred in the McKaine Steve Drama. For the role of Brandon Sullivan in the film "Shame" Actor received the Cup of Wolpi. In total, the tape received 20 nominations for various premiums and received 7 of them. The scandalous film talked about the life of the Erosoman and Sexomolik. An ambiguous project received a positive response of most critics.

Another bright way, which the actor embodied on the screen, became the role of one of the founders of the psychoanalysis of Charles Jung in the Drama "Dangerous Method". In the historical film, we were talking about 2 scientists and their patient, who subsequently fascinated by psychiatry. In the role of Sigmund Freud, Viggo Mortensen spoke, and the heroine Sabina Spielreun played Keira Knightley.

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In 2012, the actor appeared in the Sci-fantastic blockbuster "Prometheus". The film takes place in the kinned "strangers", but the plot is not directly related to these aliens. Michael played the role of a robot android. The long-awaited nomination for Oscar In 2014, the actor brought a powerful image in the picture "12 years of slavery", but he never received the cherished statuette. Michael says that he is interested in the last place.

The star continues to be filmed in the new parts of the X-People series. In 2014, the picture "People of X is the days of the last future", in which Fassbandder returned to the role of Magneto. In this film from the franchise about Wolverine to the new trilogy, Hugh Jackman, who played the main character there. In the picture about the "people of X", Jackman also performed a cross-cutting role.

As part of the Promotion of "People of X", the actors of the main roles visited Russia. During the tour, Michael visited the popular television show "Evening Urgant". In the video of May 21, 2014, Fassbender and Urgant talked about red people, motorcase and virtual reality glasses.

In 2015, Fassbender starred in the role of Steve Jobs in the film of the same name. For this work, the artist was nominated for the Golden Globe, Oscar, BAFTA and the US Film Actors Guild Prize, but did not receive a single award.

In 2016, the continued comic-blockbuster "People X: Apocalypse" came to the screens. It received mixed filing films. Time magazine took the picture 1st place in the ranking of the worst films of 2016.

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Recently, production activities are gaining momentum in a career of a man. In 2016, the Producer Company Fassbander DMC Film worked on the film "Credo of the Killer". Michael also played a major role in this science fiction militant. The plot is based on the series "Assassin's Creed" games and tells about the opposition of assassins and the Templars who passed through the century. The action of the film occurs immediately in two era and countries: in Spain, the 15th century and America 21 centuries.

In May 2017, the premiere of the sci-fi film "Alien: Testament" director Ridley Scott, the 6th part of the Universe "Aliens". The picture tells about the team of the Covenant Space Ship, exploring a new, life-threatening planet. Michael Fassbender plays Android David, the role of which the actor has already performed in a blockbuster "Prometheus" - the only resident of the terrible planet. Other main characters in the film were performed by Catherine Waterston, and Rapass and James Franco.

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In October 2017, the premiere of the film "Snowman" took place, the adaptation of the popular novel of the Norwegian writer U Nesbe. Tomas Alfredon spoke by the film director. Fassbender played the main role of a detective, which is investigating a series of mysterious murders with the constantly remaining snowmen on the crime scene.

Among the latest works in the filmography of the artist, the role in the musical melodrama "Song for the song", in which Michael got into Star Acting Quartet. His partners were Rooney Mara, Ryan Gosling and Natalie Portman. This is a story of difficult relationships within two love triangles.

Personal life

The actor does not have an account in "Instagram" with personal photos. The most massive profile registered with the name of the star is a fan page, as indicated in the description. Information about the personal life of the artist fans draw out of open media.

In the life of the actor there were many bright women, one of them - the actress Zoe Kravitz (the legendary Lenny Kravitz - the father of the girl). Lovers met on the set of "X-Men". Zoe is younger than actor for 11 years, but the age difference did not interfere with their novel. True, in a year a couple broke up. Michael explained the gap by the costs of the acting profession.

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After some time, Fassbender met an American Nicole Behary, the girl was a partner actor in the film "Shame". Their relationship lasted 2 years. The next passion men became Louise Hasel - the Olympic athlete from the UK. The press noted that the girl looks like the type of Michael's previous elect - the perfect figure, dark skin color, dark curls. Relationships did not last long.

Model and actress Madalina Genea went to Fassbender from the famous actor Gerard Batler. The novel lasts 9 months. After entering the light of the film "12 years of slavery" rumors about the novel of Fassbender and Niongo Lupits.

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Swedish actress Alicia Vicander and Michael Fasbender got acquainted on the set of the film "Light in the Ocean". In September 2014, the couple was seen together in surfing in Sydney. A year later, rumors appeared about the collapse of the couple, the actors appeared on the same events, keeping separately from each other. Subsequently, the lovers have repeatedly converged and diverged, judging by the press. The relationship was finally established only to May 2017.

And in October 2017, the media reported that Vicander and Fassabender secretly played a wedding in Ibiza. They were spotted on the island with wedding rings. In one of the evenings, the couple collected in the restaurant only the closest friends.

Michael Fassbender now

Now fans fans about "people X" are in anticipation of the premiere of the next part of the fantastic blockbuster, which was called "X-Dark Phoenix". In the new film, we will talk about the heroine of Jean Gray (Sophie Turner), which over time acquires an incredible force that turns it into a dark phoenix. The remaining members of the superhero team will have to stop her until the actions of the Phoenix have not led to the death of humanity. The picture will also appear James McAwa, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Holt and others.

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In 2019, the actor will start working on the full-length version of the comedy short film "Kung Fury", in which he will play with Arnold Schwarzenegger. The plot of the film is dedicated to the confrontation of policemen Miami and a criminal world. The time of action is the mid-80s of the last century.

The artist also signed a contract with the creators of the drama "On Waterfowl". This is an Irish picture of a student who creates a novel about the writer. Colin Farrell will also take part in the shooting.


  • 2001 - "Hearts and Bones"
  • 2007 - "300 Spartans"
  • 2008 - "Hunger"
  • 2009 - "Inchlastic bastards"
  • 2011 - "Jane Eyre"
  • 2011 - "Xu People: First Class"
  • 2011 - "Shame"
  • 2012 - "Prometheus"
  • 2013 - "12 years of slavery"
  • 2015 - "Steve Jobs"
  • 2016 - "Credo Killer"
  • 2017 - "Alien: Covenant"
  • 2017 - "Song for the Song"
  • 2017 - "Snowman"

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