Colin Farrell - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Filmography, Roles 2021



"I am a simple Irish guy. I am me. And people are the way they deserve it. I do not care about statuses. "So Colin Farrell speaks of himself. But he is not so simple. The actor who heard in his youth and the woman and the woman eventually began to film in high-profile projects side by side with the Cory of the Al Pachino screen and Tom Cruise. And Elizabeth Taylor honored a friend of the flattering comparison with Richard Burton.

Childhood and youth

Colin James Farrell was born in Dublin in 1976. His parents were Catholics for religion, by nationality - Irish. Father played football for the "Shamrock Rovers", and the mother led the house and looked after four children.

Colin in childhood was restless, at the age of 12 suffered from insomnia, instead of school lessons disappeared on the streets and in bars, where he was caught on the smoking of Marijuana, participated in scuffles. After one of them, Farrell was expelled from school, and he went along with his comrades in an annual journey in Australia.

Upon return, the guy on the advice of Brother Imona entered the Studio The Gaiety School of Acting, which he soon threw. However, already putting on the acting road, Colin continued him to obtain a tiny role in the "disappearance of Finbara". It was followed by "raw oil" and "white dance", shooting in advertising, who did not bring any satisfaction, no fame.


For the first time, luck smiled Farrell in the form of a play at Donmar Warehouse in London. The theater was a little-known, but the young man was lucky enough to play with Kevin Spacy. He suggested producers to consider Colin on the role in the film "Ordinary Criminal".

In parallel, the novice actor starred in the psychological thriller "The Zone of Military Action", the director's debut of Tim Rota. Then he appeared in the TV shows "Pure English Murder", "Love in the XXI century", Ballykissangel.

Boston and London Farrell Farrell Society Awards Awarded the game in the picture of Joel Schumacher "Country Tigers". The next step in the career was jointly with Bruce Willis work in the drama "War Hart", the role in which was brought by the Shanghai Film Festival.

The nomination for the Award "Empire" marks the participation of Colin in a pair with Tom Cruise in Fantastic Ribe Stephen Spielberg "Special Opinion".

Another bright project was the "telephone booth." After filming in these films, the actor was awarded the reward for the 2003 breakthrough according to MTV Movie Awards.

Colin became a companion Jeremy Renner in the criminal adventure militant "S.W.A.T.: Special forces of the city of Angels."

The following filmography of Farrell was replenished with a thriller "Recruit" with Al Pacino, Marvelovsky Movie Movie "Sorvigolov", the adaptation of the biography of the journalist killed by drug traders "Hunt for Veronica" and the tragicomedy "gap".

High (height - 178 cm) A man with an expressive face attracted not only filmmakers. Colin was named one of the most beautiful people of the world, the actor entered the list of the 50 most attractive stars compiled by People, and Company Magazine defined Farrell on the 6th place in the ranking of the sexiest men.

The first major role went to the actor in the film Oliver Stone "Alexander". Colin played Alexander Macedonian, the role of Hephaestion, a close friend and, according to some versions, the lover of the emperor - Jared Summer. This tandem gave rise to gossip about the relations of colleagues behind the scenes that were not supported by the facts. Roxana, Wild Beloved Farrell, became Rosario Dawson.

Despite the huge budget and high hopes, the film barely occurred. For Farrell "Alexander" also became a personal failure - he was nominated for the anti-refremb of "Golden Malina".

The actor starred in the Melodrame "House on the Edge of Light" with Robin White and Dallas Roberts - their characters form a love triangle.

In 2005, Colin became a partner of Salma Hayek in the melodrama "Ask dust."

Recognition in the form of the "Golden Globe" came to the actor for the film "Fall on the bottom in Brugge". In 2010, Colin became the winner of the Irish Cinema Academy for Dramatic Fantasy "Undin".

In the adventure tape "Path home", the Hero Farrell is a prisoner Gulag. The actor read Pushkin to learn to speak Russian, "in the language that the spirit and history of the people so accurately reflects."

In 2010, the actor appeared in the drama "bodyguard" in the form of a young star defender, which Kira Knightley played.

In 2011, Colin got the main role in the comedic thriller "Night of Fear". Tape about the vampire - a remake of a classic horror movie.

In a fantastic militant, "remember everything", he is the usual hardwash, who turned into a company implanting fantasy memories in memory of clients. In one of the scenes Farrell performs music on piano.

Seductive Beatrice (Numi Rapass) and Victor (Colin Farrell), who dreams of revenge, agreed in the criminal militant "one less". The chain of events leads heroes to bloody junction. The premiere of the film Spectators in Russia saw in 2013.

In 2015, the series "This Detective" came out, where Colin appeared in the image of Rayonla Velkoro (Ray).

In November 2016, the premiere of the screening of the book Joan Rowling "Fantastic creatures and where they live". The actor appeared in the image of Greiva Persiva - the lichni, under which Hellert Grindevald was hiding, inferior in the power of only Volan de Mort.

The picture has become at the same time as the prequel and spin-off of the popular series about Harry Potter. Among the partners of Colin on the set: Eddie Radmain, Catherine Waterstone, Dan Fogler and Ezra Miller.

In 2016, the premiere of the fantastic thriller "Psychics" (year of production - 2014) took place in Russia. Colin appeared in the image of the Charles Embleza, the killer. John Clansi performed by Anthony Hopkins Thanks to the unusual gift to see the past and the future helps to seek the criminal. The case is complicated by the fact that Farrell's hero also has paranormal abilities.

In the "fattest temptation" he is John McBearry - the actor has the main role, like Nicole Kidman, who appeared in the form of Martha Farnsworth.

The special prize of the jury of the Cannes Festival, the Awards of the European Film Academy and the Nomination for the Golden Globe Farrell awarded the role in the Black Comedy "Lobster". The jury London Critics Circle Film Awards and European Film Awards included it in the number of applicants for the main prize after reaching the screens of the dramatic thriller "Murder of Sacred Deer".

The film "Dambo", published on the screens in 2019, is another acting luck of Colin. From the main role, Will Smith refused, as Edward Norton did not want to act in the "Hart War", Jim Kerry - in the "Booth", and the directors called Farrell in their place. In the new project, Tim Bertona about a flying elephant, the actor played a circus caretaker.

The premiere of the fairy tale visited Angelina Jolie and, by rumors, no accident: the romance resumed the novel from the Stars of Hollywood, who broke out on the shooting of Alexander. The former husband of the actress is very concerned about this fact. Jolie broke up with Brad Pitt, accusing him to alcohol addictions.

In February 2020, the premiere of the criminal comedy "Gentlemen" from the director of Guy Richie took place. Hugh Grant, Matthew McConaja and Jeremy Strong became partners.

All tapes in which Farrell is involved, - the cinestation of his talent. In each picture, his role is bright, memorable and original. Career actor - rapid takeoff and unchanged luck. Many shots from Colin's films have become clips.

Personal life

Personal life Colin on the motley events is comparable with a variety of filmography. He has a written card, and the actor does not refute this statement. Farrell's wife is not yet. In 2001, on vacation on Tahiti, he concluded an unofficial marriage with Amelia Warner. Both simply fondered and knew that there would be no legal consequences. The singer and actress are now happy with Jamie Dornan, raises three children.

First child, Colin presented the model Kim Bordendev. Son James Patreign Farrell was born with Angelman's syndrome - slow motion intellectual development, convulsions, violations of speech. According to friends, his father was shocked by a boy's disease, so supports charitable funds to help fight this syndrome.

Roman Farrell with the model "Playiboy" Nicole Narain destroyed the scandal. The actor sued the former beloved for putting the video with an Ix intimate video into the network.

Colin's relationship with the Polish actress by Alion Bakhdlei-Tsurus ended with the appearance of Son Henry Tadeusha. This time the man also demonstrated the unpretentiousness to family life. The press attributed to the Irish connection with the singer Rihanna and Britney Spears, Kate Beckinsale colleagues, Demi Moore and Lindsay Lohan, with a secular lioness Paris Hilton.

In October, fans noted that the actor scored overweight and walks with a real thick beard. Someone connected it with the preparation for the new role.

Farrell is not admitted, whether the photo in "Instagram" will publish whether tweets writes, it fears that the declassifier "will play a cruel joke." The actor loves to eat and ignore the gym.

Colin constantly changes the hairstyles: his hair is carelessly swallowed, then neatly stacked. At the beginning of 2021, the actor shaved Nalyso.

Colin Farrell now

The actor played the actual role in the fantastic drama "after Yang".

In the "Batman" of 2021 from the director of Matt Rivza, the actor became Oswald Koblpot (Penguin). "Be part of this universe exciting. I am delighted, "Colin shared in an interview.


  • 2000 - "Country of Tigers"
  • 2002 - "War Hart"
  • 2004 - "Alexander"
  • 2006 - "Police Miami. Department of Malls "
  • 2009 - "Undina"
  • 2010 - "Way home"
  • 2011 - "Unqualified Bosses"
  • 2012 - "Remember everything"
  • 2016 - "Fantastic creatures and where they live"
  • 2018 - "Widow"
  • 2019 - "Dambo"
  • 2020 - "Gentlemen"
  • 2021 - "Batman"

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