Sophie Lauren - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The owner of a stunning figure, endless charm and undoubted charisma, Sophie Lauren is now an image of the old woman looks like. The appearance of the kinodius in society invariably produces Furore, inspires its sequences and causes admiration for men.

In addition to 2 Oscars, 5 "Golden Globes" and the awards of all the largest world focus, Italian has the title of sex symbol and the first beauty of the world. Actress, the Virgin on the sign of the zodiac, femininity and refinement does not occupy, but she said that she did not give such titles a lot of importance, although they set up a pride. For her, the motherhood and career were in the first place, while Sophie did not prioritize something alone, but for the sake of children was ready for any sacrifices.

"Combining work and the house is difficult, but if there is love, discipline and share of stubbornness, no obstacles are scared."

Childhood and youth

Sophia Lauren (real name - Sofia Villani Shikolone) was born in Rome, but in childhood there did not live. Romild Villani's mother came to the capital of Italy to try her happiness on stage, because the woman dreamed of becoming a singer or actress. Acquaintance with Ricardo Shikolone has changed plans. Upon learning of pregnancy, the man recognized paternity, but marriage refused. Therefore, immediately after the birth of the daughter Romilde returns to the native town of Pozzzoli, which is located in the vicinity of Naples.

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The future actress grew thin, ahead of the peers in the growth, for which he received a nickname. When the girl was 14 years old, she participates in the local beauty contest "Queen of the Sea". Sofia's victory did not won, but got into a dozen of the elected princesses, receiving several material prizes, and most importantly - a ticket to Rome to pass the casting. After 2 years in the Italian beauty contest, Sofia receives the title "Miss Elegance", which the jury was forced to additionally come up specifically for the young girl.

In the cinema, luck did not accompany the beginner actress. Shikolone was offered either the role of statists or erotic scenes. To survive, in the youth of Sofia, worked as a fashion model for glossy magazines and even comics. But in 1952, Italian occupies 2nd place at the beauty contest "Miss Rome". This day becomes the starting point in the career of the future star.


At first, the actress had to play miniature roles in the films "Dream Zorro", "Six Wives of Blue Beard", "Yes, yes, it was he" and "Two nights with Cleopatra." In these fibergists, she starred under the pseudonym Sofia Lazarro. In 1953, the famous producer Carlo Ponti suggested a girl to change the surname to Lauren, as it was better combined with the name, and was also consonant with the name of the Belgian actress Marta Toren, which at the time stayed at the peak of popularity.

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Ponti did not limit himself only by changing the pseudonym. The film generator delivered Sophie from the Neapolitan accent, instilled the taste for dramatic literature, put the famous gait with the patch of the hips, changed the style of makeup. The only thing that Sophie Lauren refused is a plastic surgery to reduce the nose.

Similar changes quickly brought fruit. The famous actress Sophie Lauren became after the release of several films: "Attila", "Gold Naples", "Chocar", "Yesterday, today, tomorrow", "Marriage in Italian", "House-boat" and "sunflowers". Anthony Quinn, Carey Grant, Jean-Paul Belmondo and Marcello Mastroyni became partners in the shooting area. The duet from Mastroanni is still called the best in the history of world cinema. Sophie considered a colleague almost brother, to be filmed in 14 projects with such impulsive, gifted man for her was great pleasure.

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Since the end of the 50s, the producers and director of Hollywood began to offer actress to participate in the filming of the film. Lauren almost always agreed, but the game of Italian in Hollywood films did not receive enthusiastic reviews. Sophie suggested that it may have made a career in America if there began and perceived that system for the production of cinema as a givenness, but she came to the person. Ocean Lauren felt someone else's, could not adapt to the American lifestyle.

In Europe, Sophie Loren managed to achieve greater performance. Over the next 15 years, it works almost with all the cult actors of the American scene.

Particularly spectators remembered joint work with Frank Sinatre in the painting "Pride and passion", Clark Gablom in a romantic comedy "It began in Naples," Charlie Chaplin and Marlon Brando in the film "Countess from Hong Kong", which became the last for the Great Comic. In addition, Sophie Lauren participated in the filming with Anthony Perkins in the Melodrame "Love under Kniths", Paul Newman in the psychological film "Lady L.", Richard Burton in the Melodrame "Trip", as well as Jean Gaben in Kinlant "Verdict".

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With the famous compatriot Adriano Celentano actress starred in the drama "White, Red and ...". Working side by side with the legends of the screen and the scene, Loren, on his own admission, fear was lost. Nevertheless, she is sure that it is impossible to demonstrate their fears around others, "otherwise the battle is risking." It is necessary to be strong, as a last resort, it seems such.

By 1980, Sophie Lauren becomes a world movie storage. American director Mel Stewart invites the actress to play in the Bayopic "History of Sophie Loren." Italian performed Kameo and the role of his native mother. The way the daughter depicted her on the screen, Romild did not like it. She considered what he looks too rustic, if an illiterate peasant, although thanks to the external attractiveness in one competition claimed the title of "Best Greta Garbo".

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I did not like the picture and a number of critics, having risen the efforts of 45-year-old Sophie look at 20, high and cute ripa riga - in the form of a low-spirited and banging Carlo Ponti. Cary Grant, having learned that he was mentioned in the film, threatened by the creators of the court. It did not help that the man's causing, whose proposal of the hands and hearts of the actress twice rejected, she described in enthusiastic paints in his book. Subsequently, the anger of Grant, according to rumors, took the check for $ 250 thousand and coordinating the script with him.

Lauren's biographers and researchers note that successful paintings with her participation were released on the screens from 50s to the beginning of the 80s. This is golden time in the biography of Sophie Loren. The projects are then less, although the talent of Italian is not dried. In the 90s, there is a movie "High Fashion", in which Lauren and Mastroanni are last played together.

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Soon there are a comedy "old grills fumbled" and the biographical picture of Roger Anna "Sun". In addition, critics have repeatedly noted the Musical "Nine", which is a remake of the Federico Fellini filmmaker "8½", as well as the main role of Olivia in the film "Only between us."

Angel's episodic role in the film 2014 "Human Voice" - the last paragraph in the filmography of Italian. The screening of the play of Jean Cocteo's Son Sophia, Edardo.

Personal life

Sophie Lauren came a large number of hands and heart proposals, but the happiness in the personal life of the actress had acquired once and for all with the only man - Carlo Ponti, who opened the world the acting talent of Italian. Moreover, this marriage of the country's authorities officially not recognized. The man was previously married, and according to Catholic laws, the divorce procedure was not possible. The pair registered relations in Mexico, which caused criticism from the Catholic Church.Embed from getty images

In 1962, the Italian court annulled this marriage. Ponti, his first wife and Lauren, on the advice of lawyers, moved to France, received citizenship, and Carlo divorced in French laws. After 3 years, the actress and the director got married. Spouses lived together until 2007, when Carlo Ponti died.

Sofia dreamed of children, but for a long time could not become a mother. The first 2 pregnancies ended with miscarriages, the entire third future mother at the request of the doctors spent in bed. In 38 years, the actress gave her husband to the first guilty Carlo Ponti-Jr. After 4 years, she gave birth to a second son - Edardo. Both became famous. Carlo - conductor, and Edoardo went in the footsteps of the Father, chose a film producer profession. The star has four grandchildren.

Sophie Lauren released two autobiographical books: "Living and Loving", which filmed a film, as well as "recipes and memories", published in 1999.

Despite mature age, Lauren often participates in photo shoots and even appeared on the pages of the famous Erotic calendar "Pirelli" in 2007. Nude actress was never shot, maximum in a swimsuit. So photographers Pirelli covered Sophie's sheets.

In honor of Sophie Loren, a variety of bright red rose is named, which has a velvety tint. This fragrant flower is popular in Italy and the United States.

Sophie Loren now

Sophie Lauren is called one of the most beautiful women of all time. It is not accepted about the age of ladies, but the Italian who crossed the 80-year-old frontier, and today looks impressive, and new celebrity photos continue to impress the public. The actress most of the time spends in his favorite house on the Lake Geneva, for everyday worries or reading books, but invitations to participate in secular events takes pleasure.

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The movie star visited St. Petersburg at the company of the famous Colleague Alena Delon, who claims that in Russia he has 2 friend - Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Kiselev, organizer of the Music Festival "White Nights". For the sake of this event annoyed at the 25th time, Ceboribriti came to the northern capital.

Sophie is an example of sensuality, the embodiment of a strong female will. In addition, physical parameters (height 174 cm, weight 68 kg) are a bearer of beauty for world-famous designers. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana dedicated actress a new collection, presented their work in Naples as part of the Alta Moda show.

On the eve of such a loud feshent event, Sophie Lauren received the status of an honorary resident of the city. Luigi de Madzhistis, the mayor of Naples, presented a document document that confirms this fact.

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In 2018, the actress became an honorary guest at the anniversary 70th ceremony of presenting the Bambi Awards Awards, handed over to professionals of media industry. In 2019, a woman was invited to the Cruise Laineer's name assignment ceremony, and no accident: the ship was called "MSC Belissima", which means "beautiful."

Being a beauty ambassador is responsibility to people, Sophie is recognized. To build relationships with fans through films, we left years, and the actress has no right to disappoint the public. Lauren jokes that and the store can not get out without makeup and a decent costume.

"You must maintain the illusion that I created a movie, and justify the faith of the viewer in you."


  • 1951 - "Wizard Insepass"
  • 1954 - "Attila"
  • 1957 - "Pride and passion"
  • 1960 - "Chocar"
  • 1962 - "Five miles up to midnight"
  • 1964 - "Marriage in Italian"
  • 1966 - "Judith"
  • 1971 - "Priest's wife"
  • 1976 - "Cassandra Pass"
  • 1980 - "History of Sophie Loren"
  • 1986 - "Belness"
  • 1994 - "High Fashion"
  • 1997 - "Sun"
  • 2009 - "Nine"
  • 2014 - "Human Voice"


  • "Sophia Loren. Her story"
  • "Recipes and memories"
  • "Woman and Beauty"

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