Makolay Kalkin - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, "one house", Mila Kunis 2021



Makola Kalkin has gained great popularity as an actor, playing at the 10th age, the main role in the comedy "one house", which became not just a film for many viewers around the world, but a symbol and a necessary attribute of Christmas and New Year. To be held at the top of the glory, the mature Maicola did not succeed in many respects of the fault of the parents who did not share the money earned by the son. He tried to look for himself in music and periodically makes careful attempts to return to the cinema, which, of course, recalls, considering himself the most unclaimed actor. Futive malashe children do not want to repeat his fate and the beginning of a career in show business before 18 years.

Childhood and youth

Machaley Carson Kalkin was born in New York, in Manhattan. Patricia Patricia Brentrape and Keith Kalkin consisted of civil marriage, Machalya became the third child in the family. After him, four more children were born. It is curious that the full name of the actor was out of the names of two famous statesmen: a member of the Supreme Council under the Governor-General of India Thomas Macaese and the American General Christopher Carson.

The boy's mother was a telephone service, and his father, in his youth speaking on Broadway, worked as church employees. Such professions did not bring a lot of money in a large family, and Calkins juts in a small apartment. However, the religious Catholic education, which KIT and Patricia adhered to, did not allow too much to think about the material benefits.

The irrepressible fantasy and the innate gift of the comedian began to manifest themselves in Machala, in childhood he was repulsed by his own fictions and tricks. On the advice of familiar parents gave a 4-year-old boy to a children's theater studio, where he studied choreography and acting. At about the age of 5 years, young Kalkin played in his first productions of the "Bach" and "Big Protein".

The actor subsequently recalled that the scene seemed to be huge then, the boy was afraid that the audience simply won't notice him. Therefore, sang and recited the text louder than all other participants in the performance. Of course, with such a desire, pressure, a charming smile and, that is important, an acting talent he could not not pay attention to himself. After 2 years, Maicolay appears immediately in several commercials, removed in episodes of different films.

The first 5 classes of Calkin went to the Catholic school of St. Joseph, and then, already becoming regularly removed, moved to a specialized children's professional school created for children-actors and musicians.

Unfortunately, the father of the boy who became the actor manager, much more interested in the amount of fees than the level of scenarios. Requests of men constantly grew, in addition, Kalkin-Sr. began to put the conditions for the mandatory inclusion in the film of other offspring. Sisters Dakota and Quinn played in episodes, the brothers Shane and Christian left nearby.

Such a non-professional approach quickly gave a negative result: the producers have become less frequent to offer roles. In 1996, Patricia left her husband, accusing that he spoiled his son to his career.


The first full-fledged film with the participation of Macaula Calkin is "Uncle Tank", in which the boy plays one of the key roles. This comedy did not become popular, but it was on its set of Calkin that John Hughes was noticed, who was looking for the artist's leading role in the movie "One House".

This famous tape completely turned the life of a young actor. The picture was the record holder of rolled products among projects for family viewing, and from a little boy made a big star. Makolay received the award "Young Actor" and nominated for the Golden Globe in the category "The Best Main role".

The growth of the popularity of the history of the child, who remained alone and not saved before the difficulties, was quite logical about the sequel "one house 2: Lost in New York", which was released in 1992 and practically repeated the success of the first part. In the same period, the young actor is filmed in the famous video clips of Michael Jackson Black or White and Jam.

The public expected wanted to see Macaale Calkin solely in the roles like Kevin McCallisser, the main character of the sensational dilogy. Therefore, though good, but not responding with the conjuncture of the film "Along with the Father", "Nutcracker" was not met warm and could not even recoup the funds spent. The same fate has suffered a tape "Lord of pages", although the role of Richie Tyler seems to correspond to the image of the "home boy".

For the role in the drama "My Girl" Calkin, together with the partner Anna Club, received a relevant age in the nomination "Best Kiss". To both children at the time of filming were 11 years old.

An exception in a series of commercial failures was a triller "Good Son", in which the partner of Macaula was another boy star Elaja Wood. The last stage in the children's career Calkin was the film-comedy "Rich Richie". At the time of filming, he was 14 years old, and he already looked coming in the image of a capricious child. At this, the acting biography of Machala suspended.

I resumed my career Makolai Kalkin only after 10 years. The actor played the main role of the drug-dependent organizer of parties in the tragicomedy "Club Mania". Another major work is the romantic comedy "sex for breakfast", where the actor plays one of the four main roles.

In 2009, the guy was invited to the fantastic drama "Kings". The series about the parallel world is based on the biblical history about the king David and talks about a young man who saved the son of the king of the king of the fictional country of Shailo from the captivity. This noble act opens the door to the highest society in front of the hero.

In 2011, the Machala's filmography was replenished with a sketch "Wrong Ferrari" ", shot by a musician, producer and artist Adam Green for a smartphone. After 5 years, Kalkin appeared in the same project of Indy Rocker - a new reading of an eastern fairy tale, called Aladdin Adam Green. Together with the grill floor, Stephen Weber and Kevin Pollan, the actor is seen in the TV series "Drivers." In 2017, he supported Green to participate in his directorial debut - a comedy "Bachelor party in Thailand."


In 2013, the actor founded the Pizza Underground group of The Pizza Underground. Musicians trimmed the repertoire of the popular rock team The Velvet Underground, replacing the lyrical poems with texts about pizza, lactose intolerance and alcoholics. In May 2014, the team arranged the first tour. In the club "Rock City" nottingham, a group has been hijacked. Visitors threw garbage in performers, because of which they left the scene 15 minutes after the start of the speech. In 2016, The Pizza Underground broke up. Makolay Kalkin continued to spin in the musical sphere and earn a DJ in nightclubs.

In 2016, Calkin played the cult rock musician Kurt Kobaine, crucified on the cross, in the clip called Total Entertainment Forever Josh Tilman's singer, known as Father John Misty. The composition entered the album of Tilman Pure Comedy, the director of the roller was all the same Adam Green. On the Internet you can find from a dozen videos, where Adam and Makola sing songs accompanied by the Moldy Peaches group.

Personal life

From the moment of filming in the clips of Michael Jackson Makhalya made friends with a musician. The young man often came to visit the popular singer, afterwards Calkin became the godfather of Michael's children. The actor believed that such a star like Jackson became close to him, because he understood the feelings of the child who collapsed glory, because he himself went through it. In addition, Maiclaves perceived Michael as an ordinary person, not a celebrity. And the fact that the king of pop music was older for 22 years, did not play any role.

At the age of 17, Makolai Kalkin married his peer and the former classmate Rachel Mainer, who was also an actress most famous for roles in television series. This marriage existed for 2 years, as young people were not yet ready for family life.

In addition, Machala had serious problems with their parents: the Father, obsessed with money and not stopping the court proceedings, as well as with the mother, which did not stand the sons of popularity and fell into neurasthenia. Therefore, in 2000, Rachel began to live separately, and after 2 years the actor divorced his wife officially.

Since 2003, Calkin met with a famous colleague of cute kunis. The novel lasted over 8 years, but in 2011 they broke up. This gap has become a complex test for the artist. But, according to official representatives of the stars, the couple broke down by mutual agreement, and the actors remained friends.

Later, Mila said that he did not marry Machala, because, first, did not believe in the Institute of Marriage, and, secondly, he felt uncomfortable next to the person, when meeting with which passersby fell into a stupor and do not know how to react .

Rounded that Kalkin was going to marry the participant of The Pizza Underground Jordan Lane Price. The girl is very similar to Kunis, and such a hasty marriage as if he wanted to pump a mile, who as quickly found consolation with Ashton Kutcher.

In 2018, the media spoke again about Calkin: men had changes in personal life and an account appeared in "Instagram". With the actress and producer, the former bride brother Miley Cyrus, the brand Song, he met thanks to the joint shooting in the film "Bachelor party in Thailand".

At the beginning of the novel, Kalkin tried not to advertise relations. When a secret became apparent, the couple stopped hiding, and after a little time, young people came out. Relations developed so smoothly that the actor even began to pursue the subconscious fear of the loss, probably arising after parting with cute kunis. In an interview with Makola, admitted that everything was waiting for the day when something went wrong. The brand has become more frank in the expression of the senses, saying that people do not understand what Calkin is incredibly kind, devotee, cute and smart.

In April 2021, the cherished Dream of Calkin was fulfilled - he first became a father. Son donated to him Song, called Dakota.

The Creative Dynasty continues the Machalya brothers. Career Kirana Kalkin started from work in the paintings "Dangerous games" and "Rules of winemakers". In the "luxury life" of Derek Martini, he played in Tandem with Rory brother. The latter began with the "Good Son" drama, which served as a good foresown of the beginning of a long and fruitful work in the film industry.

Drug addict

The problems of alcoholism and drug addiction, contrary to the general opinion, entered the life of the artist, not thanks to the take-offs and drops of career. In 2008, being a shot down car, his younger sister died. Tragedy and served as the first impetus for Macaese to passionately bad habits.

In 2012, the media appeared news about the unsuccessful attempt to suicide actor due to depression, which lasted after the death of the Dacot sister and aggravated the conclusion of relations with Cunis.

After that, journalists stated that the actor suffers from severe drug addiction, sits on heroine and oxycodone. The press remembered that in 2004, Calkina was already arrested for storing marijuana, and used it as confirming the progression of the disease. The National Enquirer tabloid announced that the kinosmese was forgotten to live hardly for more than six months. Representatives of the actor immediately called such articles with false and disappointing Machalah.

Rumors fueled the photo of the actor, spread with an incredible speed. The pictures of Maicola looked the skinny and emaciated guy in unmearantable clothes and with a dirty head. In 2016, the actor gave an interview with Guardian, where he noted that politics, religion and drugs to him alien. And $ 6 thousand on heroin, as many paparazzi wrote, he did not spend. The tabloids were only trying to be accomplished on the gossip.

Two years later, Calkin appeared at the American Music Awards ceremony, where the fresh, cheerful and absolutely healthy. After that, rumors about his bad habits stopped shocking the public.

Makolay Kalkin now

The star of the film "One House" is pleased with how life is being. Calkin lives for fees earned in his youth and income from real estate objects, which, as he speaks, scattered around the world.

The actor became the producer of the comedy computer game Toejam & Earl: Back In The Groove, the developers of which noticed that Machalya helped them make a new part even more mad and more fun.

Together with his girlfriend, Kalkin took part in another project - the series "Pupa".

Makhaly began to call himself a domicoor due to the fact that for some time the main activity of the Bunny Ears parody lifestyle site and the subcaster of the same name was the main activity. Now the actor returned to the main profession - took part in the shooting of the 10th season of the American Horror History. This is a television series anthology in the horror drama genre, whose premiere was postponed by 2021 due to a pandemic.


  • 1989 - "Uncle Tank"
  • 1990 - "One House"
  • 1991 - "My daughter" ("My Girl")
  • 1992 - "One house 2: Lost in New York"
  • 1993 - "Good Son"
  • 1994 - "Along with Father"
  • 1994 - "Rich Richie"
  • 1994 - "Lord of Pages"
  • 2003 - "Club Mania"
  • 2007 - "Sex for breakfast"
  • 2011 - "Wrong Ferrari"
  • 2015 - "Aladdin Adam Green"
  • 2019 - "Bachelor Party in Thailand"
  • 2019 - "Case"

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