Chris Kielmi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Songs



Chris Kielmi - Soviet and Russian rock musician, founder and leader popular in the 1980s group "Rock-Atelier", participated in the creation of the legendary performances of the Theater "Lenk" "Junon and Avos" and "Star and Death of Hoachin Muriet", collaborated With the theater of the song Alla Pugacheva. The fans of the artist's talent remember him on the hits "Carnish Circle", "Tired Taxi", "Night Randevu".

Childhood and youth

Anatoly Kalinkin (Chris Kelmi) was born in Moscow in the family of builders of the metro. He became a second child. Senior Brother name is Valentin, he is older for 10 years. For a long time, the family with the children lived in the lifting of the truck trailer, and only when Tol was 5 years old, the enterprise "Metrostroy" allocated them a separate apartment near the Airport Metro Station.

After a while, Father Aria Mikhailovich Kelmi leaves his wife. In a new family, another son is born in the Kielmi-Senior Son, Anatolia's one-barrier - Eugene, who will later become the musician administrator.

In addition to secondary high school, Anatoly graduated from the Dunaevsky musical name in the class of piano. Before receiving a passport, changes the name of the mother of Kalinkin to the native surname of the Father - Kielmi. At the same time, it creates its first amateur group "Sadko".

This team did not have a permafrost and existed for 2 years, after which they united with another unclear group "Airport", which Alexander Sitkovsky was led. This union turned out to be more successful - the new group "Leap Summer" performed at the Festival "Pewing Field" in 1977 and even released 3 magnetoalbom.

Higher education Anatoly Kelmy received in the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (now - University of Communications). Another 3 years gave graduate school in the same university. In 1983 he entered the Music School named after the Gnesins on the Pop Faculty. Pedagogue Celmy was Igor Brill, and the famous musician Vladimir Kuzmin turned out to be a classmate.


Feeling the taste of the scene with the band "Leap Summer" team, Kelmi finally chooses music as his professional activity and takes the scenic pseudonym Chris in honor of the favorite literary hero from the book of Stanislav Lem "Solaris". By the name of Chris Kielmi, he joins the Autograph group, the first Soviet team playing a progressive rock.

In 1980, all-union glory comes to the group after a successful performance at the festival in Tbilisi. Records at the "Melody" studios and touring activities under the patronage of Rosoncert are starting. But in the fall of 1980, Kielmi leaves the "autograph" to create its own team.

With the theater of Leninsky Komsomol, Chris Kelmi organizes the Rock Atelier group. The mini-recorder with the songs of the "Ripping window" and "I sang when I flew", and the team itself actively participates in the play of the theater, such as "Junoon and Avos", "Star and Death of Hoachin Muriet", " People and birds, "Avtograd XXI", "Til". Also musicians are the authors of the songs to the cartoon films "Dog in boots" and "Paradoxes in the style of rock".

In 1982, Rock Atelier debuts in the Morning Mail television program with the song of Chris Kielmi "if the blizzard". Poems for her wrote a poet songwriter Margarita Pushkin, who worked fruitfully with the group.

In 1987, Chris Kielmi collects the choir of famous musicians and singers in the amount of 27 people to record the song "Closure circle", which became incredibly popular in a short time. Another significant success for Kielmi and Rock Atelier becomes the song "Night Randevu", which in Soviet times sounded like a true foreign motive.

Later, Kielmi again records songs with the participation of several vocalists - "I believe" in the 1990th and "Russia Sunday!" In 1994 But the success of the hit "Short circle" was not repeated.

Also in the early 90s, Chris Kielmi receives an invitation from the famous American MTV and goes to Atlanta. He becomes the first Soviet musician whose performance was shown on the American Music Channel. In 1993, MTV removes and shows a clip to the song of Chris Kielmi "Old Wolf", which had some success in the US.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the period of stagnation begins in the creative biography of the artist. New hits no longer appear in the repertoire, and in 2003 he publishes the last collection of its popular songs "Tired Taxi". The musician acts mainly at concerts dedicated to the music of the 80s90s, his photo is less and less appearing in the media.

In 2002, Chris becomes a member of the reality project "The last hero - 3". The program was created on a uninhabited archipelago in the Caribbean, not far from Haiti. The company Musican amounted to Marina Aleksandrov, Tatiana Ovsienko, Olga Orlova and others.

In 2006, Oleg Nesterov's author's program was published on the screens "in the wave of my memory: Chris Kelmi", the guest of which was the legendary musician. A year later, the artist appeared on the TV show "Thermal Hero". During the recording of the transfer, he performed a popular hit "Circle" with some singers who took part in 1987 in its creation.

Over the years, the musician has become increasingly experiencing problems with alcohol. The destructive habit appeared at the artist still in youth. The fall in popularity affected the status of Kelmi. He repeatedly delayed the patrol service for driving a drunken way. In 2017, on the advice of Andrei Malakhov, Chris decided on rehabilitation. The company Musican amounted to his colleague Evgeny Osin and TV presenter Dana Borisov. Artists visited Thailand, where the course of treatment was treated against dependence.

Returning to Russia, Chris planned to resume the project "Rock Atelier" as the head of the group and the author of the songs. At home studio, he was preparing an extensive material for future speeches. Among other things, Kelmi composed the anthem to the 25th anniversary of the Kremlin Cup for tennis and music for fanfare accompaniment to the 2018 World Cup.

Personal life

The only wife of the musician is Lyudmila Vasilyevna Kelmi, with which he lived for more than 30 years. In 1988, the son was born in the family, which was named after the famous Father's pseudonym - Christian. For a long time, Chuti was considered one of the most ideal star couples, but in recent years, due to the addiction of Chris to alcohol, the relations of the spouses were smashed.

The singer settled outside the city, the wife was in Moscow. Son Christian, who graduated from the Academy of Rights and Management, the father acquired a 2-room apartment in the capital. He is married, fond of diving, because of the adverse passion of the parent to drinking out over time he moved away from him.

Chris's personal life at the same time was connected with the girl named Polina Belov. The beloved musician lived with him not constantly. According to Polina, their novel began back in 2012. Lovers even wanted to get married, but the official spouse did not give to Kielmi divorce. In 2017, Chris decided to establish relations with his wife, and Lyudmila often seated his mansion. But it was not possible to resume close communication.

The musician regularly played his beloved tennis, and was also a member of the amateur football team "Starro", composed of the stars of show business.


On January 1, 2019, at the 64th year of life, Chris Kelmi died in his own house in the Moscow region. The cause of death is a heart stop against the background of alcohol abuse. The director of the singer Yevgeny Suslov said that the health of the musician on the eve of "caused suspicion." Medicas ambulance who arrived on call, failed to prevent death.

Relatives held closed funerals on which only close people were attended. The body of the musician was cremated, the grave is at the Nikolsky cemetery of Moscow.


  • 1981 - "Scroll Window"
  • 1982 - "Fresh wind"
  • 1987 - "Take off"
  • 1987 - "Mirage"
  • 1987 - "Circle"
  • 1988 - "We know"
  • 1990 - "Open your sesame"
  • 1991 - "Lady Blues"
  • 1994 - "I do not regret anything"
  • 1998 - "The Wind of December"
  • 2001 - "Sand Name"
  • 2003 - "Tired Taxi"

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