Alexander Rosenbaum - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Concert, Age, Daughter Anna Savshinskaya, Albums 2021



Alexander Rosenbaum - songwriter, artist, poet and composer, musician working in several genres: author and pop song, jazz, rock, romance, chanson. The popularity of the artist is not reduced over the years, creativity is interesting today as its peers and the younger generation, and many hits are rightfully called the eternal.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum was born in the Soviet Leningrad in the family of medical students, who after the end of the distribution institute moved to Zyryanovsk, located in Kazakhstan. The younger brother Sasha Vladimir appeared on the light.

Jacob's father Schmarievich Rosenbaum, a Jew by nationality, eventually became the chief physician of the city hospital, specializing in urology, and Sophia Milyaev's mother was a gynecologist.

After 6 years, the family returned to Leningrad. Alexander studied at high school with an in-depth study of French, and in parallel visited musical in the class of piano and violin. Self engaging at home, mastered the game on the guitar.

He helped the young man in this neighbor of his grandmother - the famous guitarist Mikhail Minin. Modern music was fascinated by Alexander. Soon he already performed the compositions of Alexander Galich, Vladimir Vysotsky and Bulat Okudzhava. In addition, still a schoolboy Rosenbaum began writing poems and compose songs.

In addition to music, Sasha was fond of sports. In early childhood, a piece of figure skating was visited, and from adolescent age seriously engaged in boxing in the younger group with "labor reserves."

After graduating from school, Rosenbaum entered the first Leningrad Medical Institute, as I decided to go in the footsteps of my parents. As a result, he became a physician. He worked at the ambulance department, and in parallel he studied at the evening jazz school at the Palace of Culture named after Sergei Kirov. Having received a diploma of the Arrangers Musician, Alexander stood before the choice - to stay in the ambulance doctor, increasing the experience gained, or go on the lack of a new profession. And Rosenbaum chose music.

USSR and the Afghan period

The first Sasha songs began to write, being a student of the institute. Mostly it was sketches in the style of chanson on the theme of the Babelevsky "Odessa Story" or medical history. After the end of the music school, he performed in the little halls, which were in the statement of Lenoncert, as a participant in the teams "Pulse", "Admiralty", "Argonauts", VIA "Six young".

Also, the singer performed his compositions at the underground concerts, whose records were distributed in the people on cassettes and bobbins. Blessed songs like Gop Stop, Amnesty, Ligovka, which in the USSR were under a total ban, gave rise to many guesses about the personality of the artist. According to one of the popular versions, Rosenbaum was an elderly emigrant, which sang about his gangster youth.

For a large scene as a solo artist, the singer was published in the first half of the 80s. The first album of the musician "Home Concert" saw the light in 1981, after a year he presented to the courts of the listeners a plate of "Memory Arcadia North", which created with the "pearl brothers".

The first songs were imbued with the mood of the old Odessa. The performer created hit the hit: In 1983, the popular "Duck hunting" composition was published, then "E ESAUL is young."

In 1987, the artist marked the release of the album "Draw me a house." The next disk "Cossack songs" was devoted to the Cossack.

It's amazing that, working in the genre of the author's song, which at that time was underground, Alexander quickly became a member of the majority of the main pop concerts - from the "wider circle" to the "Song of the Year."

The most glory was brought by the Contractor a trip to Afghanistan and a number of performances in front of the Afghan soldiers. During this period, the compositions of thieves themes practically disappear from the repertoire, replacing the theme of war and the history of Russia. Also in the plots of the poems of the bard, there are Gypsy and Cossack themes, philosophical lyrics, psychological drama, romances.

Military topics continued to be characteristic of Alexander's creativity, but more often the musician turned to the topic of the Great Patriotic War or to the maritime subject: "I often wake up in silence," "War,", "38 knots", "," 38 knots "The song of the Old Mortgies" and others.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Rosenbaum continued his speeches, but in his repertoire, songs dedicated to the people of Israel became increasingly began to appear. So the singer gave tribute to the ancestors along the father's line.

Modern creativity

In 1996, the musician first received the Golden Gramophone Prize. The award brought the composition "AU".

In 2002, he received the second "golden gramophone" for the composition "We are alive", and a year later, the first prize "Chanson of the Year" for the composition "Glukhary" and "Cossack". From this point on, the musician received such a reward annually, with the exception of 2008. Most often, 2 of his songs were nominated and won.

Later, the musician began working on a new album. Release plates "Metaphysics" took place on December 11, 2015. Alexander Yakovlevich's creative biography includes dozens of albums, some issued in collaboration with other popular musicians.

In 2019, the singer replenished his discography with the next work - the album "Symbiosis", which is a collection of verses, accompanied by light, relaxed music. A few years later, a plate "Rhythm Liu Blues" and clips for 2 songs from it: "Almost" and "hold your tact."

The artist pleases his fans with new photos from the "Instagram" pages. The bard has an Yutiub-channel, where programs are postponed with the participation of Alexander Yakovlevich and clips, for example, video on the "Evening Sweating" composition, filled with Gregory Leps and Joseph Kobzon. On the official website of the artist, you can find out topical information about concerts.

Films and television

Cinema could not get around the side of such a colorful artist. Alexander Yakovlevich first appeared on the big screen in Kameo in the musical drama "Start first" (1985).

Often in films used songs performed by Rosenbaum. Thus, in the documentary film "The Pain and Hope of Afghanistan" (1986), as a sound track, sounded "in the mountains of Afghani", and in the Drama "Friend" (1987), the audience heard "Waltz Boston", which became an all-union hat. Another hit, first sounded from the screen, "the monologue of the Black Tulip pilot" from the tape "Afghan break" (1991).

In the filmography of the artist, there are main roles - he embodied Mafios Jafar in the film of Vsevolod Plotkin "To survive" (1992). The picture shot after the collapse of the USSR, highly different from most militants released at the time not only acting game, but also with stuntful tricks. In this tape, for the first time in Russian cinema, the drop in the helicopter is shown. The film received many awards, among which the prize of the Association of Caskaders of Russia for creating a better tricky picture.

The work of the singer himself was devoted to several documentary films and many television shows. From one of these projects, Rosenbaum's fans learned that the growth of Alexander Yakovlevich is 174 cm, and the weight is 73 kg.

The song Rosenbaum "The Chief of Sign" Spectators are known for the cult criminal tape "Brigade" (2002). In 2005, the "Two Fate" melodramatic series "Two Fates" used the composition "Come to the light of ...". She fell into the world of cinema not for the first time - already played in the Comedy "Trom-Taram, or Bay-Bay" of 1993.

In November 2020, the artist visited Ivan Urgant on the Evening Urgant show with a Pop Stop Capera and performed modern hits in his author's manner.

Public position

In 2003-2007, the artist was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the United Russia party. His signature is under letters in support of the sentence to the former leaders of Yukos and the construction of the Okhta-Center.

In December 2015, Bard's views on the events in Ukraine in 2013-2014 were the reason for the inclusion of Rosenbaum in black list of Russian artists. But, according to the singer on the transmission-interview of Leonid Yakubovich, the star on the star "," now a decent person is not indecent of being in this list. "

Throughout his career, the artist stands with charitable concerts. He visits hot spots, children's homes and colonies.

Personal life

For the first time, Alexander Yakovlevich married when she studied at the Medical Institute. The personal life of newlyweds did not work out: the student union existed only 9 months.

Literally a year later, Rosenbaum created a new family, married to a student of the Medical Institute Elena Savshinsky, with which still lives. The spouse of the singer worked as a radiologist at the Skvortsov-Stepanov Hospital.

In 1976, Rosenbaum and his wife were born daughter Anna, who became the only child in the family. The girl was weakened and painful, and parents had to pay much attention to her health. When she grew, he married the Israeli athlete-swimmer Tiberioo Chucky. Now the spouses live in St. Petersburg.

Rosenbauma's daughter Anna Savshinsky received the formation of a philologist and translator. Together with her husband today engaged in the development of the network of restaurants "Fat Fraer". She presented the parents of 4 grandchildren: David, Alexander and Gemini Andrei and Victor.

Alexander Yakovlevich - Successful Kommersant. He is the co-owner of the restaurant business of the son-in-law. In addition, Honorary President of the Jewish Sports Society "McCabi" and the Vice-President of the Great City company, which is engaged in supporting novice young performers.

In 2019, Rosenbaum suffered a multi-hour operation to remove the tumor. Surgical intervention was successful, and the singer almost immediately after he went on amendment, he left the hospital.

In 2020, Rosenbaum's personal life was surprised by Nadezhda Babkin. The singer said that in his youth with the Leningrad performer, romantic relations were associated.

Alexander Rosenbaum now

In 2021, together with Alexander Novikov, Sergey Trofimov and the Love of Assumption Rosenbaum entered the jury of the 6th season of the "Three Chord" music television program.

In March, the artist took the position of chairman of the Public Council when managing the federal sentence service in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. The Council is engaged in attracting the public to protect the rights and legitimate interests of convicts, trendy, employees and veterans of the penitentiary system.

During the May holidays, Rosenbaum gave a concert at Hmeimim's airbase in Syria for military personnel of the grouping of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. According to the artist, he planned a concert in 2020, but because of the coronavirus, the speech had to postpone.

Now Bard continues to concert activities, speaking in the cities of Russia with the program "We are alive."


  • 1983 - "Dedication to Dedicating"
  • 1986 - "Epitaph"
  • 1987 - "Draw me a house"
  • 1987 - "Long-term road"
  • 1988 - "Anafem"
  • 1994 - "Slipper Schizophrenia"
  • 1996 - "On the Love Plants"
  • 1999 - "Trans-Siberian Magistral"
  • 2001 - "Old Guitar"
  • 2007 - "Travel"
  • 2011 - "Berega of Clean Brotherhood"
  • 2015 - "Metaphysics"
  • 2019 - "Symbiosis"
  • 2020 - "Rhythm Liu Blues"


  • 1985 - "Start first"
  • 1987 - "Two hours with bards"
  • 1991 - "Afghan Flee"
  • 1991 - "Escape to the Edge of Light"
  • 1994 - "Insomnia"
  • 1992 - "To survive"
  • 2005 - "not bread together"
  • 2008 - "Side-step"
  • 2011 - "The best summer of our life"
  • 2012 - "Arkady North"

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