Ryan Gosling - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Ryan Gosling is a Canadian film actor, which is often called the "most romantic hero of modernity." The artist gained fame due to the participation of the "Diary of Memory" and shooting in the Oscar-axis Musical Musicle "La La Land". At his account 2 nominations for Oscar, the Golden Globe Prize and the Award of the National Council of the US Film Crims. In addition to the acting profession, the Gosling is paying time to music. He founded Dead Man's Bones indi-rock group, which has repeatedly left the touring tours.

Childhood and youth

Ryan Gosling was born in the town of London (Ontario Province, Canada). Thomas and Donna Gosling - Parents of Ryan. Also, the star is Mandy's older sister.

Soon after the birth of the Son, the stateling moved to Cornwall, where Ryan goes to a secondary school. There they open the abilities of a boy to fine art, the child participates in school theatrical productions, at the same time he does not get along with peers. As a child, Ryan is constantly becoming a participant in the fight and scuffle. Therefore, from the 5th grade, parents translate the boy to home learning, the performance of control tasks controls mom.

Later, the family moves to Burlington. Leicester B. Pearson School is a new educational institution of future celebrity.

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When Ryan was 13 years old, he travels to the casting famous in Canada and the US talent show "Mickey Maus". Demonstrating the vocal data, Ryan becomes a participant in the television program in which he participates in 2 years. Then removed in the films and transmissions of the TV channel "Disney". The first role of the stateling was the work in a multi-sieuled project in the style of children's fantasy "Youth Hercules". Also, the young actor was playing in the youth series about teenagers "School of Broken Hearts".

However, these were small or episodic roles. In the youth, the stateline was thinking about specialized studies, which will help improve acting skills, but success found it without professional education.


After several secondary roles of the Gosling, the producer Daniel Diamond is invited to a major role in the film "Fanatic". Ryan plays Danny Balint, a guy of Jewish origin, which became one of the leaders of the skinhead movement. The picture was published in 2001 and received a lot of enthusiastic reviews and awards, including at the Sandens Film Festival. And at the Moscow Film Festival not only the film itself, but also the game of Ryan Gosling, handing the Golden Saint Georgy prize for the best male role.

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This work follows the dramatic thriller "Counting of murders", the psychological picture "United States of Lyland", the psychological thriller "Stay". These roles of film crimits rated, Ryan even got into the list of the most enviable grooms of America.

Ryan's world fame received after the biographical film "Diary of Memory", which was created on the novel of Nicholas Sparks. The history of the relationship of the young people and the girls from different social layers of touched American spectators, the ribbon was called the best in the creative biography of the Canadian actor, and the photo of the stateling appears on the cover of the main vannets of the planet.

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The next triumph was expecting an actor after entering the screens of the Dramatic Film "Semi-Nelson", where Ryan plays a school teacher of history who did not represent life without drugs. The picture received enthusiastic critics reviews, and Paste magazine put the film on the 16th place in the list of the "50 best films of the Decade." As a result, Ryan Gosling nominated for Oscar in the category "Best Male Role".

For participation in the following 4 movies of Canadian 4 times nominated for the Golden Globe as the best actor, but did not receive a reward. "Lars and a real girl", "Valentine", "This stupid love" and "Martov Ida" - paintings-nominees to the Golden Globe with the participation of the stateling.

In 2011, the film "Drive" appeared on the screens. The picture was removed from the novel of James Sillis to the same name, and Ryan fulfilled the lead role in the thriller. Despite the brilliant actor game, still the film approved more for the script and director.

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"Place under the pines" is another film with the participation of the stateling. The criminal drama appeared on the screens in 2013 was popular in the United States. World filmmaker positively accepted the picture, especially noting the scenario, which touched the topic of family, fatherhood and fate.

In the same year, another interesting job appeared in the actor filmography - the Gosling fulfilled the role of Sergeant Woices in the criminal thriller "Hungersters Hunters". Post-war Brooklyn becomes a venue for the confrontation of mafia structures and representatives of the law enforcement. Josh Brolin and Sean Penn became partners of Ryan in the plot.

In 2014, Gosling tried himself in a new capacity. In the film "Lost River" (in another translation - "How to catch a monster") Canadian participates as director, screenwriter and producer. This non-profit arthouse project the creators demonstrated at the Cannes Festival.

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In 2016, the film "La La Land" came out with the participation of Ryan Gosling, in which Canadian played Sebastian Wilder. In the personal creative biography of the artist of the film made a special place. She received positive feedback from critics, and the film will be called the best for the year.

Mia Dollaan (the role of Emma Stone) dreams of becoming an actress, but while the girl serves kinos stars and runs on endless auditions. Sebastian is a jazz musician who is forced to play simple melodies at parties. In the future, the pair is to choose between fragile relations and careers, which they dreamed about. The next story of the love of the starlet and a fanatical jazz musician, represented by the director Demien Chasell, liked the viewer.

Canadian media reportedly reported that the star duet could not take place at all, because Emma Stone rejected the role of Mia due to employment in the film "Beauty and the Beast", and Ryan Gosling refused the role of monsters in the same film to appear in " La La Lande. " It was assumed that at the initial stage, the main roles in Miles Teller, who worked with Demien Chasell in the project "Obsession", as well as British film actress Emma Watson.

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It is known that Ryan Gosling took the lessons for the piano, memorizing music by heart. According to Composer Justin Gurwich, the artist could play all the parties shown in the film, without using doubles and special effects. Such efforts in preparing the tape were justified. The presentation of Oscar is the main event in the world cinema.

In 2017, the attention of media representatives was riveted precisely to the actors who performed the main roles in the film "La La Land" - Raan Gosling and Emme Stone. For the brilliant star game, a large number of kinonagrad received, and this time the film was put forward at 17 nominations at once, in 6 of which she won. The film set a record for the number of nominations along with the "Titanic" and "All about Eva".

In 2016, Ryan Gosling, together with Russell, participated in the shooting of the comedy "Glorious Guys", such stellar cooperation was remembered by joint video of actors. Clips appeared on the network, in which celebrities attend psychological counseling for couples experiencing a crisis in relations.

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The actors claim that after working together, they do not carry each other, and the psychotherapist, who appointed a film studio, is trying to figure out the causes of this hostility. Soon there were 4 rollers about the problems of the stateling and Crow: "Stress management", "confrontation", "Build the walls" and "Travel". Similar videos, the creators of the films tried to attract the attention of the viewer to the picture.

In March 2017, a melodrama is presented with the participation of the stateling called "Song for the Song." The musical drama tells about confusing love relations, which have developed between two couples of lovers. In a strange way, experiencing losses in personal life, these four become connected with each other. Together with Ryun Mara, Michael Fassbender, Natalie Portman, became Runa Artists.

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Already in October, the premiere of a fantastic film "Running on the blade 2049" took place. The picture is very unusual in the repertoire of Canadians, because previously Ryan did not appear in the works of such a genre, by performing roles in melodramas. Here he reincarnated in a replicant, an artificially created person who collaborates with the police. His chosen was his friend Joy (Ana de Armaas), which has no body and appears only in the form of a hologram.

Interestingly, the shooting took place in the strictest secrecy. The filmmakers feared the disclosure of information about the scenario to the premiere, so one performer was not provided with the full text to work on the role.

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In April 2017, the press appeared in the press that Ryan Gosling supported the film "Promise", in which we are talking about the Armenian Genocide, and also within the framework of the premiere joined #kepthePromise shares. The plot of the paintings is unfolding during the First World War, when the destruction of the Christian ethnic Armenian population, which lived in the Ottoman Empire was carried out.

The film "Promise" was created with the financial support of the American billionaire Armenian origin of Kirk Kirkorod. The author of the picture is the director of the film "Hotel Rwanda" Terry George, and the main roles performed Oscar Isaac, Christian Bale and Charlotte Le Bon. Admiration The picture previously expressed prominent representatives of world show business: Leonardo Di Caprio, George Clooney, Sylvester Stallone, Elton John, Barbara Streisand and others.


Ryan Gosling - a man creative and loving experiments. Already being at the peak of acting glory, he independently masters the game on the guitar and the piano. This was not enough to him, because in the future Ryan in the company of the actor and producer Zablds Schilds organizes a group of Dead Man's Bones. The team focuses on the "Hallowinovskaya" theme of songs, and witches, ghosts, zombies, monsters and skeletons - the permanent heroes of the text of the group compositions.

The guys experimented in the studio, trying to record a new song. Composition in The Room Where You Sleep is the result of the team. Single later posted for free downloading on the Internet, and also published a video clip on this track.

Joint creativity is so fascinated by Ryan and Zak, that they wrote 11 more songs and released the album Dead Man's Bones at the end of 2009. And then went to the tour in America, practically not rehearsing. In each city, they hired a local children's choir for the backway and improvised along the performance. To warm up the public before speeches, Gosling and Shields held a competition of children's talents or showed a puppet show.

Personal life

The actor is not so simple, as it seems at first glance. Ryan chooses paintings in which it is going to participate, quite picky, based on its own preferences and beliefs. The film acter believes in the prophetic dreams, loves magicians and loneliness, plays in the music group and is looking forward to old age.

High, Static (Ryan's height - 185 cm with weight 82 kg) Gosling has always been popular with women. Ryan was in a romantic relationship with several star ladies. A little more than a year, the relationship with the partner of the film "Counting Murders" Sandra Bullock lasted.

Much longer - 4 years - Canadian met with actress Rachel Makadams, with whom he starred in the "Diary of Memory". The case went to the engagement, but in 2008 a couple breaks relationships. After that, there were novels with actresses of Famke Jansen and Jamie Murray. Each of them, the artist met for about a year.

In 2011, Ryan meets the actress Eva Mendez. The couple begins to live in a civil marriage, and in 2014 they had daughter Esmerad Amada Gosling. In 2016, the second girl Amada Lee Gosling appeared. Interestingly, the birth of children did not affect the status of the Union: Eva still remains the civil wife of the star. The absence of a stamp in the passport, as the actors assure, does not prevent them in family life.

Users "Instagram", as well as other social networks continue to follow the creative and personal life of the film actor. In 2017, the Canadian press appeared the news that Ryan Gosling and Eve Mendez broke up allegedly because of the actor's novel with the actress Emma Stone, the partner of the film "La La Land", but such messages do not correspond to reality. Soon Ryan and Eve appeared in public together.

Ryan Gosling owns an exotic kitchen restaurant in Beverly Hills, which is called Tajin.

In April 2017, the actor posted a video message in the Twitter microblogging service account, expressing promoting human rights protection in the Congo. In the future, Canadian plans to participate in other shares of this kind.

Ryan Gosling now

Ryan Gosling is becoming increasingly popular, but now the artist is not in a hurry to take all the offers from Hollywood director. In 2018, another loud premiere took place with the participation of the star of the screen - the biographical tape "Man on the Moon", in which the star embodied the image of the American astronaut Nile Armstrong on the screen. The film is devoted to the flight of the Apollo-11 spacecraft on the surface of the Earth's satellite. The work of the film crew was highly appreciated by film critics, the ribbon received the Oscar Award in the "Best Visual Effects" nomination.

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Ryan Gosling mentioned in an interview that he had to participate in difficult training at NASA simulators, during one of which he received a concussion. Only thanks to the efforts of the spouse, the artist did not leave this case without attention of the physicians. On time provided assistance prevented the development of further complications.

2019 The year of the screen of the screen decided to devote to rest and communicating with children and his wife. Photo of a loving father's walks with daughters often get into the media.


  • 2001 - "Fanatic"
  • 2002 - "Counting of Murders"
  • 2003 - "United States Lyland"
  • 2004 - "Diary of Memory"
  • 2005 - "Stay"
  • 2007 - "Fracture"
  • 2011 - "Drive"
  • 2011 - "Martov Ida"
  • 2013 - "place under the pines"
  • 2013 - "Gangster Hunters"
  • 2013 - "Only God will forgive"
  • 2016 - "La La Land"
  • 2017 - "Blade Running 2049"
  • 2018 - "Man on the Moon"


  • 2009 - "Dead Man's Bones"

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