Carey Hiroshai Tagawa - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Carey Hiroshuki Tagawa - Hollywood actor, Japanese by origin, which became famous for the works in the films "Pirl-Harbor", "Memoirs of Geisha", "Hachiko: the most faithful friend."

The main role of the artist, in which his viewers are accustomed to see, is a negative character, as a rule, Villain, a mafia representative. But as Tagawa himself assures, in his life he remains a sentimental man who can easily make sure, and the militant appearance is just a mask, he saves her to work in the cinema.

Childhood and youth

Carey Hiroshuki Tagawa (more famous as Carey Tagawa) was born in Tokyo in September 1950 in the family of the military worked on the American base, and actresses. Mom was from an old kind, and when she expressed a desire to become an artist, she was kicked out of the house. As a child, she read the Son of the work of world classical literature, among which the honorable place was given to Lion Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov and Fyodor Dostoevsky.

When the son turned 5 years old, the family moved to Fort Brag in the north of the American state of Carolina. According to Carey Hiroshuki, there for the first time he realized that it was necessary to engage in martial arts.

Parents gave the Son to the Higher School of Duarte, the best among US public schools, giving secondary education. Cary Tagawa was carried away by two martial arts species - first Cando, and then karate. He was engaged in the leadership of Masatoshi Nakayama - Chef instructors of the Japanese Karate Association.

At the end of the school, Carey Hiroshuki Tagawa becomes a student at the University of Southern California. After the 2nd year, he used the student exchange program and went to Japan in order to continue his studies from Sensei Nakayma.

After graduating from the university, Tagawa returned to his homeland again, but, feeling a stranger, returned to America. Here he tried a number of professions before making a choice in favor of acting art. In the youth of Carey Hirubeuki Tagawa worked on the farm, drove a truck and limousine, delivered pizza and worked as a photojournalist. Only in 16 years he decided to become a movie actor.


Cary Hiroshuki Cinematic Biography Tagawa began in 1986, when he was 36 years old. The debut took place in the painting "Armed", where the beginning actor got a secondary role. In the "big cross in small China" he appeared only in the crowd. But Tagava was noticed and after the next year they were invited immediately to several projects.

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The main among them, who became a happy ticket to a big movie, became the film Bernardo Bertolucci "Last Emperor". This film School made Carey Hiroshuki ascending star of cinema. With the outlet of the ribbon, the Japanese actor becomes in demand. In addition, "Fashion" began on "bad Asians".

The artist played a lot of roles in which he performed a negative hero. Such is almost 90% of the available. In the work of Carey Hirube, preparation for combat arts was useful.

In 1988, Tagawa appeared in the Twins comedy film, where Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny de Vito played the main roles. A year later, the 16th series of Bondiani - tape "Murder License", where the Japanese artist also played. Both paintings were successful in the audience and critics, deserve many awards and premiums. Then there was a number of films that made Carey Hiroshuki Tagawa even more popular. These are the ribbons "Rising Sun", "Roof of the World", "Planet Monkeys", "Memoirs of Geisha".

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Often Cary Hiroshuki embodied on the screen of famous historical or fictional characters. In the Military Drama "Pearl-Harbor" he played the legendary commander Minouro Ganda, in the film "Tekken" performed the role of the main character of the game of the game of Heihati Misima. In the image of the Mortal Kombat Universe character, named Shang Tsung Tagawa, appeared on the screen twice: in the full-length tape of 1995 "Mortal Battle" and its continuation of 2013 - the series "Deadly Battle: Heritage".

In November 2015, the film directed by Egor Baranov and the Scenarist of Ivan Okhlobystin called "Ieri-San. Confession of samurai. " Here, Carey Hiroshuki Tagawa appeared in the form of the father of Nikolai, the priest of the Orthodox Church, and in the past professional athlete Takuro Nakamura.

Peter Mamonov also played in the film, Love Tolkalina, Peter Fedorov. Together with the director and performer, the role of Konstantin Yakhontova Igor Zizhikin Tagawa visited the shooting at Comedy Club, where he submitted the project.

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One of the bright pages in the artist filmography was his work in the doll animation "Cubo. Legend of Samurai. " Along with other Hollywood Stars, Charlize Theron, Matthew McConaja, Runi Marina - Carey participated in the sounding of a cartoon ribbon. The film received many prestigious premiums, including BAFTA and Annie.

In the creative piggy bank Carey Tagava dozens of works in feature films and TV shows. In most, these are the roles of the second plan, but very bright and remembered to the audience. The artist continues to actively remove, and also often performs producer. He did not leave the sport and even created his "Chun-Sin" system, on which students trains. Also Tagawa writes scripts and leads an active social life.

Personal life

Cary Tagawa chose the Hawaiian Islands permanent residence. Here he is removed and leads his own martial arts school.

Personal life Carey Hiroshuki is two marriages and three children. Both spouses were American. From marriage with the first, artist, Tagawa has two sons. The second wife gave birth to him daughter. But these relationships ended in divorce. With former spouses and children, he supports warm relationships.

After filming in the Russian painting, Carey Hiroshuk decided to take Orthodoxy. The sacrament of the baptism, which took place in the grief of the Church of Moscow, made Metropolitan Illarion (Alfeyev). The artist chose the name of Panteleimon. According to Tagawa, this is not a tribute to fashion, but a sincere act. The artist believes that in the face of all Orthodox found his people. This act of the star Hollywood was covered in the press, the photo of the event appeared on social networks - Twitter and Instagram.

A year later, the actor received Russian citizenship. The man became a frequent guest in Russia. Here he decided to arrange his family life. To do this, Tagawa visited the Transmission Studio "Let's get married." On the air program, he made a choice in favor of the participants of Natalia, who declared his desire to become not just the elected actor, but also to conquer Hollywood.

Carey Hiroshai Tagava now

The actor is still successful in creativity. For 2018, he starred in two projects - the series "Lost in Cosmos" and the militant "Duel Legend". The multi-sieuled fantastic film about the furrowing spaces of the galaxy spacecraft received good ratings of the views, so the continuation of the 1st season will soon take place. In a sports drama, which is also preparing for release, Tagawa performed a major role.

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Now the artist began work on several projects, including the Reagan drama, the shooting of which will begin in 2019. Tagaba will fall into the main acting film. It is expected that Dennis Quaid and John Vight will be presented.


  • 1987 - "Last Emperor"
  • 1989 - "Detective Agency" Moonlight "
  • 1993 - "Rising Sun"
  • 1999 - "Battle of Dragons"
  • 2001 - "Pearl Harbor"
  • 2001 - "Planet Monkeys"
  • 2005 - Memoirs Geisha
  • 2009 - "Hachiko: the most faithful friend"
  • 2013 - "Deadly Battle: Heritage"
  • 2015 - "Ierie-san. Confession Samurai "
  • 2015 - "Disassembly in Manila"
  • 2015 - "Slabovka"
  • 2016 - "Cubo. Legend of Samurai "
  • 2018 - "Lost in Space"
  • 2018 - "Duel Legend"

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