Leonid Kuravlev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Leonid Kuravlev - Soviet and Russian film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR. Played over 200 roles in the filmmakers, many of which are enrolled in the Golden Fund of Soviet and Russian cinema. Leonid Vyacheslavovich Kuravlev was born in Moscow on October 8, 1936 in a simple family. Vyacheslav Yakovlevich, Father Leonid, worked as a mechanic at the aviation plant. Valentina Dmitrievna, Mom of the future celebrity, was engaged in the education of his son alone.

Actor Leonid Kuravlev

In 1941, she was brought to her, and because of a slander, a woman with an unfinished education, who worked as a hairdresser, was forced by the court decision to leave the capital. Valentina was sent to the Murmansk region. After 7 years of separation, Valentina Dmitrievna was allowed to see her son. Leonid arrived at the mother. Children's years spent together with the mother on the Kola Peninsula, today the artist calls happy.

Leonid Kuravlev in youth

After returning home to Moscow, the family had to be hard. There was not enough money for anything. Kuravlev studied not too diligently, hated the exact sciences, which were given with difficulty. Since childhood, the boy dreamed of becoming an artist, playing a movie, but then this dream seemed empty fantasy.

Leonid Kuravlev in youth

In the 10th grade Leonid Kuravlev played in the school play "Summer Love". In 1953, graduating from school, chose the institute. The cousin advised the young man Vgik for the joke, noting that the exams on the exact sciences do not need to take there. Kuravlev was delighted and tried forces. The competition was huge, and then the applicant did not do. But the dream was rooted, firmly sat down in consciousness. Two years, Leonid worked, and then, despite the misunderstanding of relatives, I tried to do again. And he entered VGIK for the course to Boris Vladimirovich Bibikov.

Leonid Kuravlev

With study in the theater institute, not everything was smooth. At first, the student did not like Bibikov, seemed closed and completely devoid of talent. In the second year, he was even going to deduct Kuravlev. Miracle Leonid remained. Soon the student acquired confidence, liberated, and Boris Vladimirovich began to praise the novice actor.


Kuravlev became interested in the students of the River Course. Alexander Gordon and Andrei Tarkovsky called the actor to participate in the graduation project, the short film "There will be no dismissal today." In 1960, Vasily Shukshin suggests Kuravlev involved in his graduation work "from the Swan", "and Mikhail Schweitzer takes the actor in the historic film" Michman Panin ".

Leonid Kuravlev in the film

In 1964, Leonid Kuravlev became famous thanks to the shooting in the comedy "such a guy lives." Then Shukshin called the artist to participate in the filming of the film "Your Son and Brother." After years, Kuravlev with gratitude recalls Vasily Shukshin, who believed in him. It was in honor of the director and a friend Kuravlev called his son Vasily.

Leonid Kuravlev in the film

In 1967, the actor starred in the first Soviet horror movie. Success "Viya" was deafening, and Tandem Leonid Kuravlev and Natalia Varley - successful. The actors who took part in the creation of the film are told, as on the set of the scene, where Varley in the role of witches flew to the coffin, an incident occurred - the actress flew down three-meter height. Everything could have ended the deplorable, if not Curavlev, who caught the girl.

Leonid Kuravlev in the film

A year later, Kuravlev works with mastitis actors. In the film "Golden Calf" partners of a film actor on the set, Sergey Yursky, Evgeny Evstigneev and Zinovy ​​Gerdt become partners. The role of Shura Balaganov became a big luck for him.

Leonid Kuravlev in the film

To your favorite roles, the actor refers the work in the film "Before" Valery Uskov. The actor played in Tandem with Oleg Strizhenov, who appeared in the image of the pilot. Leonid Vyacheslavovich played a villain and a terrible slander. The character was interested in the artist of this phenomenal meanness. However, such negative heroes in the filmography of the actor there is little.

In 1972, Kuravlev got the role of Robinson in the film "Life and the amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo". Stanislav Govorukhin became the director of the film.

Leonid Kuravlev in the film

The native element of the legend of the Soviet cinema is comedy. In this genre, Kuravlev played the most roles. Cooperation with the director Leonid Gaiday in the 70-80s brought all-union fame to artist. In the creative biography of Leonid Kuravlev, cardinal changes have come thanks to cooperation with this legendary director.

Among the best comedy roles, the viewers often mark: Balagan Shur in the "Golden Teleen", Afanasia Borscheov in the film "Afonya", George Miloslavsky in the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession", and Volodya Envyushkin in Comedy "cannot be".

Leonid Kuravlev in the film

In 1973, the film "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession" brings a huge fame to artist. Many phrases from this picture become covered. The audience was especially remembered by the quotation of George Miloslavsky, whose role was performed by Kuravlev, when he reacted to the gaze of Ivan Vasilyevich Bunshi.

"And what do you look at me, my father's father? There are no patterns on me and the flowers do not grow, "Miloslavsky asked.

"I am tormented by a vague doubt. On you the same costume, like the Shpak! ", - replied Buncha.

This episode was remembered to the audience in every corner of the Soviet Union.

Leonid Kuravlev as George Miloslavsky

The actor is actively filming in the 80s. Experts allocate the role of Granden in the television film "Look for a woman." In the 90s, Kuravlev did not remain without work, but admits that he did not receive much pleasure from played roles, because time was difficult, the whole country collapsed.

Leonid Kuravlev in the film

They managed to artist and negative roles: Sorokina in the film "Before", Aisman in Tatyana's television series Lozinova "Seventeen Moments of Spring". Spectators celebrate these negative characters of the actor. Skeptically belonging to modern Russian cinema, Leonid Kuravlev was almost not shot. The actor prefers to remember working with outstanding directors and refused without hesitation from favorable proposals that were made by representatives of the Russian directing.

Leonid Kuravlev in the film

Directors often offered to Kuravlev's roles of police and military bosses. Viewers remember that Leonid Vyacheslavovich played General in the Gangster Saga "Brigade", in the same rank appeared in the drama "European Convoy", but in the TV series "Detectives" already performed the role of Colonel of the Criminal Rosewoman Lutikov, and in the TV series "Streets of the Lights" - Colonel Yershova.

Personal life

Leonid Kuravlev loved one woman all his life - his wife. At the 16th age, Leonid met Nina on the rink. In 1960, Nina and Leonid became husband and wife. Until 2012, the family lived happily. The couple brought up children - the son of Vasily and daughter Katerina. Then Nina Vasilyevna did not.

Leonid Kuravlev with his wife

The death of spouses for the famous artist turned out to be a terrible blow. Leonid Vyacheslavovich was shocked so much that even the closest friends did not call for the funeral. The actor did not hide his grief. Once in an interview with the artist admitted that there was a medallion with a portrait of his beloved spouse, often closes in himself, does not want to communicate with others.

Leonid Kuravlev with family

In the Russian press, it was reported that the staff of the Moscow Trooecoo cemetery had repeatedly seen the famous artist, who cried at the grave of the dead spouse, not paying attention to passersby.

Leonid Kuravlev now

In October 2016, Leonid Kuravlev marked the 80th anniversary. The actor congratulated the President and Prime Minister of Russia. The artist himself was happy with congratulations, but he said that politics, as well as the moral values ​​of Russians for him today more important than roles in movies. Kuravlev noted that Russia is becoming stronger and stronger, and it scares America, which has not abandoned the "concrete plans."

"In the West, a lot of things thought up when we were weakened in the 90s. Today, their desires are hardly feasible. But the pressure on our country today is terrible. Russia prevents many. Therefore, I am a good sorry for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Our president must be helped, "the actor commented on the actor's political situation in the world.

According to Kuravlev, faith gives Russia strength, and the existence of a native country he calls the "salvation of the world." According to the artist, the national trait of Russians is a kindness, which is an unaware of foreigners, and the concept of "soul" and at all unfamiliar to residents of other countries.

Leonid Kuravlev in 2017

People's favorite does not want, as he says, "shine the face of the face." Leonid Vyacheslavovich refuses an interview, avoids secular events, he does not invite representatives of the press to the house. The artist leads a modest life, trying to live quietly, not wanting to publicly discuss his person. Nevertheless, thousands of fans hope to get acquainted with the legend of Soviet cinema, trying to even accidentally meet the artist on the street to take an autograph, just to talk and learn more about the life of the idol.

On the account of Leonid Kuravlev more than 200 diverse roles. Spectators know the artist on the films "Afonya", "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing the profession" and "17 moments of spring", as well as on roles in other beautiful films.

Today, Leonid Kuravlev is the legend of the Soviet cinema, the owner of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree - "For a great contribution to the development of domestic culture and art", the Order "Hall Sign", the title "People's and Honored Artist of the RSFSR".


  • 1964 - Lives such a guy
  • 1967 - Viy.
  • 1968 - Golden Calf
  • 1969 - Gori, Gori, My Star
  • 1972 - Life and Amazing Adventures Robinson Cruise
  • 1973 - Seventeen Moments Spring
  • 1973 - Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession
  • 1975 - Afona
  • 1975 - Can't be!
  • 1980 - Ladies invite cavaliers
  • 1986 - The adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The twentieth century begins
  • 1991 - Rain Track
  • 1992 - thirtieth destroy!
  • 2002 - Brigade
  • 2005 - Streets of broken lamps

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