Ornell Muti - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Ornell Muti - Italian actress. He received fame thanks to the participation in the film "Last Woman" and "Taming of the Shrew". Collaboration with the legends of European cinema elevated a performer in the rank of the sex symbol of the Italian Cinema of the 80s, putting it in one row with Sophie Loren, Monica Bellucci, Isabella Rossellini and Claudia Cardinale.

Childhood and youth

Ornell Muti (real name Francesca Roman Replenley) was born in early March 1955 in Rome. Father of the future celebrity was a correspondent, and Mom worked as a sculptor. The girl grew in the family is not alone - she has a twin sister named Claudia. The star of Italian cinema has Russian roots: at one time, her grandmother and grandfather on the mother line moved from Leningrad to Estonia, and then to Italy.

When Francesca turned 10 years old, father died. Mother remained alone with daughters, the family somehow drove the ends meet. Meanwhile, the future movie star to the 13th year turned into an attractive girl and looked much older than his years - it was during this period that Francesca Rovena Riewelli began to pose naked in the art school.

At the same time, the young beauty worked on the shooting for men's magazines. Spicy pictures saw not only connoisseurs of female beauty, but also teachers and mother. The scandal was almost ended with the exception of a girl from school, but the distress of the Rivelli family was taken into account, they decided to forget about the unpleasant situation.

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After a sister, Claudia, seriously dreamed of becoming an actress of cinema, gathered for the selection of actors for the film "The most beautiful wife" director Damiano Damiani. For courage, the girl took with him to casting sister. Claudia sample itself did not pass, but an indifferent to the world of the movie Francescu director persuaded to act in the lead role. Damiani came up with a novice actress pseudonym Ornella Muti. This is a forced step, since at the time in Italian cinema already there was a celebrity for the name Rivell.


Muti debuted into the cinema at the 14th age in the picture "The most beautiful wife" (1970). The first role did not make a star from the girl, but put the start of the acting career. Since then, Ornell received suggestions to participate in various film projects. The actress was filmed mainly in low-budget paintings with erotic subtext, but was glad and this. A noticeable success came to the actress in 1974, after filming in the comedy "Folk Roman". In the same year, another successful film "Apassionate" came out.

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The turning point in the career of Muti is called work in the film "Last Woman" (1976), in which the actress participated together with the French actor Gerard Depardieu. In this tape, she changed the role - she got a different role, after which the girl began to perceive at the level with Sophie Lauren and Gina Lollobrigid.

The films "Bishop Room" and "New Monsters" only strengthened the status of the artist. Ornell appears on the screen together with Michele Plachlyo in the Comedy "People's Romance", and in the detective "Death of Rogue" by its partner becomes Alain Delon.

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Worldwide popularity came to Ornell after filming in the film "Taming of the Shropive" (1980), where the actress played with Adriano Celentano. This film was especially loved by the audience in the USSR. A year later, along with the celentano, she starred in the tape "Madly in love." It is with the legendary actor that the creative biography of Ornella Muti will be closely connected.

In addition to Italian cinema, in Muti filmography there are European paintings, among them - a fantastic blockbuster "Flash Gordon" (1980), the drama "Lyubov Svana" (1984) and "Chronicle of the declared death" (1987). Directors appreciated Ornell not only for beauty and ability to stay in the frame, but also for acting talent reincarnation. No wonder Muti became the executor of the main roles in Marko Frereri films, Peter Greenway and Woody Allen.

Max Background of Shuds and Ornell Muti (Frame from Flash Gordon)

At the beginning of the 90s, the actress was involved in the filming of American tapes: Comedy "Oscar" (1991) and "Once Mowing Law" (1992). In 1998, the film actress starred in the Monta Cristo Count Multi-Cristo. Further, the roles in the tapes "Lights Lions" (2000), "fun and tanned", "Investigation" (2006), Roman Adventures (2012) became notable works.

In 2016, the actress participated in the shooting of the singer's video and Showman Alexander Revva, who protrudes under the scenic pseudonym Arthur Pakers. The video for the song "# Caverentano" was created based on the legendary Italian film "Taming of the Shrew". In the video, the Russian comedian used the plot line, and the incendiary dances of the Celentano, presented in the cult tape, and Ornell played himself.

In November 2016, information appeared in the media that Muti moved to Russia. According to press reports, the actress acquired real estate in the center of the Russian capital, not far from the Church of Christ the Savior, and also expressed the desire to become a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Soon, the journalists found out that the staff of the FMS of Russia registered Italian film actress in the house in the east of the capital. The residential building is located in one of the most criminal areas of the city - in Golian. This area of ​​Moscow even entered the top three places of peace, which are not recommended for visiting foreign tourists. Social Users were surprised by such an actress.

In 2016 he visited Ornella Muti and on the program "Evening Urgant". The actress shared his impressions from staying in Russia.

In the summer of 2017, the International Moscow Film Festival (MMKF) took place, one of whose jury members became Ornella Muti. In addition to the Italian star, the judicial chairs took the Iranian director of Mirkarimi, Finnish director Yorn Johan Donner, Spanish director and screenwriter Albert Serra.

Personal life

Known actress and their novels. In the youth of Ornell fell in love with an attractive Italian, and after a while got pregnant from him. The father of the future child threw the actress after the woman refused to make an abortion. The name of this person, the artist does not reveal until now. It is only known that at that time a man was married, and his spouse was also in position.

The actress gave birth to a nike daughter, and a year later, he agreed to become the legitimate wife of Alesio Oran, who was a partner of actress in filming in the first film. The marriage collapsed, while Alessio told all the truth that he did not have to Nike's father, which undermined the reputation of the actress.

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The proper chief of Ornell became the producer of Federico Fauchetti. The actress presented the spouse of two children - the boy Andrea and the girl Carolina. After a while it turned out that the husband was engaged in financial fraud, writing fake checks in the name of his wife and losing large sums in the casino. Upon learning the truth, Muti agreed to pay Federico debts in return for divorce.

In an interview with the representatives of the Italian media, the actress told that she had an affair with Adriano Celentano, but the relationship was not successful, because the actor was not going to leave the legitimate spouse. In 1998, Ornella Muti became the wife of a plastic surgeon Stefano Picollo. Choselitis of the younger movie star for 10 years, but it did not prevent in love to live in marriage until 2008.

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The media have repeatedly reported that the actress is in relations with the genius of network marketing of Fabris Kerverwe. It was with him Ornella moved to Moscow, where he had acquired housing. The entrepreneur has established a business in Russia, which allows the artist to live into two countries.

Ornell Muti does not regret the turbulent events that accompanied her personal life. She still looks young thanks to daily gymnastics and the lack of bad habits. The figure of the performer over the years has not changed, with a height of 168 cm, its weight does not exceed 52-54 kg, that Ornell demonstrates on numerous photos in "Instagram". Italian, as in his youth, gives preference to bright makeup, which emphasizes the beauty of her almond-shaped eyes.

Ornell Muti now

Now the Italian actress is increasingly possible to meet on the theater scene. In 2018, Ornell became the performer of the role of Anna John in ballet production with the elements of the opera "Crystal Palace", the only show of which in Russia took place on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace.

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The sperstels of Malta and Yerevan have already become familiar with the theatrical project of Ekaterina Mironovaya and Alexander Somov. The basis of the plot of the performance was taken by the real case from the life of the Empress - the wedding of court jets. The production involved artists of the Bolshoi and Mikhailovsky theaters.

At the same time, the show of the theatrical drama "Court of Witch" started, in which Muti received a major role. With the performance of the actress visited the major cities of Russia and Ukraine. Heroine Ornell is a common woman who becomes a victim of the Inquisition on the bonos.

In addition to stage reincarnations, the actress prepares new filmmakes for fans. In 2018, the "Wine To Love" and "Notti Magiche" paintings were released in the West. In 2019, Ornell began work on the main role in the film "Mare Di Grano".


  • 1970 - "The most beautiful wife"
  • 1974 - "Folk Roman"
  • 1977 - "Death Round"
  • 1980 - Flash Gordon
  • 1980 - "Taming of the Shrew"
  • 1980 - "Life is beautiful"
  • 1981 - "Madly in love"
  • 1982 - "Girl from Trieste"
  • 1984 - "Love Svana"
  • 1986 - "Highway"
  • 1991 - "Oscar"
  • 1999 - "Count Monte Cristo"
  • 2006 - "Merry and tanned"
  • 2012 - "Roman Adventures"

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