Vanessa Paradise - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Vanessa Paradise - French and Hollywood singer, film actress and actress of sounding, fashion model. Icon of the start of the 90s, the embodiment of the image of young lolita, Ambassador Brand Chanel since 1991, the performer of the Joe Le Taxi Hita, which entered the story of modern pop music. The actress has charm and non-standard beauty that make it in the eyes of fans by the embodiment of French chic.

Childhood and youth

Vanessa Paradi was born in the town of Saint-Mor de Fosse, which is a suburb of the French capital. The birthday of the girls came on December 22, 1972, by the sign of Zodiac Vanessa - Sagittarius. Both parents of the singer - and the father of Andre Paradise, and the Mother Corinne Paradise - worked by film director.

The uncle Didier Payne, his mother brother, who is a famous French actor. Vanessa has a younger sister Elisson Paradise, who also became an actress. Both girls from an early age were fond of music and dancing. It was uncle who insisted that Vanessa tried his strength on television.

The creative biography of the artist began early. The girl was 7 years old when she took part in the popular TV show "School of Fans", fulfilling a song from the musical "Emily Zholi". The public accepted her very warmly, the hall applauded a lot. This success strengthened Vanessa's desire to become a famous singer. The parades began to deal with professional vocal teachers and after 7 years she declared himself.


In 1987, Vanessa Paradi records the song "Joe Le Taxi", which a week after the release is headed by the French hit parade, and after 2 weeks it becomes the best song in all European charts. The success of the composition turned out to be deafening so much that from the simple popular song "Joe Le Taxi" turned into a classic of pop music. The girl starred in a music video on this composition, in which he sang near the yellow taxi car.

A year later, the young singers "M & J" arrives at the stores of the stores, which, according to the results of sales, becomes platinum in 8 months. In addition to the World Hit "Joe Le Taxi", it is worth noting the rhythmic romantic composition "Maxou" and the "Marilyn et John" title song, dedicated to Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy.

The second album "Variations Sur Le MêMe T'aime", released in 1990, produced Serge Genssburg. 2 compositions of it got into the best dozen songs - the lyrical ballad "Dis-Lui Ti Que Je T'aime" and the style of funky "Tandem".

The next plate appeared in 2 years and was called by the name of the singer - "Vanessa Paradis". The famous musician Lenny Kravitz participates at work on this disk. Perhaps therefore the album was the first and currently the only completely English-speaking. 3 songs were hits: opening the album "Natural High" and dance "Sunday Mondays" and "Be My Baby".

After the release of the Vanessa Plate, the paradise is sent to a long world tour, the result of which it became not only the significantly increased popularity of the singer, but also the output of the album with records from the living concerts "Vanessa Paradis Live". Then the fans had to wait long enough for new songs performed by the beloved singer.

Only in 2000 the BLISS album appeared. Unfortunately, he could not repeat the first three studio records. Only the song "Commando" fell into the charts, although the record itself had a commercial success both in his homeland and in Belgium and Switzerland.

But after 7 years, the album "Divinidylle" returned the parades in the musical elite. Divine Idylle songs, "Dès Que Je Te Vois" and "L'Incendie" became the participants of all French-speaking charts, and the album itself is named the best in France and Belgium. This success allowed Vanessa to receive the Victoires De La Musique Award as the best singer of the year.

The next Studio Album "Love Songs", published again after a long break - in 2013, became very successful. This double disk contains 22 compositions on the theme of romantic relationships, which Vanessa sings from all sorts of points of view. These songs are personal, nevertheless, three of them won the highest places in the charts. This is the "Love Song" title, as well as Les Espaces et Les Sentiments and Mi Amor. The album became number one in France and Belgium, and also got into the best five Switzerland.

In addition to studio drives, the parades released several official collections of the best songs and concert albums, and also participated in the record of two soundtracks. In 2004, for the film "Atomic Circus: The Return of James Battla" Vanessa sang the song "Ma Petroleuse" along with the "The Little Rabbits" group.

And in 2011 in the cartoon "Monster in Paris", in which the singer voiced the main character, a young executor of Cabaret Lucier, who does not want to marry the calculation, sounded a lot of songs in the execution of the paradise. One of them, "La Seine" - "Sen" in Russian translation, became popular and brought celebrity award film "Cesar" for the best performance of the song to the animation film.


In the cinema Vanessa Paradi made his debut in 1989, at the 17th age. It was the film "White Wedding", in which the girl plays the main female role. For her, the paradise received her first award - "Cesar" - as the best debutant. But because of the abundance of erotic scenes on a minor actress flooded a wave of negative reviews from the female part of the public, and Vanessa chose to take the actress career.

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Only after 7 years old the parades return to the shooting platform and removed in the film "Eliza", in which the famous French actor Gerard Depardieu became partner of Vanessa. Then followed a series of comedic roles, among which it is worth allocating a romantic fantasy tape "Cleaner love", a comedy fighter "One chance for two" and tragicomedy "Girl on the bridge". In these paintings, partners of the paradise were such world stars as Jean Reno, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Alain Delon and Daniel Oty.

The Vanessa Paradi filmography is replenished with irregularly - singer interrupted shooting for the sake of world tour in support of their plates. In addition, some films were not particularly successful. In the new millennium it is worth allocating only the work in the romantic comedy "Hardead", as well as the role of Jacqueline in the joint Canada-French drama "Cafe de Flor". This film was nominated in the 13 categories of Canadian Cinema "Ginny" and was awarded three prizes, including the best actress, which went to Vanessas Paradis.

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Later, the performer appeared in the comedy "under the mask of Zhigolo" about two heroes that decided to build a business on exciting-services to wealthy ladies. In the main cast, in addition to Vanessa, the director of the film John Tour, and Woody Allen, Sharon Stone and Sofia Vergara appeared. In 2014, shooting in the film "Beauty in Paris" became a new work in films for the artist. In this tape, with the parades played Isabelle Ajani and the Leticia of Caste.

On July 29, 2016, the world premiere of the comedy horror film director Kevin Smith "Yoganuti" was held. Vanessa played the secondary role of the history teacher. Johnny Depp also starred in the picture, which played the role of Gi Lapuant, an evil hunter from Montreal.

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The main roles of two schoolgirls who are fond of yoga, want to arrange a party, but bump into the universal evil, which gets out of the ground, played daughter Kevin Smith Harley Quinn Smith and daughter Vanessa Paradise and Johnny Depp Lily Rose Depp.

The film was the second picture of the "Canadian trilogy" Smith. The tape caused ambiguous reviews of the audience. Some outraged that star parents allowed the young daughters to play vulgar and emphasized sex scenes in the comedy picture. Others expressed confidence that the lack of such prohibitions is considered a sign of the harmonious relations of parents and children.

In May 2017, two premieres were held with Vanessa Paradise in the title role. May 14 came the French comedy "Dog". This is a film about the hero of Jacques, who survived the personal tragedy, having lost their loved ones and work, but thanks to the acquaintance with the owner of the pet-shop again felt the taste of life.

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And on May 25, the premiere of the "Inay" drama was held, on which Lithuania, Ukraine, France and Poland worked together. "Inay" talks about the war in the Donbas. The plot of the film is built around a group of people heading through the neutral zone to the fighting line: suppliers of humanitarian aid, journalists, seeking sensations, accompanying and sympathizing. Vanessa Paradi played the role of a military journalist-international.

Soon the audience was able to appreciate the talent of the paradise in the Marylin drama. In the film about a young girl who decided to go to the capital of France to become an actress, Vanessa performed the role of a second plan.

Personal life

The first romantic attitudes from the artist have developed with a compatriot Florem Panya, older for 9 years, which at the time of their acquaintance was a novice singer and actor. Young people met for 3 years since 1988.Embed from getty images

During the record of the Third Album, Vanessa tied a novel with Lenny Kravitz. The couple was together for 5 years, but in 1997, the musicians broke up. Next year, the singer meets the legendary actor Johnny Depp. Their long time was called the most beautiful pair of show business.

Vanessa and Johnny 14 years have lived in an actual marriage, in which they had two children were born - Daughter Lily Rose Melody (1999) and Son Jack Christopher, younger for 3 years. The gap turned out to be loud, but the couple broke up lovely, remaining in friendly relations. Already after parting, the former husband bought Vanessas and children a house in Hollywood.

After that, Vanessa had two serious novels - with the owner of the USInedeco furniture company Gi-David Garbi, with whom the actress met six months, and with the singer Benjamin Biola, with whom he lived just over 2 years. Vanessa Paradi does not expose personal life at the bottom. The singer does not lead an account in "Instagram", as reported by the pages of its fan groups.

Despite the small growth (160 cm with weight of 48 kg), the artist is in demand in the fashion world. The famous Kuturier Karl Lagerfeld considered Vanessa his muse. Paradise maintains a great shape. Her figure and today looks no less attractive than in youth.

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It helps her daily classes from the horizontalist, yoga, pilates and dancing. In the morning, the actress drinks water with lemon, periodically resorts to acupuncture, homeopathy and visits massage sessions. According to the singer, the skin tone it supports ice cubes, and for self-confidence prefers makeup in the style of Smoky Eyes.

In November 2016, sudden news about the personal life of Vanessa appeared in the media. Journalists reported that Vanessa Paradise and Johnny Depp again together. Former husband after a scandalous divorce with Amber Herd temporarily returned to the paradise. Vanessa supported the ex-spouse during a severe divorce and made a witness from Depp. The actor moved to the French apartment of the former spouse and began to fulfill the role of a father for common children.

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However, the expectations of reporters were not justified. Couple kept silence on a possible reunification. A few months later, Vanessa began a novel with French director Samuel Benezhevri. The actress met the director during collaboration on the film "Dog". The relationship between the in love was prosperous, and soon the chosen did the actress offer. The wedding date was scheduled for mid-2018.

Only close and native newlyweds were invited to the solemn event, which was also visited by the daughter of Vanessa. Washing took place in a traditional style with white wedding dress, Fata, oaths about loyalty and love in the city hall.

Vanessa paradise now

Now Vanessa continues to hold a high bar in the cinema, appearing in extraordinary projects. In 2018, the paradise was reincarnated to the main character of the thriller "Knife in the heart." Her character is a director of porn movies, which becomes a witness to the murder of his actors unknown. Woman to become a participant in the investigation.

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In the comedy "Family Photography", the artist performed the role of one of the relatives remaining alone after the death of his grandmother's spouse. The native elderly woman will have to make a difficult choice - who will learn to care for her.

Music career stars also do not stand still. Vanessa periodically protrudes with concerts, participates in musical festivals. In February 2019, the artist presented the video to the new hit "Kiev", which was included in the track list published in the 2018th Les Sources record.


  • 1988 - M & J
  • 1992 - Vanessa Paradis
  • 2000 - Bliss.
  • 2001 - Vanessa Paradis Au Zénith
  • 2007 - Divinidylle
  • 2010 - UNE NUIT À Versailles
  • 2013 - Love Songs
  • 2018 - Les Sources


  • 1989 - "White Wedding"
  • 1995 - "Eliza"
  • 1998 - "One chance for two"
  • 1999 - "Girl on the bridge"
  • 2007 - "Key"
  • 2011 - Cafe de Flor
  • 2013 - "under the mask Zhigolo"
  • 2014 - "Rio, I love you"
  • 2014 - "Beauties in Paris"
  • 2016 - "Yoganut"
  • 2017 - "Inay"
  • 2018 - "Knife in the heart"

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