Julia Kovalchuk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Julia Kovalchuk is a Russian pop-performer, who since 2001 for 7 years has been in the main composition of the popular group "Brilliant". Students remembered singles of the music team "And I flew all", "for the four seas", "Eastern fairy tales", which Julia participated in the execution. Later, the actress successfully combined the solo career with the activities of the TV presenter projects "Who on top?", "Minute of Glory", "Weighted People".

Childhood and youth

On November 2, 1982, the daughter of Julia was born in the town of Volzhsky Volgograd region in the family of Kovalchuk. Mom Svetlana Vasilyevna worked in a local technical school teacher. Oleg Aleksandrovich, Father of the future singer, held the position of chief designer at the Design Institute.

Since childhood, Julia seriously and unsuccessfully engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, saw herself with the second Larisa Latin and represented itself as an Olympic champion. But not all dreams come true. During one of the training, the girl seriously damaged his back. With Gresses about future sports cups and awards had to part.

Svetlana Vasilyevna, looking up with a chagrin on the experience of his daughter, recorded it into the choreographic circle and did not lose. Daughter bloomed in front of her eyes. Dance classes came to Yule in the soul. Energetic girl due to desire and excellent physical training quickly comprehended the basics of dance art and reached on this field of certain success. At first, I performed in the Dance Center "Rusinka", and then passed into the People's Ensemble "Crown". And with such a loaded schedule at school, it was always one of the best students.

The energy and purposefulness of the girl led her to the Municipal Committee on Youth Affairs, for an active part in which young community was given a ticket to the legendary "Eagleok". It was there that, on the romantic Black Sea coast, Julia was overwhelmed with an enthusiastic interest in music and vocals.

Returning home, the girl entered the evening music school in the class of guitar. She wrote poems before, now they could be put on music. It was so new and fascinating that another girl would have had no time for anything else, but it was Julia.

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When Julia was 15 years old, she created the school team "Elite", which became an active participant in Russian dance competitions and festivals. On one of the speeches in the Northern capital, a man approached the girl who introduced himself as to the Dean of Moscow University of Culture and Art, who saw a special talent in young talent and advised her to try happiness in the opportunity to enter the university.

The set in Mguy was carried out on such a system that Yulia had to finish school externally. After the ninetile, the girl filed documents in the technical school, over the year mastered the program of two classes, having received a red diploma at the end. In the summer of 2000, Julia bought a train ticket to Moscow and went to enter the University of Culture and Art. Moscow surrendered, the future star was a contest and entered a budget place.


In 2001, Julia, on the Council of classmates, took part in a dance casting for the auxiliary composition of the popularity of the group "Brilliant". She has long and professionally danced, because by performing several songs of his own essay, absolutely conquered the jury. After a couple of months, Julia has already participated in the dancer "shiny", and after Olga's departure, Oorlova made his debut as a performer in the main composition.

The clip "AU-AU", in which the new "brilliant" Julia first appeared before the broad audience, came out in the same 2001. Julia Kovalchuk, Zhanna Friske, Irina Lukyanova and Ksenia Novikov for the next year they recorded the album "For four seas".

Then the "orange paradise" and "Oriental fairy tales" came out, over which all the same talented pop quartet worked, writing a total of more than 40 songs. The star team toured a lot and tightly, everywhere collecting big halls.

In 2007, Julia's contract with the Brilliant Group approached the end, and the singer with its inherent energy and excerpt rushed to conquer the public to the solo program. With the support of the producer of Marat Hyrutdinov in January 2008, Julia Kovalchuk made his debut with the single "Talk me", a clip on which, lightningly take off to the main lines of domestic charts, liked the recovery public and brought Yulia's popularity without "brilliant".

Then the song Kovalchuk "Fly" appeared in the rotation of the music channels, the duet with the group "Tea together" with the composition "Look into my eyes." In the summer of 2014, a video clip "in notes" was released, which was a joint project of Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov.

In addition to hits from their repertoire, the artist often performed on stage with musical compositions of the Soviet era. So, at a concert in honor of the Victory Day, which takes place every year on Poklonnaya Mountain, in 2013, Julia performed the song "Three Tankers". The speech was warmly accepted by listeners.

The debut album of Yulia Kovalchuk, called "JK2015", was released on June 18, 2015. The track leaf plate consisted of 14 compositions, among which turned out to be the popularity of "between us", "in the notes", "in smoke". The performer was collected from the presentation of the album to the foundation of Konstantin Khabensky.


The rating show "Dancing on Ice", in which Julia debuted with Figist Peter Chernyshev in 2007, brought them a victory, and her new round of popularity.

In 2008, Julia conquered the tops of the realistic show "The Last Hero" in the shooting of the 6th season. 2nd place did not upset her, it was not important, but participation. On the project she found new friends - Cornelia Mango and Tair Mamedov.

In 2009, she once again returned to the ice with the Skister Roman Kostomarov already in the "Ice Age" show, once again demonstrating all Russia the highest level of artistry, plastics and graces.

In 2010, the audience met Julia Kovalchuk in the role of a welcoming TV presenter: along with Alexander Oleshko on the "Minute of Glory" show she met artists. At the same time, the "Children's Radio" performed in the transfer "We Talented".

In early 2013, Julia Kovalchuk, together with Alexei Chumakov, on the air of the TV channel, Vela show "Who is above?", Which is a quiz with questions about interpopol relations. The show "Our exit", in which the singing families challenged the emergence of 1st place, the couple also led together.

Julia Kovalchuk showed himself a talented lead. Since March 2014, the show "One to one!" She led with Igor Vernik, and since April 2015, a reality-project "Weighted People" on the CTC channel opened another new face of Julia for the audience. Participation in such rating shows as it is impossible to approve its star status.

In 2016, Julia Kovalchuk continues to cooperate with the channel "Yu" in the same show "Who on top?" and the "Russia" channel in the project "Our Exit."

Personal life

The singer always hid the facts and details of his personal life before the appearance of Alexei Chumakov in her destiny. They were familiar from 2003, when the girl had just started a career in "brilliant", and Alexey received the 3rd place in the "People's Artist" show. Already then, the spark flew between them, according to their own words, at the first meeting, purely professional, they felt the magical "chemistry" of love.

In 2009, Alexey invited Julia to his solo concert for old friendship. Kovalchuk, in turn, in response to the invitation presented him a ticket to his next performance. Chumakov with a huge bouquet of flowers came to the concert, after which the pair of rebuilt in the restaurant. And on the same evening, young people admitted that they could not live without each other.

The couple lived 5 years in civil marriage. Alexey did not hurry with the proposal of the hand and the hearts of his beloved girl at all because of indecision. Such is the trait of the character of the singer, he thought over everything to the smallest detail. As it turned out, the size of the ring, which Alexey presented in Julia when engaging, recognized through the producer of singer, so as not to cause suspicion of his beloved.

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In 2014, Alexey Chumakov became the official husband of Yulia Kovalchuk. Only the bride and groom also attended the mystery of the wedding ceremony. The wedding and its associated celebrations were organized for the nearest relatives and friends and were held in Spain. There were only 12 guests, no one from the colleagues in order to avoid the leakage of information and the attention of the paparazzi. In order to be a cute heart, the corner is not forgotten, the couple acquired apartments in Spain, where Alexey with Yulia rest several times a year, admiring the beauty of the country.

Star couple opened her secret of eternal love, based on understanding and kind to each other. Not only are they living on "two houses" with their favorite pets, but also when participating in joint projects, we always ask for each other different dressing rooms. In order not to get tired and not angry with each other, you need to have a personal free space. So it was on the set of a romantic film "urgently marry", in which the star couple starred in tandem. Moreover, Julia and Alexey were prototypes of the heroes of the picture.

Julia did not hide that she had dreamed of children for a long time. In the summer of 2017, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov reported that the first child would soon appear in their family. At the later period, the singer carefully treated his health before the first kinds. Lovers left Moscow to warm edges.

In October 2017, the news appeared that Julia Kovalchuk gave birth to a daughter, but the pair did not immediately comment on the information. Later it became known that the girl received the name Amelia. Mom herself suffered a pregnancy calmly, according to Yulia, she did not pull it into a salty, but she had a desire to eat fig. To physically prepare for childbirth, the artist went on swimming, walking, Pilates.

Already in 2018, Kovalchuk said he was ready to re-become a mother. The singer does not frighten the possible stretching or a set of weight, with these troubles, Julia has learned to cope during the first pregnancy. After childbirth, the actress easily returned to the previous form. Now, with growth, 165 cm its weight is 50 kg.

Romantic relationships are still preserved between the spouses. At the 11th anniversary of the joint life, Julia presented Alexey Flying in a balloon. Couple accompanied by an instructor rose by 2 thousand meters above the Earth. The flight took place above the mountain range of the Pyrenees.

Julia Kovalchuk now

Kovalchuk's creative biography is annually enriched with new events. In 2018, the artist in a duet with his spouse presented to the public to the public a new hit "Inclining the light in me." The musical composition was marked by several awards. At the International Festival "Heat" the track received the nomination "Best Duet". For the performance of the song, the musicians were also awarded the premium "breakthrough of the year".

In 2019, a new clip Kovalchuk was released on the song "Let's". Alexander Filatovich became the director of the video. New work, Julia announced on its own page in "Instagram". The profile of the actress uses to communicate with fans. Here she introduces subscribers with creative life, places family photos and videos.

Repeatedly in the scout of the singer appeared her selfie without makeup. Not all follovers positively refer to such stars experiments. Attacks and pictures of Kovalchuk in a bathing suit. The performer is different from its colleagues in that it is categorically not acceptable plastic, so it does not boast a luxurious bust in a bikini. But the singer itself does not pay attention to the replica of Hayer.


As part of the group "Brilliant"
  • 2002 - "For four seas"
  • 2003 - Orange Paradise
  • 2005 - "Oriental Fairy Tales"
  • 2008 - "Odnoklassniki"

Solo albums

  • 2015 - "JK 2015"


  • 2007 - "Dancing ice. The Velvet season"
  • 2008 - "The last hero. Forgotten in paradise. 6th season "
  • 2009 - "Ice Age. Fabulous continuation "
  • 2011 - "Special Task"
  • 2015 - "Empire Illusions"
  • 2015 - "Weighted People"
  • 2016 - "Who on top?"

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