George Dansel - biography, photo, personal life, news, filmography, cause



Georgy Delteiya - Soviet film director of Georgian origin, who removed the films "I walk in Moscow", "Mimino", "Passport", "Kin-Dza-Dza", which became the classics of Soviet cinema. Almost all of his films, Deloi also participated as a screenwriter and an actor episodic roles. Also, Georgy Nikolayevich in co-authorship wrote a scenario to the comedy "Gentlemen of Good luck". In the new millennium, the director tried himself as a publicist and began to publish autobiographical books.

Childhood and youth

Georgy Nikolaevich Delelia was born in the heart of solar Georgia - Tbilisi. It happened in August 1930. Dad Nikolai Deloia worked as an engineer-path, and Mama Mary Andzhaparidze is an assistant at Mosfilm. It was the mother who instilled his son love for cinema. The choice of the future profession, Georgy Deltera influenced the native uncle and aunt: Veriko Andzhaparidze and Mikhail Chiaureli - People's Artists of the USSR.

When the son turned a year, parents moved to Moscow. Here, the Father was soon appointed brigadier, and then the chief engineer of the Moscow Metrostro, and the mother rose in the career hierarchy to the director's director and received the Stalin degree Prize of the 1st degree.

Georgy Deltera did not immediately determine the future profession. At first, the young man entered the architectural university and after graduation even settled as an architect to the Institute of Design. But soon, Deloia realized that he would lead to the cinema. Therefore, Georgy Nikolayevich threw the design and entered the directorial courses at Mosfilm.


Director's courses Georgy Delteius graduated in 1959. The course work of Deltera became the short-casting "Vasisuali Lohankin", and the graduate - the tape "Also people". Already on these two films it becomes clear that the young director of Deltera has a great future. At the end of the courses, Georgy Nikolayevich settled at the Mosfilm Studio. Deltea was employed as director director. The creative biography of Delelia began to be replenished with projects that the All-Union Glory would bring the director.

Georgy Deltey in the film "I'm walking around Moscow"

The first tapes forced to respect the young director. The painting "Seryozha", which received several prestigious awards, Deltera took off with Igor Talacin. In this work, fresh breath and innovative approach were felt. And in 1964, the painting of Georgy Deltera "I step in Moscow" came to the screens. The young director woke up famous. This tape, published during the Khrushchev thaw, becomes a cultural event and the opening of the year.

Next year, the film "Thirty Thirty" came out on the screens of the country. This work, Deloteia immediately won a niche of the new master of the Soviet Comedy. In addition to the label and the topical satire, Georgy Nikolaevich managed to demonstrate the ability of grotesque and at the same time subtly and lyrically reveal reality. Especially it is necessary to note the talent of the director to create a coherent ensemble from the distinguished actors belonging to different schools and generations.

George Dansel - biography, photo, personal life, news, filmography, cause 20694_2

After the release of "thirty-three" it was decided to use the humorous talent of the director in the satirical van of "Fitil", for which Georgy Nikolayevich removed a dozen miniatures. Tape "Do not burn!" In which Georgy Deliay gathered the famous Georgian actors Vakhtang Kikabidze, Sergo Zabariadze, Sophico Chiahooleli, as well as Yevgeny Leonov and Anastasia Vertinskaya, was also warmly accepted by spectators and film critics. Here for the first time the director invited his own sister's own sister to the shooting area.

In 1979, a wonderful comedy melodrama of Deltera "Autumn Marathon" came out. For the first time, Georgy Nikolaevich invited Oleg Basilashvili to the film. It must be said that in the life of the artist is the same decisive and energetic as his hero in the "official novel". And only Deloteia managed to consider in the actor the features, which allowed to embody in Basilashvili, the image of an insecure, weakly-speaking intellectual Buskin, bursting between two women. Spectators first saw another, unusual facet of the talent of Oleg Basilashvili.

George Dansel - biography, photo, personal life, news, filmography, cause 20694_3

Critics say that this talent of Georgy Deltera is to disclose a popular actor from an unknown side - especially valuable. As well as the ability to use the elements of melodrama in comedies or even dramas. This feature of the director is traced both in the "Autumn Marathon" and in other paintings by Mimino and Athos. Here you can laugh in different ways: from the soul, with bitterness, and sometimes with sadness.

In 1986, the legendary film of Deloteia "Kin-Dza-Dza!". Ribbon in perestroika, and today, had a huge success. The use in the comedy science fiction was innovative for Soviet cinema. The cast was selected ingenious. This anti-nightopia immediately turned out to be disassembled by quotes.

George Dansel - biography, photo, personal life, news, filmography, cause 20694_4

The director believed his best film the picture is less popular than the rest - "Tears dripped." This picture is a sad retelling of a fabulous plot into a modern way, the recovery of the famous fairy tale about the Snow Queen. The main character was played by Evgeny Leonov. After entering the eye of the fragment of the magic mirror, the hero saw in the surrounding many vices that did not notice earlier. Here there is a satire, and good humor, and sad laughter through tears.

In the 1990s, Georgy Delteius continued to shoot branded sad comedies. Among them, you can mark the pictures "Nastya", "Eagle and Rusk", "Passport". For these works, their creator in 1997 received the State Prize of Russia. Also, Deltere made a co-author of the comedy "Gentlemen of Good luck" and the New Year's tape "French".


In addition to working on films from Delia, there were many other hobbies. The director was interested in music, painting, graphics. Two academies - national cinematic arts and "Nika" - chose Guene by their academician. List all the titles and awards Georgy Deltera is very difficult. The highest of them is the title "People's Artist of the RSFSR and the USSR".

Since 2003, the director became the chairman of the "Foundation Georgy Dellai", on the official website of which there are objectives of the foundation as maintaining cinematic traditions and help in developing cinema. Soon the work of the Foundation began to study the wife of the director Galina Ivanovna Delhelia, which then headed the husband's Foundation.

In 2015, the Foundation began a new project "Cinema in the theater", which was the scenic adaptation of famous movies. The project's creators decided to launch the reverse process of playing theatrical plates.

The first stage of the project was Khanuma. The Foundation chose a film on the Georgian play as a gift of Deloia to the 85th anniversary. The director's friends engaged in the performance of the performance decided that the "Hanuma" fits the jubilee in spirit. Nevertheless, the press assured the future spectators that there will be no clearly pronounced Georgian color in the performance, the performance of the performance will unfold in the unknown southern city. The platform for the new project provided the Palace of Railway Culture in St. Petersburg.

"Theater Georgy Dellai" continues to put "Hanum". In addition, a detective musical for the whole family "Sher-Lok and an inch" appeared in the repertoire of the theater. The performances are held on the scene of the Satira theater and in the workshop of Peter Fomenko.

Personal life

In the life of the director there were three official wives, one civilian wife and two children from different marriages. Today the director already has adult grandchildren.

For the first time, Delsel married in 1951. The wife of the director became Irina Ginzburg, the daughter of the Minister of Construction. It was a bright, but short novel. Together, Irina and Gia lived only a year. But Svetlana's daughter was born in this marriage, which became a lawyer. With daughter Georgy Nikolaevich supported relations, converating every Tuesday.

Personal life George Dellai for a long time - from 1957 to 1984 - was connected with the famous actress of love Sokolova. Deltera and Sokolova met on the set of painting "Walking on the flour". To achieve the location of the actress Delelia was not easy. Falcon has already been behind the tragic love story. In her blockade she died her husband and son.

But Georgy Nikolayevich managed to achieve the location of the actress. Soon they were born the son of Nikolai. After 25 years, the joint life of Deloia found a new love. The separation of Sokolov experienced very difficult, and the death of a 26-year-old son Nicholas finally undermined the health of the actress.

About the 15-year novel Georgy Deloi and writer Victoria Tokareva, who was written by a scenario to "Gentlemen of Good luck", Tokarev wrote an autobiographical novel "Tree on the roof". But this connection did not end with marriage.

Delelia broke out a novel with Galina Yurkova, who became the third wife of the director. The first profession of women is a journalist, the second - director director. The viewer Yurkova is known for his films "French", "God's creature", "Joke?!".

In the 2000s, George Dannelia wrote five biographical books: "Awesome passenger", "traveling drinking to the bottom", "Chito-Grito", "Gentlemen of Good luck and other filmceneurs" and "Do not burn!". In 2014, another director was published in the world called "The cat left, and the smile remained."


On April 4, 2019, Georgy Delelia died at the age of 88. The cause of the death of the director is a heart stop.

In February, the cult director came to the hospital with inflammation of the lungs. Later, Georgy Nikolayevich in the artificial one was introduced to stabilize the respiration. In early March, Galina Delhelia announced the improvement of the state of her husband.

Date and place of funeral Georgy Deltera will be known later.


  • 1960 - "Seryozha"
  • 1963 - "I'm walking in Moscow"
  • 1965 - "Thirty Three"
  • 1971 - "Gentlemen of Good luck"
  • 1975 - "Afonya"
  • 1977 - Mimino
  • 1979 - "Autumn Marathon"
  • 1982 - "Tears drip"
  • 1986 - "Kin-Dza-Dza!"
  • 1993 - "Nastya"
  • 1995 - "Eagle and Rushka"
  • 2000 - "Fortune"

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