Igor Kolomoisky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



Igor Kolomoisky is an entrepreneur who is among the richest people in Ukraine. He participated in the "update" of the Ukrainian state, in connection with which he won an ambiguous attitude towards his public. In addition, the businessman is the founder of the largest financial and industrial company "Privat", the scope of which applies to the metallurgical, banking, oil refinery. At the same time, in the industry "Privata" includes a media boss, sport, food industry and the agricultural sector.

Childhood and youth

Kolomoisky Igor Valerevich was born on February 13, 1963 in Dnepropetrovsk. His parents, Jews by nationality, worked as engineers at the city-forming enterprises - Mother at the PromstroyProekt Institute, and the father worked at the local metallurgical plant. From ornamental age, the future billionaire showed himself a purposeful, serious and diligent child, to whom everyone was propheted a bright future.

Igor Kolomoisky in youth

Kolomoisky graduated with honors from the local school number 21, he was a round excellent student in all subjects. In addition to school sciences, Igor Valerevich was fascinated by sports, especially football and chess. Having a red diploma, the future businessman easily entered the Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute, from the walls of which was released by a certified engineer and fell on the distribution to the project organization.

In the post of engineer-Metallurg, the future billionaire worked for a long time - since 1988, with his friends Gennady Bogolyubov and Alexey Martynov decided to do business in which he later achieved brilliant results and "screamed" the powerful empire in Ukraine.


Business Igor Kolomoisky started during the collapse of the USSR, when many in the ruins of the republic came to "their stream" without significant investments. In his youth, Igor began with the purchase of organic recycling, which then exchanged on electrical goods.

Thanks to persistence, the future oligarch later founded the company "Sentoza", which is engaged in reselligents of various goods, among whom office equipment, consumer goods, as well as oil and ferroalloys. For several years, the entrepreneur managed to earn the first million, which he invested in business development.

In 1992, Igor Valerevich founded "PrivatBank" with partners, whose founders were 4 companies, but a significant percentage of shares were in the hands of Kolomoisky. Later, the private bank in the Great and Mighty Empire called "Privat", which includes at least 100 large enterprises in Ukraine and the world.

The most significant assets of Igor Kolomoisky were considered to be the company Ukrnafta, Nikopolsky, Zaporizhia and Stakhanovsky ferroalloy factories, the oil refining plant Neftekhimik, Krivoy Rogged iron rigorous plant, Aerosvit airline and 1 + 1 media media holdings. At the same time, PrivatBank oligarch was the largest banking institution of Ukraine with more than 22 million clients in 12 countries of the world.

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In addition to Ukrainian enterprises, the Kolomoissky business applies to the territories of the West. The Ukrainian oligarch of Jewish origin has a share of shares in Central European Media Enterprises, the British oil and gas industry company JKX Oil & Gas, and also owns television companies in Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia. Also in the assets of Igor Valerevich there are several dozen world offshore companies, most of which are located in Cyprus.

The state of Kolomoisky in 2015 was estimated at $ 1.4 billion, which is 400 million less than in 2014. In this case, the exact information on the ownership and property of the oligarch did not exist. At the post of the Dnipropetrovsk governor, he filed an official income declaration, where 700 million hryvnia declared, 516 of which fell percentage and dividends. According to media information, for 2019, the state of the oligarch is $ 1.2 billion.

At the end of 2016, the nationalization of PrivatBank was initiated by the Government of Ukraine. The shares of the organization were transferred to the state for a symbolic fee - 1 hryvnia. In 2017, it began to consider the embezzlement of funds in PrivatBank. By decision of the Pechersk District Court, the authorities were arrested by assets and part of the property of the former leaders of the Bank - Igor Kolomoisky and Gennady Bogolyubov. Plant for the production of drinks "Biol", the office of the TV channel "1 + 1", the Boeing 767-300 aircraft.

Soon, the lawsuit to ex-shareholders of the financial organization was transferred to the London Court. Nationalized PrivatBank planned to return more than $ 2.5 billion. Igor Valerevich's accounts were temporarily frozen. At the end of 2018, the High Court of England dismissed the claim "Privatbank" due to erroneous jurisdiction, canceled the arrest of assets. The new leadership of the bank immediately filed an appeal, as a result of which the assets of ex-managers remained frozen for an indefinite period.


The socio-political activity of the entrepreneur at the same time was based solely as part of the protection of the interests of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine, which he headed in 2008. But at the beginning of 2014 he managed to achieve higher rows of Ukrainian power and become the governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region. Then he promised not to do business, but to plunge into politics, which did not happen.

The governor of Kolomoisky had to for the period of the state version in Ukraine, when Peter Poroshenko came to power, whose policies did not meet the interests of the Ukrainian oligarch. At the same time, an armed conflict among citizens of Lugansk and Donetsk regions with the New Kiev authorities began in the east of the country.

After signing the Law on the introduction of ATO in the Donbas, the Kolomoisky took part in the organization, sponsoring and controlling in the conduct of special operation in the country's southeastern region, since all its metallurgical assets are focused to a greater extent.

A year later, there was a conflict between Kolomoisky and Poroshenko, concentrated around Ukrnafta, 50% of whose shares belong to the state. The Ukrainian oligarch with the help of armed machine gunners and loud threats to the government tried to protect his business interests, for which he received a reprimand for violation of professional ethics.

In early 2014, Igor Valerevich and the current head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov Russian SC was submitted to international wanted list. The oligarch and official are suspected of organizing murders, abduction, obstacles to legitimate journalistic activities and the use of prohibited methods of warfare, which they used at all stages of armed confrontation in the East of Ukraine.

In March 2015, the Ukrainian chapter signed a decree on the resignation of Kolomoisky from the Governor's post, after which the billionaire stated that it was forever from politics and would deal with his life. Igor Valerevich moved to live abroad. Now he spends most of the time in Switzerland and Israel.


Despite the unsuccessful experience in the political arena, the Kolomoisky was and remained a financial sponsor of a number of political figures, which helps to make themselves to power. True, the "landmarks" of the oligarch is contradictory and inconsistently - at first he supported the orange revolution and his countrywoman Yulia Tymoshenko, then in the face of Viktor Yushchenko saw the most careful head of the country. At the same time, he and in the new government found allions, without betting on a specific person.

At the same time, the Kolomoisky supported in "Freedom" and his leader of Oleg Tagnibok, investing millions in the development of this political force leading a pronounced nationalist struggle in Ukraine. At the same time, he kept the regiment of the Nativesian Dnepropetrovsk region, sponsored volunteer battalions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the "right sector", spending $ 10 million per month. Moreover, he introduced a campaign for the delay of representatives of the self-proclaimed LNR and DPR, for each member of which promised $ 10 thousand rewards.

Igor Kolomoisky also sponsors the development of Ukrainian football, the fan of which is from childhood. He headed the Dnipro football club and took the post of vice president of the Football Federation of Ukraine. In 2008, the Dnepr-Arena Stadium was built on the money of the oligarch in Dnepropetrovsk, for the construction of which € 45 million was gone.

As Igor Valerevich himself explains, he is not used to advertising his charity. It is known that the Rules of the United Jewish Jewish Community of Ukraine, the Kolomoisky initiated the payment of material assistance to the Jews - the victims of Nazism.

Personal life

Personal life Igor Valerevich for society remains "secret for seven seals", like the business oligarch. It is known that at the age of 20, the future billionaire married the girl Irina. The family turned out to be strong - together spouses dozens of years. Wife Igor Kolomoisky since the beginning of the 2000th lives in Geneva. Her photos never got into the media.

At one time Igor Valerevich attributed a novel with faith of Brezhneva, when the singer began his way in show business. Later, his favorite was recorded another popular performer - Tina Karol. This information is the character of rumors that fall into the media, the entrepreneur itself and the artists did not comment on these gossip.

The billionaire family has two adult children - the son of Grigory and the daughter of Angelica, who are citizens of other countries. The young man is studying in Cleveland, where he receives a specialty sports manager.

According to Igor Valerevich, now the Son is passionate about basketball. With an increase in 193 cm (from the Kolomoisky - 175 cm), the weight of Grigoria reaches 95 kg. External parameters and sports skills help the guy to hold in the team of the First Division of the NCAA Student League. It is not yet in the starting lineup, but already in the first application, at the position of the playing defender. Father is proud of the achievements of Gregory, which mentioned in an interview with Dmitry Gordon.

Igor Valerevich himself has 3 citizenship - Israeli, Cyprus and Ukrainian, which contradicts the legislation of Ukraine. But he considers himself a law-abiding citizen and an international businessman. It is known that the billionaire owns a gorgeous villa in Switzerland, located on 1.5 hectares of the land of the Lake Geneva coast. His children according to the "correspondent" are included in the top ten of the richest heirs, there are already $ 3.3 billion on their accounts.

In addition to the business, politicians, army and football, Igor Kolomoisky is fond of reading, giving preference to the biographies of famous commander, dictators and politicians.

Igor Kolomoisky now

At the end of 2018, Igor Kolomoisky visited Dmitry Gordon, an interview with whom was announced in "Instagram" and other social networks. In a conversation with a journalist, businessman touched upon the issue of the upcoming elections of 2019. Oligarch said that he did not have any influence on the activities of the presidential candidate Vladimir Zelensky and his party "servant of the people".

Also, the entrepreneur told about what was still able to cash out more than 20 thousand pounds per week. During the interview, Igor Valerevich mentioned, for what reason Vladimir Putin called him once a "unique passing". It happened after completion in the English arbitration court of one commercial dispute between the Ukrainian oligarch and Roman Abramovich.

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