Jack Nicholson - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Jack Nicholson - American actor, film director, producer and screenwriter. Nominated for the Oscar Prize Record 12 times.

Jack Nicholson was born in New York. Dancer and singer Jun Francis Nicholson - the mother of the future movie star. Jack's father was probably a musician Don Rose Furcelle, although it was not fixed.

Jack Nicholson in youth

The boy brought up his grandmother and grandfather - Ethel May Nicholson and John Joseph Nicholson. In honor of his grandfather Jack and received a real name. For a long time, the Hollywood actor was confident that Ethel and John was his parents. Only when he turned 37 years old, a man found out that a real mother was a woman he was accustomed to the older sister.

The boy's childhood passed in the town of Nedtyun, New Jersey. Jack attended the initial general education school named after Theodore Roosevelt, where for the first time came to the scene in the amateur formulation of the Musical. Jack performed a jazz composition called Managua, Nicaragua. In adolescence, the celebrity had a problem of excess weight, because of what the offensive nickname "fat man" hung. Then the boy begins to play sports, fond of basketball, baseball and American football. In addition, Jack was a reporter of the school newspaper, participated in theatrical productions. One of them is "Strange Mrs. Savage" - brought a schoolboy the title of "Best Executive Actor".

Full Jack Nicholson

At 18, Nicholson finally decided to tie fate with acting. In order to as much as much as possible to the world of the film industry, Jack moves to a big city and is arranged with a handyman in the MGM multiplication department. In 1956, Jack participates in the first casting. Attending at the watch I liked the smile of a young man, as well as the manner of holding, but shocked the pronunciation. Then Nicholson began visiting acting courses. The result was an episodic role in the TV series "Theater Matini" and participation in the play "Tea and sympathy".


The first role of Nicholson in the movie was the character of Jimmy Wallace in the thriller "Plaks Killer". And the film, and the actor waited for a grand failure. Such faithful works were also: "Wild riding", "too late for love" and "horror shop". The last film was shot in 2 days. The budget of the film was $ 27,000. Nevertheless, the execution of the role of careless Wilbur Forsa in this horror comedy attracted attention to the novice actor. Soon Nicholson was invited to participate in the Known Film on Edgar's poem, and the horror movie "Fear". It's funny that in these pictures of the actor the same suits and identical scenery.

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Next time, Jack Nicholson drew the attention of the public to his person after entering the screens of the film "Careless Riding", and already the "five light plays" tape brought the first nomination to Oscar as the performer of the best male role. Other interesting works of that period for the film acter were the roles in the paintings "Last Outfit" and the Chinese Quarter, who again brought Nicholsons the next nominations for the Oscar Prize.

Most of all, the audience was noted by the "Chinese Quarter" ribbon, presented in cinemas in 1974. The film Roman Polanski film unfolds in Los Angeles in the 30s of the twentieth century. Private Detective Jake Gittes, the role of which and fulfilled Nicholson, was drawn into an investigation into the secret frauds of a major criminal syndicate. In this film, Jack Nicholson's partner became Fay Danaway, who had time to get a nomination for Oscar for "Bonnie and Clyde" by this time. Also at this time, Nicholson is noticeable in the musical "Tommy" and the philosophical drama "Profession: Reporter", which has yet been released under the name "Passenger".

In 1975, the film release of the cult American novel of the new generation "Flying over the cuckoo nest", in which Jack Nicholson performs the main role, playing Randla Patrick McMurphy. This film was named this breakthrough in the creative biography of the actor. The role in the film was brought by Nicholsons the first statuette "Oscar" as a better actor of the year. After that, the actor's success is borrowed by attractive scenarios, but Jack refuses proposals, among which the role of Michael Korleon in a blockbuster "Great Father". Nicholson declares that in that period he was not too interested to take successful roles. On the contrary, the actor chose the least commercially attractive images to make a new challenge to himself. So, Nicholson plays a member of the Communist Party in the "last magnate", a criminal-Konokrad in the western "misconceptions", a criminal-loser in the comedy "Going to South".

The next noticeable work of Nicholson was the screening of the novel Stephen King "Lights". The creator of the film was the famous director Stanley Kubrick. The actor did not receive any premiums for execution of Jack Torrens, but this image is considered one of the best in the pick-up career. The second Oscar film acter received for the role of the second plan in the melodrama of the "word of tenderness", which was also published as "tenderness language."

Then there was a series of successful paintings: "The postman always calls twice," Incenitian Witches "," Honor of Family "," Red "and" Chertopol ". For the last three films, the actor nominated for Oscar.

Jack Nicholson in the role of Joker

In 1989, Jack Nicholson again made him talk about himself the whole world, starring in the adaptation of the Comics Batman. His version of the antihero joker has become a cult and classic. And in 1992, the detective drama "Some Good Guys" was the most quoted film of the year because of the phrase of Nicholson: "You cannot withstand the truth!". In 1997, the actor receives the third statuette "Oscar" for a major role in the picture "Better does not happen", where the partner actor became Helen Hunt, also received an Oscar for this film as the best actress.

Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman

In the new millennium there were successful shooting in a detective film "Promise", the psychological drama "On Schmidte", the comedy "Growle Management", the romantic melodrama "Love according to the rules and without", the thriller "apostates" and the philosophical film "Not yet played in the box" . The famous actor Morgan Freimen was also involved in the filming of the last film center.

The latest filmmaker Jack Nicholson became the role of Charles in the comedy "how to know ...". The tape came out in 2010, in the box office expected a failure.

Not all of the roles of Nicholson took critics and the public. The American twice nominated for the Anti-Prize "Golden Malina" as the worst actor because of participation in the films "Human troubles" and "Hoffa" in 1992. But enthusiastic reviews of the actors are incomparably more.

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I corrected the situation of the film "Wolf", published in 1994. In this film, Nicholson partner on the set was the famous actress Michel Pfaiffer.

Nicholson is a record holder in the number of nominations for Oscar - 12 times, of which turned out to be the winner three times. Also, the Award of the British Academy of Cinema and Television Arts has been given 3 times, 7 times became the winner of the Golden Globe Award, 6 times received a reward of the US National Council of Film Crims, also 6 times the winner of the US Fine Actors Guild. And in 1994, Nicholson awarded the award of the American Institute of Cinema for achieving in life.

In 2013, actor Tom Cruise and Director Dag Lyman personally turned to Jack Nicholson, offering to fulfill the role in the President "President". Cruz and Lyman visited the Actor House in Los Angeles. Cruz noted that he has no desire to participate in the project, if Nicholson refuses filming. The agreement between the creators of the film and the famous artist was not achieved.

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Experts immediately suggested that Tom Cruise decided to repeat the success of 1992, when, together with Nicholson, he starred in the film "Some Good Guys", because this film was put forward on 4 Oscars. A similar success of criticism is still called the merit of a brilliant tandem of actors.

Images that embodied Jack Nicholson on the screen, became popular on the net, because users willingly create memes with an actor image. Every new meme with Nicholson is gaining thousands of views.

Personal life

Married Jack Nicholson was only once - on actress Sandra Knight. In this marriage they had daughter Jennifer Nicholson. Jack and Sandra got married in 1962, but after 6 years, the spouses officially divorced.

Jack Nicholson

Nicholson is among the most loving stars of show business, he had romantic relationships with many women. In 1969 there was a fleeting novel with actress Susan Anspach, from which he had a son Caleb Goddard, although Jack himself did not recognize fatherhood. From the fashion model Winnie Hallman from the actor has daughter Hani Hallman.

17 years in civil marriage Jack lived with American actress and director Angelica Houston. The couple broke up after the news of the pregnancy of New Passia Nicholson - Actresses Rebecca Brussard, who gave birth to Jack of two children - Daughter Laurage and Son Raymond. Children got the name Nicholson.

Jack Nicholson and Angelica Houston

Actor since childhood is a passionate fan of sports. Nicholson is sick for the New York Yankees baseball club and the Los Angeles Lakers Basketball Team. And over the past 25 years, not a single basketball team game has missed. Directors and producers had to take into account the schedule of the matches of Favorites Nicholson, so that the holding of sports meetings did not coincide with the shootings in which an American actor participates.

Jack Nicholson is also a true collector. The actor collects pictures of the artists of the twentieth century, mainly the work of the Scots of Jack Vetthano.

In one of his later interviews, Nicholson said that alone, risks to die alone, and novels and dating in Hollywood remained in the past. According to close people from the environment of the Hollywood celebrity, the last few years the actor spent all days in a mansion on Malkolland Drive, playing golf and browsing movies.

Nicholson himself commented on her loneliness: "For a long time I was afraid to remain alone. I had to get used to loneliness. Previously, I thought I needed to talk to someone, but I would like. But now I like to be alone. Honestly. Loneliness is a big luxury. "

Jack Nicholson now

Back in 2013, the American media appeared information that Nicholson announced the end of the acting career. The reason for this decision was called the loss of memory, because the film acter is allegedly not able to learn even the replicas of the characters. Such press messages were soon called untreated. Nicholson continued to work in cinematography, actively searched for good scenarios and projects.

Full Jack Nicholson

As a result, such activities in the film actor bored. Already in January 2017, it became known that Jack Nicholson leaves the cinematic industry. About this British journalists told the colleague star Peter Fund.

The Fund noted that he does not know the reasons because of which the film acter accepted a similar solution. According to Peter, Nicholson "actually retired." There was no other information about the possible farewell of the actor with cinema until February 2017, when it became known that Jack Nicholson would take part in the filming of the film - the English-speaking remake of the paintings "Tony Erdmann".

Nicholson is a big fan of this film of the German director Marrene Ade. In the American press, it was reported that the actor allegedly visited the Paramount studio to offer to make a belt remake in Hollywood. It is assumed that the Celebrity Company will be an American film actress Kristen Wig, and Marrene Ade, director of the original film, will speak by the cozeruser of Hollywood adaptation. Frozen film will also be Will Ferrell and Adam McCay.

Critics argue that Jack Nicholson's decision to leave the world's world will not affect the image, the name or filmography of the actor, who has already become the legend of Hollywood.


  • 1970 - Five Easy Pieces
  • 1974 - the last outfit
  • 1974 - Chinese Quarter
  • 1975 - fluttering over the cuckoo nest
  • 1975 - Profession: Reporter
  • 1980 - Shine
  • 1983 - tenderness words
  • 1985 - Honor of Family Proffi
  • 1989 - Batman
  • 1992 - a few good guys
  • 1994 - Wolf
  • 2001 - Promise
  • 2006 - not yet played in the box
  • 2006 - apostate
  • 2010 - how to know ...

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