Matt Damon - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Matt Damon is an American actor nominated for Oscar for roles in the paintings "Umnitsa Will Hunting", "uncomprained" and "Martian". But the cherished statuette Damonu brought a scenario: in 1998 he received a reward for the original scenario to the first of the listed films.

Matt is not accustomed to acting simultaneously in 5 projects, but there is a minus - there is no time to replenish the filmography in which his surname will be listed in the "Director" column. Now Damon is learning every free minute to make the skill of the production and glad that the teachers for the most part - genius.

"I can afford to choose the roles that interest me, guided by personal reasons, and not the size of the fee. I will refuse if the idea of ​​the film is not close. But if the director turned to me, in front of which I bow, and he specially came to me with a role, I draw a conclusion, she wrote for me. So I can play it. The identity of the director is more important than the script, even if the role is small. "

Childhood and youth

Matthew Page Dimon was born in the town of Cambridge American Massachusetts. Father Kent Damont was engaged in taxes, and Nancy Carlsson-Page's mother taught in junior class in the Leslie College Private School. Matthew has an elder brother Kyle, who later became a famous sculptor.

The first years of life actor spent in the respectable area of ​​Boston. But when he was not yet 3 years old, the parents divorced. Matthew and Kyle, together with his mother, returned to Cambridge and began to live in an apartment building. In 1978, Matt meets Ben Affleck. The guys become best of childhood friends, and later will perform together on the same scene.

After graduating from secondary school, Damont enters Harvard University, where he specializes in learning English and literature. In addition, he visits screamers. But after 3 years of study at Harvard, a young man makes a decision to try himself on an acting field. When he declares his mother about his desire, she does not support his idea and refuses to finance a trip to Hollywood, but does not mind if he accomplises this journey at his own expense.

The creative biography of the actor begins without star takeoffs. Collecting $ 200, the guy rides a "dream factory", where after a while it receives an episodic role in the Melodrame "Mystical Pizza". The same tiny was the second - a sports commentator in the film "The Field of His Dreams". Slightly disappointed, Damon returns home, ends the university and makes the second attempt to become a star of cinema.


The first serious roles Matt Damont received in the films "School bonds", "Jeronimo: American Legend" and "Courage in battle". All these paintings unites the deep understanding of the psychology of characters and immersion into the atmosphere of the film. Nevertheless, they did not bring special glory to the actor, and he decides on a desperate step - unites efforts with his friend Ben Affleck.

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Guys together completing the student scenario of Matt "Umnitsa Will Hunting" and create their own project. The script liked many studios, but they refused to authors, as Matt and Ben put the underlying condition - to play the main roles in the film. Only Miramax Films decided to take a chance and signed a contract with novice performers.

The film "Umnitsa Will Hunting" released in 1997 produced Furore. Invested in the shooting of $ 10 million paid off repeatedly - the picture collected more than $ 225 million. The awards also poured both from the horns of abundance. 9 nominations for Oscar - and 2 victories. Ben and Matt became the owners of the desired statuette as the best screenwriters. In addition, the script authors duet received the Golden Globe, Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival and the US National Council of Film Council.

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After such a deafening success, Damon is starring in the lead ribbon "benefactor" and the criminal drama "Shulera". A secondary role in the religious film Stephen Spielberg "Save Private Ryan" brings an actor a nomination for the US Fine Actors Guild Prize. Damon played ordinary James Ryan, whose name and named the picture.

A year later, Matt appears in the psychological thriller Anthony Minghella "Talented Mr. Ripley". The full name of the film, shown in the credits, has 15 epithets towards Mr. Ripley: the hero is also named to the taste, musical and pursued. The picture was shot on the book of Patricia Heismith, the first in the Roman's cycle about the sinister Tome Ripley. The screen softened the brutal moments of the novel, making the hero's crime less cold-blooded. The image of a young fraudster embodied Matt Damon. Jud Lowe and Gwyneth Paltrow also played the main roles.

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The choice of the leading roles of Damon and Low is due not only by their acting talents. Mr. Ripley is presented by his friend Dickka, whose role was played by Low, so the actors had to have some external similarity to make such a storyline reliable. Both blond hair and the correct features of the face. Matt and Juda also has the same height - 178 cm.

Brilliant game in the thriller "Talented Mr. Ripley" brings 5 ​​nominations at once in various filmmakers of America, including the Golden Globe and MTV Movie Awards. After that, Matt Damon is waiting for a number of very successful roles.

In 1999, he plays the fallen Angel of Loki in the film "Dogma". Ben Affleck becomes the partner of Damon on the film. The director and author of the script was Kevin Smith, who included the "dogma" into a single invented world of his films.

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The picture is characterized by a scandalous plot: the church holds rebranding, the prophets become drug addicts, the fallen angels are trying to inform the heavenly rules, and the characters constantly ask questions about racial, field and orientation of the characters of sacred texts. Nevertheless, the film was shown in Cannes and did not cause critics or mass protests.

Then Damon appears in the roles of Golfist Rannulfa Juna in the "legend of Bagher Vanas" and one of the Siamese twins in the film "Stuck in You", in the criminal comedy "Eleven friends of Osushen" and the continuation of the "Twelve friends of Oushen" performs the role of Lainus Caldwell. In the movie "Jerry" on its own scenario plays one of the two main roles.

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The next acting breakthrough for Matt Dimon is to participate in the filming of the film "Identification Born" on the memory of the former employee of the CIA and the hired killer. The tape came out in 2002, had a huge commercial success and received wonderful filing films. Later, Matt will participate in the continuation of this picture - "The Superiority of Born" and the Ultimatum Born.

In 2006, the actor appears in the criminal thriller "Apostates". The success of the project was largely provided with Custom. Externally, Matt Damon is similar to another participant - Mark Wahlberg. The similarity is so strong that colleagues often head lists and tops of similar stars. Usually, cinematographers are trying not to take into work on the picture similar to each other performers so as not to force the viewer to be confused. But Martin Scorsese, the director of the "apostates", was not afraid to take both actors to the key roles.

Matt Damon appeared in the form of a pupil of a criminal boss Colin Sullivan, who is arranged to the police to spy for the benefit of the mafia. Leonardo di Caprio plays a mirror role: he gets the role of a graduate of the Billy Kostigan Police Academy, which is introduced into the mafia to collect information for the police. The bright role of the Boss Mafia is playing Jack Nicholson.

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The picture received four Oscars - for the best film, installation, director and adapted scenario, as the Fabulus "Apostates" is based on the Hong Kong militant "Double Quality".

It is also worth noting the adventure fabulous fantasy thriller "Brothers Grimm", in which Matt Damon and Hit Ledger play famous brothers-storyfighters, a black comedy "Informant", as well as the biographical drama "Unattended", execution of the role of Francois Pieraara in which brought an actor of the nomination to Oscar, Golden Globe and US File Actors Prize.

In 2010, Matt starred at the Kohen brothers in one of the most profitable Westerns "Iron Sheath": with a modest budget of $ 38 million, the audience reimbursed the costs of over $ 250 million. The actor reincarnated in the Texas Ranger, engaged in the search for a dangerous killer. Josh Brolin spoke in this role. Damon believes that even in the saddler's picture there will be a place for a joke, but the film corresponds little to this conviction. Fortunately, life did not twin the tests that are described in the scenario, and Matt would not like to face them and actually find out what a grip possesses himself.

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Another actor was remembered by the young colleague Haley Steinfield, which then only turned 14. Cohen talked with a teenager as with equal to themselves, and the girl performed the director's directorial teams. Damon thought it was that an experienced actress was already in front of him, but it turned out that for Haley's role to Girl, blowing his father, is the first serious job.

In 2015, Matt Damon's significant work was the fulfillment of the role of a grade Sents in the film by the famous scientific fiction novel Andy Wira "Martian". For embodiment on the screen of astronaut, Matt Damont surviving on Mars, Matt Dimon received the Empire Awards and Golden Globe Prize, nominated for Oscar.

In 2016, the actor returned to the famous role of Born and appeared on the screens in the spy fighter "Jason Born". It is also part of the painting screenwriters. The action of the film occurs 10 years after the events of the previous part. Former Agent Born defeated Amnesia and earns battles without rules. But the new details of the last work, the own recruitment and life of the father of Jason make the hero return to investigations and the confrontation of the special services. As the best thriller "Jason Born" was marked by the Prize "Empire".

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For the "Ultimatum Born" Matt received a fee of $ 26 million, after which the flattened refused to continue to develop this topic. And when after 9 years, the producers succumbed to the persuasion, a new joke appeared in Hollywood, they say, Damon receives $ 1 million for the phrase. There were people who followed that in the new project silent, as it should be a specialist, born in an hour and a half utters many more than 25 replicas.

The actor with the shudder recalled, through what flour training and special diets passed to gain physical form. Boxing lessons gave a coach who prepared to Ringgu Mohammed Ali, and his wife helped on high mountain joes. Family always accompanies Damon on filming, if the journey does not distract children from school.

In the Drama "Manchester by the Sea", included in the list of the best film projects of the year, Matt could not play, but performed by producer. Before the camera, he was replaced by Brother Ben Afflek, Casey. And again loud success: Casey got an "Oscar", Bafta and Golden Globe, and Damon is nominated for these awards as one of the creators.

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At the beginning of 2017, the world premiere of the adventure fantasy "Great Wall" was held. The director of the painting was Zhang Imou, the dream to work with which Matt cherished in his youth and 25 years later received a chance.

Damon appeared in the film in the image of Willem's archer. The Chinese-American picture tells how European adventurers are trying to get the secret of black powder, and instead faced with terrible monsters and understand that the Great Wall of Wall has been erected for protection against undead, and not from people from other countries.

The Criminal Drama "SUBURBIKON" with Daimon starred George Clooney. "Handsome from the TV shows", according to Matt, a vivid example of how stereotypes are broken. "Clooney did not allow themselves to put up and climb in the narrow framework. Worked on myself. And now everyone knows: he is a stunning director, screenwriter, producer, and not just an actor. "

Matt Damon (Frame from SUBURBIKON)

The plot of the film is unfolding in the 1950s. At the beginning, the city of Surbicon looks like an embodiment of Paradise and American dreams: neat home, polite neighbors and happy families. The tone of the narration changes dramatically when the robbers kill Rose Lodge, the wife of the hero Damon. Gardner Lodge begins to react strange to subsequent events, and intrigues, blackmail and dirty secrets are found under an attractive facade of urban life.

At the end of December 2017, a film came out about the participants of the experiment to reduce their bodies. The acting ensemble of a fantastic comedy "In short" amounted to Matt Damon, Kristen Wig, Jason Sudayikis, Christoph Waltz and Neal Patrick Harris.

Daimon Kameo in the criminal film "Eight Girlfriends Oushen" cut out. So the public punished the actor for the words in support of Harvey Weinstein, accused of Harassment. Matt said that there is a difference between having and innocent touch, and he is personally ready to continue to work with such people.

The actor's character was to join a number of heroes connecting a new film with previous pictures about the friends of Osushen. Part of the fans rejoiced the emergence of a large number of new and independent female characters who would complement the project and make it more diverse. Others defended the male composition of the criminal group and believed that the heroines are entered only for social requirements, and not for the sake of the plot and franchise updates.

Matt had to apologize for his words, but in the network she gained the power of the petition with the call to remove Daimon from "8 Girlfriends Oushen." In the rental film came out edited. However, director Gary Ross assured that the point is not in the position of the actor, but in the fact that the hero did not fit into the plot, and Matt is not the only one whose frames removed.

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The actor managed to work with Stephen Bezberg, who invented modern stories about 11, 12 and 13 friends of Osushen. Damon received the role of a second plan in the thriller "not in himself": his character helps the main heroine performed by Claire Foy to determine vulnerable places to prevent the penetration of the pursuing fan.

Learn Matt in the comedy militant "Deadpool-2" is almost impossible, besides, the name of the movie star is not specified in the titers, but Dicky Greenlife is present. So called Juda Low's character in the Talented Mr. Ripley. On the screen, Damon appeared in the complex make-up of a resident of the rural depths, with long hair and "beer belly".

Personal life

In high school schools and at the University, Matt met with Skylar Satentein, who became the prototype of Skylar's character in the film "Umnitsa Will Hunting". During 1997, he was in relations with several well-known women, for example, with the actresses Minnie Driver and Claire Daenes, his partner in the film "Blaretaker."

At the New Year's party on December 31, 1997, Damon met and began to meet with the famous actress Winona Ryder, but in the spring of 2000 they stopped their relationships. For 2 years, Matt had a novel with a personal assistant Billy Bob Tornton and Ben Affleck - Odessa Whitmir. Broke up in the fall of 2003.

In 2003 in Miami, the actor met the Argentine Luchian Barroso, who at that time worked at the local club at the bar. The couple signed an official marriage in December 2005, and in the summer they had a daughter of Isabella. Then, with the interval at 2 years old, Matt Damon became the Father twice - the wife gave the daughters of Jia and Stella. Four children grow in the family - Matt also raises the older daughter of Luciana Alexy.

Damon is not divided by details of personal life with the general public. Photos with the actor lay out several pages in "Instagram". Accounts have thousands of subscribers, but among them there is no verified. Perhaps Matt ignores social networks.

Matt Damon now

For July 2019, the premiere of the Sports Drama "Condetous Challenge" (Ford Against Ferrari) is scheduled, in which Matt, along with John Berntal and Christian Bail, the main role. The actor plays the American Racherler and the Racing Car Designer, which was competition to Italian car industry.

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According to reports, Damon claims the role of billionaire Mark Rich, the founder of Glencor, glorified as one of the most fortunate merchants with black gold. The drama "King of Oil" will tell about the history of his ascent on the business Olympus and the collapse that has happened after the authorities put forward the accusation of taxes.

Old Friends Ben Affleck and Matt Damon produce the series "City on the Hill", dedicated to the Criminal World of Boston Mid-90s and based on real events. Another project of the creative tandem, confirmed by the facts, is the drama on the basis of the results of the raffle prizes in McDonalds. Affleck acts as director of the film, Damon plays the main role of a charm who has invented a fraudulent scheme.


  • 1997 - "Umnitsa Will Hunting"
  • 1998 - "Save Private Ryan"
  • 2001 - "11 Friends of Owen"
  • 2002 - "Born Identification"
  • 2005 - "Brothers Grimm"
  • 2006 - "Apostates"
  • 2009 - "Informant"
  • 2010 - "Do not take alive"
  • 2012 - "Promised Country"
  • 2013 - "For Candelabras"
  • 2014 - InterStellar
  • 2015 - "Martian"
  • 2017 - "shorter"
  • 2019 - "Ford against Ferrari"

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