Patriarch Kirill (Vladimir Gundyaev) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



Patriarch Kirill is the first person of the Russian Orthodox Church, her Primate. His biography is not only purely religious moments. His Holiness is called a born diplomat, and public sermons - in some kind of political manifests. However, it is not necessary to fear the splicing of the state and the church. So consider those who are afraid that religion will turn into an ideological tool."The Russian Church is not spliced ​​with anyone, including the state. It is responsible for the moral state of the people, for maintaining spiritual and material culture. And in this sense she will be in the dialogue with any power so that through cooperation with the authorities, including these high targets, which are faced with this. "

Childhood and youth

Patriarch Kirill was born (in the world of Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich) in the cultural capital of Russia on November 20, 1946 in the priest's family. The father of the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, at the time of his son, was ordained in the temple of the Smolensk icon of God's Mother of God.

The mother of Raisa, to the marriage wearing the surname Konok, worked as a German teacher at a local school. Vladimir Mikhailovich in the family - the second child, after the elder brother Nicholas, whose life, like the youngest sister Elena, is also closely related to religion.

The childhood of Patriarch Kirill passed like ordinary children - he graduated from the 8th grades of the Mid-Educational School, after which he entered the Leningrad Spiritual Seminaria, and at its end - to the Great Academy. In 1969, he was tonsured in a monk, where he was told by the name Kirill.

In 1970, the future head of the Orthodox Church with honors graduated from the spiritual academy and received a degree of candidate of theology. From that moment on, the church activity of the priest began, which reached the religious vertex and became the first in the history of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, born in the Soviet Union.


The religious activities of the Patriarch Kirill from the veryest developed rapidly. During the first year after the end of the Spiritual Academy and Monastic, the priest was brought several times to the highest San, and was also appointed representative of the Moscow Patriarchate with the World Council of Churches in Geneva. After 3 years, the His Holiness was appointed to the position of Rector of the Spiritual Seminary and the Academy of Leningrad and headed the Diocesan Council of the Leningrad Metropolis.

In March 1976, Father Cyril received a dedication to San Bishop and became a member of the commission on intercursions and Christian unity in the Synod. In 1977, Bishop Vyborg was built in San Archbishop, and a year later he managed the patriarchal parishes in Finland. In 1978, Archbishop Cyril became the Deputy Head of External Church Relations and began to teach in the Moscow Great Academy.

In 1984, the future head of the Orthodox Church was appointed Archbishop Vyazemsky and Smolensky, and in 1986 he became the managing Orthodox parishes of the Kaliningrad region. Having shifted non-Launtry hardworking and diligence in the service, Patriarch Kirill in 1989 was appointed a permanent member of the Synod, where he actively participated in the development of laws on religion and religious freedoms. In February 1991, Archbishop Kirill was erected in San Metropolitan.

During the collapse of the USSR and political upheavals in Russia, Patriarch occupied a clear peacekeeping position than the confidence and respect for the population conquered. At the same time, the Metropolitan made a significant contribution to the preservation and strengthening of the world, for which he was awarded three times an honorary counseling premium.

In the period of the mid-1990s, the Moscow Patriarchate showed political activity, and the future head of the Orthodox Church became a kind of "Russian Prime Minister". Thanks to him, there was a reunion of the Russian Orthodox Church with arrival in abroad, as well as the ROC attitudes with the Vatican.


To the patriarchal throne, Metropolitan Kirill came from an active public and political position. Since 1995, he conducted fruitful work with the Government of the Russian Federation and widely covered spiritual and educational issues on television in the program "Word Shepherd". Then he managed to create the concept of the ROC in the field of church-state relations, and already in 2000, the foundations of the social concept of the Russian Orthodox Church were adopted.

In 2008, after the death of Alexy II, Metropolitan Kirill became the location of the Patriarcharchy throne, which in 2009 on the local voting was elected by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, gaining 507 votes and 677 possible. The intronization of Metropolitan Kirill passed on February 1, 2009.

The ceremony was attended by the first persons of the country's political elite - the next President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev with his wife Svetlana Vladimirovna, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, the wife of the ex-president of Naina Yeltsin and the head of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin. The leadership of Russia then expressed hope for further cooperation of the ROC with the state.

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Patriarch Kirill is carrying the Patriarchal Cross to this day. He regularly performs visits abroad, where he is considered to be a man with fundamental knowledge, broad erudition and high intelligence. Meetings of the High Priest with Western Religious, and Lights of the ROC significantly strengthened significantly and expanded the borders of cooperation between Russia and foreign states.


Despite the data of the social support, confirming that the Patriarch Kirill supports 73% of the population, he repeatedly became a defendant of loud scandals, widely discussed in society. It was criticized for participating in the organization of imports of tobacco and alcoholic beverages to Russia and unlawful use of tax breaks. Then the majority of religious figures called this campaign by the provocation of the head of the Orthodox Church and the intention of stating the name of a religious person.

After that, he was tried to rise in the material weaknesses, for which, according to church law, he has no right. Foreign media estimated that the state of Patriarch Kirill reached $ 4 billion. At the same time, the ownership of the head of the ROC included expensive penthouse, the gold watches of Breguet worth € 30 thousand, yachts, airplanes and expensive cars.

A relict forest was brought to the victim of the residence in Gelendzhik. In addition, local residents are now unavailable to the sea and the road to the village cemetery. The appeals of citizens to the Department for the interaction of the Church and the Company of the Moscow Patriarchate and to the administration of the Russian president were left unanswered.

For all insinuations associated with their person, Patriarch Kirill made categorical refutations and stated that the funds of the Moscow Patriarchate were used by the target direction and go to the development of temples and charity. Such statements The head of the Orthodox Church considers attempts to humiliate and undermine his authority in the ROC, and the "criticizing the church" calls for spiritual healing.

In March 2018, there was a scandal in Bulgaria. The bishop considered that President Rumeff Radaj printed the role of Russia in the liberation of the Balkan country from the Ottoman IGA. In response, the Bulgarian Prime Minister stated that a person who served in the KGB in his youth, has no right to indicate people to the correctness or irregularity of their actions. Protodiakon ROC Andrei Kuraev fears that the Tatriarch's manner will hinder the relationship of two states, and without that crisis, and now to restore the former trust diplomats will have to be rebuilt with new efforts.

Another sharp moment, more brushing on the evil joke, - a comparison of the Patriarch Kirill with the hands of Killer Thief in the law by Vyacheslav Ivankov on the nicknamed Jap. The network has spread a lot of collages with a comparison of photos of men. Users note intimately catchy similarities and wonder if the coincidence is not accidentally coincidence that criminal authority died in 2009, and in six months the church found a new charter.

Personal life

Personal life of Patriarch Kirill is to serve people and God. He does not have the ability to start a worldly family. Children of Patriarch Kirill is his numerous past. The head of the ROC pays special attention to charity and care for children who have deprived of parental care.

In addition, he deeply delves into the political processes of Russia, leads active foreign policy activities and boldly expresses his opinion, even if it goes against the ideology of the political elite of the Russian Federation.

Special place in the life of Patriarch Kirill occupies scientific and educational activities. He is the author of a number of books and articles on the history of the Christian Church and Orthodox Unity, an honorary member of Russian and foreign spiritual academies and is part of the Literary Member Commission.

Patriarch Kirill now

For the decades of ministry of the Church, the Holy Schedule developed a rigid schedule that surrounding compared with constant styling. Patriarch Kirill has no weekend. Even on Sunday, when it is impossible to work according to the requirements of canons, it makes worship, in extreme cases, if there is a need, holds meetings, brings up documents, prepares public speeches.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church did not disregard the situation with the carcouft in Ukraine. According to the press service of the ROC, if the Patriarch Bartholomew will no longer revise the position in relation to the independent local church in this country, the ROC will break all connections with the Ecumenical Patriarchate. This means that believers will not be able to participate in the sacraments and worship services, will not see the shrines brought from the temples under the jurisdiction of Constantinople. The "Combining Cathedral" in Kiev, according to the bishop, this is an anticanonical, illegal meeting, whose decisions cannot have the strength on the Ukrainian land.

Unfortunately, as Forbs noted, the Patriarch Kirill has no effects of influence capable of changing the folding position of things. And the gap of the Eucharistic communication on political reasons looks like protest

"Against the upcoming redistribution of territories, temples and flops, as a result of which the Moscow Patriarchate can lose from a quarter to a third of the total number of its parishes. This will lead to the brushing of an important myth about the "unreal and indivisible Russian church".

In 2019, the media published the news about the assignment of the title of the title of Honorary Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences "As a person of faith, talking to the secular scientific community in the same language." Later, RAS made a refutation and apologized to the Holiness.

In March of the same year, the Patriarch visited the Sretensky men's monastery in Moscow, where the Village with reading the Great Removal Canon Andrei Crytsky took place. The delegation of the Eldelle Orthodox Church was present at the divine service. As a gift, the library of the monastery and students of the Sretensky Spiritual Seminary Holy Patriarch Kirill handed over the collection of his sermons "Jurn about the gifts of spiritual. On prayer doing and spiritual increase. "

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