Mikhail Prokhorov - biography, personal life, photo, latest news, age where 2021 lives



When it comes to Mikhail Prokhorov, there are many answers to the question of who he is. One of the richest Russians with a multi-billion status. Politician, consonant occupy only the first place in the table of ranks and not thinking of himself a draw.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Prokhorov was born on May 3, 1965 in Moscow in the family of the head of the International Administration of the Department of Sports Committee Dmitry Ionovich and the engineer Tatiana Mikhailovna. The future billionaire was the second child of the parents: the businessman has an older sister Irina, literary critic and publisher of magazines, TV presenter on the RBC channel belonging to his brother.

There are no officially confirmed data on the nationality of Prokhorov. However, information is distributed in the network with reference to The New York Times that Jews met on the maternal line in the family of the entrepreneur.

Mikhail's childhood and youth passed in the usual time for children. The boy was considered a diligent student in the English special school number 21, which he graduated with a gold medal. Then he entered the prestigious financial institution (now this is a financial university under the Government of Russia).

At the end of the 1st year of Prokhorov, I decided to give the duty to my homeland and served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. Having received a financier diploma in 1989 with honors, Mikhail became a young specialist in the field of economy and thanks to his own erudition in the 90s, in the Gorbachev reform period, became a successful entrepreneur.


Career Businessman Mikhail Prokhorov began in student years. Upon returning from the army, the young man in parallel with his student in the university arranged to work as a loader and for the money earned with the fellow students, Alexander Khloploin, organized a small, but profitable business for the manufacture of "boiled" jeans, which were fashionable during the restructuring times.

In the same period, the future metallurgical magnate came to a high position in the International Bank for Economic Cooperation, where the department was headed. At the same time, Mikhail Dmitrievich did not embarrass low salary, since his business flourished.

In 1991, the Biography of Prokhorov was marked by an acquaintance with the businessman Vladimir Potanin, with whom a billionaire and built his empire. In 1992, Friends founded the "International Financial Company", in which, after the collapse of the USSR, the assets of state MBES in the amount of $ 400 million were translated. Along with the money of IFC, the Customers of the State Bank were also obtained.

After a year, Prokhorov and Potanin created the Bank OnExim and became equal business partners who worked in Tandem for 15 years. During the large-scale privatization of the 90s, bankers managed to purchase packages of shares of a large number of production state-owned enterprises, including Norilsk Nickel, Sidanko's oil company, Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine, Novorossiysk maritime shipping company and others. Moreover, the partners bought these shares for a third of the cost, which in an instant made investors with the richest people of Russia.

In 2006, Prokhorov established OJSC Polyus Gold. Mikhail Dmitrievich became the owner of the controlling stake in the gold mining company, which is the largest not only in Russia, but also in the world.

In 2007, disagreements began between Potanin and Prokhorov, partners decided to divide the business. Only a year later, it was possible to compromise, which arranged both sides. American TV presenter Stephen Colbert in the documentary film about the Russian Oligarch emphasized that Mikhail Dmitrievich sold his share of Oleg Deripsk to the global financial crisis, rescued $ 9 billion.

Since 2016, the press periodically appears in the press, information that Mikhail Prokhorov's business structures experience problems. Instantly there are those who, referring to the entourage of the entrepreneur, argues that rumors about his poverty are greatly exaggerated. Meanwhile, the Forbes in 2019 again turned on Prokhorov to the list of richest bachelors of Russia. The owner of Onexim lost only to Roman Abramovich and Mikhail Friedman.

In February 2019, Oligarch followed the example of Alisher Usmanova and Alexey Mordashov and translated the assets of the Holding Group Onexim with the British Virgin Islands in Russia. The billionaire belongs to the share in the Energy Company "Quadra", the insurance company "Consent", the Bank of IFC, the rating agency ACRA.

Investment and charity

In 2008, Mikhail Prokhorov decided to make investments in the media product. Billionaire became one of the founders of media projects "Live!" and RBC, and also invested in the production of hybrid low-budget "e-mobile". 3 years later, "Vedomosti" wrote, the asses of the oligarch included 17.02% of the shares of UC RUSAL, 37.78% Polyus Gold International Limited, the "Quadra" energy company, the OPIN development company, the Insurance Group "Consent", Renaissance Credit Bank, Renaissance Capital and IFC.

In 2013, taking a loan to VTB, Prokhorov bought at Suleiman Kerimov 47% of Uralkali company. But the deal was unsuccessful, according to financial analysts, Mikhail Dmitrievich lost $ 3 billion this was the last investment of the entrepreneur in Russia, in the future he either sold out the assets or invests money into foreign structures.

The object of personal passion was basketball. When doing business, Potanin did not give Prokhorov CSKA club, belonging to Norilsk. With such a sponsor, the team became one of the strongest in Europe. In 2009, Mikhail Dmitrievich is the first foreigner who bought the NBA Club. Oligarch acquired Brooklyn Nets at the American Developer Bruce Ratner as a pass to his projects. And the last, according to analysts, cost $ 5 billion and include sports arena, administrative and residential buildings, nightclubs and theaters.

However, at home, the entrepreneur pays attention to cultural and sports development. For this, Mikhail and Irina Prokhorov created a fund to whom the Billionair sister is managed. It supports scientific, cultural and educational initiatives in the regions of Russia, presents the literary Prize "Nose", pays grants, organizes festivals. The Fund has a page in "Instagram", which publishes photos of the founder. The billionaire service itself does not use.

For 4 years, Mikhail Prokhorov was headed by the Russian Union of Biathletes, 100 million rubles were invested in this sport., For the first time, the youthful team of the Olympic Games was won by 8 medals and 13 - at the World Championships. True, and criticized the leadership of the SBR, including for the instability of the structure and composition of the coaching headquarters, excessive passion for foreign experts.


Having achieved brilliant success in business, Mikhail Dmitrievich changed the activities of the activity and aimed at politics - in 2011 he headed the party "The Right Deale", in which $ 100 million had invested. But after 4 months, Prokhorov entered a conflict with regional representatives, as a result of which he left it. The scandal with "right-wing" made a businessman disappear from the public environment for several months, and return already as a candidate for the post of president of Russia.

The basis of the pre-election program Mikhail Prokhorov was the calculation of confrontation with the main contender for the Presidential Chair Vladimir Putin, as well as the announcement of new ideas on the global anti-corruption in the country. Ksenia Sobchak voiced the thought that was afraid to speak out loud. In Twitter, the TV host wrote a post on the topic that the Kremlin realized the need for an alternative, and Prokhorov's task is purely technical - to delay the votes.

Oppositionist Alexei Navalny considered that a person who promotes anti-corruption ideas, the words disagree with the case. In the purchase of Mikhail Dmitrievich Villa at the old friend Alexander Khloponin, the head of the FBK saw a veiled bribe, as reported by the network. Prokhorov filed a lawsuit on the protection of honor and dignity, won the court and symbolic moral compensation in 1 ruble.

According to the results of the presidential elections in 2012, the businessman took 3rd place among the candidates, gaining almost 8% of the votes. These indicators, according to experts, the application for the status of a serious policy in the future.

The loss did not break the spirit of a billionaire, who did not refuse the idea to break into the top rings of the political elite. Mikhail Dmitrievich founded the "Civic Platform" party, in front of which he set the task to create a strong and professional faction in the State Duma, where he intended to get on the results of the elections of 2016. However, in March 2015, Prokhorov decided to leave the party.

Personal life

Personal life Mikhail Dmitrievich for many years is the subject of discussion. The thrust for the female society has already published oligarch sideways, when in 2007 the power of the resort of Courchevel suspected that Prokhorov had a party at the company of letters of easy behavior. The grounds for charges did not find the grounds.

The businessman never entroacted the official marriage and is considered one of the most enviable grooms of Russia. In his youth, Mikhail Dmitrievich admitted, he lived with one woman with one woman, but never broke up with freedom.

High, Static (Rising Prokhorov - 203 cm) A man is always in the focus of attention of fair sex. Not since the media reported that Prokhorov marries a simple girl from the Krasnoyarsk Territory or Italian actress Monica Bellucci. Oligarch himself assures that with ease is ready to give the heart of the only one who will love him, and not attached to him wealth.

There were rumors that I Prokhorov had a daughter. Publications of this kind have appeared during the election campaign, but turned out to be a fiction of a yellow press. If not in his wife, then in very close girlfriends, Mikhail Dmitrievich recorded some mute Zhuravlev. The media woman write that she lives in the USA, occasionally happens in Russia, and when she comes, the entrepreneur is zealously protects her peace.

A businessman-politician leads an active lifestyle and is fond of different sports: kickboxing and windsurfing, skiing and sports aquabike. He is engaged in 2 hours every day with martial arts and swims in the pool, good, it is not necessary to go far - everything you need is attached to the 3-storey mansion in which Mikhail Dmitrievich lives. Mobile phone near Prokhorov only in the car (by the way, this is "Maybach").

The ownership of the billionaire is a land plot in the Moscow region, 4 apartments in Moscow, the total area of ​​which is 1000 square meters. m, awarded the World Yachts Trophies Award for the design of the megayacht Palladium, the Gulfstream G550 plane.

Mikhail Prokhorov Now

In 2021, Prokhorov remained one of the most enviable bachelors in the country. According to Forbes, its condition at that time was estimated $ 11.2 billion, which allowed him to take the 11th place in the list of richest compatriots.

On your birthday, the businessman returned to the theme of the absence of companions in his personal life. Mikhail Dmitrievich said that he would love to live "into the kitchen" if the spouse could fully pay his domestic expenses.

Such statements of the former presidential candidate were perceived by the public with a smile. But the next news about Prokhorov forced him to recover his close. The media appeared information that the businessman was hospitalized to the hospital with a wound. The following has been reported: the injury happened by chance - the owner of the metal ax and made an oversight.

However, a little later, the news was refuted by the representative of the Openxim owner. According to the official statement, Mikhail Dmitrievich did not apply for medical help and was in the office.

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