Sean Penn - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sean Penn in life wrestler. The actor, according to his own confession, is fighting either for or against. The category "For" includes frank interpersonal relations, high claims in the film industry, "and not that d ***, in which the majority is now occupied when the films are not removed, but advertise." Kinosvestorsa dislikes political views:"The perfect society is socialism with a human face." Embed from getty images

He, in turn, is not going to adapt to the fact that it is customary to be called a conjuncture and the American market, he deserved the title of the main complainant of Hollywood. And the money to help the residents of Haiti, by rumors, knocked out from the strengths of this world, threatening to put the skeletons on their wardrobe. And with such a brush, Penn is one of the most titled actors of the turn of 20-21 centuries.

Childhood and youth

Sean Justin Penn was born in August 1960 in the California town of Santa Monica. In the veins of his parents, Leo Penn and Aylin Ryan flowed multinational blood. Grandmother on his father was a Lithuanian Jewish, grandfather is also a Jew, but from Russia. But relatives from the mother turned out to be immigrants from Ireland and Italy. Such a rattling mixture was manifested in the nature of Sean rather brightly: the guy from the young age was famous for an expressive character and loved to lose weight.

Later, distributing interviews in the status of world celebrities, Penn will say:

"I do not know where to me so much anger. It can not be justified by the cruelty of parents or poor family relationships. For the whole of my life, no psychologist could find the reasons for my brown fit. "

Sean Penn was in my youth moving and sports. The teenager was surfing and planned to become a policeman. Future actors Charlie Shon, Emilio Estevez and Rob Lowe, were friends. The guys studied at the same school and held together, in one company. Soon they joined them the younger brother of Sean - Chris Penn. In the future, he also chose the actuality with his profession.

One day, Sean was accidentally on the stage of the theater in Los Angeles and scene scene. Plans about the profession of guardianship were buried forever, and all their thoughts Schoon tied only with the theater. But the scene took the new artist reluctantly. At first, the guy was given exclusively episodic roles and the technical work was more entrusted.

During this period, Penn made his debut in the cinema, hitting the Little House in Prairies. Then several times played small roles in short films. But not a movie, and the theater continued to make the future artist. And Penn, graduating from school, decided to leave the theater on tour, the last 2 years.

After some time, Sean realized that with that troupe he had no future. Therefore, when friends called to New York, went there. As the time has shown, it was the right step, after which the cinema career Penn was rapidly up.


The full debut of the 19-year-old Sean Penn in cinema took place in the series "Cadets". Strolled here, Tom Cruise and Timothy Hatton played. The picture became a good business card of the artist and helped to get a role in the comedy film "Quick Changes at Ridgemont High School."

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Even big fame came in a year together with the criminal drama "Bad Boys." This draft director Rica Rosental came out in 1983. As the critics stated, the film "pulled out" Sean Penn, talentedly played the main character. His game was even compared with the manner of the game Robert de Niro.

Then followed successful roles in the melodramatic film "Angry from the Moon" and the criminal comedy tape "Burglar". The main success was waiting for an actor after the exit of the triller "Agents Falcon and Snowman" directed by John Schlesinger, published in 1985. After this film, the actor Penn is seen by many famous directors, and tempting offers literally fell on it.

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Sean played the criminal in the criminal drama "in the emphasis". The tape turned out to be failed, and critics were ruthless. The artist managed to return a few faded authority in 1988, when the crime drama "Colors" appeared on the screens. Here, as in the "Agents of Falcon and Snowman", in the center of the plot - acute socio-political problems.

The end of the 80s turned out to be quite successful for the artist. In 1989, Sean Penn and Robert de Niro together appeared in the criminal comedy project "We are not angels." The actors brilliantly played two runaway convicts. Soon the duet of colleagues again came out at the site of the gangster drama "Path of Carlito". For this work, Penn is first nominated for the Golden Globe.

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The 90s also turned out to be generous for bright roles. Pictures "Safety state", "Rotate", "Game" were very warmly accepted by both the audience and critics. In the projects "Star" and the "thin red line" the present compliance of the Hollywood stars were gathered. And the first nomination for Oscar went to Sean Penna for work in the film "The Dead is coming." He appeared in the image of a criminal sentenced to death and expecting the execution of the sentence.

Two more nominations for Statuette Sean Penn got for the work in the tapes "Sweet and Ugly" Woody Allen and "I - Sam". To better get into the role for the last picture, the penna chance a lot of time to spend in the center for mentally retarded patients. But the nomination to the main filmmaking and remained nominations. Oscar slipped out of the hands of Sean.

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However, in 2003, the figurine still got an artist. This happened after the release of the clint drama Icisda "Mysterious River, who claimed a prize in 6 categories. Two were awarded, the laureate of one was Sean Penn. The second Oscar came in 5 years. Sean Penn appeared in the unexpected image of Gaya in the dramatic film "Harvey Milk", removed Has Wang Senta.

The most bright points in the filmography of Sean began a new century are "21 grams" and "Translator". The first picture of Alejandro Gonzalez Inonyrait is a piercing drama about three people strangers with each other, but whose destinies are intertwined after a tragic case. The work received positive reviews and was awarded 3 prizes of the Venetian festival, received 2 nominations for Oscar, 4 to "satellite" (in one won) and 5 on BAFTA.

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The detective thriller Sydney Pollak "Translator" also met the audience and critics with delight. Sean starred as an employee of the secret service, the investigating conspiracy in the UN walls and in love with a suspect.

"When I go to the movies, it's hard for me to not give in to an uncontrolled anger. Everything is so not true. And the media deliberately poison our consciousness. Every day, "this is the opinion of Sean that he sees in cinemas as a spectator.
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Own vision of the public reaction to the attack of the twin towers in New York Penn-director presented in the Novella to the Drama "September 11". The hero of the film perceives the destruction of buildings as a deliverance from the barrier, overlapping sunlight.

When the actor rented the film "In Wilders", based on the biographies of rich, voluntarily turned into a hermit and deceased from exhaustion, a hurricane "Katrina" fell into America. Sean openly criticized George Bush's president for the inability in a timely manner and effectively assist the victims, on a personal yacht sent 40 people to safe place. Road Mugi is a total of 14 nominations and prizes.

Personal life

In 1985, Penn was first married to the Queen of Pop Music Madonne, with whom later the Shanghai Surprise "Shanghai" was later removed from his films. The joint life turned out to be short: for 4 years, the spouses were scandalous, they disengaged and converged again. In 1989, the marriage finally broke up.Embed from getty images

The second time Sean went under the crown in 1996, and the actress becomes again. Robin Wright Penn got acquainted on the filming platform of the film "The state of the frenzy" and lived until 2010. Dylan and son Hopper were born in this marriage. After a divorce with Robin Sean continues to communicate with children.

At the beginning of 2014, Penn began to meet with Charlize Theron, which was younger for 15 years and higher thanks (the growth of Sean 173 cm). Previously, a couple of years 18 tied only friendship. The actor was so heavily fascinated by the beauty that was going to marry and even called his feeling of the first real love.

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In January 2015, Sean adopted Jackson, the foster son Charlize, but in the summer the relationship ended. According to Teron, due to the unsolvable contradictions and constant criticism of its film projects, according to other sources, because of the treason from the man.

Sean later admitted: remembering his personal life, he does not remember that he felt someone's beloved. But if someone does such a situation doing evil, he does not lose hope. With the new chief of Leyla George, the daughter of Vincent D'Nofrio, the actor was soon caught in Hawaii. Joint photos flew out tabloids. Girl for the year younger than Penn's daughter. In 2017, Paparazzi treated Sean in Robin and suggested that the former feelings flashed again.

The assumptions were true: in July 2020 it became known that the actor married Leila. The wedding ceremony did not advertise, and other details of the relationship Couple still tries to keep secret.

Sean Penn now

At the premiere of the series "The first" about the colonists who master Mars, held in the fall of 2018, Sean Penn again fell into the sight of journalists. The actor criticized the movement against violence and harassment #Metoo. It is not known where the truth, and where the fiction, and if it were about really serious things, "it is useful to slow down" and do not inflate the story to a gigantic scale, Penn is sure.

In the same year, the Oscar premium laureate, writing scenarios, released a full-length novel "Bob Hani, who just does anything." The main character is a mass of classes and talents, including killing on request of a certain secret organization. And the epilogue of the book is made in the form of a poem dedicated to the #Metoo-mentioned movement.

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Seek's attempt to declare himself on the literary field broke the public into two camps. For the first Roman, the actor and the director who are considered almost a genius in Hollywood, quite comparable to the work of Mark Twain. The second part is sure that the Banalchina came out.

In 2019, Baipik "Professor and Madness" is presented to the audience's court, dedicated to the Creator of the Oxford Dictionary of the English Language. This role was performed by Mel Gibson. Sean Penn appeared in the form of its co-author, military doctor and patient clinic for mentally ill and at the same time.


  • 1983 - "Bad boys"
  • 1986 - "Shanghai Surprise"
  • 1989 - "We are not angels"
  • 1993 - "Path of Carlito"
  • 1997 - "Game"
  • 2001 - "I am Sam"
  • 2003 - "21 grams"
  • 2005 - "Translator"
  • 2008 - "Harvey Milk"
  • 2010 - "Game without rules"
  • 2013 - "Gangster Hunters"
  • 2015 - "Gangmen"
  • 2018 - "First"
  • 2019 - "Professor and Madness"

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