Vera Vasilyeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Not accepted about the age of women, but Vera Vasilyeva never hid him. The People's Artist of the USSR, the favorite of the public and the symbol of inspiration for young colleagues says that it does not get tired of work on the ninth dozen years. She is always "with a full parade", on heels and with a constant smile, from which recognizable daughters appear on the cheeks. For more than 70 years, the actress is faithful to one theater and is busy in performances three more.

Childhood and youth

Faith Kuzminichna was born in the Kalinin region on September 30, 1925. Parents are people with different characters and opposite ideas about life. Father was a quiet and priest man, did not require much. Mother, who graduated from a commercial school and knew French, painfully rustic, tried to improve him.

Moving to Moscow, Vasilyev settled in a communal apartment. The artist grew in a large family, with older sisters Antonina and Valentina, and before the war was born the younger brother of Vasily.

Once a mother's girlfriend took faith in a large theater, where the "royal bride" was shown. Since then, the girl "sick" scene, greedily absorbed information about theatrical life.

After school, Vasilyeva wanted to enter the circus, but failed on the physical examination exam. The girl was not upset and in 1943 it was in the theater school.


The creative biography of Faith began at the student bench with episode in the Comedy "Gemini". And she woke up by the famous after the main role of the village girl in the painting of Ivan Pyryeva "Tale of the Siberian Land." Many years later, in 2019, the artist will tell in an interview, as the famous director hinted on gratitude for the fallen glory. It turned out to be a banal chassment. The girl was lucky: influential Pyriev did not spoil her career in retreating for refusal.

According to the brightness and volume of response to the audience with the "legend", the film of Boris Ravensky "Wedding with Dowry" can be compared. He became the sign and for the personal life of the actress - gave acquaintance with the future husband.

In the future, Vasilyeva filmography was replenished continuously, that's just memorable images a little. Although the films at one time were popular: "The investigation is conducted by experts," "Legend of Tile", "to marry the captain", "the fern blooms", "the times do not choose."


In 1948, Vera Kuzmichnina came to the Satira Theater and after 2 years she became a reach. Now the journalists enthusiastically write that such devotion to the same scene is no longer found. Vasilyeva, despite the fact that he played no more than a dozen to truly noticeable roles here, never wanted to leave. She loves this temple of art, and the troupe of her guardian.

The actress admits that in his youth played what was given, and becoming older, what was afraid about and dreaming. This is Anna Andreevna in the "Auditor", the Doma Platonovna in Warrovers, Anna Pavlovna in a "income place". In the Tver Drama Theater, she was reincarnated to Ranenevskaya from the "Cherry Garden", in Orel - in Kruchinin in "without guilt to blame." The Small Theater invited EE to the "peak lady", and the theater named after Oblastov - in the "Strange Mrs. Savage". In the "Requiem on Radam" in the formulation of the novel, Viktyuk, the company Ei amounted to Olga Aroshev's classmate and Opera Prima Elena Exodzova, in Figaro - brilliant Andrei Mironov.

Personal life

Prior to acquaintance with Veria, Vladimir Ushakov was married to the daughter of Professor - Actress Nina Garskaya, and Vasilyeva lost his head from love to Boris Ravenski. Neither he nor her nothing in the previous relationships. Nina went to the composer Nikolay Karetnikov. And the director only thought about new productions and was not going to throw a family, although the whole theater knew about the novel.

The actress itself put a point in a relationship that lasted not one year. And all this time, the Ushakov was patiently waiting for the attention of faith, while she did not agree to marry him. The wedding was celebrated modestly: without lush outfits, feasts and rings, in a hostel. Vasilyeva recalled that for the first time put on a white dress and a wedding ring only on a golden anniversary.

Couple happily lived in marriage 56 years. The spouses tried not to part - they went to rest together, on tour, too, kept each other. Vladimirly worked beautifully and argued his love every minute. Faith did not know how to keep the farm - the husband did not want to burden his favorite problems and hired a housekeeper. In the future, the head of the family was engaged in all domestic issues.

There are no children from Vasilyeva. The artist namedd by his daughter considers the fan of Daria Miloslavskaya, and her daughter Svetlana - granddaughter. Dasha on education lawyer and philologist knows two foreign languages. Man, according to the reviews of Faith Kuzmichnaya, greatly educated, caring and sincere. She helped the screen of the screen to survive the death of Ushakov, which happened in 2011, takes on performances, in traveling and in every way providing a quiet life.

The unfavorable star claims that after each performance, and it is almost overnight, loves to pamper yourself with something delicious, but the weight controls. She does not go outside, if not crawling his eyes and lips, watches posture and knows nothing about medicines.

Fans simply struck photos on which Vera Vasilyeva in the company Svetlana Svetlynaya walks along the beach. The actress, at that time, by the ninth dozen, was captured in a swimsuit. Some follovers noticed that they hope to look no worse at that age.

Vasilyeva's plastic operations did not do, but with understanding refers to those who resort to the help of surgeons - a person has the right to be beautiful.

Vera Vasilyeva now

The internally belief of Kuzmichnna feels like a 16-year-old, with trepidation prepares for each outlet on the stage. There are no trifles in this case, even the flavor of perfumes must match.

In the Satira Theater, Vasilyev, the good relationship retains good relations, is not involved in scandals and proceedings, and from the bosses and is not distant. However, the artistic director Alexander Shirvindt considers the first friend and the adviser.

The actress is involved in 5 productions. Among them, the "fatal attraction", "peak lady", where she once replaced Elina Bystritskaya, "Kabala Svyatosh" and "Ornithl", in which she drives Shirvindt.

The monospect "Vera" in the essay genre is built on the memories of Vasilyeva. Moments of the biography of the leading role in the leader are intertwined here with the history of the theater. The main leitmotif is taken from the book of the faith Kuzminichna "Cinderella with pure ponds".


  • 1947 - "Tale of the Siberian Earth"
  • 1953 - "Wedding with dowry"
  • 1965 - "Adventure of the dentist"
  • 1972-1975 - "The investigation is conducted by experts"
  • 1975 - "Star of the Screen"
  • 1982 - "Married Bachelor"
  • 1984 - "Ordered to take alive"
  • 1997 - "Wine from dandelions"
  • 2001 - "Times do not choose"
  • 2007 - "Swach"
  • 2012 - "Fallen flowers so far"
  • 2015 - "Holiday of disobedience"

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