Love Orlova - biography, personal life, photo, filmography, cause of death, husband, songs, movies



The future icon of the Soviet movie Lyubov Petrovna Orlova was born in 1902 in the family of nobles. Her father, who served in the military department, had several awards from the sovereign. Evgenia Suchotina, the mother of Orlova, took place from the ancient kind of nobleman, a member of the State Council and the Cavalry General of Nikolai Sukhotina, who served as the head of the Nikolaev Military Academy and consisted in a relative communicated with the writer and the Graph Lv Tolstoy. Love Orlova kept the work of a thick "Caucasian captive". The book was signed and donated by the little eagle by the writer.

Fedor Shalyapin was a frequent guest in the house of Orlovy in the near Moscow region. Somehow, he, having seen a home performance with the participation of the younger Orlova, focused on the girl true acting glory, advised to the native to develop the talent of the young actress in the theater studio. But the parents wanted to see her daughter not an artist, but a musician. Therefore, when the girl turned 7 years old, took her to a music school, where she studied the game on the piano.

From 1919, Lyubov Orlova has improved its game at the Moscow Conservatory. But after 3 years she had to leave this educational institution to make money on life. Since 1922, Orlova taught music and worked as a tapper in the capital's cinemas. Nevertheless, during this period she had time to study in Gitis (then the theatrical technical school named after A. V. Lunacharsky). From 1926, Orlova worked as a chore, and then the actress of the Maschat's Music Studio.


In the studio, Lyubov Orlova initially sang in the choir and appeared in small roles of some performances. But then, her talent and unique appearance were noticeable and allocated an actress from a variety of colleagues. Therefore, in 1932, the director brought the artist from the choir, making the soloist Opera Offenbach "Pericola". Love Petrovna received a major role. On the opera from the very first days of her representation by crowds walked theater.

In 1933, the Orlov in the role of Perikola first saw a beginner film director Grigory Alexandrov, who was advised to look at a talented 31-year-old artist. Alexandrov was fighting the talented game and the beauty of Orlova. After this fateful meeting, Love Petrovna was invited to play on his films. At the time of the meeting, Gregory Alexandrov just looked for the candidacy for the role of Anuti in his picture "Fun guys".

Love Orlova in the film

The cinematic biography of the love of Orlova begins exactly from this tape. Having perfectly coping with the image of the Anyuta, the actress rapidly rises through the career stairs of the Soviet cinema. In many ways, thanks to her, the domestic cinema becomes a popular kind of art, which sweating the theater, both in cash collecting and by the number of audience.

In the 1936th, the second tape of Alexandrova was released on the screens of the country, where the love of Orlova appeared in the lead role. It was the Music "Circus", which became one of the most cash off-country films. He received the Grand Prix of the International Exhibition in Paris, and in 1941 he was awarded the Stalinist Prize.

Two years later, the fans of the talent of Orlova gladly watched the next musical comedy "Volga-Volga", also shot by Gregory Alexandrov. In 1939, Lyubov Petrovna played the main character of the adventure detective "Error engineer of cochin". The director of the painting was Alexander Machett. In 1940, the last pre-war film was released - Musical Aleksandrov called the "Light way".

Lyubov Orlova becomes Soviet Marlene Dietrich, which, due to the iron curtain and ban on Western art, do not know the audience the USSR. But a small circle of dedicated, which included director Alexandrov, regularly brings out foreign films on closed shows. Eaglova appears a lot of similar features with a Hollywood star. In the first picture of the "funny guys" at the Anyuta was exactly the same cylinder as Dietrich in the Blue Angel tape. In the next movie "Circus" at the heroine an eagle color of the hair is black in half with platinum, like Marlene.

Lyubov Petrovna Orlova was magnificent soprano. She danced perfectly and played on the piano and piano. These her talents were repeatedly used in all the following pictures. Ribbons "Volga-Volga", "light path" and many others were filled with music and songs. Films with Orlova are extremely loved by Soviet audience. At the beginning of the 1940s, the actress was so popular that he often rushed and accompanied the soldiers to the front. She spoke with concerts on all fronts - from Minsk to Kursk and Eagle.

Love Orlova in the film

After the war, Orlova again removed a lot. In 1947, a musical "Spring" came out, and after 2 years, a picture of the war "meeting on the Elbe". In the early 1950s, Orlova's love appeared in two biographical paintings - the Drama "Mussorgsky" and tape "Composer Glinka", where she played Lyudmila Ivanovna Glinka.

The career decline has notes in the love of Orlova in the early 1960s. It matters more and less often on the screen and on theatrical scene. In the 1970s, the audience saw the comedy "Russian souvenir". And the last ribbon with the participation of Orlova "Skzorets and Lira" was published in 1972.

Orlova twice was awarded the most prestigious Stalin Prize in the country. The first time for the role of Marion Dixon in the film "Circus", the second - for the tape "Meeting on the Elbe", where the love of Petrovna played the American journalist Jannett Sherwood. Also, the actress received the Order of Lenin, two orders of the Red Banner of the Red Banner. Soon she becomes deserved, and then the People's Artist of the RSFSR and the USSR.

Personal life

Love Orlova, in his lifetime, recognized primary Soviet cinema, extremely carefully cared for his appearance. She was the first of the domestic actresses, regularly used the advanced novelties of cosmetology for body care and face. It is saying that she first experienced plastic surgery. In any case, aristocratic appearance and extreme essentials for a long time allowed the Primateonna to hide their age.

Personal life of love of Orlova is three marriages. The first time she married a prominent official of the Agriculture of Andrei Gasparovich Berzin. Together they lived for 4 years. In 1930, Berzina was arrested and exiled to Kazakhstan.

In 1932, Orlova met the Austrian Impresario Franz (his last name was lost), with which he lived in a civil marriage. And in 1933, the actress met and in the same year married Gregory Alexandrova. Together, the spouses lived until the most recent days of the artist. There were no children from the pair.

In March 2015, the audience saw a 16-serial film, filmed on the real events of the life of the actress and the director, called "Orlova and Alexandrov". The tape covers a long period of life of the artist, ranging from her dating with Gregory Alexandrov to death. Orlov played Olesya Sudzilovskaya, her husband - Anatoly White.


Not loved by Petrovna Orlova on January 26, 1975. She died from pancreatic cancer. Buried the famous artist at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Gregory Alexandrov survived the spouse for only 8 years.

In 2014, the Dacha of Orlova and Alexandrova in the Moscow region Vnukovo acquired the famous lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky. He also became the owner of the personal archive of the Great Artist.


  • 1934 - "Merry guys"
  • 1936 - "Circus"
  • 1938 - Volga-Volga
  • 1939 - "Error engineer of cochin"
  • 1940 - "Light way"
  • 1941 - "Artamon Business"
  • 1947 - "Spring"
  • 1949 - "Meeting on the Elbe"
  • 1950 - "Mussorgsky"
  • 1960 - "Russian souvenir"
  • 1974 - "Skzorets and Lira"

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