Stepan Demura - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Expert, News 2021



Stepan Demur is a financial analyst, a trader, a stock exchange expert who worked in the United States for 12 years. Over 2 years before the economic crisis of 2008, a fall in the world and Russian economy predicted. His statements are often criticized for radicalism and sharpness of judgment, but practice has shown that the expert most often is right.

Childhood and youth

Stepan Gennadevich was born in Moscow. Answering the question of nationality, the Demour reports the Malorossky roots in his pedigree. In school years, he studied well, spent a lot of time at books.

For the first time, the device of financial markets was interested in high school. However, after receiving a certificate of maturity, Stepan is not at all in the economic university, but in the Moscow Physics and Technology, where she studies rocket education. Independently examines English, and also continues to be interested in global stock markets.

Institute Stepan Demour graduated with honors, having received a red diploma and a specialty engineer-racket. The relevance of the thesis project was interested in foreign partners of the Institute, and Demuru invite to continue studying in the magistracy of Chicago Private Research University, Illinois.


After graduating from the 1st Course at the University of Chicago, Demur is arranged at Sheridan Investments LLC, in which he after a while he managed to head the department engaged in research destinations and market analysis. In 1992, as Analyst Stepan Gennadevich, for the first time enters financial markets and gets the opportunity to implement many years of ideas and aspirations. For the biography of a young man, these initiatives were crucial.

After 2 years, his efforts notice, and it turns out to be invited to the state structure engaged in monitoring and analyzing the US government bond market. At first, the man held the position of an ordinary consultant, then became the lead trader and financial engineer, and after successfully implementing the tasks of the tasks in these posts, it was raised to the leading analyst of the securities market and other derivatives.

In addition to working in the structure of US government bonds, Stepan Demour taught the foundations of stock markets in the University of Chicago, from which his American career began. Having worked in the US for 12 years, the expert decides to resolve from US government bonds and return to the homeland, where he retained citizenship.

After moving to Moscow, the financial analyst engaged in favorite business - a study of the Russian stock market. In addition, Stepan Gennadevich became one of the Governors of Arlan, and later led assets in the financial company "Russian Investment Club".

In 2006, Demura first appears on television, where he is trying to convey the public about the inevitable global financial crisis in the coming years. These statements sounded unnatural, because at that time the development of automotive industry, the construction of supermarkets and especially the primary real estate market has reached a peak, and the banks offered a huge range of credit loans.

After 2 years, at the very beginning of 2008, on the channel RBC Demura reiterates the imminent crisis in the American mortgage, which will entail the global financial crisis and fall in the standard of living in all countries. For several months, Stepan's forecasts of Demura came true almost 100%.

After such a phenomenal demonstration of the world market knowledge of the RBC Business Channel, who belonged to Oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov, invited Stepan Demuru to conduct a number of financial programs, including the "markets" and "dialogue".

Another TV presenter of Zhanna Nemtsova also participated in the aircraft. Often, the analyst was often criticized against Vladimir Putin's actions. According to Stepan, he was fired from the canal for his sharp statements.

Later, the financial analyst organized his own transfer to "honestly about everything with Stepan Deururo", which regularly enters the radio "Echo Moscow-Vologda". He also goes around cities and countries where he performs with financial seminars, which received the name "Hard economic review without bills and forecasts for the market." In Moscow, such meetings are held in the Economic Club "City Class".

Analytical articles Expert also posts on the Internet. At one time, Demura led a personal blog in the Living Journal, a fan club of a financial analyst was opened. Stepan has an account in Twitter, where he introduces subscribers with financial news. In "Vkontakte" there is a community of analyst followers. The expert also gives an interview on the Ether of the "Special Opinion" program, which is broadcast on the "Echo of Moscow".

The browser on the personal Yutiub-channel "Demura News TV" places videos devoted to the analysis of the situation in the stock and foreign exchange markets, issues related to agriculture and industry.

According to Stepan Gennadevich, the increase in VAT up to 20% in 2018 will lead to the fall of economic indicators. Relying on the concept of American economist Laffer, Demur explains that in such a situation, it is initially filling the budget, but in the future these indicators fall.

Personal life

Demura scrupulously hides information about personal life and family from the public. It is known that the financial analyst and an outstanding TV presenter is married and raises two daughters. Photo of children and wives Stepana Gennadevich never fell into the press.

Stepan Demura now

In the last speeches of 2019, Demur continues to predict the coming crisis in the Russian and global economy. Moreover, the analyst calls the collapse of 2008 only by the "advertising video of the future full-length film." According to the observer, the fall in economic indicators will happen when the crisis is forgotten. The expert leads to an example of Socyodynamics: so far they speak about the problems, the law of deterrent is valid.

Stepan Demur negatively estimates the combination of factors that have now been in the Russian economy. It is the participation of the budget in state panels that bring negative profits, loving population, the growth of raw materials corporate income and the real fall in the manufacturing and other sectors. A large problem analyst considers the lack of professional personnel in asset management.

An expert gives its subscribers to sell movable property and invest in foreign currency and gold. Investments in their own health and education will also be useful.

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