Alexander Macedonian - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, conquest



Alexander Macedonsky - the great commander of antiquity, which was able to subjugate most of Asia in a short time, reaching India and Pakistan. He entered the story as a conqueror, who did not lose a single battle. Such success was facilitated by the tactical talent of the ruler and the choice of strategy: the Macedonian army always operated quickly and suddenly, while going around with small victims. The most famous for today's days the principle of Alexander is the motto: "divide and conquer."

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born in the Macedonian capital Pella. He took place from the valiant dynasty of Argead, who, according to legends, began his origin from the famous hero Hercules. The father of Alexander was the Macedonian King Philip II. Mother - Olympics, daughter of the Epirian king. Its pedigree is no less noble - according to legend, the founder of the kind of pierride was Ahill himself. Awareness of belonging to the two great dynasties affected the formation of certain personal qualities of the young man.

Alexander Macedonian in Herakla's helmet

Alexander, because of the polyglessing, the Father had several one-sacter sisters and brothers, but only the senior Philip was considered their relatives, which was recognized as low. The boy grew in an ambiguous setting: he admired the valor of the father, leading endless wars with Greek polishes, but at the same time he experienced his dislike for him, because he was influenced by the mother who settled his son against her husband.

Training Alexander at an early age was not at home, but on the established tradition - in relatives. He studied in the well, and teachers were Leonid, who insisted on the Spartan lifestyle, and actor Lisimah, who trained the young heir to the throne of rhetoric and ethics.

From the age of 13, he began to raise the great thinker Aristotle, who was well acquainted with his father. The philosopher, realizing that he is a mentor of the future ruler, focused on the study of politics, ethics and philosophy. In addition, trying to give the ward a classical education, the teacher taught Tsarevich medicine, literature and poetics.

Aristotle and Alexander Macedonian

Alexander from an early age showed such qualities as ambition, stubbornness and dedication. On the other hand, he was indifferent to physical enjoyment, limited himself in food and did not show any interest in the opposite sex for a long time.

Already in childhood, the future strategist had an extraordinary intelligence and a smell. Having met in the absence of a father a delegation of Persian ambassadors, he did not ask them a single frivolous issue. The boy was interested in things like the quality of roads, the features of the city life and culture of a foreign state. At the 10th age, the teenager managed to settle the unclean horse of Bucophal, who later became his faithful friend in all the campaigns. Alexander noted that the stallion scares his own shadow, so I avoided unfolding on the horse against the sun.

Alexander Macedonian and Diogen

For the first time, the father entrusted his son Macedonia, when it was 16 years old. Philip himself went to conquer Byzantine, and at that time the rebellion was rising in his homeland, whose instigator was the Thracian tribes. Young Tsarevich, with the help of the regiments remaining in the capital, suppressed the riot, and at the site of the Thracian settlement founded the city of Alexandropol in his honor. After 2 years, he again acted as a successful commander, commanding the left wing of the Macedonian troops in the battle of Heronee. In 336 BC NS. King Philip was killed, and Alexander proclaimed the king of Macedonia.

Board and Great Hiking

Having come to power, Alexander destroys the enemies of the Father, who were guilty of his death, and cancels taxes. Then, for 2 years, he suppresses the barbaric Thracian tribes in the north of the country and restores the power of Macedonia in Greece.

Alexander Macedonsky enters Babylon

After that, Alexander unites all Elloud and makes a great trip to Persia, which all his life was dreaming Philip. The battles with the Persians fully demonstrated the amazing military talent of Alexander Macedonsky. After the battle at the River Brank in 334 BC. NS. Under the rule of Macedonians, almost all small Asia turns out. And Alexander himself was sent to the glory of the greatest commander and the conqueror.

Submitting to himself almost without battle, Palestine, Kariya and other countries of the Middle East, Alexander went to Egypt, where he was met as if a new deity. In Egypt, the king is based on another city in his honor - Alexandria.

Darius Family in front of Alexander Macedon

Returning to Persia, Alexander conquered Suzu, Persepol and Babylon. The last city became the capital of the United Powered. In 329, the Crown King of Persia Darius was killed by his closest, and Alexander again shows itself as a smart tactic and strategist. He announces that the killer kings are to blame for the fall of the Persian Empire, and there are no conquerors at all, and calls themselves the Avenger for the honor of Darius.

Alexander becomes the king of Asia and for 2 years captures Sogdean and Bactria, that is, modern Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. By occupying new territories, Alexander laid the cities in his honor. For example, Alexandria Eschata and Alexandria in Arachosia, who have survived to our times under the names of Khujand and Kandahar.

Alexander refreshes Gordies Knot

In 326 BC Alexander Great took a campaign to India. He managed to capture a few tribes and conquer the territory of the current Pakistan. But, by going the Indian River, the exhausted army fogged and refused to move on. Alexander was forced to deploy troops back after a triumphant 10-year-old promotion deep into the Asian part of the Eurasian mainland.

The feature of Alexander Macedonsky as the ruler was that he took the traditions and beliefs of the captured territories, did not try to impose his culture and even sometimes left the governors of the former kings and rulers. Such a policy prevented a surgence of the uprisings of the conquered territories, but every year more and more caused discontent among compatriots. The same tactics will subsequently apply the ancient Roman emperors.

Personal life

In his personal life, Alexander Macedonian showed the same freedom and independence from other people's judgments as in military business. Harem Alexander Macedonian was calculated 360 concubines from which Campasp was distinguished, she was his mistress for 2 years, starting from 336 years old, and older Alexander, for 7 years, Barsina, which became the mother of his illegitimate son Hercules. In addition, his relationship with the Queen Amazon Faleztris and Indian princess Cleopis are known.

Alexander's spouses were three. The first became Bactrian Princess Roxana, which the king took his wife when the bride was only 14 years old. According to legend, the girl was a captive, the king could not resist her beauty and fell in love at first sight. They got married in 327 BC. Eh .. She gave birth to the only officially recognized child of the great commander - the son of Alexander, who was born a month after the death of his father.

Alexander Macedonian and Roxan

After 3 years, the king married at the same time on two Persian princesses - the daughter of Tsar Darius Star and the daughter of Tsar Arksserving III Parisatide. Both additional marriage are considered perfect exclusively from political considerations. True, it did not prevent Roxane's first wife to inflate with jealousy and kill staton on this soil immediately after the death of her husband.

Alexander Macedonsky had advanced views for his time on relationship with women who respected and considered almost equal men, although even his teacher Aristotle insisted on the secondary role of women.


In winter, 323 BC. NS. Alexander begins to plan new campaigns against the Arabic tribes of the Arabian Peninsula and the conquest of the Carthage. The plans for the king - the subordination of the entire Mediterranean. After a short rest, it starts building a new port in the Persian Gulf and the update of flotilla.

Less than a week before the start of the enterprise, the Great Communion is seriously ill, presumably malaria. The doubt of the researchers is that the infectious disease does not exhibit itself among the nearest circle of communication of the ruler. Hypotheses about blood cancer, which took a speed-based character, about inflammation of the lungs, abdominal title and liver failure. In addition, there are versions and about Alexander poisoning.

Monument to Alexander Macedonian in Thessaloniki, Greece

For several months, the ruler could not climb from the bed of his house in Babylon. Since the beginning of June, it refuses to spell up and it overtakes the cruel fever, which lasted 10 days. June 10, 323 BC. The great king and commander Alexander Macedonsky died. At the time of death, he was 32 years old, he did not live a month before his 33th anniversary.

Soon after the death of Alexander the Great, the collapse of the power began. The conquered territory was divided between the commander of the ruler's troops. None of the heirs of the king - Alexander and Hercules did not come to the fight for the throne, since both were killed by children, which meant the cessation of the Argead dynasty. Nevertheless, the spread of Greek culture for the most part of the states of small and Central Asia gave impetus to the emergence in these territories of Hellenism.


The influence of Alexander Macedonian on the development of culture, politics and the economy of the ancient world is difficult to overestimate. Already in antiquity, he was recognized as the greatest conqueror of all the times and peoples. In the Middle Ages, his biography served as the source of the plot "Roman about Alexandra", which was supplemented with a variety of fictional facts. In the future, the image of the commander inspired the playwrights and on the creation of portraits, sculptures and works of art. In the city of Thessaloniki, the statue of the Great Conqueror at Kone was installed.

Alexander Macedonian - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, conquest 20656_9

In the world cinema, the personality of Alexander Great more than once became a source of inspiration for scenarios and directories. Hollywood films "Alexander Great" 1956 and Alexander 2004 with Colin Farrell in the lead role.


  • 1956 - "Alexander Great"
  • 2004 - "Alexander"

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