Raif Fayns - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Raif Fains, according to individual filmmakers, made a name on negative roles. On the other hand, they are talking about him as a born aristocrat, but who said that the Blue Blood carrier can not reincarnate in the scoundrel. The actor himself was survived at one time that they did not see a comic, and perhaps he himself would have to come up with him.

As a child, Raif preferred to draw, but stopped being taken for the brush, as soon as she picked up the "Liestchomy Virus". Since then, he lies before painting, but the main art in his life, oddly enough, not at all the cinema, and the ability to compromise.

"The art of negotiations is the most important condition for our existence in society. If we have something to discuss, it does not matter that we think about each other, you need to sit at the table and negotiate. "

Childhood and youth

Rif Fains was born in the English city of Ipswich, located in the County Suffolk. The actor became the first child in the family of writer Jennifer Lash and photographer Mark Fains. The father took place from the impoverished aristocratic clause, before the photo class, he was unsuccessfully tried forces in farming and construction. In addition to Rifu, Mark and Jennifer had another 5 children.

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Joseph, the younger brother of the actor - also the star of the screen, which brightened in the "Lutter", "Luter", "Darwin Prizes". Magnus became a composer and a musical producer, Jacob - an activist for the protection of animal and preservation of ecology. Sisters Sophie and Martha - Successful filmmakers. In addition, parents brought up the foster son Michael Emery, who fell into the family at the age of 11.

Talents are endowed with other relatives of Raif. The names of the cousins ​​- a traveler Rululf Tvislton-Waikham-Fynes and Wisillia Fainza writer were turned out to be heard. In the Saga about Harry Potter of Fayns character in orphanage played the nephew of Hiro Boreghar.

When Raif turned 11 years old, the family moved to Ireland, where the boy began to attend school. Before that, the child was on domestic training. After graduating from high school, Fyams independently returns to England and enters the London College of Arts, painting is studying. But quickly finds another passion - theater, so after a year of study, college throws and begins to study at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

Reifers participated in the production of classical plains during his studies. After release from the Academy, he becomes a member of the troupe of the National Theater, and after 2 years he is included in the acting of the Royal Shakespeare Theater. For roles in the play "Hamlet", "Heinrich VI", "Richard II", "King Lire", "Ivanov" and "Vain Efforts of Love" FIUNS is awarded the Tony Theater Prize.


The debut on television for Raif Fains became the main role in the historic drama "Dangerous Man: Lawrence after Arabia" in 1990. Immediately he followed the criminal series "The main suspect", in which the film acter played Michael in one of the series.

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The experience of the game of dramatic characters helped Raifa get on the big screen. In 1991, the actor starred in the role of Hishkliff in the film by the famous novel Emily Bronte "Thunderstorm Pass". Then the scandalous film was released on the religious theme of the "Dity of Macon".

In 1993, the actor came to the actor after the appearance of the Schindler's Military Biographical Biographical Tape screens, in which the Briton played Amon Getheet, the Commandant of the Fascist concentration camp. For this role, Fyams received a prize of the British Academy of Cinema and Television Arts as the best actual second plan, and was also nominated for Oscar and Golden Globe. The film will be called the best in the artist filmography, and the roles in historical paintings directors from different countries will offer the British more and more.

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Then the poor paintings came out, of which only a fantastic thriller "Strange Days" stands out, for participating in it, the actor nominated for the Saturn Prize. In 1996, Raif Fains again excites the imagination of movie lovers, makes it talk about yourself, fulfilling the major role of Graph Lassel Almas in the film adaptation of Michael Ondatzh's novel "English Patient". The film actor expected another nomination for Oscar, and the picture itself received this prestigious award.

After this success, Raif could already choose scenarios to independently, so almost all his films with participation became successful: Melodrama "Oscar and Lucinda", the screening of the Pushkin novel "Onegin", the director of which was the sister of the actor of March, the thrillers "Spider" and "Red Dragon" , Comedy "Mistress Mitnotsy" and "Chamskrabber", is the dismanting drama "Devotee Gardener" and other filmters.

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For participation in these projects, the actor has repeatedly highlighted various filmmakers of Britain, Europe and the USA, but only the European Film Academy Award in the Historic Drama "Taste of Sunlight" has received him.

In 2005, Raif Fains agrees to the role of the main villain of Volan de Morta in the film "Harry Potter and the Fire Cup", later will participate in the continuations of this teen film - "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix" and two parts "Harry Potter and the Deathly " This work brought the actor the MTV Movie Awards Award as a better kinothelet.

In addition to this fantasy franchise, Fyams starred in the historical drams "Duchess" with Keera Knightley and "Reader" with Kate Winslet, participated in the screening of the classic novel Charles Dickens "High Hope", played in the comedies "My terrible nanny - 2" and "Hotel" Grand Budapest "".

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The Military Thriller "Lord of Storm" claimed 9 statuettes "Oscar" and received 6, including the main one for the best movie. Raif as a member of the acting ensemble was awarded Gotham Awards and the Association Association of Washington Critics. TV viewers emphasize the work of Fyams in the films of the "Battle of Titans" and "Grove Titans". In the film, he played Aida, and Liam Nison fulfilled the role of Zeus.

In 2011, Raif debuted as director with the original statement of the legend of the Roman commander of the 5th century, but not expected historical ribbon. "Coriolian" - a full filling fighter, the action of which takes place in the bombed NATO NATOV Belgrade. The main roles were fulfilled by FIINS, Gerard Butler, Brian Cox. Female images embodied Vanessa Redgrave and Jessica Chestain.

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The role of the head of the Mi-6 Gareth Mallory in Bondian was the significant work for Raif Fains. He changed the character of Judi Dench in this post, which, according to the writers, died in "007: Skyfall coordinates." Raif, on his own admission, knowingly knew about the final, but did not expect to be filmed in the franchise invited him.

That fains really pleased, so this is what the new M is not just sitting in the office and manages the Internet operations, but has a rich military experience and periodically leaves the "Comfort zone", participating in the fights. However, the actor still prefers not films about James Bond, and books, because there are more nuances and more details are characters.

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The actor is not only involved in the filming of feature films, but also voices animated paintings. In February 2017, a computer-animated comedy film "Lego Film: Batman" appeared, in which Fyams voiced Alfred Penniworth. In 2016, the Briton has already participated in a similar project, Ryden, Lunar King and the main antagonist of the animation film "Cubo. Legend of Samurai. "

The media reportedly reported that Raif with great joy comes to Russia, ready to be filmed in the projects of Russian directors, and also teaches Russian and regularly visits him the place of an immense country.

In 2014, the actor visited the program "Evening Urgant", talked to the leading topics, talked about the films in which he participated, and also spoke about plans for the future. In December 2016, Raif Fains confessed to the love of the Russian comedy "Gorky!", Released in 2013.

"When I told me about this Russian friends, those twisted. I was surprised and laughed, because I know for sure that there may be French, Irish and English version "Gorky!", "Noted in an interview with the film actor.

In the youth, Fyams read Lermontov, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky. It still loves to play Chekhov characters and even regrets that England did not give birth to a writer, so finely describing everyday life. In 2014, Vera Glagolev invited the connoisseur of Russian classics from Misty Albion to the main role in the drama "Two Women" on the novel by Ivan Turgenev "Month in the village".

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The Russian actress and director responded about a colleague as "exempted ingenious", thinly felt, to the brain of the bones of the bone gained into the image. The death of verbeva shook Rifu. In "Instagram", he published a post with the words of condolences to relatives and the promise to remember working together. "Two women" was awarded the Grand Prix of a number of filmmoters, presented at the Window Festival to Europe.

In 2018, Rife as a director removed the film "White Voron" about the famous Soviet dancer Rudolfe Nureyev. The scenario was created on the basis of the book "Life of Rudolph Nureyev" of the British journalist and the former ballerina Julie Kavana. Ravshan Kurkova, Chulpan Hamatov and the star of the Royal Ballet, Chulpan Hamatov and the star of London Royal Ballet, participated in the film, and the Prime Minister of the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater Oleg Ivenko played the main role. Spectators in the homeland of the artist, Bayopik was presented in April 2019.

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Commenting on the work on the project, Fyams stressed that Nureyev belongs to the type of people who, not paying attention to the borders and cultural differences, by means of art brought together and united people.

Those who prefer the theatrical scene, introduced a chance to see the cinema superzing in the production of "Anthony and Cleopatra", implemented by Simon Godwin, which in professional circles is called "Theatrical Spielberg".

The performance moved to the screen turned out to be eclectic: the Roman military leader puts the gun with a gun, his subordinates are dressed in camouflage and helmets, Raif himself in the course of action goes into an elegant suit. The image of the Egyptian queen is entrusted to the winner of the Tony Prize Sophie. The British press considers the creative tandem with the best Anthony and Cleopter over the past 20 years.

Personal life

In 1983, while studying at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, Raif Fains meets the student Alex Kingston, with which he has a romantic relationship. The couple met for 10 years, only in 1993 the lovers officially signed. After 2 years, the actor starts a new novel and in 1997 officially divorced his wife.

In the spring of 1995, Fains begins to meet with the actress of the Theater of the French Annice, which is older than it for 17 years. The couple lived in a civil marriage of 11 years, but as a result, family idyll collapsed because of the new passion for Rifu - singer from Romania Cornelia Chrisan. This relationship lasted for several months.

"I do not like to put a personal life at the bottom, although often it is without my will and knowledge becomes public domain. In general, I am often asked if I am not gay, and I don't sick with something serious. No, I do not belong to sexual minorities. I like women. And the children are terrible responsibility. And since I can not not lead a turbulent social life, and I am not a household, I don't think that I have the right to spoil someone childhood and the best years of life, "so Fayns explains why she has not yet acquired his family.

Raif Fains now

In 2019, a comedic detective "Holmes and Watson" came out in Russian rental, as clearly from the name - based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle. Kelly McDonald, Will Ferrell, Pham Ferris, are involved in the picture taken by Ethan Coen. Fyams received the role of the main antagonist - a cunning professor Moriarty.

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Now the actor, together with Rebecca Hall, works on the drama "Forgiven." In the film colleagues played spouses going on the sea coast. However, the festive mood crashes an accident - their car knocks down a child.

Another main role of Rifu is in the project of the author "12 monkeys" Terry Gilliam. The new film was the same name as the novel, taken as the basis of Mr. Vertigo. Briton will play the mysterious Personality of the Master Yehechi, levitation training people.

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At the beginning of 2020 fans fans Matthew Won on the spy service will receive the 3rd part. In Kingsman 3: Big Game "Fayns will appear in the form of a mentor Hero Harris Dickinson, and the film itself will be a prequel and tell about the origins of the secret organization.


  • 1993 - "Schindler List"
  • 1996 - "English Patient"
  • 1998 - "Avengers"
  • 1999 - "End of Roman"
  • 2002 - "Spider"
  • 2005 - "Devotee Gardener"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2006 - "Bernard and Doris"
  • 2008 - "Duchess"
  • 2009 - "Lord of Storm"
  • 2010 - "Battle of Titans"
  • 2011 - Coriolian
  • 2014 - "Two Women"
  • 2015 - "007: Spectrum"
  • 2018 - "White Voron"
  • 2019 - "Logging"

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