Maxim Chernyavsky - biography, personal life, news, photo, "bachelor", "Instagram" 2021



Maxim Chernyavsky - Businessman. Known by Russian television audience thanks to the participation in the show "Bachelor". In the project, the man came in the hope of finding the second half and very confident that she would immediately calculate the false and hunters for money. Being, on his own admission, the man is shy, doubted that the show business is a suitable place to search for the bride.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Chernyavsky was born in Kiev, by the sign of the Virgin zodiac. The father at the time of his son was a military personnel, and a mother-a student of the economic university, in the future she began working as a major accountant of a large enterprise. In a few years, his father decided to establish his own business, the financial situation in the family sharply went up, but after that, parents decided to divorce.

Maxim remained to live with his mother and his grandmother Marina, who cared for the boy most. Actually, the grandmother was the head of the family. A woman is a founder and a hostess known in Kiev, the Maxi Construction Hypermarkets Network, which was named after the only grandson. In one of these stores, at school, Chernyavsky received the first work experience, working as a cashier. And when he was 19 years old, the grandmother entrusted the young man management of the hypermarket.

After the end of the elite school with the Gold Medal, Maxim entered the Kiev National Chamber of Commerce and Economics, which graduated from a red diploma. The first firm founded even in the student.

It was a developer company that did not bring much income, and the company was suspended. At the end of the university, Maxim Chernyavsky returned to the project and began to successfully deal with construction, as well as the sale of elite real estate.

Later, the young man moved to Los Angeles, where he graduated from the architecture course at the local college. Also, a man translated most of the business to America, as it prefers to build houses in Modern style, which has no demand in post-Soviet states. Nevertheless, Maxim often happens in Ukraine, and in Russia.

Project "Bachelor"

In 2013, the TNT television channel suggested Maxim Chernyavsky to become the main hero of the Russian version of the romantic reality show "Bachelor". Since, after a divorce with the first spouse, Anna Sedokova, a young man was free, and a project that was offered to communicate with 26 diverse girls, would add popularity, Maxim agreed.

Maxim Chernyavsky and Participants Show

In the program, Maxim Chernyavsky is surrounded by attributes of luxury life. In the first series, the man arrived at the sparkling "Rolls Royce", and guests took the guests in Los Angeles in a luxury house.

The projects of the project took place in the fall and winter of 2013 in Russia, Ukraine, USA, Switzerland, Italy and France, and on the ether of the show appeared in the spring of 2014. For the heart of Chernyavsky, 26 girls fought from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

The winner of the 2nd season of the show "Bachelor" was the 23-year-old employee of the legal office of Maria Dryigola, which Maxim Chernyavsky preferred the remaining contenders. Explaining his choice, he explained that he believed in the sincerity of the girl, that she was experiencing real feelings. In addition, Masha is smart and loves children that it was important for Maxim.

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Chernyavsky remained living in Los Angeles, Drigol - in St. Petersburg, but once a month flew to a potential fiance. According to rumors, for September 2014, the lovers planned the wedding, the registration wanted to spend the bride at home, and the celebration will celebrate in the Maldives. Maria allegedly looked at the dress from Faith Wong, and Maxim ordered the Cartier rings.

However, love could not stand the distances, the couple broke up. Nevertheless, the project played an important role in the biography of Chernyavsky. And the loose and changing hairstyle of Drigol now travels a lot and I don't remember about the show, thereby giving it to understand that it is quite pleased with life.


Men in the media is often presented as a "successful millionaire", the owner of a "large construction company in Los Angeles, which has branches worldwide," but in 2016, Russian publications reportedly reported that Chernyavsky is experiencing financial difficulties, and this is not visible Behind the haze of false wealth.

Marina Chernyavskaya, Grandma Maxim, successful businesswoman in Ukraine. According to Ukrainian journalists, the developer company, which was led by Maxim, is the merit of her grandmother, since she helped to develop the first draft grandson. However, Maxim failed, and 3 months after the start of the activity, a young businessman remained with anything. But the man managed to purchase real estate in Kiev and Los Angeles.

In addition, journalists learned that the name of the company Maxim Chernyavsky - Monaco Development. She has no official site, and there is only a page on Facebook. Representatives of the media reported that at the address specified in the social network, there is a private rustic house, but not the office of the "Construction Empire".

Despite the guesses and assumptions of the press, there are people who support Maxim. Catherine Kostyukova, a creative producer of the Show "Bachelor", said in an interview that the grandmother Maxim Chernyavsky was not interfered by the grandson.

According to Catherine, Marina Chernyavskaya has its own capital, the construction business Maxim is not related to family investments, since he founded and developed himself, and the availability of housing in Los Angeles, the land plot in Western Hollywood, as well as its own fleet gives good grounds for Understanding the future financial development.

It is assumed that the involvement of Maxim in the show "Bachelor" was not paid, the fees did not receive a man.

Personal life

In 2009, Maxim Chernyavsky got acquainted with the singer Anna Sedokova, the participant of the group "VIA Gra". In February 2011, young people got married. Celebrities played a lush wedding. From the first marriage with a football player Valentin Belkevich, an Alina daughter remained at the artist.

In July 2011, Maxim and Anna were born a girl called Monica. This marriage existed until February 2013, after which the spouses divorced, and loudly and violently. The father took away his daughter to America and tried to deprive the saddles of parental rights. After a series of litigation, parents signed a global agreement on which Monica, which has a US citizenship by birth, will receive an education there, and come to mom on vacation.

Chernyavsky's followers in "Instagram" admired his attitude towards Alina and Monica. Users, discussing posted on the photo page, are sure: despite parting with his wife, a businessman is a wonderful father who cares not only about his native daughter. In addition to this social network, there are signed by his name of the page in Vkontakte and in Twitter.

After the divorce with the saddle, the Maxim happened a short-term novel with another participant "VIA Gra" Santa Dimopoulos. Then a few months a man met with the Ukrainian supermodel Anna Andres.

In 2018, Maxim Chernyavsky became a father for the second time. The daughter gave birth to a model from Novosibirsk Daria Sidorova, who won on the "Miss Television" title at the Krasia Russia in 2011. With a girl, a businessman met through a common friend Anastasia Rutov, who, like Dasha, participated in the Miss Russia - 2014 contest.

Sidorov on education Economist-International (diploma with honors of the University of Runs of Communication), unlike previous elects Maxim prefers a personal life not to advertise: the media noticed that she deleted the page in "Instagram". With the beloved Solidarity and Chernyavsky - his accounts in social networks are rarely updated.

Anna Sedokova reported that the vacation in 2019 wanted to hold together with her ex-husband and children. Say, with all men, she maintained a normal relationship, "there is no sense in conflicts." The fact that Chernyavsky has already presented to Anna and Daria to each other, whereas to acquaint the singer with Drigola categorically refused.

Businessman's hobby - Cars and auto racing. Maxim is the owner of the fleet of cars. From all the brands, Chernyavsky gives preference to Porsche.

Chernyavsky has repeatedly tried to change the style of clothing and image. Buying another business suit, always gave a promise in it to walk, but it was not possible to keep the word businessman sometimes. Also, he likes jeans and sneakers Nike. In these things, Maxim can often be found in the office. Love for informality is from America.

"In the States where the principle of" not lie "is valid, things are easier. Your actions and credit history should be appreciated. In Russia, first of all, look like you are wearing and what hours you have. "

The problem is that due to the growth of 190 cm not all things of favorite brands are maximized.

Maxim Chernyavsky now

Having arranged his personal life, Maxim decided to help in a difficult choice of the star of the next season Show "Bachelor" in 2021 Timur Yunusov. He called Chernyavsky to the project as an expert in order to deal with the plans for girls who compete for the attention of the stars.

The businessman accepted the offer and talked with each participant, withdrawing on a frank conversation. The information received was transferred to the main hero of the project. According to the former husband, the saddles, among the contenders on the heart of Timati, experience the sincere feelings of three - Alice Grabova, Ekaterina Safarov and Adel Weigel.

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