Patrick Swayze - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



Patrick Swayze is an American actor and a dancer who became famous for the execution of major roles in the iconic Hollywood paintings "Dirty Dances" and "Ghost". These films and today occupy an honorable place in the list of the best films for viewing on Valentine's Day. Thanks to his talent, attractive appearance and charisma Patrick has long kept the palm of the championship as a sex symbol of the beginning of the 90s.

Childhood and youth

Patrick Wayne Suezi was born in August 1952 in Texas, in the city of Houston. At the time of his appearance in the family, the daughter of Vika Lynn has already grown up. Later the younger brothers Don and Sean Kyle were born. Younger sister Bou Parents have fallen. The ancestors of the kind of sunsis were Irish, the British and even Apache.

Father Patrick Jassie Wayne Suezi worked as an engineer, and Mom was famous in the US choreographer. Over time, she established her own ballet school where Patrick was engaged. Also, the boy was fond of swimming and football. He repeatedly brought sports prizes and rewards, while he studied perfectly. All these circumstances did not guarantee him a good relationship with the peers.

Patrick Swayze was considered her mother's son and were often offended. At first, the boy resorted to the mother in tears, but when he was grown, the woman realized that the problem was needed drastically. She took the child to the school of martial arts, where he after a while he got a black belt on Kung Fu. Now no one decided to offend young sunsis. In addition to the black belt, one of the types of Oriental Martial Arts, behind Patricks had two finished ballet schools.

As a dancer, Patrick Siazi made his debut in the Broadway musical called "Brilliantin". He spoke on the same stage with Mikhail Baryshnikov. His physical training with a height of 178 cm and weigh 75-80 kg allowed complicated tricks. The injury of the knee cup in 1978 put a point on a dancer's career. It happened when the sunsis reached visible vertices in his career - he was a leading troupe dancer.

The operation made it a return to the ballet is impossible. From the depression of the son saved mother. She reminded Patrick that in childhood he made his debut in the cinema, while playing a couple of small roles in the series. Return to the set is a good option to implement ambitious intentions. After moving to Los Angeles, I had to start all over again. At first, the dancer was taken for any job. Patrick worked at the factory, in the store by the seller and even a joiner. The acting courses and the content of the young wife were needed tools.


In a new place, the former dancer began to study acting. Patrick's cinematic biography began in 1979. This year, he appeared on the screen in the episode of the "Skateown" picture. Then they followed the roles in the series "Renegage" and "Mash". Successful was for the novice actor the series "North and South".

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In the early 1980s, the sunsis appears in the full-length paintings. In 1983 - in "Rubber", in a year - in the anti-Soviet film "Red Dawn". The tape "Young Blood" was successful.

The international popularity of the actor brought the film "Dirty Dances", published on the screens in 1987. Patrick woke up famous. The tape immediately became a cult and collected the amount of $ 213 million at the box office. And the sunsis felt that work brings not only satisfaction, but also glory, and considerable money. For work in "dirty dances", where he starred with Jennifer Gray, the actor received $ 200 thousand and the nomination for the Golden Globe Prize.

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Due to the small budget of the film, every stage director tried to remove from one dubl. Having received a knee injury during the execution of the final dance, Patrick continued to dance with a chemless pain in the joint so as not to bring the director. The love scene in the water was not easy for performers. The artists had to remove the artists in October, while the rest of the film crew hung up in the upper clothes.

After "dirty dances", the proposals from the famous directors fell on Patricks in a huge amount. Now he chose the scenarios of those projects in which he wanted to participate. Every year a new film went out, and then several paintings where the sussuis was shot. In 1987, the Ribbon "Steel Dawn" was published on the screens, after a year - "Worsow on the nicknamed Tiger". Then there were the "house of the road" and "the nearest relative".

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In 1990, Patrick played another stellar role, starring in the dramatic picture of "Ghost" with the young Demi Moore. For work in this drama, the Contractor received a nomination for the Saturn Prize. The director of the picture originally did not plan to shoot a sussa in the lead role, was supposed to use the spouse of Demi - Bruce Willis. But the star "strong nut" refused to work in melodrama, assuming that the film would not "shoot."

Several candidates were considered to the role of Molly, among whom were Nicole Kidman, Michelle Pfaiffer, Kim Bacyinger and even Madonna. Interestingly, Wousie Goldberg appeared in the picture thanks to the request of Swayze, who was a long-time comic fan. Choosing music for the soundtrack, the director has chosen on the song Unchained Melody, which was known since 1955. Her cover version was performed by Elvis Presley, group U2, Lenn Rims and other musicians.

In the early 1990s, Patrick is removed in Hollywood projects "City of pleasure" and "Desperate Dad". Together with Keanu Rivz, he appeared in the film "On the crest of the wave." Patrick is reincarnated in surfer, an amateur of free life, which becomes the leader of the gang of robbers.

During participation in the filming of the film, the Swayzeis, as in the previous pictures, was performed by many tricky elements on their own, including jumping with parachute. The end of the 90s was marked by the release of brilliant hits of the film industry "Black Dog" and "Letters of the Killer".

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In his cinematic work, Patrick, a professional dancer and owner of a black belt on Kung Fu, never used the services of a dubler. One day, such careless courage turned the trouble. Save fell from the horse on the set and broke both legs. Recovery was long, but perseverance brought success: Patrick could again walk on their own and even dance. Interestingly, a tragic case and severe injuries gave birth to an insane passion for horses from the artist.

Soon he was engaged in their breeding on his California ranch. Later, Patrick Swayze took part in the competition in the jumps, which took place in the desert of the Arab Emirates. Moreover, a desperate American overcomed the entire distance and was the only one of his compatriots who managed to get to the Finish himself.

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In the early 2000s, Patrick starred in the sequel "dirty dancing" - the film "Dirty Dances - 2: Havana Nights." And although he played an episodic role, his fee amounted to $ 5 million.

The latest bright projects in the filmography of Swayze became "Cop of King Solomon", "Silent in a rag" and a serial tape "Beast". For his career in the cinema, the performer was nominated three times on the "Golden Globe".

Personal life

At 18, Patrick fell in love with a 15-year-old ballerina Lisa NEMI, who studied in a ballet school. After 3 years, Patrick and Lisa got married. They went together to New York, where they performed in the Broadway Musical. The personal life of Swayze was happy, although not easy. The only thing that overshadowed is the absence of children.Embed from getty images

Lisa Niemi helped her husband to cope with alcohol addiction, which developed in his youth. Often, the spouse was thinking about divorce - Patrick scared her with his debaches, which arranged during rapid parties. Thanks to the rehabilitation rate, on which the wife insisted, the sunye was able to overcome the disease.

Later, learning about his illness, the wife turned into a real Guardian Angel Patrick. Spouses lived in love and harmony 34 years old, until the death of the artist aged 57 years. Recently, they lived on the beloved ranch of Swayze in New Mexico, which was called "Happy Days".

Disease and death

In March 2008, with the permission of Patrick Swayze, his attending physician reported on the oncological disease of the actor. This was done because of numerous rumors who dismissed the yellow press and in which there was a lot of inappropriate. In addition, the photo of the actor, who spread the paparazzi, scared his fans.

At the beginning of the summer of the same year, Patrick said that he feels better, the growth of the tumor in the pancreas was stopped. Swayze believed that the radiosurgical cyber knife, which he had an operation in the center of Stanford University in California, is effective in fighting cancer. In addition, he resorted to the methods of Eastern Medicine. During the treatment, the artist lost weight, as it was forced to sit on a liquid diet.

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At the end of 2008, Southsee shared plans next year to sit for writing memoirs. But in January 2009, the actor was hospitalized with inflammation of the lungs. In April, doctors reported on the progression of oncology.

The death of Patrick Southsee came in mid-September 2009. Its cause has become numerous metastases in the liver. Part of the funds for the funeral of the actor allocated Mikhail Baryshnikov. The dust of the star of the screen was dispelled above his ranch, as he bequeathed.


  • 1979 - Skateown
  • 1985 - North and South
  • 1987 - "Dirty Dances"
  • 1989 - "House of the Road"
  • 1990 - "Ghost"
  • 1991 - "On the crest of the wave"
  • 1993 - "Desperate Dad"
  • 1998 - "Black Dog"
  • 2004 - "Dirty Dances 2: Havana Nights"
  • 2004 - "Caver Solomon"
  • 2007 - "Million for Christmas"
  • 2008 - "Jump"
  • 2009 - "Oxide"
  • 2009 - "Beast"

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