Lev Leshchenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, "Victory Day", age, wife, children, concert 2021



Lev Leshchenko is the Russian and Soviet pop singer, the famous baritone of Russia, and since 1983 - a recognized people's artist of the RSFSR. Military gauge, tightened figure - today the performer does not look at his age. Nevertheless, the singer stands on the stage for more than 55 years. During this period, the musician gave thousands of concerts and recorded hundreds of songs that performed solo and in duets.

Childhood and youth

The parents of Lion Leshchenko were not associated with the music. The singer was born in Moscow on February 1, 1942 in the family of personnel military. Parents of the boy, Russians by nationality, arrived in the capital from the Kursk and Ryazan regions. Valerian Andreevich in a pre-war time worked as an accountant at the factory. On his father, he has Ukrainian roots.

The boy remained early without a mother - she died 1.5 years after his birth from the throat (for another version, from tuberculosis). For the second time, Leshchenko-Sr. married in 5 years. About Machehe Lev Valeryanovich recalls with warmth and love, says she raised him as a native son, in love and attention.

Lion's childhood passed in Sokolniki - these were hungry post-war years. The boy often walked with his father to the military unit. The colleagues in a joke called his son the shelf. The lion is a moving child, so the father put to him by the foreman Andrei Fesenko. The soldiers replaced the child relatives and became families for him. He already at the age of 4 began to wear a military uniform, walking and dining in a soldier's dining room.

From an early age, the boy was heard by the songs of Rockov. In those years, he had already thought about the creative career, but he had not yet decided who he would want to be - an actor or singer, so he was signed up in the choir and dramatic circle in the Palace of Pioneers. A few months later, a volatile teenager performed at all urban reviews.

Having received a certificate, Leshchenko filed documents to theatrical universities, but the exams failed. Then there was a service in the army, which he passed in Germany. And after demobilization - the second, this time successful, an attempt to enter Gitis. The artistic director of the Moscow Theater Operetta Georgy Anisimov became a master of the course.


Lev Leshchenko settled in a large theater immediately after school. He failed the exams in theatrical universities, so worked by the work scene, it was in 1960. Lev Valeryanovich says that the period of life was saturated: he disappeared in the theater until late night. In the afternoon worked, and in the evening I was in a hurry on the gallery to see the performance.

The acting career Leshchenko began in his youth, on the 2nd course of guitis, when a high, sports physique, a young man (height - 180 cm, the weight at that time did not exceed 67 kg) settled in the theater of operetta. One of the first of his roles is a sinner in the play "Orpheus in hell" - consisted of two words: "let it be pregnant."

But the creative career in the chosen genre from the musician did not work out, despite the talent. The voice of Veshchenko's voice did not allow him to count on the main parties, which were usually intended for high male voices. But the artist did not forget about theatrical activities.

In 1990, Lev Leshchenko, being a famous artist, founded the Theater "Music Agency". After 2 years, his brainchild has grown up to the status of the State Theater. This is a pop team that gives full freedom to the work of the musician and his colleagues. On the basis of the organization, the annual festival of the Military Songs "Krechshino", contests of patriotic songs and other events are held.


Leshchenko has a unique, soft, velvety voice with a large range. Probably, therefore, the singer is glad to listen to representatives of the older generation and young people.

The start of his big song career gave a competition for Goseradio of the USSR, held on February 13, 1970. Then there was a festival in Sopot, where Leshchenko performed the song "For that guy" and won. The next day, the entire Soviet Union spoke about him.

The singer was even more popular with the song David Tukhmanova "Victory Day". Lev Leshchenko performed it on May 9, 1975. He today considers this hat with his principled achievement.

Many songs from the repertoire of the artist became the Krestomatia of the Russian pop. At the closure of the Olympiad-80, the Luzhniki's multi-volume stadium sang Lev Valeryanovich "Goodbye, Moscow, goodbye."

Lev Leshchenko acts as solo and in a duet with other musicians and teams. In his youth, his repertoire was replenished with songs recorded jointly with the group "Spectr". So, on the song of the Year - 81 ", the musicians presented the" Parental House "hat. In addition, in different years, fans heard the songs of "Farewell" in the duet of the Mumi Troll group, Gay, Slavs! " Together with Vladimir Vinokur, "Echo of Love" with Anna Herman.

In 1985, the first music clip appeared on the song Lion Valeryanovich "Old Tram". Regularly music videos on the composition of Leshchenko began to be broadcast only since the 1990s. The fans saw the rollers on the songs "there" in a duet with a group "Megapolis", "Neither", fulfilled together with the Lada of Dance.

For his creative biography, Lev Leshchenko recorded more than 10 plates and albums, performed dozens of author's songs. In the work of the soloist dominates military patriotic subjects.

Also, the celebrity taught in the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinic. Many of his students became popular pop artists: Varvara, Katya Lel, Marina Khlebnikov. In addition, Lev Valeryanovich took the position of president and artistic director of the Russian Bass festival.

In February 2017, Leshchenko gave a concert in honor of his own 75-year-old anniversary. The musician performed at the State Kremlin Palace. The concert was also broadcast on the first channel. Together with the anniversary, his golden hits were performed by other famous musicians: Vladimir Vinokur, Nikolay Baskov, Philip Kirkorov and others.

In May 2017, Leshchenko performed at a concert in memory of the author of the texts of the songs Anatolia transverse. Also, the compositions were performed by Joseph Kobzon, Sofia Rotaru, Valery Leontyev and others. Fans of the musician pleased the new version of the hit "Attraction of the Earth", which was performed with the soloists the choir of the Academy of Igor Krathty.

In June of the same year, Lev Valeryanovich and a number of other musicians acted as a jury at the 10th international competition of young performers of popular music "Children's New Wave". The competition participated in 13 young musicians from 11 countries. Later, the Mother arrived at the International Music Festival "Heat-2017".

The artist keeps up with the times. He has an official website, from where the audience will learn the latest news. In "Instagram", the photos of Leshchenko often fall on the pages of devotees. For 2017-2018, the artist supplemented his discography with two albums, and later pleased with the fun with the musical clips on the song "Nightingale Grove" and "drink of happiness".

Television and films

For the first time in the movie Lev Leshchenko starred in 1967. These were episodic roles in the films "Path to Saturn" and "Sophia Pepovskaya". In 1975 he was invited to the main role in the painting "I am looking for Zara."

Spectators remembered the artist as the lead and author of the programs. Over the years of work, he released many TV shows and musical films. Among his projects are highlighted in the 1998 picture of the production of "Military Field Romance", TV show "Star and Young".

Lev Lev Valeranovich himself starred in the series "Doomed to Become Star". Later with his participation on the screens came the comedy "Zaitsev! Logging. " One of the latest Maestro filmmakers is an episode in the TV series "Home arrest."

Lev Leshchenko joined the team of the television music contest "Voice 60+". Together with Leonid Agutin, Pelagey and Valery Meladze, he entered the Jury of the project. Former teachers, engineers, retired officers were participants in TV show. The premiere took place in September 2018.

The 2nd World Music Project Lev Valeranovich again visited as a member of the jury. Together with him, the talent of singers remained Pelagia, and Leonid Agutin and Valery Meladze replaced Valery and Mikhail Boyarsky.

Public position

The artist is engaged in public activities. He oversees several boarding schools, including for children with disabilities. Under his patronage there is a youthful basketball team.

Regularly with the participation of Leshchenko hosts charitable concerts. One of them is a "white cane" in support of visually impaired children, where young artists performed along with the stars.

The speech of Matra Festrad was held at a concert of 2020 "Leningrad Blockada", dedicated to the full liberation of the city on the Neve from the fascist blockade. Later, Leo Valeryanovich was invited to a gala concert in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great Children named after Viktor Popov.

Despite the big employment, the singer does not get tired of following political news. When in mid-January 2020, Vladimir Zhirinovsky declared the need to reduce the anthem of Russia, the artist sharply criticized the idea. As Leshchenko noted, in sports competitions, conferences and other solemn events, only 1 verse and chorus are executed, and politician such statements "once again attracts attention to his own person."

Personal life

The artist was 34 years old when he met the love of life. Lev Valerianovich was on tour in Sochi, when an Irina entered the elevator unexpectedly, which is 12 years younger. She studied in Budapest and did not know that in front of her a popular singer. The girl took a satellite for local mafia. The next day, Ira flew to Moscow, and the singer went beyond her.

Interestingly, the paths of future spouses repeatedly crossed. During the service of Leshchenko in Germany, the Irina family also lived in the GDR. In Moscow, their houses were not far from the station "Loadovskaya" metro station. Both studied in neighboring schools, only at different times.

At that time, the wife of Leshchenko was Alla Abdalova, with which the singer met in Gitis. The girl studied at the 2nd year older. She planned to start a career of a classic performer, but because of her husband remained on stage. Lev Valerianovich and his first wife performed a duet, went on tour. Gradually, the artists began to disperse: the musician's career gained momentum, while his chosen was left in the shadows.

Roman musician with a young girl became a reason for a divorce. The "well-wishers" quickly reported Abdalova about the events in the life of her husband. When Leshchenko flew home, there was a suitcase on the threshold.

A year after that sign meeting at the resort, Lev and Irina got married. The girl threw the diplomatic career and dedicated himself to her husband and home. In the future, she settled an assistant director in the "Music Agency" theater.

Four has no children. Doctors put Irina Leshchenko (Bagudine) diagnosis "infertility" a year after the wedding, but their relationship did not destroy. Lev Valeryanovich is faithful to his wife and believes that his personal life has developed happily.

Lion Leshchenko is confident that belongs to a number of long-livers, because his father lived almost up to 100 years. Now the state of the health of the artist remains flawless. Well, the singer's friends believe that he was born in a shirt. In addition to the fact that the early years of childhood Leshchenko fell on the hungry time of the war, which the boy managed to survive, in his youth he received severe injury when falling from gymnastic rings. During the execution of the trick, the lion dicked down her head. Helped to save the young people of the Medica district hospital.

For the creative career, the artist twice miraculously escaped death. The first time Lion Valeryanovich refused to fly by plane, which later crashed together with the musician colleagues. The song "For that guy", the artist devoted his untimely comrades. And the second time, with Vladimir Vinocur, he canceled participation in a cruise on the motor ship "Admiral Nakhimov", which sank shortly after the exit to the sea.

In March 2020 fans of the singer agitated the news of his hospitalization: the network appeared the news that Leshchenko came to the hospital. Later, according to some media reports, the artist was diagnosed with coronavirus infection. For some time, Lev Valeryanovich was even in resuscitation, the state of health of the musician caused concerns from the doctors. Fortunately, his body successfully coped with the ailment.

Lev Leshchenko now

Leshchenko is now active on stage, regularly appears at major concerts, stands and visits public events. Already September 2020, the artist took the honorary chair of the mentor in the popular project "Voice. 60+. " Together with him, New Talents opened Elena Vaenga, Garik Sukachev and Tamara Gverdcitel.

Interest in the life of the artist does not fade away from the public so far. In April 2021, Lev Leshchenko became the hero of the "Fate of Man". This is not the first appearance in the studio Boris Korchevnikova. The artist gave an interview and two years earlier. In a conversation with an artist, the TV presenter admitted that his mother advised to seek such a wife like Lion Valeryanovich.


  • 1971 - "Do not cry, girl"
  • 1974 - "Tales Water"
  • 1980 - "Earth Attraction"
  • 1981 - "Parental House"
  • 1983 - "In the circle of friends"
  • 1987 - "Something for the soul"
  • 1996 - "Fragrance of Love"
  • 2004 - "Love Mood"
  • 2006 - "Be happy"
  • 2015 - "I will give you"
  • 2017 - "I waited for the meeting ..."
  • 2018 - "My Last Love"


  • 1967 - "Path to Saturn"
  • 1967 - "Sophia Pepovskaya"
  • 1974 - "Yurkina Dawns"
  • 1975 - I am looking for Zara
  • 1979 - "Grannies have been told ..."
  • 1995 - "Old songs about the main thing"
  • 1997 - "Old songs about the main 3"
  • 1998 - "Military Field Romance"
  • 2005 - 2007 - "Doomed to become a star (television series)"
  • 2010 - "Zaitsev, Loggy! History of Showman "
  • 2013 - "Treasure O. K."
  • 2018 - "Home Arrest"


  • 2001 - "Apology of Memory"
  • 2018 - "Songs chose me"

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