Emma Stone - biography, personal life, news, movies, photos, gave birth to firstborn 2021



Emma Stone - Hollywood actress, whose talent is marked as recognition of fans and prestigious Oscar premiums, Golden Globe, BAFTA and a number of premiums guild of the US film actors. She was repeatedly called one of the talented generation artists. In addition, Stone appeared in Forbes lists as the highest paid actress.

Childhood and youth

Emma was born in the town of Scottsdale, which is part of Arizona. Father Jeff Stone was a contractor, and Christina Yegen's mother is a housewife. Emma has a younger brother Spencer for 2 years.

At first, the girl went to the elementary school Sequoya, then - in the middle cocopah, after it - in a Catholic school for girls Xavier, but in the latter she studied quite a bit and continued to education, being at home learning.

Back in childhood, participating in school productions, Stone was seriously interested in the theatrical scene, and the mother took the daughter to the studio at the "Theater of the Valley of Youth." The first role of Emma played in 11 years in the play "Wind in Iwah". In total, the girl participated in the 16 productions of the youth theater, including the Princess show at the Gorochin, "Alice in Wonderland", "Mermaid", "Titanic" and others.

At the age of 15, Emma Stone independently makes a computer photopresentation called "Hollywood Project", shows the parents and convinces Jeff and Christina that the acting career is more important for it than standard education. Father and mother allowed daughters to throw school and even agreed to accompany Emma on castings in Los Angeles.

In 2004, Emma and Christina leave for an American filmtholic, where the young Stone immediately participates in the statement of the "New Family Parridge". This show was not so popular, but the novice actress was noticed and invited to be filmed in the series. Over the next 3 years, Emma appears in small roles in the medium series, "all type-top, or the life of Zack and Cody", "Malcolm in the center of attention", "Liuy Louis" and "Race".


On the big screen, Emma Stone debuted in 2007 in the "Superperts" youth comedy, in which the secondary role of the girl Julces played. Next year, the actress presented the Basist of the Music Group named Amelia in the comedy musical "Naked Drummer", and also played a major role of the President of the Women's Club Natalie in a comedy for teenagers "boys like it."

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In 2009, Emma worked immediately in 3 pictures. This is a melodramatic comedy "Ghosts of former girlfriends" with Michael Douglas and Matthew McConaja, comedy melodrama "Paper Man" with Liza Kudrou and a black comedy "Welcome to Zombilend". In these films, Stone roles were secondary, but the last picture has already brought it some popularity. "Zombiend" competed with Avatar and Twilight. Saga. Eclipse »For a premium in the field of fiction, fantasy and horror films. And Emma struggled for the title of the best actress with Milla Yovovich, Emily Blunt and Charlotte General.

This circumstance allowed the young performer to receive a major role in the next musical comedy "Excellent of Easy Behavior." The image of Olive Pendergast managed Stone so much that she was put forward on the Golden Globe Prize.

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Next year, two more romantic comedies followed - "Sex on friendship" and "This stupid love". In the first Emma, ​​Justin Timberlake appeared in the image of the on-screen friend, who traded her to the heroine of Mila Kunis. In the second Stone played the daughter of the main character. A journalist in the Drama "servants" - the first serious role of the actress. In the center of the plot - a novice columnist is a girl writing a book about the dark-skinned women who served in the houses of wealthy "white" Americans and subjected to racial soil.

The popularity of actress brought in 2012 the movie "New Spiderman", in which Emma's partner became Andrew Garfield. The actress plays Gwen Stacy, a girl in love with a popular American superhero. This comic screening was very cash off, although he received a quiet criticism. Therefore, in 2014 there was a continuation of the picture - "New Spiderman. High voltage. "

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In 2013, the Stone filmography was replenished with the Curry Family Cultural Ribbon, the main actors of which are primitive people. The voice of the actress says the Girl Hupp, introducing a fellowship with fire.

In addition, Emma Stone is involved in the criminal thriller "Gangster hunters" and Oscar-free black tragicomedy "Berdman", in a pair with Bradley Cooper starred in the Comedy Drama "Aloha" and with Colin Firth - in the romantic tape of the Magic Lunar Light. The director of the last Woody Allen invited the actress to the mystical film "Irrational Man", published in 2015. Emma played a cheerful student who twisted the novel with a university teacher and later guessed that he had committed a crime.

At the end of 2016, Emme Stone as the best actress was awarded the prestigious Oscar Award for the main role in the film "La La Land". Her project partner Ryan Gosling remained among the nominees. The musical itself is a record holder in the number of "Golden Globes", the applicant for 14 Oscars, from which he received 6, holder 5 of 11 BAFTA awards.

"La La Land" is a comedian-dramatic musical film that showed a touching history of love of two creative personalities. The picture received numerous positive feedback as professional film critics and spectators who decided to express their opinion on the platforms dedicated to cinema.

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The project gave a second breath of the genre of musical films, and the acting game Emma Stone is a weighty reason for viewing. On the mass site Rotten Tomatoes, the musical received an approval rating of 92%, similar estimates are observed on other sites similar subjects. In addition, La La Land has become one of the most cash paintings of the year.

In 2017, Stone played only in one film - a sports drama "Battle of Floors". The biography of real athletes and the famous tennis match, held between Bobby Riggs and Billy Jin King.

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Emma Stone played a professional athlete Billy Gin King, at the time of the film event (1973) - the second racket of the world and the leader of the movement for equal prizes for women and men. The winner of the Wimbledon Tournament Bobby Riggs, whose role to play Step Karell, ridiculed the Claims of Movement and performed with the ideas that the female sports a priori is worse than men. To prove it, Riggs threw Billy Gin challenge, widely advertised by the press and called the "Battle of Floors".

In 2018, the Netflix platform released the "Maniac" series with Emma Stone and John Hillom in high roles. Heroes are involved in the experiment on the test of a psychotropic drug, not suspecting side effects.

In the "favorite" actress, according to the director of the film of Jorgos Lantimos, for successfully embodies the heroine screen, "doing terrible things, but at the same time causing if not sympathy, then at least pity." Therefore, on the shooting area, Emma with colleagues simply fonders, not afraid to look ridiculous, and sometimes not understanding what they do.

Stone, along with Rachel Weiss, fought for the title of the best actress of the second plan, but both by the decision of the Oscar Academicians gave way to Regina King. In the historic tape about the times of Queen Anna and the struggle for the royal throne, the girl first starred naked, and she herself suggested that the interpretation of the scene.

Then Emma worked on the 2nd part "Welcome to Zombilend". The output of a horror film filled with black humor took place to the 10th anniversary of the 1st part - in October 2019. The sequel appeared a new antagonist and a new zombie tribe, stronger than the previous one and more difficult to destroy.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the viewer used to see Emma with red hair, in life she is a natural blonde. For shooting in television films at the beginning of a career, a girl had to be painted in a brunette, but the producer of the Comedy "Superperts" Judd Apatoa insisted on red color. I liked this image so much the actress itself that she decided to make it basic.

The best girlfriend Stone is the famous Country-performer Taylor Swift. Personal life, as often happens from representatives of her profession, Emma tried to combine with work. In 2008 on the set of the musical "Naked drummer", a girl met the actor and musician Teddy Gijiger. Couple met for about a year.

In 2010, the actress tied a novel with a famous actor Andrew Garfield. Later, they will be filmed together in the films about a spider man. Young people stayed together for 5 years and even planned a wedding for the summer of 2015, but a few months before this event broke up.

In 2017, rumors appeared in the press that the artist meets with a 32-year-old director and screenwriter of the popular TV show "Saturday in the evening in the literal" Dave Mccheri. Journalists suggested that the actress met him when she became a member of the program at the end of 2016.

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For the first time with the new chief, Emma was published in May 2017 - the lovers were present at Afterpati SNL, where they were caught by kisses. Roman was confirmed when at the beginning of 2019 Stone led Dave to the Golden Globe party and for the Celebration on the occasion of the Oscar. For this award, it was nominated for the role of Duchess Abigale Masham in the Favorite drama.

In the 2020th Stone and McKery got married, and in early 2021 it became known that Emma was pregnant. March 13, the celebrity gave birth to the firstborn.

The artist does not lead pages in the "Instagram", but under the name Stone is registered not one fan account. Falling a celebrity in a swimsuit - a rare luck for paparazzi, where the bolder girl poses without makeup or demonstrates unusual images, despite the fact that he suffers from allergies. Favorite leaving Emma - olive, argan and coconut oil. When heighting at 168 cm, the actress tries to keep the weight within 50-52 kg, but it is difficult for it. She admits that stress and age are bothering to keep the figure.

"I'm trying to fight my demons and always working on my own. I convince myself that I am beautiful and at the same time terrible, but in any case - I am unique. "

Emma Stone now

He received a continuation in the 2020th history of the Neanderthal family living in the glacial period. In the voicing of the "Families of Curds - 2", the company Stone again amounted to Nicholas Cage, Ryan Reynolds and Peter Dinklage.

Stone played the heroine of the cartoon "101 Dalmatian" in the Comedy "Kruell". So called an eccentric person who dreamed of a fur coat of small puppies. In 2021, fans of Disney characters had the opportunity to compare Heroine Emma and Glenn Clouep, which was already filmed in the form of a house of fashion houses in the 1996 painting.


  • 2005 - "Medium"
  • 2007 - "Superpersians"
  • 2009 - "Paper Man"
  • 2009 - "Welcome to Zombilend"
  • 2011 - "SERVICE"
  • 2012 - "New Spiderman"
  • 2014 - "New Spider Man. High voltage"
  • 2015 - "Irrational Man"
  • 2016 - "La La Land"
  • 2018 - "Maniac"
  • 2018 - "Favorite"
  • 2019 - "Welcome to Zombilend 2"
  • 2020 - "Family Chuds - 2"
  • 2021 - "Crewlla"

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