Al Pacino - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Al Pacino - American Actor Theater and Cinema, Director, Writer. He fell in love with the world, fulfilling the role of negative heroes. The godfather and the devil in the human blower, the robber of the bank and the owner of the casino - every character performed by the star Hollywood became an event of cinema. This success of the artist was preceded by almost 10 years of work on the theater scene, which he did not leave and so on.

Childhood and youth

Alfredo (Al) Pacino was born in New York, in the East Harlem area in Manhattan. Parents of the future celebrity - Rose and Salvatore Pacino - were emigrants from Italy. When the boy turned 2 years old, the mother and father decided to part. Alfredo remained with her mother, who moved to live to parents in South Bronx.

The star of Hollywood has grown in the Criminal Area. Pacino was not an exemplary child, although initially perfectly studied at the executive art school, for which an actor got a nickname in early childhood. But Al was considered a hooligan boy, began to smoke at 9 years old, and in 12 already used alcoholic beverages. He often became instigator quarrels, fights and clashes. This behavior was reflected in school. In a senior school, a teenager could not hand over a single exam, so at 17 years old Pacino was expelled.

Such a turn of events led to a serious conflict with his mother, and the young man leaves the native home. Al is arranged to work as a cleaner, later - messenger, waiter, postman. In his youth, he began to act in the Amateur Non-Profit Theater HB Studio, where he met Charlie Lauton, who taught acting skills at courses.

Later, Mentor Pacino became Strasberg, who used the methodology based on the principles of the Konstantin Stanislavsky system. His graduates at one time were Paul Newman, Marilyn Monroe, Jane Fonda, Dustin Hoffman, Mickey Rourk and others.

In 1966, a young man takes a professional acting studio. After studying the novice actor, theatrical career was waiting. He performed dramatic roles in the performances "Wake up and sing!", "America, Hurray," "Indians want Bronx", "Richard III" and "Does Tiger Tiger War Tiger?". For the game in the latter received in the 1969th prestigious theatrical award "Tony".

This success is pachino repeated in 1977 with the formulation of "Basic Preparation of Paul Hummella". Even becoming a famous film actor, Al Pacino did not throw theatrical layouts and played in the performances "American Bison", Salome, "Hewie", "Syarotes ..." and the production of the Venetian merchant, which in 2010 could collect more than $ 1 million in 2010 .


Miraer Pacino, like other actors, began with episodic roles. Often his name did not even appear in the credits. The first film, where the Americans noticed, the tragicomedy "I, Natalie" became. The performer played a more significant role in 1971 in the picture "Panic in Nidle Park". The image of the drug addict Bobby, masterfully shown by the actor, so impressed the famous director Francis Ford Koppol, that he did not even consider other candidates for the role of Michael Korleon in the criminal militant "Great Father".

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The film got a deafening success, the ribbon is called the best in the creative biography of the film actor and today, and alone Pacino himself was nominated for Oscar. In a film, he managed to convey the main line of the plot - the transformation of Michael from a modest young man in the ruthless chapter of the mafia clan. His father Don Vito Korleone played Marlon Brando. Also, James Kaan and Robert Duval appeared in the film.

Next year, "Scarecrow" and "Serpiko" films appeared. For the role of police officer Franki, the actor is again nominated for Oscar and the Prize of the British Academy of Cinema and Television Arts, and also becomes the winner of the Golden Globe Prize. Bright, although the late start of the actor in cinema allowed him to choose only the roles liked. At various times, he refused to be filmed in the films "Kramer vs. Kramer", "Beauty", "Apocalypse Today", "Star Wars".

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In 1974, there is a continuation of the "godfather", and Pacino for the third time in a row is nominated to Oscar. This role, together with the execution of the image of Santino in the triller "Doggy Nald" brings a reward of the British Academy of Cinema and Television Arts and a prize at the Film Festival in San Sebastian.

Then follow the drama "Bobby Dirfield", a criminal fighter "Waning", melodrama "author! Author! ", Historical drama" Revolution ", Melodrama" Sea of ​​Love "and other films. But most of these paintings are coolly met by film critics and spectators. In the 1980s, only the criminal drama "face with the scar" is allocated, in which Al plays Cuban drug trap. The film criticized experts, but he received high cash receipts, with time becoming cult. For the role in this picture, painfully nominated for the Golden Globe.

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The 90s began for the actor successfully. First, a gangster film on the comics "Dick Tracy" came to the screens, for participation in which Al 6 times is nominated to Oscar and 11 times at the Golden Globe. In the same year, the next continuation of the famous mafia drama "Great Father - 3" is coming. And in 1991, Pacino performs in a duet with Michel Pfaiffer, the main roles in the tragicomedy "Frankie and Johnny".

1993 brought the actor a long-awaited statuette "Oscar" for the role of the blind lieutenant colonel Frank Slade in the drama "smell of a woman." Most of all was remembered by the TV viewers of the episode, where Al performs Tango with the actress Gabriel Anwar.

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After that there were successful shooting in the films "Fight", "City Hall", "Every Sunday", "Your Man" and "Chinese Coffee". Particularly spectators remembered the film "Fight", because in this film, Al Pacino played with Robert De Niro. Another project with an artist in the lead role - Donney Brasco - was highly marked with critics and received many prestigious premiums. In 2005, this film was a nominee for the rating of "100 famous quotes from American films for 100 years" according to AFI.

In the 1996 film "In Search of Richard", Pacino made a director and producer. Thanks to the success on the screen, the talented actor fell in 1997 in the first four ranking of the "100 greatest stars of cinema of all time" according to Empire edition.

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An interesting project in the filmography of the celebrity was the detective thriller Christopher Nolana "Insomnia", in which Pacino appeared on the screen in the image of a police detective, the investigative of the killing of a young girl. The popularity of the artist brought a mystical picture of the "lawyer of the devil", in which he performs the role of Satan. The partner in the site became Keanu Rivz, who played the main role.

In the new millennium, critics are celebrated by other works of the film actor: in the criminal drama "the necessary people", the militant "Recruit", the adaptation of the Shakespeare Piece "Venetian merchant", the detective "the right to murder" and the television film "You don't know Jack" for which he The Golden Globe Awards, Emmy and the US File Actors Guild was awarded. These roles have become very noticeable in the American career.

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In 2014, the film "The second chance" appeared on the screens. The real story of the folk singer Steve Tilston liked the audience, critics again noted the acting talent of Pacino. At the same time, at the Venetian festival, film critics appreciated two paintings with the participation of Oskaronic Titanium - Drama "Manglohorn" and the comedy "humiliation". In the first film, Al fulfilled the role of a criminal with the past life, in the second - an elderly actor worried about the creative crisis.

In 2016, the film was "worse than false." The film was expected to fail, because she earned less than 100 pounds sterling in the first week of rolled in the UK. A similar result clearly disappointed directors and producers. The creators of the films were confident that the star composition (Al Pacino, Anthony Hopkins and Josh Duhamel), who participated in the filming, will help conquer world film market, but this did not happen. It is assumed that the Budget of the tape was $ 11 million.

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Also, the media appeared information that Al will perform the role of the great American playwright Tennessee Williams. For this, the film actor returned to Broadway, signed a contract for the execution of the lead role in the play called "When God turned away." This setting is the adaptation of the biography of the great playwright Tennessee Williams.

The rehearsal of the performance began in Los Angeles, Robert Allan Acherman made the director. The last time I appeared on the theater scene in the "Chinese doll" play David Memet in 2015. The beginning of the play was not too successful due to a series of delays caused by the desire of producers to make recent changes. Staging was criticized. Nevertheless, Al Pacino said that the role helped him to disprove negative forecasts. The performance collected more than $ 1 million per week.

Personal life

Pacino tries to hide the romantic relationship. For a star of Hollywood, many love ties are loving, but most of the names of these women do not know the public. Officially, I never registered marital relations.

In 1967, he met with theatrical actress Jill Cleberg, who played together on the stage in the play "America, Hurray." Couples lasted 5 years. In 1972, on the set of "Cross Father", Pacino meets and begins to meet with Dian Kiton. Al and Daian parted in 1974. He also had a long relationship with the actress Martha Keller, who subsequently turned into a long-term friendship.

Jen Tarranta, teacher at the courses of acting skills, in 1989 gave birth from Pacino daughter Julia Maria. Despite this fact, the celebrity remained a bachelor and soon broke up with Jen. Woman's female actor woman did not.

The longest relationships in the personal life of Pacino lasted 8 years. From 1996 to 2003, the American film actor lived with the actress Beverly d'Angelo, who gave birth to two children - twins Anton James and Olivia Rose. In 2011, the artist began to meet with the Argentine actress Lucia Sola. The novel lasted for 6 years.

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In 2018, Pacino began to notice in the company of a new beloved - Israeli actress Maital Duchan. Their photos were increasingly appearing in the media. She is known not only in his homeland, but also in America. In addition to the acting career, the artist is engaged in music and writes books. Their acquaintance occurred on the filming of the film Quentin Tarantino "Once in Hollywood." The girl's house is located near those places where the shooting process passed.

High Hollywood celebrity can not be called. The growth of pachino is 170 cm when weigh 72 kg, but physical data is compensated by charisma of the actor.

Al Pacino now

And today Al Pacino continues to stay in a magnificent professional form, pleaseing fans in participation in new bright projects. The world community in anticipation of the premiere of two films, where the star of the screen appears. For several years now, shooting the drama "Irishman", the director of which Martin Scorsese was made.

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In the picture, it will be about Killer Frank Irish Shiran (Robert de Niro), on whose account 25 kills of gangsters. One of his victims was Jimmy Hoffa (Al Pacino). When creating the film, technologies were used on computer rejuvenation of characters.

In the summer of 2019, the premiere of the criminal thriller of Quentin Tarantino "Once in Hollywood" will be held, in which Al will appear in the image of Marvin Schwartz hero. The main roles are performed by Brad Pitt and Leonardo di Caprio.

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Negotiations are now being completed with the creators of the dramatic series "Hunting". In the film, we will talk about the persecution of the Nazis Group, which, after the Second World War, asslaved in the United States. The executor of John's leading role in the project was announced Logan Lerman. Al will reincarnate in the mentor of the main character.

In the near future, pachino will begin work on the criminal film "Western", where it will take off in the acting ensemble with Robert Pattinson. The star of the screen will also be the leading artist in the British drama "King Lire" directed by Michael Radford.


  • 1972 - "Great Father"
  • 1975 - "Dog Powel"
  • 1983 - "face with a scar"
  • 1991 - "Frankie and Johnny"
  • 1992 - "Smell of Women"
  • 1995 - "Fight"
  • 1997 - "Devil's lawyer"
  • 2002 - "insomnia"
  • 2007 - "Thirteen Friends of Oshen"
  • 2014 - "Manglohorn"
  • 2016 - "Worse than false"
  • 2017 - Pirates Somalia
  • 2018 - "Paterno"
  • 2019 - "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"

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