Julianna Moore - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, Youth, Actress, Children 2021



Julianna Moore is an American film actress that has more than once received the approval of critics. The artist is known as a performer who is able to convey the big heat of passions that are hiding behind the mask of the external tranquility of her heroin.

Childhood and youth

Julie Ann was born in the town of Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Her father Peter Moore Smith worked as a judge in the military prosecutor's office, and Anna's mother is a psychiatrist and a social worker. Julie was the firstborn in the family of Anna and Peter, after her sister Valerie and Brother Peter Moore Smith - younger.

Due to the profession of his father, the family often moved, and not only in America, but also in the world. Therefore, children constantly changed educational institutions. After school, Julie studied in the German city of Frankfurt am Main in American College at the US Embassy. In 1979, she returned to his native country and entered the University of Boston for the department of visual and dramatic art, which graduated from a bachelor's diploma in 4 years.

After graduation, the girl went to New York, worked as a waitress and participated in all sorts of castings and contests. The miniature young performer attracted the attention of directories, but to get the official status of the actress, Julie Ann Smith registered in the US Actors Guild.

There was a Casus: the complete namesake of the beginner artist was already registered. Then Julie created a pseudonym: united 2 names into one, and the surname of his father replaced the surname of his grandfather and became Julian Moore.

Such a replacement caused confusion among fans trying to deal with the biography of the actress.


Julianna's stage practice received Broadway on stage, then on a television screen in a soap opera "how the world rotates", in which it was filmed for 3 years. All the 80s passed in her professional career in the form of exclusively television projects. But it is impossible to say that they were insignificant. For example, in 1988, she received the Emmy Award as the best young actress of the day series.

In 1990, Julianne first appeared in the episode in the teenage horror "fairy tales from the dark side." Then there were secondary roles in sufficiently well-known ribbons, for example, in a thriller "Hand, swinging cradle", a melodramatic thriller "body as evidence", where Madonna played the main character, in the Oscar-free detective "fugitive" and other paintings. At that moment, Moore agreed to all the proposed projects.

The take-off of the career occurred after the participation of the actress in 1997 in the fantastic action Stephen Spielberg "Park of the Jurassic: Lost World". Interestingly, the famous director invited Moore to the role of Dr. Sarah Harding without auditioning and casting, since he liked the embodiment of the actress of the doctor in the "fugitive".

In the next film, the "night in the style of the Bugs", Julianna completely changed his image and appeared in front of the viewer as a porn star-drug addict, but at the same time the thoughtful mother Amber Waivs. Mark Wahlberg played one of the stars of the porn industry, although Leonardo Dicaprio was originally offered the role, but because of the work on Titanic, he refused. This tape brought actress not only the vast popularity and high estimates of film critics, but also the first nominations for Oscar and the Golden Globe.

The next film school with the participation of the artist was the sequel of the sensational thriller "Silence of the Lambs" called "Hannibal" (2001). In a criminal project, she embodied the image of Clarisa Starling, replacing another star, Jody Foster, who requested too much fee. Julianna recommended the director Ridley Scott Anthony Hopkins, who worked with Moore in the drama "live life with Picasso" (1996). To prepare for the role of artist, learned to handle weapons at the FBI Academy in Kuantico. The most difficult in the work on the film of horrors for the actress was shooting with cows - she is afraid of them.

In 2004, Moore, together with Pierce Vomannaya, performed the main roles in the comedy melodrame about two lawyers on the marriages of the "Laws of Attraction". On the day of the ribbon yield in Ireland, the popular Dublin newspaper accused the film in an offensive stereotypan image of the Irish.

The actress appeared in the psychological drama "Chloe" (2010), where His partners were Liam Nison and Amanda Seyfried. This film has played itself before the start of the rental and the first show at the festival at the expense of international pre-sales.

In 2007, the drama "Wild Grace" was published. A film based on real events tells about the bloodsamer relationship of the secular lioness and her son. Preparing for the project, Moore studied letters, the biography of the prototype of the heroine and the press of the early 70s, illuminating the scandalous history. In the tape, the actress wears a dress from Karl Lagerfeld, created specifically for her.

In the creative biography of Moore, there are not only successful projects. Thriller "Refuge" (2010) Immediately after entering the screens, I received critical feedback, and at a $ 22 million budget gathered $ 0.8 million in cinemas.

In 2014, the Lisa Genova's "Still Alice" novel was published in the light of the Professor of Linguistics of the Columbia University, suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Michelle Pfaiffer, Julia Roberts and Nicole Kidman, but she went to Julianne, who offered her husband's character to the role of her character Alec Baldwin, her son was starred.

Somieceser and Socketerist Richard Glazer was sick of Alzheimer's disease and could not speak during filming, and therefore communicated with the text with the help in the application on the iPad. Six months after the premiere, he died.

For this project, Moore received the long-awaited Oscar for the best female role. Also, this work brought actress awards of the US Cinema Actors Guild, the British Academy of Cinema and Television Arts, the Golden Globe and the Award of the US National Council of Film Crims.

In 2015, the screens came out on the screens "All I Have" with Moore and Elliot Page in high roles. The plot is based on real history Laurel Hester, which, after the late stage of cancer, fought for the right to make pension accumulations of the life companion, since local authorities refused heterosexual pair. The real heroine of this drama, Stacy Andre, advised the screenwriter, director and actors about the film.

In 2014-2015, the list of bright works of Moore replenished 2 parts of the Anti-Stopia "Hungry Games: Soyuz-Peredashnitsa". According to Julianna, her son and daughter persuaded her, who are fans of Romanov Susan Collins persuaded. To implement the image of the president of the Alma Koin, the actress had to wear a wig and contact lenses.

In early 2019, the public was represented by film "after the wedding", the remake of the Danish Drama of 2006. The director and producer painting is the spouse of Julianna Bart Freundlich. Due to the limited budget of the rehearsal, Moore and Freindlich were held in the house. In the film, the main characters went to Julianne and Michelle Williams. Abby Quinn, who played the role of the second plan, also wrote and performed a song that sounds on final credits.

In 2019, a premiere showing of a detective thriller Joe Wright "Woman in the window", where Moore is involved in the main acting ensemble. The company star Hollywood amounted to the performer of the leading role of Amy Adams, as well as Whitett Russell and Gary Oldman.


In addition to the movie, the actress is fond of literary creativity. Books for children Julianna began writing in 2007. In the first work, Freckleface Strawberry, we were talking about a girl with a lot of freckles on the face, from which she was going to get rid of.

Later, 6 more books from the "Strawberry Face" series appeared, devoted to the problems of children and adolescents. In 2010, a scenic version of the first fairy tale appeared in the genre of the musical. After 3 years, Moore presented the next literary work to readers - My Mom Is a Foreigner, But NOT TO ME.

Personal life

The first marriage of Julianna concluded in 1986 with the actor of the TV shows John Gould Ruby. The couple lived together for 9 years, but after a series of scandals and several months of severe trials, marriage was terminated.

In 1996, a relationship with the director Bart Freindlich began with the director Bart Freundlich, with which the actress was familiar before and before was familiar with the film "Myth about fingerprints. At first they lived in civil marriage, but in 2003 officially registered relations. Julianna has two children with her husband: Son Caleb born in 1997 and daughter Liv Helen, who is the younger brother for 5 years. The creative family lives in New York.

Personnel from the life of the actress is regularly divided into the official account in "Instagram". She lay out casual photos, footage from travel, vacations, meetings with friends. Moore does not like frivolous pictures, so personnel with an artist in a swimsuit fall into open access only due to the paparazzi.

Despite the difference in age (the wife of Junior Julianna for 9 years), Marriage Moore and Freindlich is considered one of the strongest. The actress itself confirms in an interview, which is proud of the family and glad how her personal life has developed. According to the performer, relations are investments, family life needs to patiently build, and not wait for the results folded hands.

Wherever the artist is shot, it finds time to communicate with relatives. In the secular and social events, the screen of the screen rarely appears one - as a rule, it is accompanied by the beloved husband Bart. In 2019, the couple visited the TV show's studio "Later Show with Stephen Colber", where Moore told about the latest projects in a creative career.

In many ways, self-discipline actresses in relation to appearance contributes to the screen and in family life. Reporters noted that red-haired beauty does not change over the years. Her figure is as slim, as in his youth, and her sense of style, she will demonstrate on the red tracks of film festivals.

The actress has repeatedly declared that negatively refers to plastic surgery. For all the time the career, the performer resorted only to the "injections of beauty" and regularly makes a massage. Now the artist is enjoyed by Pilates and twice a week holds classes on ashtang yoga, so its weight does not exceed 55 kg.

Despite the non-modal growth - 160 cm (in some sources - 163 cm), the actress cooperates in a row for several years with the leading global brand of TriUmph underwear. In 2019, she extended the contract and became the face of the new Florale Premium Line Flower Collection.

Julianna Moore now

In 2021, the actress filmography was replenished with an 8-serial mystical romantic thriller "History of Liza", created on the novel of Stephen King. Julianne got the image of Lucy Landon, Joan Allen entered the cast, Clive Owen. The author of the scenario on parallel universes was King himself.


  • 1997 - "Jurassic Park: Lost World"
  • 1997 - "Nights in the style of bugs"
  • 1999 - "End of Roman"
  • 1999 - "Magnolia"
  • 2001 - "Hannibal"
  • 2002 - "Departed from Paradise"
  • 2010 - "Baby in order"
  • 2013 - Telekinosis
  • 2014 - "Star Map"
  • 2014 - "Still Alice"
  • 2015 - "All I Have"
  • 2017 - "Peace, Full Miracles"
  • 2017 - "Surubikon"
  • 2018 - "Gloria Bell"
  • 2019 - "After the Wedding"
  • 2020 - "Gloria"
  • 2021 - "Spirit Disposable"
  • 2021 - "Lizi History"


  • 2007 - Freckleface Strawberry
  • 2009 - Freckleface Strawberry and The Dodgeball Bully
  • 2011 - Freckleface Strawberry: Best Friends Forever
  • 2013 - My Mom Is a Foreigner, But NOT TO ME
  • 2016 - Freckleface Strawberry and The Really Big Voice

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