Zoe Saldan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Zoe Sidanana - American film actress. The world famous fame climbing her after the Wuras roles in the Star Way blockbuster and its sequelch and green-stop gamora in the fantastic militant "Guardians of the Galaxy" belonging to the filmsened Marvel. The actress received the unlawful title "Queen of Fiction" due to the fact that he starred in two films of the four existing, cash charges of which exceeded $ 2 billion.

Childhood and youth

Zoe Yadir Saldan Nazario was born in New Jersey. Her father Aridio Saldan was an emigrant from the Dominican Republic, and Azaliya Nazario's mother came to the United States from Puerto Rico. In the family, Zoe had representatives and other nationalities - Indians, Lebans and Haitians. There was another 2 daughters in the family - Tsiseli and Mariel. Later, Zoe will be the younger Common Brother Niro, which will become a famous Dominican producer.

For the first few years, the family lived in New York, in the Queens area. In 1987, when Zoe was 9 years old, her father fell into a car accident and died from injuries. Azalia, together with her daughters moved to her husband's relatives in the Dominican Republic, where the family lived until the girls graduated from school. Then they returned to New York.

In the Dominican Republic Saldan discovered the art of dance and began to visit the Studio "Space Academy of Dance", where he studied in different directions of choreography. Preference girl gave the classic ballet. Professional career of the Zoe dancer began in America, when at the age of 17 fell into the troupe "Persons", with which he performed on stage in Brooklyn.

She also played in theatrical productions in the New York youth theater. It was there that representatives of the acting agency noticed her and invited to participate in the castings to the films.


Cinematographic biography of Sidanana began in 2000. The debut on the big screen came to the teenage dance drama "Avanscena", in which Zoe played one of the beginner ballerinas. Then they follow an episodic role in the Melodrame "Love Virus", the romantic comedy "Crossroads", in which she is removed along with Britney Spears and Tener Manning, as well as the sports and dance musical "Drumbal".

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The first famous film, in which Saldan was filmed, although in a secondary role, became an adventure action "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl". Here, the young actress performed the role of the former beloved Jack Sparrow.

In 2004, the criminal drama "Harbor" overlook, in which Zoe is removed with Orlando Bloom, and the tragicomedy Stephen Spielberg "Terminal". In the same year, the actress participates in one of the episodes of the series "Law and Order: Special Corps".

Next year, a social comedy "Guess, who?" In which Zoe got one of the central roles. For the game in this film, the girl was nominated for the Teen Choice and Black Reel award. But most of the films of the following years, such as the "constellation", "remuneration", "cardiologist", "cloud of mind", "after sex", "skeptic" and "shelling", were not quite noticeable. They received neutral or even negative reviews of film critics and spectators.

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The breakthrough occurred in 2009, in which there were 2 blockbuster with the participation of Saldan. In the cosmic militant "Star Path" actress played Lieutenant Wuora. The film continued the franchise of the Star Route, which developed for half a century, and restarted the first series, rejuvenating the team of space researchers. The film begins with the fact that the antagonist moves in time than the past changes. Therefore, the fate of the main characters is different than in the original.

Character Saldana is included in the Rubbeat "Enterprise" stars. The role of Captain Kirk was played by Chris Pine, and the image of the first assistant captain of the semi-union sprocker embodied Zakari Kilanto.

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In the same year, another cash film was published with the participation of Zoe, in a fantastic action "Avatar" actress plays the princess-alien Netiri. Fans consider the film by futuristic adaptation of the legend of Pokalontas. People colonize the distant planet with the reserve of useful resources and are fighting for the territory with Aboriginal Navi. Alien "Pokeshontas", along with the strawberry-colonizer, try to preserve the native world.

Avatar was nominated for Oscar in 9 categories and received 3 "technical" statues - for operating work, scenery and visual effects. For roles in blockbusters Zoya received the Teen Choice and Saturn awards, and was also nominated for Alma, MTV Movie Awards, Scream and "Selection of the People".

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Later, in the artist filmography, the main role in the Thriller "Colombiana" appeared, whose producer was Luc Besson. In the film, the actress reincarnated in a killer girl, which pursues the killers of his parents. The script of the picture was created as a continuation of the ruler "Leon", but to the beginning of the shooting the concept has changed. A year later, the drama "Words" started with the participation of the celebrity. Despite the fact that film critics were reacted at the premiere without interest, the creators of the picture paid for her budget twice.

Also Saldan played minor roles in the comedy "Burning Palms", the militant "boys-raids", comedy "Death at the funeral". Continuing to develop his dramatic talent, Zoe starred in the militant "Luzera", the criminal thriller "from the baked" and the drama "Bremented bonds".

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In 2013, Saldan returned to the role of Lieutenant Communication of the Uhura in the sequel fantastic action "Start of Start: Retribution". In the new film, Benedict Cumberbatch, who played the main antagonist Superman Khan joined the main antagonist. The appearance on the screen of the famous British actor and sending to one more character of the original films and the series brought an additional popularity picture.

In 2014, a television multi-sized Myster film "Child Rosemary" was released, in which the main role is performed by Zoe Saldan. In the same year, Zoe played the role of Green alien Gamora in the Galaxy Guardian Comic Browance, based on the MARVEL Comics line of the same name. The film tells about how a group of unlike rogue, who matured in a galactic prison, unites to save the world.

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The role of the leader of the Guardians - the adventurerist Peter Quille played Chris Prett, and the thunder of Drax - Dave Batista. Two other main characters - raccoon-genius rocket and anthropomorphic tree Therat was created by means of computer graphics. Raccoon voiced Bradley Cooper, and the chop, which utters only one phrase, - Vin Diesel. Such a vocabulary of the character allowed the actor to voice the ground in foreign languages, so that the alien tree also tells the voice of a diesel engine.

In 2015, Saldan took a break in fantastic films and played a major role in the Dram "Infinitely Polar Bear". In 2016, Zoya again appeared on large screens in the Red Shape Lieutenant in the third film Restarting "Star Trek: Infinity".

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At the end of 2016, the premiere of the criminal drama "Night Law" took place, in which Saldan played the main role of Graciella Suariz. The film tells about underground fraud in America in 1926, in the midst of the action of the dry law.

In May 2017, Sequel "Guardians of the Galaxy was released on the screens. Part 2 ", in which Zoe played Gamoron again. The superhero team, in addition to the salvation of the universe, took up more personal affairs and tries to find out who the father of the guarantee leader, the Email of Peter Quille.

Personal life

Since 2000, Zoe Saldan met with the actor Kitton Britton. Young people were even hoarse, but in 2011 they were engaged in the engagement and parted. On the set of the film "Words", the star met Bradley Cooper. Their relationship lasted a little over a year.Embed from getty images

In addition to filming, Zoe is in demand in advertising. Since 2010, it is a face of the female underwear of Calvin Klein Envy. Also Saldan appears in photo shoots and on the covers of "Playboy" and other male glossy magazines.

In the spring of 2013, Zoya met the Italian artist Marco Perego, and in June they got married. It is curious that the husband of the artist switched to the name of his wife. Three children appeared in marriage. In November 2014, St. Aridio and Bowie Ezio Bowie Ezio were born in the spouses. In February 2017, it became known about the birth of a third child named Xen.

The actress admitted that after pregnancy weighed 83 kg, but soon managed to return its usual weight - 51 kg. According to the artist, in addition to filming in blockbusters, the incentive to return the previous form was the desire to fit into the favorite swimsuit.

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Zoe Saldan leads an official account in "Instagram". The actress lay out on the page photo and video from filming and secular events, much less advertise a personal life.

Periodically, the celebrity is confused with a colleague Tandy Newton. The actresses did not comment on the similarity, but they distinguishes at least the difference in growth on the heights. Tandy's growth - 160 cm, and Zoe - 170 cm.

Few people know that sticking the strict diet actress causes a rare disease. Zoe suffers from chronic autoimmune disease of thyroiditite Hashimoto. The performer manages to support health at the proper level. She has already developed its power system from which gluten is completely eliminated. It does not interfere with it to fully eat and maintain a figure in excellent form.

Zoe Saldan now

In 2018, the actress celebrated the 40th anniversary. In honor of this date, Zoe was awarded the nominal star on the "Alley of Glory" Hollywood. At the solemn event, all members of the artist family, as well as her colleagues Mila Kunis, Ashton Cutcher and director James Cameron.

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The chinons of this period in the repertoire of the artist were the next parts of the franchise about the superhero MARVEL universe - this is "Avengers: the war of infinity", released in 2018, where the plots of "Avengers" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" were combined, and "Avengers: Final", which appeared On large screens a year later. Saldan also starred in a fantasy film "I'm fighting with giants", where Madison Wolfe became its partners in the framework of frames, Immediately Pats and Jennifer El.

At 2020, the output of the fantastic film "Avatar-2" is scheduled, in which Saldan returns to the role of the princess of Navi Neethiri. This is not the last part of the franchise in which the screen star will appear. Zoe has already signed a contract for participation in the next three sequels, which will be released in 2021, 2024 and 2025.

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In 2019, the actress became a participant in the "Lost link" camp. In the film, we were talking about a scientist who discovered a new creature, which turned out to be the missing link between the modern man and his ancestors. The premiere of the animation tape is scheduled for April. Colleagues actresses on the dubing were Hugh Jackman, Timothy Oliphant and Emma Thompson.

Now Saldan is preparing for shooting in the 4th part of the Star Route. In the new film, the performer will reincarnate again into the image of the heroine of the Wurahur.


  • 2003 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of" Black Pearl "
  • 2004 - "Harbor"
  • 2004 - "Terminal"
  • 2005 - "Guess who?"
  • 2009 - "Star Path"
  • 2009 - "Avatar"
  • 2011 - "Colombiana"
  • 2012 - "Words"
  • 2014 - "Guardians of the Galaxy"
  • 2014 - "Child Rosemary"
  • 2015 - "Infinitely polar bear"
  • 2016 - "Night Law"
  • 2017 - "Guardians of the Galaxy. Part 2"
  • 2018 - "Avengers: the war of infinity"
  • 2019 - "Avengers: Final"

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